

After losing your powers in a battle against a demon blood, you search for answers, and you've found them. Only catch is, to restore back your abilities you must find and seduce Damien Cold, who also happens to be the man who made you lose them in the first place - your worst enemy. Fate is playing a game with you, will you succumb to fate? or will you write your own destiny?

_KherdieB · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

New paths

Cara stayed glued to Zion and refused to let him go. He bathe her, fed her, and put her to bed. She slept in his arms, for the first time after a while - peacefully.

He step out of her room and headed down to the living room where the rests await him.

As soon as he get down, her mother jumps in his face,

"How is she feeling? Did she sleep this time?"

"Yes!" He nods, "she is stable now!"

Her mother heaved a sigh of relief and take his hands in hers,

"I do not know how you do it, but Cara trusts only you and listens to you. I am so sorry about earlier and thank you Zion!"

"It's okay!" He smiled.

Cara's father approached him and suddenly pulled him into a tight embrace, patting his back.

He pulled away and speak with gratitude, "Thank you son, thank you!"

"My pleasure!" Zion responded, gave them a nod and stepped out.

By the entrance, Sarah awaits him, "wow, that was dramatic!"