
Multiverse Travel Part 12: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan Part 3 Resolution

"Grr!" All seven multiforms channeled the different emotions felt since arriving. Stacked with what they gathered from Broly and the surroundings while fighting, the logic was pushed down just enough to feel what was at stake if they didn't win. "RAAAHHHH!"

Thinking of the time they seperated to prepare for the martial arts tournament while Prime was forced to learn more magic and develop plans to deal with the coming threat. The people they linked with that wouldn't live to enjoy life if killed here.

His job as a Champion, he just had to push harder. That's all there was to it.

The loss of his kids and the agreement he had with Rexford to help the others, he couldn't afford to fail.

*Dup!* In each of the sixes' hands, the Spirit Cannon formed. They shot forward striking Broly from different directions. Each blow blasting away his ki defense and whittling him back to a normal form further.

"I.. can't.. lose!" Broly had never felt defeat so close before in his life. Not near his father or the opponents he faced over time. A blow to the head turned his neck around violently. Another hit came across knocking him the other way and dislodging all the teeth on that side. "..I ... don't want to die.."

The Legendary Super Saiyan floated up in a daze. Fear was evident in his eyes as he stared at Kakarot Prime. Seeing him standing there gathering energy, his eyesight returned enough to see the man looked upset that he had to do this.

"I don't need your pity!" Broly screamed loud enough to cause the air to vibrate. "Broly is the strongest there is!" In response to the very need of survival, his power kicked up higher but not out of control.

*Splurt!* Six hands pierced through the body once more mid-change. Green violent ki exploded out sending the Multiforms flying in different directions. Righting themselves midflight, they threw the Spirit Cannons at their opponent.

Almost out of energy, they returned to the original increasing his Ki even further.

"Haaa!" Kakarot finished his transformation with full control. His eyes the teal color, but a red hue around the rim. Haired turned a golden color with a small trace of green energy within it. Fingers raised up, he placed them on his forehead for increased concentration. 'Special Beam Cannon!'

The spiral of power shot out faster than recognition. The spirals around carving a path over the ground. Broly's heart was ruptured with his lungs and spine almost gone on impact. His sheer power is the only thing keeping him alive now.

"I.. won't lose.." Broly muttered out. "Hah!" He hit Kakarot with a Ki shout the burst the ears and changed the landscape behind him to nothing. Hand raised he prepared to fire all his Ki out in a last ditch effort. "I Can't lose!"

"Fwooom!" The large mountain of energy shot out was pushed against by Kakarot.

"Struggle all you want, in the end, you still die!" Broly's voice turned malevolent but he was in full control. Seeing as the energy was getting pushed back towards him, he frowned. "Why won't you die!?"

He fired multiple ki blasts into it. Increasing the power but overall it was still pushed back. Angered, he kept firing evert bit of ki causing the land to burn away between them.

Launch and the others had to fly away to keep from getting caught close to it. Especially the amount of destruction it would do if once it exploded.

Down below one could see a figure pushing against the blast still. Broly had finally stopped firing. Tilting downward, he rushed towards it like a meteor to cause it to explode.

"Grrr...." Kakarot had absorbed all he could. Below him were several eggs he spat out. A Few hundred were created on the spot to bleed off the energy. But that detonation would defintely wipe out everything if it goes off. Hands overlapped, he fired everything back. "Masenko.. ha!"

Following the flow, Broly's own ki rammed back into him. Carrying him high into the sky causing him to flip back. Losing consciousness briefly, the Saiyan opened his eyes and felt nothing but the cool touch of water.

His wounds already healing with energy arcs vanishing around his body. His spiky hair returned to normal in the process. Towa smiled seeing the change that took place already.

'To become a Legendary Super Saiyan under his own control then reaching into Super Saiyan 2 briefly... yes he will be able to help take revenge against them.' Thinking of the possibilities, the Magic Teacher noticed one issue. 'Kakarot did not mark him... does he really plan on killing him?!'

'I lost!' Broly looked up in a daze towards the sky. Enough of his mind was there for him to understand what was going on. The funny energy in him, the Magic left inside drained out by Kakarot's magic. 'I.. feel whole.. That other woman was wrong about him.'

The Legendary Super Saiyan smiled as he welcomed death with open arms. If he died, he could find a way to meet his mother somehow.

Kakarot tightened his hand as he focused his Ki and Spirit energy into it. He was going to use the Spirit Javelin to destroy Broly completely. He would not subject Otherworld to a rampaging monster if things turned out badly.

*Tap!* A pair of boots sounded so heavy as Peppra landed in front. Blocking him with her body. He could read her thoughts and didn't like any of it. She wants to spare him and place him under control as Paragus did. Only letting him out like an attack dog to defend the New Saiyan planets.

"No." Kakarot's reply came out hoarse. His body was put through the wringer and he couldn't focus well. Plus the Pseudo Super Saiyan state he was in had lots of problems currently. "I can tell what you are thinking." The transformation really did a wonder on him with the rampant energy from Broly, as blood vessels ruptured. "I won't do that to someone that already went through so much."

"He can be a trump card for the future." Towa voiced as she backed the other woman up. "I shouldn't have to remind you about what we will face in the future."

"Then you do it." His Spirit was not going to be able to do that considering the Demons he still had under his thumb. One does not trade one resource of quality over countless resources that already prove to be beneficial. "I already told him he wouldn't have to be a slave to me. Not gonna go back on my word just to make you happy. Death would be better."

One of the things Kakarot promised Broly in regards to letting him heal his mind, was that he would never put him under mind control. Building trust was key to helping the young man.

That was the plan in the beginning anyway.

"He is one of us." Peppra stated. "Another Saiyan done wrong.."

"Then you become responsible for him then." Kakarot circulated his magic to increase his recovery time. A large black red ball came out before he ate it. Covered in Dark Factor he healed in an instant losing the wild appearance. "Stay here on this planet and make sure you don't die by accident. In case you haven't noticed, his father has the most "control" over him."

It was bad enough to her that Kakarot was the new Saiyan King and set up on Earth after she thought the words over more. She was no fool and knew he would make a better leader with his ideas and notions than she would.

The current Saiyans wouldn't go along with that of course, but in the future.. that would be a different story as they evolve.

"A king does not abandon his subjects!" Peppra shouted. She watched as he opened a Black Red Wormhole slowly. It ate on the negative energy in the area to sustain it. "Hmm?"

In seconds the planet and surrounding area were returning to normal from the use of Towa using her magic.

"Not my domain, did you forget my reach is that of the other Galaxy. Breakthrough coming to my Territory and I will kill you and those who help you. That is the bottom line." Kakarot floated to the stable Wormhole getting ready to leave. "I will notify your Saiyans that your group is moving Galaxies."

*Chsh!* A bunch of the Dragonball kids Teleported over. Feeling their father's power drop low they started fretting and broke away from the nursemaids. Well some of them did. The others were not that lucky to escape from Katas watch.

"Pops.." The one star floated in front of him pointing pass him. Eins wouldn't let him leave just yet either way really. "..look." The spaceship had entered the area and floated above the opening Wormhole.

Ruby was at the helm having hijacked the controls easily enough. Luckily they were good since the shields were fully functional at all times and not affected by the energy blasts.

Kakarot was taken back as he saw Paragus kneeling with Broly following suit. A man with so much pride actually doing so was unheard of to him. Even more so after everything that happened.

"King Kakarot, we beg your forgiveness.. just my hatred for King Vegeta and his family runs deep. The thought of not.. thought of letting this go is beyond me..." His son was defeated and that was a bit of a wake up call. 'If I was able to have gathered my forces like originally planned, this would be a different story.'

His thoughts were shared with everyone present with the use of Telepathy and Quantum Thought. Kakarot was through being nice in regards to the situation.

"I didn't say anything in regards to letting it go, just to realize you are hurting your son in the process of your revenge. If not for fighting against change, the chance to be a better father would be something to look forward to. However, you chose the easy route."

"Is it so easy to commit to revenge?! I think it is harder than you think possible! "

"Think what you will." Kakarot said nothing more as he went through the Wormhole. It closed behind him immediately after the Dragonball kids got inside. 'One more destination and then I am going home to rest finally for a long time.'

"South Galaxy... no, it is not home." Peppra said lowly. She was going back to Jupiter and not relocating her people. She rembered what he said briefly however. "What have you been doing to your son?" Under her relenting gaze, Paragus didn't look away as he explained what he was planning.

The more he talked, the more Rigor became angry. At this point, he was held back by everyone else to keep from killing the man himself. The rage in his eyes was scary to behold. Very much the same as Broly when fighting.

Mai took special note of that.

"Kakarot was right.. this man should be killed." Bulma swallowed her bile. Never had she been so disgusted in someone. "To think he holds this much hatred for a dead family."

"A dead family?" Paragus looked at the purple-haired Saiyan.

"The main line of King Vegeta is dead. Besides one of his sons I think, the rest of the family including the crown prince is dead." Bulma couldn't remember what the report said regarding the deep space probe. "A few scattered Saiyans are all over the place, but priority is not finding them right now."

"Why aren't they a priority?" Peppra asked.

"Who are we going to send and talk with them exactly?" Launch asked. She then started speaking quite sarcastically. "Hey you Saiyans, King Kakarot is offering you a place to stay and a new way of life, come stay with us on one of our planets. But no mass murder or pirating." Her tone was really biting and hurtful to Peppra for some reason. "Yeah, that will go over real well."

"The Saiyans on Jupiter are not even adjusting well if you remember." Mai was grateful the others were not coming with, she followed along in the ship and waited. 'That is the evergrowing Saiyan, any one of our kids could be born like that. I don't like it at all.'

Coming to a decision, she was glad any who had those beginning traits had them taken care of. But why Kakarot went this route when dealing with him needed to be looked into further.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 47,235,492→ 47,235,621 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 1,822,281→ 3,214,733

Magic: 137,002→ 205,503

Styles: Kanassan, Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian II, Demon Realm II, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight III, Ki Blast III, Sense V, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form II, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole II

Abilities: Absorption II, Majin/Timebreaker Mark III, Shapeshifting III, Vampirism, Egglaying II, Materialization, Teleport V, Unlock Potential

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form, Pseudo Super Saiyan

Controlled Regions: Earth, Jupiter, Neptune

Linked: 187 Namekians, 32 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 16 Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts