
Interlude Back Home R & R

The burden on his Spirit for the various Multifroms was still fine. The over-compensation when separating still holds true and allowed the Prime Kakarot to focus on other matters. One is to wake the hell up!

*Bloop! Bloop!* Air bubbles seeped out the side as he fidgeted. Syncing himself with a form of Quantum Entanglement of himself was something he would have loved to have back in his Original Dimension. But it was also impossible to achieve for one.

Kakarot finally got his wits about him smiling at the progress. Floating in the Upgraded Medical Vat that was Dark Red in color was beneficial. Using Telepathy, he reached out to anyone in the vicinity for assistance. His body was still unable to move freely.

"He is awake!" The recognizable voice of Pilaf could be heard. He was quite excitied for various reasons. One the Timebreaker and Majin Mark was growing stronger. "You should relax Master; the decompression is different than the normal vats."

*TSHH!* The pressure released was loud. The immediate effect he noticed was that he was under the effects of gravity while inside. Nothing to major, just at 30x earth's normal gravity at different points to test.

Someone reached for the mouthpiece and the various attachments.

"Kukk!" As Bulma pulled the breather out, she floated back to let him look around and avoid the spit up that was discharged. "I can still barely move. Ughh, my throat hurts something fierce."

"You have been in and out for 4 months for your vitals. It was pretty touch and go, but the Multiform you left behind before going out on that suicide run merged back and sped up your recovery after making a weaker one. It was pretty touch and go for a minute." She emphasized again holding a small read out to him. "Brain activity stopped then moved to a higher level afterward. As if you were a shortcircuiting energy coupling."

"Hmm? I should not have been that bad off, something isn't right." Kakarot felt his mind racing to catch up and re-establish the disconnection of senses. His Ki Sense was already at a high level but with the various Multiforms in different Dimensions, it grew even more but was like a map. The connecting points in between were missing however. 'No.. the Links remained from my ability as a Champion. So.. why is there a type of "Lag" with my spirit?'

Touching his chest and thumping along the various joints that throbbed, it was nothing to do a quick assessment of typical reaction function. A sensory test was defintely needed fully.

"No, I meant touch and go as staying inside. The gravity was increased as you kept turning into a Giant Demonic Ape. What were you dreaming about in there?" Bulma clarified but this left him more confused.

"So much.. but that is for later." Kakarot thought to the Multiform that was moving around and was surprised he knew everything it was up to in an instant. In fact, what he dreamt of was what was going on at different intervals between his Multiforms during resting periods. "My Telepathy worked even when I was in an unconscious state.. that is really good."

As they were himself, they did what he would do and kept updating each other and him. Aware that Prime was in a Coma as the power changed and grew more. Giving them an additional amount of Spirit Energy at odd times to keep from dissipating and losing power while traveling.

Well in most of the multiforms cases, increasing what they were able to do. His survival Instincts were growing because of the terrible conditions the others were in while traveling.

"About time you get up." Towa floated over dressed in Namekian clothing. The one with the shoulder pads and cape at that. Her appearance was that of Saiyan with a full dark red tail and pitch black hair. "I finished my training before you woke up, such a shame on you for slacking off."

"Congratulations on the training; just let me get my body working right." Before Kakarot could circle his magic, one of his infants floated around and grabbed his face. The little rugrat had quite a grip to. "Hey!" A warm energy went through him as the baby knew to heal. "That is one way to greet your father."

On the clothing, a star was visible on the hat that covered most of the head from the elements. Even the little onsie had a single star on it.

"Hehe!" The one star baby giggled. "Father, has work to do." As if on cue, the rest of the infants floated over. Seeing 9 of them moving about was quite the sight.

Namekian growth rate was scary to say the least. The two oldest from his original dimension that was not as developed but was stronger he found with a quick check. The energy Rexford used to help grow them helped alot.

"No fair!" The others grumbled one after the other. What looked to be his first egg was quite upset and grumbled the loudest. Even shaking her hands angrily. "I was supposed to do that, why are you such a jerk Eins?"

"Eins... thats not the name I gave you." Kakarot shook his head thinking things over. Making sure he didn't miss something. "In fact.. that is not even a nationality I am a part of. I am Italian and technically Syrian. Never got the real answer what region in that area."

"Well, there is still your mothers' side." Towa answered. Tutting her lip and pulling out a piece of paper. "Jiutian acquired this, your mother is German and Chinese. You are just all sorts of something for the grandparents. If it matters anyway."

Thinking it over, this was just a few things tied to his Soul not really his physical person considering his body was Saiyan with genetic tampering happening constantly. Questioning nationality was something to do on a boring day at this point.

"Uh huh.. so who told them they could just change the names like that?" Kakarot got out of the vat and put on some clothes. Several of the children grabbed onto his tail and played with it. Using it as a swing of sorts. 'Hmm, all of the Dragonball children changed their names.. that is just disrespectful to me.'

"I did," Katas didn't see it as a big deal when doing so.. "I didn't think you would mind much. I was mistaken it seems." Towa changed out of the Namkian clothing and switched to Timebreaker ones. Keeping the cape, however.

"I lost some magic, but my Ki is higher; that is not to bad of a trade-off." Circling his power a little, he felt a noticeable change in something. "Hey... why do I have 14 stones inside of me?" He turned to Towa.

"I had nothing to do with that, it is because of the Namekians making wishes, and my study of the Dragon Statue kept me away from the Dragonballs from the Other Dimension. I blame Guru for what happened while I was in the Namekian Book of Legend."

She passed the buck real quick. Not like she knew the book was going to lock her away as it did.

"Learn anything good?" Kakarot was interested in it, so he had to ask. Wanting to have conversations with several of them right now, he seperated into 20 Multiforms to go and talk with those that mattered immediately and check on current events. 4 months may not have seemed long but a lot could have happened. "I am sure something is amazing inside the book."

"There is, but I will go with one of them, Bulma and Mai need your direct attention. You.. not a piece of you." Towa left with a Multiform smiling. Even more so with two of the kids going with them. One hanging on each of their tails. "Lots of research to go over first."

"Bulma and Mai, what's going on?" Kakarot turned to the two as the room cleared out. They immediately looked nervous for some reason. "I am sure it is nothing bad.. right?"

"Well.." The two looked at each other then smiled. They spoke in unison which was a little spooky. "better to show you." Doing the fusion dance, the two fused and knocked him on his but. Catching him off guard was the best thing.

"That's a lot of power you are putting off. Even in base..." Kakarot smiled as he was glad they improved while he was away. His mouth hung open as they flexed their hands growing even stronger and changing into Super Saiyan. "..damn.."

*Woom!* The two seperated and smiled like the cat that ate the canary.

"Not bad for almost full Saiyans." Mai was a little more outgoing than before.

"Yeah.. what do you mean almost full?" He was a bit confused.

"Well the experiments and testing I conducted on the both of us revealed a lot more than I first thought. Instead of our genetic profile matching that of parts from a parent each, it is sort of mixed completely by the third containing Saiyan genomes." Bulma found it funny he was at a loss. She would have thought he was on top of that already. "Despite the DNA technically coming from your first children, it just contained the Saiyan genetic sequence and not actually your own. Even Mai, despite the act of Vampirism previously has no genetic relation to you."

With the vampires usually work with turning, he would have been her sire. But the Saiyan blood and the other genetics inside Kakarot were just to strong.

"The same could be said for Pilaf, once it all settled, it produced New Saiyans." Mai picked up a good bit as she acted as his nurse while he was out. Not as good as Lunch in the medical area, but a better assisted than most. "Peppra, Rigor, and Separi match with us closely."

"Oh, Rigor's genetic issue has been taken care of. I found the notes you theorized after they paid a visit and asked some questions." Bulma passed over her findings. "An Adrenaline Gland problem and mild Schizophrenia like you thought. Easily corrected as a child. Magic helped a lot."

The Neuroendocrine system, metabolism of a Saiyan with its increased activity, different Neurotransmitter Systems, and Neurotrophic factors caused by Ki changing the body all made for science to establish deeper to study everything for fixing.

"Nicely done." Kakarot never got the chance to run the results since he was busy and was only able to theorize on it. "The me that was here did good on reading and making sure to be involved with the family so that was good all and all. Everyone is healthy so far."

"Speaking of Family.." Mai waited until she received the signal from Bulma. The duo jumped him. "..how about a baby the old fashion way?"

"Oh, you sure you are wanting that?"

"A kid of my own.. yes. Not like I am going anywhere." Bulma gave him another surprise as she Teleported the three of them somewhere. Her use was via Magic and almost seamless. They landed on a very soft bed somewhere. "Best to unwind and plant roots."

"Hey.. thought we were going to do this fused first?" Mai's cheeks were red as a stop sign. Fidgeting at the idea of what they were about to do.

"We could, that way you can get rid of being shy, all the times you masturbated.." Bulma had her hand covered by Mai who clamped down pretty hard.

"Just because we fuse does not mean you can just blab!" Mai was embarrassed despite the closeness between the two. Bulma mostly did it to have her react like this.

"Mai masturbates.. that sounds so.." Kakarot was cut off as the two gave him ample reason to be quiet. The very moment it started, he could feel his Aspect of Sex in use. The magic way more than with the use of the Snake Martial Artist in Otherworld.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 20,000,030 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 515,851

Magic: 24,031

Styles: Kanassan, Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian, Demon Realm, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast III, Sense V, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form II, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole II

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting II, Vampirism, Egglaying II, Materialization, Teleport III, Unlock Potential

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth, Jupiter, Neptune

Linked: 187 Namekians, 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 5 Adoptive Kids, 9 Biological Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts