
Meeting Again Part 3 Family Ties

"Yes, but mine is.. a lot different. Defintely not as controlled as yours. Not when I first started anyway." Hands on the table, he gave a slight nod to Towa before giving full attention to the other. "I have time so that we can talk. I broke a few rules to get here to this point; our original meet-up happened after you finished here. It was not good at all."

"Time Travel between a point you already visited, the Unending Army will be on your ass for that." Kakarot shook his head at that.

"You don't have to worry about them," Rexford said pensively. "I am taking care of them now. The punishment was a definite pain, but I am stronger from it."

"What did it entail?" Towa asked.

"A wiping of the Soul an full reincarnation somewhere. Once I rose back to Deity status, everything returned. So there was that."

"Yeah.. no, I defintely don't want that." Kakarot's nose scrunched up at that. "I appreciate the sacrifice, though. That could not have been easy to come back from."

"It was not." Rexford placed a Space Ring on the table then a bag in front of Towa. "The material should help with the future, goodies inside to help push him when he is in a slump." The demon nodded at him taking the bag.

Eyeing the ring, she assumed it was for his eyes only, but curiosity was defintely there.

"Fits nice." Kakarot placed it on his ring finger and could feel the energy surrounding it. A little magic but mainly something else. "There is stuff inside that makes my spirit soar. Defintely worth checking in fine detail later."

"That's good you like it. Wished I could have gotten here sooner, but it isn't easy getting to some places. If not for there being two of you here, I wouldn't have been able to locate the place safely." Taking a look around, he noticed that something was off. "I could have sworn Valencia was near you."

Thinking quickly, Kakarot pulled over a Limit Break Injector, which contained his DNA from after the changeup. Towa's eyes narrowed a little, but she held her tongue back on the matter.

"Chichi and I parted ways." Kakarot handed him the Injector and explained what it could do. But Rexford gave a simple nod and stored it away somewhere before freezing and staring at him wide-eyed. "What?"

"Valencia is Chichi!" Rexford was suprised at the statement, but more suprised at who she was inside. "Just.. wow... I mean.. like wow."

"I would say there is hope but.."

"Hope is the road to disappointment." Rexford finished off. "Well, At least none of us are in Warhammer. Could you imagine getting sent there in a state of Dissaray? I would lose my damn mind. More than I already did."

"Hmm?" Puzzled at the admission, he had to ask. "Was it hard to find a good Therapist where you went at first?" A subtle feeling as Gold, Black, and Green energy revolved around the area briefly. 'His Aspects at work maybe? Doesn't feel harmful to me anyway.'

"Yeah.. real hard." Rexford didn't keep it from him. "You know me more stubborn than a mule and very unwilling to change easy."

"Yeah.. well, adults are set in their ways for a reason. Never good to mix adaptation with growth. That is for the younger ones. It makes them feel better that they are so much better us by doing so."

"Meh," Giving a shrug, he moved back to more important things then regular old debate. "your kids... I know you want to see them again."

"Well yeah, I mean, in better times, I would like to." Kakarot nodded solemnly but rembered what Chichi said about bringing them to a Dimension like this. "Safety is more important, though. Hopefully, they live a long life.."

"They did." The way it was said was defintely not lost on Towa or Kakarot. "Remember, I come from a time way advanced compared to you. There is a reason penalties are so high for those who Time Travel. Especially when they don't have an Aspect of Time to help navigate."

"I...I see." Kakarot looked down at the table, not saying much.

Towa looked up at the expansion of the Soul. The effect this was having on the Spirit was high. Rexford was pushing it to grow faster through stimulation. She looked at the other CHampion hoping, oddly enough, that he would not do something hurtful.

'What am I thinking!?' suprised at her thoughts, she admonished herself for caring about him.

"Well, I still want to see them someday. Hear their hopes and dreams." Kakarot looked up after some time. Collecting himself with a sad smile. "By the sounds of it, I didn't make it in time during my current go. It just means I have to push my "research" and "myself" higher."

"That, is what I wanted to hear, my brother." Rexford spear on the left lit up and spun in a circle. Out popped the Soul of a young woman. The one on the right was doing the same thing but spitting out a male. "Leroy, well Shen Yue or was it Liang Yu helped strengthen their Souls. Having acquired them thanks to a few.. deals are done, I knew it best to get them to you or Valencia. I mean Chichi."

"They weren't taken by any Pantheons?" Kakarot was glued to his seat, trapped between fear and happiness. "He.. looks like Valencia's dad. She looks like.. my mom."

*Woosh!* Two bodies were pulled out of nowhere by Rexford. That of babies with rings placed around the neck. The two adult spirit bodies merged into them quickly.

Towa's eyes widened at the energy was defintely that of a Deity. But the power from Rexford was utterly foreign to her.

"Right, my Deal with good old mom prevented them from touching them. Don't think about it; it will make your head hurt." Rexford took in the Fear Qi produced to help understand the thoughts of the other. "Everything depended on your decisions here and now if I could leave them with you. You are just such a concerned father it is crazy."

"Yeah, you would have been to." Kakarot eyes misted up. His Aspect of History exposed him to the life both kids lived. Towa was actually affected as well; watching it take place was good for her. "Defintely did better than me, good. Very good."

"I do ok as a father, better relationship with until they reach 16. Then their "sense of self" clashes with my views. As well as my job as a Champion. Aggravating little shits." Rexford gave a grin in memory.

"Such powerful Longevity." Kakarot had raised his hand to reach out for one of them but was pushed back by the energy around the bodies. "Hey, how do I touch them?"

"Umm, you kind have to wait like... 9 months." Rexford scratched his chin awkwardly. "The material I made them out of was from my Black Gold Vortex, so they are extremely durable and healthy because of the exposure from my Nature Aspect. Not to mention the Injector you gave me. Didn't really pay attention after what you said."

"So, first-generation Demon Saiyans, defintely gonna increase the strength of the Dimension once they are out of your Internal Space." Towa looked at the tails that matched Kakarot's. Completely black with the hair matching to boot. 'If the eyes are red to, defintely something to consider.'

"Demon Saiyans?" Rexford looked his friend over then raised his hand up. Green Qi wrapped around his finger then circled around. "Woah, you are very close to being completely different than the Saiyans that exist here. One way to keep from failing."

"Yeah, I don't like the idea of a Dimensional Collapse. My concionuess can not handle that." Kakarot tore his eyes from the floating babies reluctantly. Thinking for an instant about them vanishing from sight was troubling. Then the Link formed between the three, easing his fears. "I am thrilled, that I doubt I keep meditating after you leave."

"Oh, make sure you go through the cultivation manuals in the ring. The laws of this Dimension may not allow you to cultivate your body the same as a Cultivator would, but the Soul training will work. So better Meditation method than you have now most likely."

"I will, so much to study, so little time."

"No, that is one thing you have. Time."Rexford said sternly. "I cannot say exactly what amount, but never change who you are, my brother. That is the key to surviving as a Champion. Growth is fine, never hobbies are fine, but the Pantheons that wanted to take everyone away valued the individual traits shared."

"That and those things, maybe?" Kakarot already understood that from his talks with the War Goddess Jiutian. He pointed at the Red Soul that had expanded over three times as before. "You called me brother again; it was a lot different than somehow."

"We are all related, closer than the biblical sense or evolutionary sense. Spiritual siblings." Rexford said with a straight face. "We share the same.. well, mom, Destiny likes to change genders periodically, so.. yeah."


"Hey, figure you would want to know."

"You said all."

"Valencia is.. like your.. well she is your sibling all the same. Not by regular human blood, of course." Rexford rubbed his head, trying to explain the crazy Deity nonsense. "Look, it doesn't really matter, but maybe you can explain it better to her."

"Sure, I will put it on my list of things to do." Only somewhat mindful of it, Kakarot wondered how it would have affected their relationship when they were on Earth if they knew. Problem not at all since they had full parents and all that raised them. "So Destiny just goes around body-hopping getting laid?"

"Pfft!" Rexford sputtered, unable to control his laughter for a brief moment. "Well, considering how high most of our libidos are, I think we get it from her. Or it.. never mind the classification."

"I am sure it must be for a reason." Towa took most of it in without an issue. After all, the birth she had was odd in itself. Then the very Kai's themselves were born directly via a Caste System based on how they fell from the "Tree" to develop. "Like how you are supposed to save Dimensions or Collapsed them from destroying others."

"Yeah.." Rexford said somberly. "I haven't destroyed any yet but I have defitely killed more than I thought I ever would in my life. Balanced out by how many I saved. At least I think so anyway."

"Hey, what type of Deity are you?"

"Huh, I became a Devil first. Then a Titan. Followed by.." He stopped looking at the calculating look. "What?"

"What are you right now?"

"A Devil. It.. fits with the chocies I make."

"Is it easy, doing it?"

"For my Soul absolutely. My mind, meh." He gave a shug. "At a certain point, conviction wins out. The process of human to deity is the actions willing to be taken and the will to continue. I know that working as a Devil prevents a lot of existence from getting wiped out. It is painful but it is necessary. To many people on Earth are dieing and need a place to go."

"Haa, I want to talk your head off but I can feel the sun rising already." Kakarot felt the rays on his cheek in the outside. "I will just have to write down what I want to ask and do so next time."

"I understand. It will be easier to find you next time anyway." Rexford looked at his niece and nephew before opening up a Rift. "If it is any comfort, you did fine in the future. But we can always do better with more power. Your Spirit getting higher is the key to stopping everything from getting erased."

*Schup!* Going through the Rift, caused it to close immediately after.

"I like him. Very straightforward like yourself." Towa looked at the two floating babies and waved her scepter. Giving them additional protection while they were inside Kakro's Internal Space. "Even if you die, they will be sent through Time & Space somewhere safe."

"Thank you." Grateful, he stared at the babies and Towa before departing with a few last words. "I wonder if I should have them call you Aunt Towa or Mama Towa?"

"What!?" Towa turned to see him disappear. "Mischievous brat!" She cursed lowly. "A warmth in her chest at the idea of it. "Viewing his History and that of these two are getting to me. I am a member of the Demon Realm! I cannot be soft if I want my revenge!"

Her words only fooled herself a little. Leaving the Internal Space, Towa started going through her bag in the lab. The first thing she looked through was a Dimensional Chart. The bordering Dimensions near the one they inhabited were collapsing in a very weird way.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 1,536,390 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 603

Magic: 401

Styles: , Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark

Controlled Regions: Gurumes

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa

Magmatidecreators' thoughts