
Multiverse Travel Part 2 What type of Champion are you?

*Woom!* Time returned to normal with none acting the wiser of a change.

The Saiyans near Kakarot was placed under his Majin Mark and Timebreaker one for a brief moment. He compelled them to run away as he did not have the time to implement it fully.

To fearful, the Saiyans didn't even catch the sounds of the screams as they moved under the order. But some were to angry to not do so and fought back while moving.

*Pew!* Firing at the black mass still did nothing. But the hands that came out grabbing were burned and crumbled. Each of the Marked Saiyans carried a piece of Kakarot's Magic to damage Deity's by tearing away at the divine cloak on them. Not strong enough to do vital damage to a firm target.

As if the very touch of the War energy did something to them.

But alas, time was running out, they all shot into the Dimensional Crack via the Wormhole. A few Elite-class Saiyans in pursuit followed along closely. With the group of them fearing for their very lives running in the direction away from the blackness of disappearing space.

"Ahhh!" A swat of Saiyans was swept away and pulled into the emptiness in an instance.

Kakarot forced himself to turn around and placed his hands up. Exceeding his very will guided by his Aspect of Longevity. The very "Boundry" of the Dimension in which they were in held itself up. He was forcing the Collapse itself at bay.

Muscles bulking with Bulk Up, Magic, and Ki becoming one as he used the Dark King Form. His bands pour Moon energy into him to stimulate the change into the Demonic Great Ape Form.

"A second.. a single.. second more!" His power was just that minuscule and bought only that so little of time. "I can do something at least!" The backlash was immediately after and wracked his body so fiercely it was a wonder he could still function.

*Wham!* The backlash disrupted his concentration, and his full energy went out of control. It was cracking along the opening he made with his own Wormhole. A few Saiyans shot through before it slammed closed.

Towa's scepter glowed as it took in several souls of the dying Saiyans into it. Those who were killed by the black hands ripping them apart with the surroundings that didn't get absorbed into it.

As it closed, the entire Subsidiary Dimension fell apart, turning into nothingness in the sector with a blast the strength of the Big Bang following with. Various energies flowed into Kakarot that he could not access or use in his current state.

It was guided by the Aspect of War itself within him. Before he arrived, the place was falling apart. One of the reasons they flew on the Platform through the turbulent Distortions and cracking Planets.

"Well, how do you feel?" Towa checked Kakarot over, who didn't speak a single word for the last five hours. His entire bearing changed somewhat. The conflict in his very soul washing outward towards her. Countless deaths passed over him as time passed by. "Give him time; the rest of you need to be situated."

A few of the Saiyans had no idea what had just happened, but they lived. Catching the sight of their entire planet falling apart was nowhere near as devastating as seeing the destruction that unfolded.

'I couldn't stop myself from running with these few people! I could feel my fear overriding my sense of reason from all the negative energy taken in!' Frustrated and confused, Kakarot didn't even have the time to change his full Moon Bracers, let alone the rest of his destroyed gear. 'I didn't want to die! And neither do those people!'

Killing people was one thing, there were reasons. But to commit genocide on such a massive scale.. it was sickening. Yet Jitian wanted him to experience such a hopeless situation.. for what? He could think of a few reasons once his mind calmed down.

They moved back to the exit of the Dimensional Boundry as a whole under Towa's control of the Platform. Kakarot felt his very being opening up oddly.

"Kuk!" It was to much to fast. He threw up the water that sat in his stomach from Towa administering it. Shaking like a leaf staring at his hands, he had trouble focusing. "Ahhhhhh!" Kakarot fought against the mental pain to regain control of himself.

*Woosh!* His Ki and Magic rising and falling as the Majin and Timebreaker Marks lit up on him. Trying to contain it all would be a foolish endeavor, but he fought to regain control of himself. To keep from slipping into madness.

*Schup!* Kakarot split into 100's of himself. Even then, he could barely control the energy inside. Body mutating and bulging like a monster. He began to fight himself to force the energy at bay. The platform stopped as Towa found a place for him to fight everything off.

'Jiutian should have waited.' Towa thought sadly as her charge ripped himself apart. He was killing his different Multiforms by brutalizing himself with fist and teeth. 'He would be pissed if I didn't document this or do something with this wild energy.'

Pulling out a few urns made of a white ceramic, Towa used a spell to seal the energy that spilled away. Not a single drop leaked into the emptiness of space, which was good considering that it could cause a neighboring Pantheon to get pissed off.

As for Bongo and Pasta, they took out the quick-acting Capsules that contained the Medical Vats. With Towa making equipment and supplies for them to get started on making more for immediate use.

"I see. It would be to assist them." Guru said to the members of the Warrior Clans. The Namekian children were told to sit quietly near him with a few of the Dragon Clan. "We are under their care for now, lots to discuss."

The Namekians followed their leader's words. At a lost for how something so evil had tried to help others. As the countless Multiforms wittled down in numbers over the days, a total of 7 remained on the Platform.

"Go." Kakarot communed with them via Telepathy to have them use Teleport burn away some additional Magic that didn't settle yet. The Multiforms vanished to parts unknown to Towa. With a grim look on his face, the Champion sat down to meditate. 'Backups to backups, can't be to careful.'

Silent as he worked through what happened to himself and the confirmation that a dead Multiform would act the same as a real person dying. The Ki itself would be lost and the Magic unless he used Absorption on them.

*Beep!* Pasta had checked him over with her scouter and gasped at the increase. His power was higher than before and the multiforms that left contained the same amount. She wondered where they could possibly be headed to.

"Hmm?" Towa watched as a large mass of black and purple formed around Kakarot. "Dark Factor..." The amount was more than she thought he was capable of making any time soon. Especially how they just had a conversation about it. ".. on his own, he couldn't make this."

The damaged bands that were full gave way. A solid red ball of Moon energy was visible. The ripples it emitted did nothing to the Saiyans who felt the touch against their skin. In fact, a few of them had old scars heal.

"Haaa!" Kakarot inhaled, taking them in. His body healed up in seconds to the naked eye.

Arriving back near their Dimension, the power shot out from Kakarot thanks to a spell for the Dimensional Boundry that he was assigned to, infusing the Dimension Barrier and healing the damage done by the Supreme Kai of Time and Chichi's actions.

Just taking and infusing it from cracking on the outskirts further to stop possible Collapse from occurring in this place. He had a lot to learn yet still, as the amount of energy gained completely healed the damage with some to spare for another.

Kakarot looked wide eye out into the emptiness. Mind trying to fathom how many people were just snuffed out of existence before. The Aspect of History preserved a record of it and of everyone the touched against but his Spirit could not bear the weight of it all.. yet.

"..." Kakarot shut down for a moment. Unable to even react to the speed at which everything took place. One thing he felt, was that his power paled in compassion to save even a Subsidiary Dimension.

The Saiyans, those who didn't see him kill the elite squad moved over before they were stopped. Their comrades stopping them from getting close to the other, despite technically saving them from a force worse than death.

"Who is he really?" Peppra thought the Saiyan was odd in his entire bearing. He reeked of more danger by the second. Not to mention seeing him split and .. kill himself. "He saved us.. but still."

"Just know that he saved you." Towa turned to the woman who looked worse for wear. "Your injuries are not life-threatening but that does not mean they should be ignored. Your kids and fellow soldiers need to be looked after to."

Standing on the Platform of Magic wouldn't do. It took a lot of Magic to be mindful of each of them for safety. Storing the displaced Saiyans into Kakarot's Internal Space after putting them to sleep, Towa steered the Platform on its way.

Their destination was still on the Horizon. The ramifications of seeing an entire Subsidiary Dimension turn to nothing was a must the Goddess Jiutian said, it did have its place in helping push Kakarot and reinforce the damage caused by Chichi and the Supreme Kai of Time.

'The War Goddess knew it would collapse no matter what, the fact it was one the same kind that leads to a future and carries the types Kakarot hates is odd. But the False God Zeno was incapable of even making a move way out this way due to the Barrier, so what is she up to really?' Towa would ask the next time they met, which should be in a few months or so. Back home that is. I need tot check on the others to see what happened during the time we were away.'

Staff placed to her head, the Magic Teacher focused on the people back home. Linking with Lunch and Mai first.


Next Subsidiary Dimension ???? Planet Kanassa-


The days spent moving across the Boundry were quiet. Kakarot's eyes flickered every now and then as he accepted reality further. Understanding what he could do in the future to prevent it. He had to experience this while awake to do so.

The Dark Factor inside him growing at an exponential rate. The anger, the loss, the helplessness, the very fact he had the feeling of so many death cries at once like a bombardment on his Spirit was all that was needed for the trigger.

"Hmm!" Towa immediately seperated the Champion from them all once more. The Platform pushed out under her control towards the direction for any possible place to land. 'Jiutian took a real gamble with this!'

Letting out a powerful scream, waves of energy erupted from Kakarot. His veins and muscles tightened significantly. Almost to the point they would tear inside his body. Both his tail and hair moved wildly as it changed colors to a dark gold.

Around the eyes, a red trim was visible that matched the aura.

Feeling the energy brush against the skin and the look itself, Towa like the Saiyan's who were fully healed and still weirded out were in a look of awe. Towa mostly because he survived the process and hadn't gone into a rampage like projected tests said were possible.

The Saiyans just because of what they saw itself. For all intent and purposes, they were seeing a Super Saiyan. As the magical Platform was stretched back out under him, it continued to carry them towards a planet.

"Touch against the Dimensional Fabric gently.." Towa tried to guide him but whether he heard or not remained to be seen. ".. all you have to do is will it to be whole and it should work." Watching him barely register the words, she was about to move over to him and check. 'Maybe he did fail to control himself?'

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 18,416,302 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 67,527

Magic: 362,482

Styles: Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian, Demon Realm, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast III, Sense V, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form II, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting II, Vampirism, Egglaying, Materialization, Teleport III

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 5 Adoptive Kids, 9 Biological Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts