
Multiverse Travel Part 4 Kanassa

A Few Days later-


Kakarot landed and walked off a few steps. Towa was worried but did not stop him. She disappeared into his Internal Space to check on the other Saiyans who were still in recovery with the more dangerous wounds.

She was trusting in him to handle the situation well enough as she needed to focus on her own studies. The Dragonballs from the last Subsidiary Dimension were different from the ones he acquired from the Dragonball only Dimension.

"There!" Shooting forward by flight, Kakarot came across a few locals and shot pass them. Landing dead center in front of the Commander. His arms stretched out, but he did not attack physically. "Hah!" A psychic assault on the entire population in the radius.

Forcefully using Telepathy and the Aspect of History on them. With it shaped like a vision, they were more believing than hearing words from him hopefully. Sharing their immediate demise in what may only be days. Images of a few of their kind having joined the Frieza force just to survive and because they were traitorous helped sell it.

A small patrol here and there was missing and helped shed doubt on the situation.

The Xenos gripped their heads in pain, with several crying out in misery. Despite seeing the future, they hoped for the best. Unable to see Kakarot's arrival as he was a Champion and shielded from such things as Scrying and Future Sight, only helped to serve he was a type of "salvation" for them.

"I am Kakarot.. a Saiyan from .." Pausing he was somewhat hesitant to say where he was from in case failure took place and the enemy gained control of them somehow. Angry at the thought of failure, he pushed it away. But it was best to be smart about it. "I am here to help you survive if you will have me."

*Woosh!* The use of his Majin Mark found nothing to take root in. These people were fighting to survive for so long that they didn't have "evil" really inside them. Which defintely weeded out the traitors were not in the camp still. The Timebreaker Mark could work, but he left it alone for now.

"The Saiyans work for the Tyrant Frieza.. would one of them really help us?" A Kanassan asked.

"I promise I am here to prevent you from being wiped out." Kakarot extended hands flipped over as he offered his palms to the sky. "I am willing to allow any of your kind to search my mind to prove it."

A few were hesitant still. For good reason. But another Commander, one that stared at him hard, did so. He placed his hands on Kakarot's head and extended hand. Then started to search for his past. Realizing the Xenos was extremely scared, he relaxed a little to make it easier.

"He tells the truth." The Kanassan said after some time. Only able to search a bit and found that Kakarot was not part of the Frieza Force. "He is not pure-hearted, but he speaks the truth of wanting to save us. Even willing to fight with us against the oncoming threat if need be."

"Then what do we do?" A Kanassan soldier asked his leaders. The man? was tired of fighting.

"I can place a portion of your people and culture away, and we can leave.."

"No, we can't just run." A hardened Kanassan Commander was not willing to flee after all they had been through.

"Let me finish." Kakarot said strongly. "Allow me to help those who are not fighters, for now, get away, and those who are adamant on dying against Frieza Forces we will stay. The Saiyans that come in a few days, I will deal with myself, the rest that comes is a different story."

The one who searched his mind stepped forth to volunteer.

"I am Toolo, I will stay, but we have several injured and elderly that won't make a difference. Take them away, and we can hand over whatever funds we have as payment." Knowing that Kakarot did not have any of the space currency, it was a good deal.

"Let's get your people safe, payment will be discussed later." Kakarot said. He would accept the money but getting paid after would have them willing to work with him more. 'Go over this plan with those who will stay and fight while I help with the evacuation.'

Sharing the plan via Telepathy was something they took in with comfort. They really preferred that method of communication. Which was something Kakarot tried to get his people to adopt as a second form of communication after learning sign language.

The next few days were spent gathering the people across the planet. Technology and numbers were more plentiful than he thought. Hearing of a chance to escape, was more than they hoped for in this Dark Hour. The few Frieza forces spaceships that made it to land were taking to long to repair for flight.

So they changed tactics for them after disabling all of the transponders and methods that would allow them to be tracked.

"Alright.. now that they are all sealed up and can handle space, it will be a synch to get them far away to safety." Over 30 ships were placed in his Internal Space. The Kanassans were reminded to stay on board no matter what until he said otherwise. "Toolo, you ready?"

The Kanassan was in a spacesuit the same as Kakarot. Able to hide his Ki naturally, he even helped Kakarot get his to undetectable levels with advanced mental concentration. As well as improve his Soul Refining Art a little to help stabilize Ki.

'Yes, let's go for we can return. We have at most two more weeks before they head this way or another team arrives from the Elites.' After the Jammers would be out of range and they were far enough away, he could start using Teleport to cross the distance that was safe. 'The Collapse won't be for some time.. so every day counts in the end if we fail.'

*Woosh!* The two flew off the planet like rockets. Toolo was in the loop that they would be going to an entirely different Dimension. The fact this one was on the brink of Collapse scared the Kanassan more than the thought of Frieza wiping them out.

As they flew through the depths of Space, probes were shot out by Kakarot. Heading to planets, he detected life forms at a decent level of Ki and Spirit. A trail of black red energy left the planets absorbed by him.

Feeding his Magic which closed the gap between space travel greatly with additional Teleports and Wormholes used. The more he did so, the better the Teleport and the Wormhole became. Which was another reason the Goddess Jiutian had him set up to go to Collapsing Subsidiary Dimensions.

All to prepare for War that Kakarot would be apart for the safety of his Home. He had a long way to go before he could beat the erased Gods of Destruction that were heading to break the wall of the Goddess Jiutian that was set up.

'Haa, so amazing.' Sighed mentally, the Champion took in the sight of Space. Even his Multiforms back home didn't get a chance to head out to far yet. Only making it to the neighboring planets and dropping Capsules on each of them to get atmospheric readings. 'After traveling, I have that downtime to work on my experiments and my family. My very large family at that. hehehe.'

The smile on his face only broaden since he could use Multiform to spend time with all of them and prevent a feeling of loss from developing in his forces. Plus, he gets to experience all in real-time with Telepathy and the Link.

Flying in Space, the view was spectacular as he focused back on it. Kakarot's spacesuit took several pictures as they kept moving. It would be best to stay focused, so he didn't waste a single minute for over enjoyment, with the hyperlens camera taking pictures matching his high speed.

'Kakarot..' Toolo called out to him. '..you know you can't save everyone. But trying has its merits.' The Kanassan had grown fond of him after thinking over the lengths he went to allow more people to survive. Even relative strangers.

'Yeah, I know.' Kakarot thought back to Xenos. 'But, doesn't mean I don't want to really solve it all that I get to. I do enjoy "completing" my assignments. Casualties.. bother me more than I like to admit. Lost a lot of friends and saw way to many people fall from bad orders. I can only grow as a competent leader by further experiencing everything myself. I actually do not envy my former Lt; I mean Team Leader anymore.'

The two dodged a few asteroids. Remnants of a planet that used to be there. The scattered bodies and fruit were not in small numbers. A look to the center of an unusual gravity pull revealed an actual Dimensional Crack.

'Its a small one... but the planet didn't stand a chance.' Kakarot moved around the Crack weaving his Magic to close it back up. The former inhabitants just were unlucky. 'I should be done in a few minutes. Look for possible survivors quickly.'

Toolo was already doing so as he hoped for the best. A faint mental cry was heard near a metal canister. Moving over to it, he arrived to late. The young animal like creature had a ruptured suit.

"Dammit!" Toolo actually cursed as he bore witness to the last creature of this race dying before his eyes. With grim determination, he powered up and flew around, checking for anymore. 'I just told Kakarot he couldn't save everyone, yet here I am, losing my control all the same!'

The Kanassan searched a few more minutes before it was time to go. Besides finding a few preserved embryos and body parts, nothing else was found.

Grabbing hold of a few items fro study and putting in his Internal Space, Kakarot blasted everything else into nothingness. A small pick me up of energy to replenish what was lost to Teleport again.

'The moment the events of your planet finish and Frieza destroying Planet Plant (Vegeta), the places will be finished. If we could defeat Frieza.. who is the focus, the place has a better chance.. but...' Lamenting his own weakness, in the field of not being able to tap into Super Saiyan at will. '..that is a really tall order. Even if we spam training at a brutal level.'

'But nothing. Frieza's scope of power is terrible. You would have to get all of the Saiyans to attack together. Considering the level of Indoctrination they are under, that will be extremely difficult.' Toolo had discussed with him that same measure. 'If you would have arrived sooner, maybe it could help convince them better.'

'Yup.' Kakarot bawled his fists as he sped up, and they Teleported once more. He could see the Magical Platform in the distance. Completely safe and guarded by a few Namekians and Saiyans. 'I can try to convince them, if it fails, I have plan B to go with.'

'What is plan B?' Toolo landed on the platform and was suprised it gave off the same feeling as Kakarot a little. The Saiyans didn't give off the same feeling or the Namekians. The moment a light screen pass by them, the helmets were removed. "The air is clean at least."

"Hey, the air recyclers are a work in progress. I told you it was better to hold your breath at several intervals to consume less oxygen. Just for that, I am not telling you Plan B." Kakarot used the time to train his lung capacity and training in space environment. 'Have more than enough Magic to take control of them briefly to attack at once. But the chance of not ending Frieza.. tch! It is way to high! If they are already in Great Ape Form it will be a easier!'

Critically ending Frieza would go a long way. But it wouldn't stop the Dimensional Collapse, only slow it down. He couldn't merge the place considering the level of Collapse. It would bring to much trouble to his own Dimension.

'Plan C it is then.' The plan was one he didn't want to do. 'The Saiyans having Divine Ki might be the turning point to help them fight against Frieza and his forces. It should also stabilize the place and provide a distraction for those Gods of Destruction that are coming. Once they make it pass the barrier, they will have a few targets with Divine Ki instead of me.'

Unloading the Kanassans from his Internal Space from the ships after Teleporting to Outpost on Neptune, he was already heading back with Toolo. Only enough time to greet his people that worked on Neptune.

The dome for the Capital was the only place they work at so far. Not until the Namekians use the Dragonballs to make the place inhabitable. The same as Jupiter for themselves and Venus for the Saiyans.

That was the plan anyway.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 18,416,392 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 67,527→

Magic: 362,482

Styles: Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian, Demon Realm, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast III, Sense V, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form II, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting II, Vampirism, Egglaying, Materialization, Teleport III

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth

Linked: Namekians 187, 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 5 Adoptive Kids, 9 Biological Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts