
Tournament Part 4 Eye for an Eye

Yamcha v.s. Hasky, the referee, made the announcement to begin a few minutes after the ring was cleaned up. One of the things Baba organized with them to have a say in the Tournament and future tournaments was to help provide repairs.

The crowd just loved that the Tournament wasn't getting held off to much.

Ranfan actually made it to the next level and defeated Onion. Who completely fell to her seductive techniques. Which would put her against Launch by the looks of it.

"You would do best to give up, you cannot match me." Yamacha stated assured of his victory. He had a Power Level a good bit higher than hers. But his words just pissed the woman off enough to crush him.

"Humph!" Hasky clinched before letting herself go. "HAAA!" The bands on her body shuddered to release her full power. The Ki in her body circulated rampantly. Multiplying by at least 4x. "Not everyone on our side can control themselves easily! I am one of them!"

"Yamacha, attack before its to late!" Chichi shouted at him. Voice full of worry. "She doesn't have full power yet!"

"Right!" Dashing, he was at her side as he whipped a hand in the front at the last moment to cleave his opponent. "No way!" Both fists and arms were stopped and held up above his head. "Wah!"

The young man shouted as he was lifted off the ground briefly. The pressure exuded on him prevented the use of flight. Didn't help he was feeling scared.

With a jerk, Yamacha was pulled directly towards Hasky abruptly. Her knees came up, contacting with his chin, letting out a sickening crack. His entire jawline shattered with the most troublesome of the matter, it didn't finish yet.

"Heard you liked to imitate wolves..." Hasky's eyes slit briefly as her very aura became feral. "..tigers prey on wolves, yah know!" Bursting with her energy still flowing out wildly was her Magic. "Tiger Storm!"

*Schlick!* Swirling around him in a flurry, each pass left deep gashes across the body. He was turned into a living scratching post in less than three seconds. Well, not alive much longer, considering the blood loss.

Yamacha pushed his Ki up to resist but she carved through it easily and weakened him.

"Hiyah!" Hasky delivered a kick to the back, sending Yamacha flying towards Chichi's direction. "You can take care of him, right?" Her look was still feral, as if she wanted to tear the other woman's eyes out.

The referee announced the victory as well as called the paramedics over. Who by now should have just remained on standby.

"Tch!" Chichi was about to use her Healing but was stopped by Tights. "Huh?"

"Conserve yourself. Still more matches to go through. You will need all the Magic you can." Tights used her Healing, which was much lower to make sure Yamacha was ok. "I don't know why the woman was so intent on being this vicious, but it has to be a plan of theirs."

Hasky walked out of the arena, directly towards Kakarot Prime. There was no anger or disappointment in his eyes, of course.

A win was a win. She did nothing wrong in his eyes and defintely earned his approval in trying to secure the final win for them.

"Great work, what do you want in exchange?" Hasky passed him a note that contained the only thing she wanted. A simple head nod in agreement, he made sure to give something else all the same. "That was the plan already, still deserve something in the end."

"I will figure something out." Placing her spare power bands on, her power was back under control. In truth, she wanted to be turned into a Vampire and settle into the Devil's Hand Region. 'Bongo & Pasta can have fun with security in the regular places, but the Capital will be there, best to set up long term while the chance is available.'

The former mercenary eyes glowed a little in delight. Looking at the different Kakarot's, and then at Bulma, she made her decision on another matter.

Mai and Violet had paired up as fusion partners, with Lunch as an alternative for emergencies. Bulma and herself were both good with guns. The other option was Launch, who was the most challenging considering she was working through a mental place to belong.

The time was pretty late but people were still wanting more and just enough time for another match. With fighters agreeing to go for another bout for the last of the day.

Putting Ranfan v.s. Launch. The match ended quickly as her seductive didn't work on the thief. Ranfan found herself questioning her sexuality when Launch kissed her hard and left her in an absolute daze.

With a simple push out the ring, the match was called. The crowd was stupified. With quite a few amorous looks. Ending on that note, the scedule match for the morning would be a mystery. As Baba suggested a test to the committee to rearrange the fighters to surprise them and see how they adapted.

The night went on peacefully enough. Fighters who lost thought about how to improve, and the hospital thought about increasing the number of rooms and staff to respond for the next Tournament wave.

Mai had slipped into a coma, but her vitals were rising. Lunch had developed a weird feeling as her body was foreign to her somehow, she said. As if it was changing in real-time.

Which pulled Pilaf away from other working to make sure she was ok. Bongo and the others switched more to security detail with a few attacks from a few Red Ribbon survivors.

Ruby and Lazuli were so mad they were sent back home that they shut themselves inside and bugged Towa to let them see the fight. Which she did.. considering it was good for them by her thought process.

Plus, she made them watch the babies. Baba manning the barrier at the arena now on her own. Which was out of her forte in Magic. She was more of a soothsayer as a specialty.


Next Day-


The first matchup was Hasky v.s. Chichi. Followed by Kakarot v.s. Tights. The Announcer started the match with several cameras actually having been installed around the wall for people at home. The televised matchs brought in much needed revenue.

Baba was raking in the dough from her cut.

"What you did to Yamacha.. it was.." Chichi stared the woman down, biting back venom in her voice.

"Completely necessary, not like you care about those in your life anyway." Hasky was already at full power before entering the arena. Much stronger than she was yesterday as her weighted clothing was removed. "I will make this quick, don't worry."

"Your animosity.. it is misplaced. Surely it cant be because of my ex." Looking towards the waiting area, she seriously doubted that the woman did this for Kakarot.

"Actually it is." Hasky vanished from sight using the Afterimage skill. Chichi delivered a back kick to where she thought her opponent was going to be but cut through the condensed wind of a form. A few cuts appeared on her leg upon destruction. "Such a terrible person you are."

"You don't even know me." Chichi looked around, trying to determine her location. 'Dammit! Just need to concentrate on locking on to her!'

"I am basing this completely on what I have witnessed about you." Hasky struck directly from the front next. Delivering a knee strike to the chest. Grabbed, she was swung down into the arena but caught herself with a back reach. "Ugh!"

A broken arm was better than a damaged spine. Thinking of Mai in the hospital, she broke free in rage counterattacking.

"Ugh!" Chichi was kicked in the face so hard, the air exploded behind her head. "What could you have possibly witnessed?"

The two exchanged blows at high speed. Every ten punches caught by the crowd. A dual exchange was costly, with Chichi coming out on top due to her overall Magic pushing forward. She received a busted lip recovering her form.

"Heh!" Hasky placed her hand with a grip, then forcefully fixed her shoulder that was dislocated. "The assault on the Devil's Hand and the Furnace.. after it was over, tell me, why didn't you Heal Kakarot? You had the energy to use Kai Kai on a whole helicopter of people, so why not heal him before heading to that meeting that was so important?"

Kakarot had scars and even a hole in his body at the time. Her Healing in the environment would have had him on his feet if not completely secured from his wounds faster than anything.

"I.." Chichi didn't even give a second thought when she arrived during that time. 'He was injured.. but still working. That is so like Richard.. I didn't even take the time to address that. We agreed to be friends... yet...'

Kakarot didn't mention it after finding out about her Healing ability. Part of him assumed it dealt with her not wanting to be involved with him to much. The separation that turned into animosity maybe.

"Just wasn't dwelling on it, I suppose. Hasky takes her security job very seriously. Just like Pasta." Kakarot didn't think much of it, considering he was focusing on other stuff. "The pay is good and the bonus for finding weak points in detail may have unveiled something I miss in the reports."

"Yeah, she does; both are a handful to." Bongo smiled. Only a little sad he wouldn't patrol with his partner as much as before. "Hasky hasn't put sensitive stuff in the reports as she believes that that she be discussed in person. I swear she and Pasta play things to close to the chest at times."

"You are a selfish bitch, and not the good kind!" Hasky charged forward and focused all of her Ki * Magic in her next strike. "It is best to take you down before its to late!" Her voice carried Magic that disrupted the senes due to personal doubt in a person.

Dazed, Chichi was open for the taking.

"Snap out of it!" Tights shouted to her. "Remember what you are fighting for!"

*Fwip!* The blow was dodged by the skin of her teeth. The shock of pressure scattered her hair and clothes violently. The blow carried into the wall smashing it apart and turning the pieces into dust. It was a death blow by all accounts.

Most looked at the long trench that glowed the same as Hasky's hand.

"You!" Chichi looked away from the dust in a rage. The wager said she or Kakarot had to win the Tournament. Killing someone gets you disqualified, but if she died against another participant, she would have lost. "I underestimated you.."

"Sucks for you." Hasky brushed her hair back and raised her hand. "I forfeit." The crowd was shocked but not as much as Chichi, who was about to counterattack. "I just don't have the energy to continue."

She walked out knowing the woman couldn't make a move on her. A smug smile as she said what she had to. Planting the bit of mental doubt would either come in handy for Kakarot or not.

A bit of power had leaked from Chichi before she was about to counterattack, best to tip the scale more in his favor. Hasky's ploy helped things further than she knew.

Kakarot had taken back in his Multiforms. The four multiforms gave a good boost to his Ki and Magic. The two helping Pasta were still out doing stuff with her. The demon Shula was more trouble than he thought he would be.

Which worked in his favor in case the situation turned bad in the end from interference. Krillin, was tailed by one of the Multiforms for a while. The little baldy was a ticking time bomb waiting to happen.

Bulma was leaving to help with the spatial distortions picked up previously. After making sure Kakarot wouldn't kill Tights in thirr match. His assurance went a long way, but his quiet demeanor made the situation questionable.

"Begin the match!" The Announcer was on pins and needles, Kakarot had spoken with him a few minutes earlier to have him disqualify the woman on medical grounds from fighting. 'Not to many reasons why I should.. unless they finish the medical check amd find something.'

"You should give up." Kakarot stood in front of Tights giving her a look that unnerved a few in the audience.

"Scared to fight me?" The eldest of the Briefs family from a different Dimension was confident. "I know enough you don'y hold back based on gender, so you can't be looking down on my skill."

"No, it is because you are pregnant.." Kakarot's facial expression did not change in the least. "..I rather not be responsible for a miscarriage if I can help it. Now, if you don't value your child... then an assisted abortion is where we are at."

"!!!" Tights shook as she took a few steps back. Hand over her belly, looking to the crowd. "I.. didn't I mean..."

"Hah!" Kakarot hit her with a Ki Shout, knocking her out of the arena harmlessly enough. Giving her a bit of a haircut. "My win, or did you people want to see me beat a pregnant woman up?"

The crowd actually did not want to see that, which was kudos to them. Chichi and Tights were talking as she helped up the latter.

Hasky (Native)

Soul: Normal

Aspects: Sealed

Spirit: 143,524

Ki: 3,897 → 4721

Magic: 321 → 587

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast I, Sense II, Telepathy I, Power Up, Ki Shout, Masenko, Ki Bomb

Abilities: Escapism, Life Burn

Transformation: Infused Tiger

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