
Tournament Part 5 Finale.. revelations of actions Part 1

"That poor kid, has them as mothers. Shame." Launch words were harsh, but she had a kind look in her eye. "How far along is she?" Eyes locked on Kakarot to figure all the different things he could do. 'He seperated me from my other half and can detect life in a person, what else is he capable of?'

"I would have to touch her to find out the exact details. But I think about four months along." Focusing closely, he was able to see the Longevity of the fetus. The time it was spent developing and how many years its body projected so far. "If Tights stops training right now, the lifespan is about 120 years."

"Who knew you had a soft side." Ranfan leaned against the wall smirking. "Really not so bad to lose against Launch now. Wonder how bad she is gonna beat this Chichi person up?"

"We will have to find out later by the looks of it." The Announcer was about to call a short intermission before the next match started. But dark clouds rolled in. "That weather looks bad."

"Nonsense," Kakarot raised his hand and fired a Ki blast. It exploded, dispersing the clouds, clearing the sky for a quick bout. The reforming wouldn't take long if it was a full storm like it was supposed to be.

"Ehehe! What can't you do?!" The Announcer looked at him like a monster. "Next thing you are gonna say is that you are from space or something."

"Hehe, well..." Kakarot chuckled as it was confirmed on both accounts. He was from a different Earth spiritually and physically; the body was from another planet. "Umpff!" Hasky and Launch covered his mouth to pull him away to go eat.

"Xenos, magic, and energy beams, the competition has so much, I can't wait until next time." Fixing his glasses and making the announcement, he wanted everyone to be ready. "Lunch break before the next round, see you there folks!"

Some people walked away to get refreshments and use the bathroom. Those who were good to go moved to get better spots in the crowd.

The martial artists in waiting were talking loudly and so into the match, they barely registered a little baldy moving about. Krillin, moving like a man possessed, moved towards the waiting area.

The evil energy that came off of him was picked up by Kakarot and Chichi who stood next to her people talking. Krillin's target was defintely Kakarots people as a blinding light erupted.

*KABOOOM!!!* Krillin self-destructed his energy as well as a dark magic that erupted violently along with his Ki. The Dark Magic was exactly the same as that of King Piccolo's created water. The damage was more to the environment but defintely hurt a few people.

"Everyone ok!?" A voice called out.

"A few dead over there." Kakarot pointed out to a few members of the Crane School that were by Ranfan and Launch. Launch had shielded Ranfan at the last minute protecting her but the burns on her back and loss of her hair did not look good in the least. "Well, he did more damage to bystanders than us."

Checking her to make sure she would live. The damage to her was not something he could deal with.

"I can't believe this.." Chichi removed a magic barrier that shields those next to her. It didn't extend that far out.

"What happened..." Roshi felt his pupils Ki spike before going away. The explosion had sent a cold shiver down his spine earlier. "..did.. did he?"

Kakarot had vanished using Teleportation on a few people in one go. The Hospital already treating so many, and use to him popping in that it was routine already.

"Haa, I swear this is just a pain." Baba floated around her crystal ball. "Little brother, how could you not have sensed the evil in that boy's heart? To busy with your women?"

The fortune-teller's words struck hard on the Turtle Hermit.

*Schup!* Kakarot teleported back in. The blood on his arms was defintely someone else's.

"So.. we are going to continue the Tournament right?" He looked unbothered by the ordeal. Use to explosions from the time in the military and touching the blood revealed a lot of Krillin's mental state when reading his History over the last few days. 'To gain power, he drank that water and succumbed to its effects. Shame he couldn't beat the hold it carried.'

The Black Water Mist was pretty dangerous. Especially a large dose of it. The situation was something that should have been taken care of by Chichi, the thing is, why didn't she finish the Orin Temple problem cleanly.

'Sloppy work, not something she is known for. An accident maybe?' Looking at his former comrade, it was an unsettling feeling. 'Did she allow it to fester and change or.. is it something to do with the sealed King Piccolo in Kami's Tower?'

"After security checks everything, we will continue as normal." The Announcer cleared his throat and moved out to make the announcement. Not expecting such a dangerous development to happen backstage in the waiting area.

"Did you do something to him?" Chichi narrowed her eyes feeling the Evil energy head towards bands on Kakarot's arms. 'What the hell are those gems!? Did he have those on before!?'

"I did absolutely nothing to him." Kakarot shrugged as it was the truth. If he was paying attention he could have done something but he was communicating with Towa and others. "He stepped onto the Dark Side and lost, should have put him in therapy."

"That's enough Chichi, Krillin.. will be missed but at the end, he did something unthinkable." Master Roshi had a serious look on his face while looking at her. Way more serious than he did against any other person. "King Piccolo's influence runs deep and we should have protected more against it."

Not wanting to hear it, the woman walked off with Tights. Unable to focus right now as several sensations were going through her right now. When Krillin dies, the Link with him went away. She also received a bit of his power and defintely had trouble making it through what he felt in the end.


Champion v.s. Champion-


A few hours later and the watch was getting ready to start. Some people left out of safety with others not caring in the least. Excitement getting to them and winning out after they were assured the place was safe.

"Let the final begin!" The Announcer kept his eyes glued to the arena.

*Boom!* Kakarot punched out with his full might. The air exploded next to Chichi's head who dodged at the last second. It was.. uncanny how she was able to react so quickly.

"Not taki.." Chichi was about to banter but she zipped it up as she felt a presence behind her. "Tch!" A punch towards the back of her head was blocked by a quick counterblow. 'Damn he is strong!'

Her guard was barely held against the strike. A brusie on fading away quickly due to a white light. The force pushed her back and disrupted her stance completely.

*Wham!* A haymaker was blocked next as Kakarot pursued her relentlessly using the Demon Style. He was suffocating his opponent and causing them to have to respond via fight or flight instinctively. He mixed in the Snake Style, exuding the feel of a predator in each strike as well.

*Bam!* A kick blocked by a punch from her, a counter broken apart by another strike from him caused the crowd to hold their breath. The difference in physical might became apparent as she focused on speed and overall flexibility in training.

Landing more strikes but not doing much in the way of overall damage. Each of his strikes carried a crippling blow that would put her down if they hit. The few that scuffed by getting into contact barely shaved off her magic protection and reserves.

*Boom!* Fists hit each other, canceling out. Chichi had grown in size using the Bulk Up technique seamlessly to match in strength. No visible strain as her Magic completely canceled it out. As long as her Magic was there, the strain would never be an issue.

"I am not a fan of Magic.. but it has its uses for me. No matter how much I convert over, it just keeps rising back. Thicker.. stronger.. and easier to use." Eyeing him, she felt frustrated as Kakarot still hadn't said anything the entire time. "Tch!"

Kakarot took a wide stance the moment he cornered her close to the edge of the ring. His fists shot out continuously in a burst, sacrificing power for speed to test his theory against her in this moment. Chichi was able to dodge each of them effortlessly.

*Woosh!* Waves of weird Ki dissipating and burning through with a type of magic inside it.

The flow of Ki was mysterious and caused him to narrow his eyes at her. Her lifespan... was a hell of a lot higher than normal currently. Even with Magic added in, it should not be this high for a human.

A probing jab drew blood that he used his Aspect of History on. The look of shock in his eyes couldn't be hidden as his speed decreased.

'Can't be!?' Eyes narrowed, rage started to bubble up. "Tch!" Kakarot pushed on again and went for strikes to vital areas that a fighter would protect on an instinctual level.

"Stop analyzing me!" Chichi shouted, annoyed she delivered a sharp punch towards his head. Kakarot's head went back as blood went down his face. "We are evenly matched, why not give up and accept the inevitable?" The weird Ki she was using went away quickly. 'Have to use it sparingly, he might have figured it out already, though.'

"Think what you want." Kakarot charged forward, going low. Instead of rising up with an uppercut, his fingers pierced the tiles of the arena as he whipped his leg around unexpectantly to her stomach.

With a whip of the legs to her stomach and a twirl on the rebound, he kept going for her legs. If she was to focus on flying, her energy would plummet quicker.

"Tch!" Chichi jumped up, dodging the sweep. But not entirely. "Ouch!" Getting hit in the face by his tail was more damaging than she thought it would be. "Rude!" Her right eye shield shut for a bit.

Gliding back with the use of flight, she felt the change when landing. Kakarot was using her to train a technique somehow. She could feel the Magic pressing down on him while fighting as well as her self. Was he not going all out on her, maybe?

"You think you can take it easy against me!?" She was angry; he thought so little of her. "I trained for decades to reach this level of power!" To bad, it was wrong as he was using it to suppress himself from killing people currently. "Kaio.. ken!"

The red energy immediately formed around her body and had the crowd ecstatic in excitement.

"Think what you want." Kakarot felt his muscles tighten again. The magic spell increased around his body. 'All for a blasted boost from grievous wounds. Haa, the things I do for strength.'

*Boom! Boom! Boom!* The first three blows caused the air to explode and created pressure winds that sent the Announcer flying against the stands. Clashing against each other with kicks next, it was clear to the crowd who had the advantage.

Chichi delivered a kick to his chest, cracking his sternum on contact. She took a breath as the shifted in her magic abruptly caused physical harm to her Ki. Veins protruded as the energy was reigned in.

As the screen played the fight in a slower motion, the crowd looked closer at the exchange of blows. The Martial Artists found themselves able to keep track a little better.

With Kakarot fighting and focusing on the situation, his Aspect of War was affecting people. Improving fighting instincts to a higher degree. Chichi was causing others to produce more Magic which she pulled into herself with her Sensual Aspect.

Chichi (Valencia)

Soul: Enduring Drive

Aspects: Sex, Sensuality, Music, Hope

Spirit: 4,521,978

Ki: 5,474

Divine Ki: 7

Magic: 100 → 0 → 457

Styles: Bandit, Saiyan, Korin, Crane, Turtle, Ox, Kaioshin II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast III, Sense IV, Full Power Up, Bulk Up, Ki Shout, Kamehameha, Afterimage II, Evil Containment Wave, Kai Kai, Spirit Bomb,

Abilities: Accelerate, Time Lock, Medium Materialization, Healing II

Governing Regions: West City, South City 1/2, East City 1/2, Ox Country, Mifan,

Linked: 482 Humans, Briefs Family, Korin, Mr.Popo, Krillin, Tien, Yamacha, Tao

Magmatidecreators' thoughts