
Tournament Part 7: Aftermath

Gathered around at the Lookout, Chichi, Chronoa, Tights, the members of the Ox Family, various participants of the Martial Arts Tournament, a large portion of the Capsule Corporation Forces, Those of the Crane School, some of the Red Ribbon Army Rebels, the tribe that lived under Korrin's Tower, and a few Bipedal animals as well as humanoids.

"...." Tights looked over to her sister Bulma ready to say goodbye but unable to speak the words.

"Not like we won't see each other again." Bulma pumped her fist in the air to cheer her up. "Departing as friends and family but the future is dangerous. I believe in Kakarot, we can not hope to appease a child mind like that to prevent Erasure. Its just not the smart thing to do."

"..I understand but.." Tights didn't like the alternative. Even the thought of trying to fight Deities was incomprehensible to her. "Then until next time, I will make sure to be a better sister to the Bulma back in my Dimension."

"You just be you, and she should be great." Bulma smiled. "It was fun having a sister."

"Here we go!" The Supreme Kai of Time shouted as those gathered near her vanished. She gave a final look to the Guardian of Earth before vanishing as well. He would do what's right by all accounts until the end. 'This feels like the right move right now. I am sure of it.'

The Time Kai couldn't help; something was really wrong somewhere though. But she had her duty, and this power here just would not let her do so. She was in a constant battle against the other Champions Magic Teacher Towa when messing in events and providing guidance for her own Champion.

*Crrkk!* A large Dimensional Rift appeared as the entire place rumbled. As a focal point for Supernatural powers in every one of the Dimensions of Dragonball and those like it (series), the Lookout and Korin Tower below amplified the spell used on this side.

"Such power.. I understand the concerns now." The Guardian of the Earth frowned, feeling the vast difference between the two Dimensions. 'These Kais.. are troublesome.' But something also felt wrong on the otherside. "The Ki over there feels twisted. Even more twisted than what I felt from Kakarot."

He was not alone in the discovery. Towa, who watched everything from the shadows walked out frowning. The seven-star children, what some of them calleed them anyway were floating behind her asleep.

"We should have a talk, Guardian of Earth." Her voice came out neutral and devoid of emotion. Serving to unnerve the old Namekian.

"Who are you?" Able to determine the Towa before he had someone else talking through her. 'Such an unfathomable amount of power!'

As the two conversed, the Dimensional Rifts closed all over throughout the Galaxy. Locking some changes in place forcefully. Causing more problems that would not go well at all in other locations, particularly on the other side. Magic Wormholes under Towa's control, blocking off each.

No reason to let any problems flood in crazily.


A Stirring-


Kakarot had healed further along and had taken care of some of what he took in from Chichi via Absorbtion, Telepathy, and the fight itself with Intuitive Adaptability left a strange sense of foreboding.

CHichi had spent several decades mastering her different skills. Only limited really by being that of being human. If not for her superior magic, Enduring Soul, and a few spells, her body would have given out long ago.

"What do we tell him?" Old Gohan looked at Kakarot floating in the Medical Machine. "Not only has she taken a good portion of the forces around Earth, but the display of power may also have drawn attention over."

"No may, it has." Bulma stood there blinking a few times. The magic in her eyes allowed her to see different places at random. "I can see the pattern. The math is off a little, but three years. Something will be here to cause trouble."

*Blubb!* A few bubbles floated in the vat. Kakarot opened his eyes before closing them again.

"Hah, inducing Heart Disease a second time and now curing it with pharmaceuticals and magic, this is crazy." Dr.Briefs looked over the information in wonder. "The vaccines alone can help change the field of Medicine. Just need to have some cultures for the various species types."

"They are over there." Bulma pointed to a large container that preserved tissue samples and other types of injectors. "His experimentation has been done with various samples along the way. Hopefully, only a few checks are needed before introducing it to the populace."

Dr.Briefs walked over to start checking them over. Already focused on the problems he believed may be there. But he was enjoying the surprises of the detail work and listening of mutation from different vaccines.

"You two are really close if you have been inside his lab." Dr.Briefs said offhandedly. "I remember the first time I let your mother in my lab. Ah so long ago.."

As he rambled, the others continued to talk.

*Schup!* Towa teleported in with the babies. Who were wide awake sucking on Namekian pacifiers.

"We were just talking over the situation."

"We have to fill in the gaps created by them leaving like this. The Dimension is not strong enough to support the future mergers. And I am sure you are not ok with all those people dying because you didn't kill her." Towa didn't pull back any punches. "If she was dead, even losing the Wager could be change in the end. You would be one of the only other Champions in this area."

"No, I am not. I didn't think she would have gone through with this still. Didn't account for the influence the Supreme Kai of Time would have on her plus so much information to go through to decipher all of those plans. Her whole thing is to correct the Flow of Time. She is directly incapable of being more than that when partner with Valencia, who is just as stubborn as I am when we believe we are right."

"Chichi..." Bulma corrected.

"This is a power move, I will do what I have to next time. I will plan accordingly." Kakarot's eyes flared dangerously. Forbidden from telling them the other reason she was spared. Just in case of emotional backlash. "It won't go smooth sailings for them of course." They looked on oddly at him. "The one that is named Goku in the Dimension she is now in, if he is meant to take on the different problems, she won't be able to do what she wants."

"Unless the Time Nest shows something different." Towa had a weird look on her face. "Which I think is the case. Luckily this entire area is free of its influence. The winning the Wager also strengthens the Barrier further between the Subsidiary Dimensions."

"Who would have that power to do that?" Pasta did not like this Time and Dimensional nonsense, but it would definitely be smart to listen in.

"She herself, the Goddess Sunu she is with. Or the Angels recognizing her actions."

"The child godling Zeno. That wildcard will let her do it. Creating entertainment for him, but he won't be able to see her future or those around her. So.. it would be like watching live-action shows for the nutjob in real time."

"The flow of time there is faster than normal." Towa's scepter glowed a little. "The Supreme Kai of Time mostly tried to synch them up. Then what that Namekian told me," she looked to Kakarot with a frown. "..we are her backup plan."

"Well, we don't know what her new plan is, and I won't waste time thinking about it." Kakarot wanted to deal with the here and now. "For all intents and purposes, she is added to the list as an Enemy of State, you don't like it, feel free to leave now."

None did so. A dew displeased looks but mostly at the implication that entailed for those who were with her. Some were friends with the people Chichi was Linked to.

As the situation died down, Kakarot had other issues to tend to.


Goddess Jiutian shows the importance directly-


Inside his Internal Space, Kakarot was speaking with his Boss. Finding out exactly why she wanted him to spare Chichi in detail. One part business and the other part personal.

"Why was your sister still resting inside her?" Having felt the resistance directly when taking the energy from Chichi, and the thoughts pulled, he found out about the injured Goddess inside the other Champion.

"The injuries from fighting against Rexford were quite severe. What a troublesome "Devil" he turned out to be in the end. But a man that honors all deals is good to have in your corner, or at least on the same side of a war." Jiutian had a calculating look on her face. She was not a War Goddess for nothing. "If you would have killed Chichi and absorbed her then and there, several in the Pantheon would have been worried you would be a future threat to everything."

"But showing "Mercy" gets us what in its place?"

"Voting power if need be, assistance when required. Also.. lots of Dimensions that are under her do not go into nothingness. I am sure you wouldn't want that on your mind?"

"You are definitely right. But I can't do that all the time.. that is just nonsense." The moral Dilemma was on a different scope compared to when taking out an enemy encampment or when removing a high-profile target.

"Next time, kill her if you will. Sunu is no longer inside her, so no need to stay your hand. A few Dimensional territories under her now belong to me. You are a Champion of mine after all. Spoils of War and all that."

The Goddess lifted her hand up showing countless views that led to different Dimensions. At least seven of them were gained from the Wager. Countless balls of lights descended into the place as barren wastelands flourished, plants formed bustling with basic lifeforms.

Black Holes ripped apart, releasing energy waves that fed into the surroundings. Kakarot stared in awe as different phenomenon took place in real-time.

"You must see the good side of what we do. All of those lifeforms.. are people that died on your Earth. Those who finished repenting in the various Hells or those turned into nothing in Hell but pure energy giving new life for one reason or another." The Goddess had a somber look on her face before continuing. "Even those who finished in the various Heavens or never made through to any of the "various" resting places."

In four of the Dimensions, A Black & Gold figure and a Gold & White figure moved about. A few souls descending, lighting up to match them. Freed from the figures.. essence or persons to start anew in key places of development.

"What are they doing?" Kakrot barely moved his eyes away from the developing situation. It was to wonderous, but this caught his attention.

"The Black & Gold figure is the Unending Army representative... Putting obstacles in the way to help guide humanity or whatever sentient life that develops there. The Gold & White is that of Destiny's newest Champion itself, touching those to help strengthen or inspire others to go against future trouble. A tandem working relationship, most say..."

"Most.. then not yourself believe this to be so." Kakarot stepped forward getting a closer look. Both figures turned to him. Aware of his presence despite the fact he was viewing from somewhere much farther away. "Ugh!" He dropped to a knee from the sight. The piercing gaze was to much for him in their current forms.

"At least you didn't throw up like most." Jiutian sent the images away. "It will be countless years before those places develop into a place of consideration. You might not even need to help them, actually. Such a burden released on the various Afterlife because of you."

Kakarot was not at a point to get up just yet. The damage to his Spirit Body was extensive, but he could feel himself getting stronger by the second. Which caused the War Goddess to smile as this was the other reason she did so in showing him the views.

"Keep getting stronger.. the threat is ever present still. The power gather can be used to strengthen this Dimension further or crush it. "When you wake up, I will inform you about who Ruby happens to be."

With a gesture of the hand, her Champion was out like a light. Giving his Spirit more of a rest as it worked and adapted. Changes on the outside would have to be handled by his people..

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 8,241,031→ = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 20,491→

Magic: 351,691→

Styles: Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian, Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast II, Sense IV, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting II, Vampirism, Egglaying, Materialization, Teleport II

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,254 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 87 Snake Martial Artists, 13 Ogres, 5 Adoptive Kids, 9 Biological Kids

Magmatidecreators' thoughts