
Journey Part 6: A good teacher knows how to push limits

Seeing kakarot look worried, Mia realized he wasn't invincible. Plus, it was just training, so it shouldn't get that intense.


"You better not take us lightly!" Towa vanished from her position as Mai charged forward in a dash. Floating above him, she grinned as her hand stretched out, opening fire with a Ki Volley. "Either dodge them all while taking them out, or both of you get injured!"

Countless Ki blasts shot out like machine gunfire.

"This.. is gonna hurt.." Mai could feel the heat from the volley of Ki blasts as Towa defintely fought with the intent to kill somewhat. "..eep!"

The Mercenary was pushed back by a wave of force from Kakarot. Who didn't dodge like was suggested. Instead, he knocked all the Ki blasts away with a grin. The Blood Rubys and other gems on his wrists were lighting up and doing the same with the now returning Ki blasts.

"Haaa!" Kakarot shot into the air knocking each blast into the distance, increasing the power of the instant spell used on them. "I never take any of you lightly!" Delivering a blow to her core, the demon buckled under the impact.

Bursting into power, he delivered strike after strike in combination to bring her down. A one-two variety to the chest, a knee strike to the stomach. He was grabbing at the head but missed with Towa putting distance between the two.

*Pew!* A small ki blast shot from below, preventing quick pursuit. Mai had learned to concentrate her energy finally into an attack. It was to weak to do damage and barely held together. With a hit of the tail knocking it back, it was subjected to the return spell like the other ki blasts coming towards him.

'Defintely getting used to dealing with multiple opponents better!' Spending his time attacking each of the Ki blasts pushed spatial awareness higher. Differentiating between Ki blasts completely and those of Ki blasts with Life signs a good thing.

"Well, shoot!" The Mercenary had no idea what to do next. Flying was not a good idea. "That's a heck of a light show!"

As the sky lit up, the energy pushed against a few containment spells. Towa's Magic covered a large portion for miles to prevent to much damage from taking place.

A far distance away, two figures watched everything take place.

The Guardian of Earth had been watching since the training with the Villagers of Nam. The second was the Supreme Kai of Time. Both were taking an interest in Kakarot for different reasons, of course.

'A decent enough improvement at this stage.' Towa spun her spear scepter in hand for a brief moment. Any time Kakarot developed something further, she was notified as his Teacher and the Link between the two. '

The various Ki blasts stopped heading towards Kakarot and flew towards Towa.

"Huh?" The Champion drifted back, trying to understand what was going on. 'This must be the increase part. That is a lot of power....'

"The spell is mine after all." Towa absorbed the Ki blasts into one giant sphere of power. It tripled in size as she had added more fuel to it in a single blink. "Now.. make sure you intercept this.. or they will all die."

"Wait.. a second!" The protests were, of course, not heard as she fired. "Damn it, training was one thing, but threatening a bunch of people was not!" The blast was strong enough to eradicate the village.

*Brrrrrpp!* Intercepting it with his body, Kakarot thought about absorbing it, but it was to much. His own Ki wouldn't do much to it at all. If he didn't think of anything soon, the air space would be gone, and he would smash into the ground.

Bulma came out after a few seconds. Her frilly pajamas had Mai slightly jealous at how comfortable they looked, but the looming death had her even more shocked once the energy brushed against her.

"Ki Sense.. has its drawbacks!" The Mercenary dropped on her butt in a daze.

"If you don't do something soon... everything you care about will die." Towa's voice came through loud and clear in the surroundings. "If you fail against something so weak.. your children don't deserve to live either."

She knew just the right thing to set him off. Focusing on the giant sphere, Kakarot activated his Moon Bracers, giving the moon's energy gathered to his body. Inside his eyes, the images of the moon stimulated both pupils. All the conditions were met for him to transform at a faster pace.

In a few blinks, he went from a man to a giant demonic great ape. His eyes were bloodshot red, with his fangs slightly curved. His tail lashed around before it was subdued. The Saiyan Battle Armor had stretched along with the transformation but was beginning to crumble due to the effect of the Magic swirling around.

'Another change.' Towa's eyes lit up, seeing his fur turn dark red as it ate the magic in the air. His eyes then changed golden with a slight hint of madness. 'Haa, he took control at least.'

"Grrrrroooo!!" Kakarot pushed up and flew high into the sky with the Ki Bomb before sending it back. Towa was almost swept into the blast but teleported out of the way of the charge. 'If it detonates on the ground, it is just as bad!'

Trusting in the Demonic Great Ape Form, he didn't give another thought about the shockwave. Most of the energy was lost already. Magic circled the blast and brought it back after a certain distance was reached.

"Grr!" Snarling, his energy channeled to one spot instinctively. Light leaking from his mouth as it was held back.

*Schup!* Landing near Bulma and Mai, the Magic Teacher only grinned at the stupified women.

"It was best you see what he was capable of now." Towa was wanting to invest in Mai for training as a magic student. Bulma as a scientist as well, but that couldn't happen if they were afraid of Kakarot. "He has it almost down pat, but..."

"But what?" Bulma came to first. "Chichi explained about the transformation, but she didn't mention it would be so evil like this." The entire area swirled in negative energy that flowed endlessly towards Kakarot. "He won't go on a rampage, will he?"

"Well..." Towa raised a finger to her lips, smiling.

"I don't want to get squished!" Mai fretted. Before Towa could answer, the situation changed up top.

*Shine!* Kakarot fired a Mouth Blast with his full power, causing the Ki Bomb to detonate. The explosion completely engulfed him on the spot. Waves of pressure travelled downward towards the ground but was stopped in an instant.

"A win either way." Towa's spear staff was raised as she prevented the shockwave from leveling the place. Eyes looking towards a single object coming down like a rock. "Adjustments need to be made further for stimulation of base state."

"Bulma!" Mai cried out at the scientist who shot off like a bullet. "Where are you going!?"

"To catch him!" She shouted back. "He doesn't have a trace of power! That fall will kill him without armor!" Realizing she wasn't fast enough, Bulma pushed the hardest she could with everything she had. "Full Power Charge!"

*Fwoosh!* An aura of twisting blue energy circled around as she disappeared from sight briefly. Covering the distance in less than a blink and only reappearing to catch Kakarot in the air.

"Well.. I was planning on making sure he lived after falling, but this works to." Towa didn't mind the small power loss from the further activation of Saiyan Power. "He might have lost a few more days if not careful."

"You people are nuts." Mai chuckled wryly. Seeing first hand the training they subject each other to would take getting used to. "If he died...I rather not think about it, actually." She was under the impression that she would die right after.

Of course, Towa wouldn't correct her just yet.

Bulma came over with a barely wake Kakarot. He tried to move, of course, but that was not gonna happen anytime soon. The young scientist starred daggers at Towa, who, in her opinion, went to far.

"If he had failed.. we all would have died."

"Nah." Towa was scanning Kakarot over, only paying partial attention. "I would have made sure to keep it from wiping everything out. As long as his head remains, then it is all good to go. I could clone him a new body. But that does take time."

"Your sick." Bulma couldn't imagine doing that to any of her friends or family.

"You don't understand or you only know a little about what is coming." Towa finished her analysts and took Kakarot from Bulma forcefully.

A portal opened as she walked in. Both the other women followed with. Bulma, because she wasn't done with her and Mai, did not want to be left alone after all that happened.

*Chssh!* The Magic Vat closed around Kakarot after she tossed him inside. The liquid was entering his body hungrily at a fast pace. Immediately the Champion started twitching in pain, but the mouth apparatus drowned out any possible screams.

Bulma and Mai were hugging themselves in fear. Eyes conveying to their brains the level of pain that was felt.

"Has Chichi told you in detail about the future threats?" Towa took a seat in a hovering chair. She was gesturing for them to do so as well. Mai was still dealing with what she was given for now and didn't say anything as she looked around the.. lab. Anything to no longer look at Kakarot. "Or whoever is training her, did they say what is going on?"

Bulma put her head down, not saying anything just yet.

"A child will wipe out Dimensions for no other reasons besides boredom. Leaving us alone has no real bearing. Even the Omniking before the little bastard was not that coldhearted."

"How are you going to kill this Omniking?" Bulma asked seriously. The way Chichi says it, it can't be done."

"Everything has a weakness and everything can be killed." Towa understood it would take some effort to build up their courage for it. 'Both of the two Champions can inflict damage to Deities with their very hands. But they won't even reach at this level of power before getting vaporized.'

"Chichi doesn't plan to kill the Omniking though." Bulma had made up her mind to say her thoughts on the matter. "She will try to reason with them."

"Reson with..." Towa frowned not liking that at all. "..how will she plan on doing that?" As they talked the situation over, Kakarot who was in the Vat changing was deep in thought in his Internal Space.


How will they be born?-


Kakarot floated around, looking at the increased size of the Black Red Soul and at his Aspect orbs. They were comforting enough, and his two children looked fine in the.. pseudo embryos of magic.

"Haa, months to go." Using Telepathy, he tried to communicate with them but got nowhere. "Dreams filled with the past life. Both nightmares and good ones mixed in."

*Schup!* The Goddess Jiutian appeared within. Neither displeased or happy. A neutral expression if he ever saw one.

"A few months from now, maybe a year.." The Goddess watched his reactions critically. "..the Dimensional Rift will open that you will deal with. It leads to both trouble and salvation."

"Are you able to Divine now or something?" Kakarot looked over his shoulder at her.

"No, but I can see differently now. See more between the lines." Jiutian smiled, seeing as he still acted the same. This bode well for his development. "Aspects are a pain to understand and hard to work with instincts developed already."

"Right.." He didn't have an accurate retort to that. "..how goes the.. whatever is between this Dimension and the other one?"

"Good 20 years away as far as I can tell. It's a long passage to travel through with several creatures attacking those who try to just cross willy nilly. Plus the Barrier is still up."

"I see." Kakarot's tail came unfurled as it moved about. A strange feeling of dread overcame him before it was pushed back down. 'Don't overthink it, just keep training as before. Can't do anything about the unknown but prepare in different ways.'

"Soo.. how are they going to get out of here anyway?" She looked at the two infants. "Correct me if I am wrong, but you don't plan on getting a vagina or magicing yourself a womb and everything."

"Maybe an incubator or... magical apparatus of some sort." Kakarot had know idea really just yet.

*Schup!* Towa in the area with the two. A quick glance at the Black Red Soul before addressing them.

"Hello, boss."

"Good work so far." Jiutian told the demon. "If you keep changing into that appearance as a Saiyan on the outside, it will eventually stick. So be mindful of that."

"Right." She took it under advisement as she moved to Kakarot. "Not mad are you?"

"Huh.. nah." he shook his head no as it was the truth. "I was ticked off a bit that it took me a few seconds to notice the danger and figure out a way to stop it. I need more practice with my Demonic Great Ape Form to understand its limits."

Towa sighed mentally that a problem didn't develop from the push just used. Emotions could run high in the wrong way if not careful.

The trio talked for a few hours going over the visit of Rexford and the odd situations taking place around the Dimension as a whole. The sharing some were trying to merge at an unusual rate and under someone's control.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 2,000,103 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 1071

Magic: 796

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense II, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting

Transformation: Dark King Aura 1/3, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Gurumes, Fungus Town, Village of Nam

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam

Magmatidecreators' thoughts