
Experiments Part 1: Them other Dragonballs

After carnal fun for a day, Kakarot was already hard at work. He was running checks on the different Subsidiary Dimensions near their current Dimension. The stability of the visit with the one where he planted Divine Ki in Bardock and the other Saiyans was stronger than he thought. It would take to much to enter the place, and he didn't care to at this time.

Team Bardock would just have to do fine on their own.

'They will serve as a good distraction with he use of Divine Ki. I seriously doubt they will not use it.' As the Subsidiary Dimension moved further towards the barrier that seperated them from those of the Super ones, calculations were checked on the rate of movement. 'The math for this is way to time-consuming I need to build a supercomputer to get this done.'

Dimensional Gravitation was not a field he understood. Not yet anyway, but the map given by Future Rexford helped a lot. Then the History taken from Chichi improved it further with the few places she intervened in.

Her focus when traveling was only to the later ones. Why the Supreme Kai of Time focused on that was odd to himself. Studying the shackled to responsibility Kai would take a separate set of work.

A trip to King Yemma was in order to gain more secrets of the Dimension. While he worked, Towa slipped in with a single step.

"The dead Saiyans, you ready to bring them back?"

"How?" Kakarot's tail moved about, showing his interest more than his face. "Besides, the policy is not to Resurrect the dead using them or any set of Dragonballs. I don't want to ask for a big favor from King Yemma for people who may not even deserve it."

"The Namkeins wouldn't let us use their dragonballs before. Which hurt them in the long run since they are now in you." Looking at a pink ball she produced, the Magic was easily detected.

"Majin magic. To be specific, the Magic of Darkness in this greater Dimension as it is known." Sending the ball towards him, Kakarot didn't have enough time to put up any defenses, which was what she wanted in the first place. He would adapt a better defense from this later. "You have both my Infinity teachings and Majin schooling. Should be a synch."

*Droow!* The 14 dormant eggs lit up as dark energy went into them. Taking away more of the accumulated Negative Energy from the surroundings in the process. Which was what Katas, Guru, and Towa figured would be the case. The white stones looked brighter now.

Even returning a normal state but glowing without the phrase to summon either one of them.

The piece power of Majin Buu is accelerating the process inside him currently. If he was unable to handle this, he had no hope for the bigger pieces and those like him in the future.

"Uggh!" Kakarot pushed against his darker urges by channeling the power of his Aspects. War, Longevity, Sex, and History were helping to diffuse the power further for use. His own Magic grew quickly. Soon many objects in the room started to float in response. "This.. is different..."

As the Dragonballs came back to life, each of them linked to him. Before fusing into one, to be precise, they create a new one after the image of a dragon appeared around the room. Outside, the sky darkens all over across the planet.

With a hock, the two large eggs were forced out.

In seconds the eggs peeled away shell wise and the infant Shenron and Porunga opened their eyes.

"Ahh.." Shenron blinked before looking at Kakarot. On unsteady legs, nothing like a typical infant, he walked over. A few tentative steps before falling down. "Oof!"

"Hahaha," Porunga fell back laughing on his butt. "...Ich muss krabbeln, bevor du laufen kannst, Dummkopf!" Kakarot's German (Namekian) was a little rusty but he understood well enough what was said.

"Gotta crawl before you can walk, fool. Hmm, I need to brush up on my languages before they become obsolete." Helping baby Shenron up, he felt a Link the same as he did with his other children growing stronger on immediate contact. Like an imprinting sort of thing. "Impatient, aren't you?"

Shenron looked sleepy. The little walking tuckered him out quickly. Before Kakarot could even put clothes on the newborn, he fell asleep. Porunga was wide awake and looked to be further along growth-wise than the other.

This made sense, considering how much stronger the other was than the Earth Dragonballs. No matter which Subsidiary Dimension. Unless counting the upper ones from GT and Super later.

"Well, why did you two enter me?" He was neither angry nor sad about what happened. Just wanted to understand what was going on further. 'Surely they were not trying to absorb the Negative Energy inside me.'

"The wish made by Tights." Porunga gave him a stare that did not belong to a child. More of a look that an experienced Scholar and Fighter had. "Her wish had long-reaching effects. Particularly because of the one called Chichi. Her Desire was answered and is still rippling through Earth. You.. dear dad, are the constant catalyst."

"Hmm?" Kakarot's tail came loose as his interest kicked in further.

"If Dragonballs make any wishes, and you are there, they will come to you. You are constantly broadening your scope of Magic and that of the Namekian understanding of abilities. Ending the use of Dragonballs in that Dimension. Which sucks since you are not a naturally Magic inclined body wise. If you were a Namekian.. that would be something." Porunga stared at Shenron, who looked comfortable, and pouted a little. "Little baby."

With a reach of the tail, Kakarot picked Porunga up and fixed him to his hip. Then he started floating to prevent the awkward feeling of walking that way. His body had not and would not develop the hip function of a female to compensate.

"You don't have to be mean to get what you want, or do you just want to pick on him for some reason?"

"Nope, just he is my rival. He is a descendant from Katas and I from Guru. I am already strong than him and will keep growing stronger because of you. Whether he catches up is a different story. I don't have to go to the Realm of Dragons, so this is much better. That place is.. not right considering what has happened." Porunga gave a shrug but the inkling of the situation meaning more than just what he said was apparent. "With time, maybe we can be friends."

"You both are brothers since you were born from me egglaying you." Kakarot reminded as they floated.

"Of course, mother/father.." Porunga smirked. He did have a sense of humor.

"Haa, you are gonna be one of those kids, I can just tell." Kakarot looked at the child as he floated to the Nursery. Placing Shenron inside one of the cribs designed to monitor vitals and contain any excess power that may generate. "Since you are energized, you can come with me while I work."

A few mechanical ; heed a few bands while pressing gently against the skin of Shenron. A monitor displaying all of his vitals. A small soft spot was detected and taken care of. A small padded hat placed in the area with a caution symbol to notify anyone who picked him up to be wary.

Porunga said nothing as he was getting use to the sensations of the body. Especially the loss of antennae. With a flex of the hands, black fingernails developed and stretched a little. Othat than that, he looked like a Saiyan, the same as the others.

Towa decided to watch over Shenron and the others that were sleeping. Lunch moved about the Nursery with a few of the caretaker Demons fretting about temperature conditions.

Some singing and others on standby only changed the area they walked slightly to pass by the new baby. Gently speaking to the baby they carried or just introducing themselves to the sleeping Shenron.

Walking into Ruby, Kakarot talked with his oldest daughter as they went to meet up with the others. Supringsly she was ecstatic to have another sibling. Even more so when finding out her father produced him.

"Two more siblings?" Topaz looked Porunga over, then became quiet.

"Yup, have a huge family already that is going to keep growing." Kakarot sat in a chair with Porunga getting down next to him. "This is Porunga, he is the youngest."

"Porunga, I am your big sister, Ruby!" The redhead picked him up and rubbed her face against his. "Another little brother!"

"Nice to meet you, big sis!" Blushing, he did nothing to pull away despite being uncomfortable.

"Umm, Kakarot," Lapis walked over with a troubled look. "it has been some time, and since you have so many kids, what does that mean for us?"

"Nothing is going to change." Kakarot gave him a warm smile. "As long as you want to stay in this family, you can. We may not share blood or spiritual blood, but I have not problem helping raise you. But we still have a lot to go over. You might not want to be in a family like this."

"That is not true at all!" Lapis shouted. "We love it here. All of the traveling and we get to try martial artist, plus your rich!"

"Hahaha, true, but that does not mean everything will always be calm like this." Kakarot chuckled.

"No way would I be able to study what I want back home. Our parents.. were not the best." Lazuli put a book on a table, looking up. "They were not the worst either but... we ran away for a reason. Then that "monster" captured us."

Kakarot just gave her a nod as he looked into the situation already and the Detective had checked on the situation with the kids via the Multiform periodically on how they were doing.

"So you won't try to get rid of us, right?" Lapis asked the fundamental questions at the oddest times.

"I have no reason to. Unless you turn into monsters and try to kill each other. Kids develop all sorts of ways, but besides Ruby and Lazuli running off without warning anyone during the World Martial Artist Tournament, you four have been well behaved." Kakarot looked at Launch, who came over with Hasky. The two were sweating and had just finished sparring, by the looks of it. "How goes the everything you two have been working on in secret?"

"It is fine, just trying some new moves out." Hasky moved over to the new one. "Aren't you a little cutie. Another Saiyan child Kakarot?" Considering the dark red tail, and how Ruby was so affectionate, it was not hard to figure out. "Or is she one of that Peppra woman's kids?"

"No, one of mine. Peppra... I don't think we are compatible like that. I am still trying to understand that one." The Champion knew she was grieving and didn't plan to mess with someone like that. "Tell us about the new moves you were talking about."

As they talked with one another, Kakarot missed two things. A look of envy from Ruby when holding Porunga and the odd look from Topaz as he moved away quietly. When Paopao came over with Old Gohan, they were even more animated.

Porunga grinned to himself as the environment was something he enjoyed. Something about being around the group was really pleasant. Much more than the area with the other Dragons.


Later that night-


As the children gathered in a room, they came up with a small plan. Topaz points out that they would fall behind the kids that were born from him egglaying if not careful. They were born with higher power levels than them, and Porunga was really smart from what they found out.

"Dad is not like that though, he said so himself." Ruby had a few misgivings. "He trains hard for we can have a future, nothing supports a possible getting rid of us."

"Easy for you to say, you are his actual kid by spiritual blood." Topaz's voice was harshed as he spoke. Paopao, Lapis, Lazuli, and I are different. We are basically Foster Kids."

"Breaking into his lab is just dumb." Lazuli narrowed her eyes at him. Topaz had acted weirdly like this lately. "I am going to believe in what he said, we are important to him. Even Launch said so when you snuck off to do whatever."

"Yeah, what did you go do?" Lapis asked.

"I went to train by myself. And.. survey the lab for a way to help us close the gap." Topaz spoke with practice ease. It was a lie as he did not train at all but he did go to the lab. Of course, he was unable to enter any of the secured areas. "If we grow stronger, we can make him proud of us. It will be a 'Perfect' surprise!"

Something about his words was just hypnotic. With Kakarot training so hard and the children firsthand seeing on the news how much strength was needed, they were worried of falling behind.

It didn't help Lapis and Ruby want to just ditch schoolwork altogether.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 20,100,041 → = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 516,320 →

Magic: 24,103 →

Styles: Kanassan, Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian, Demon Realm II, Saiyan II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast III, Sense V, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form II, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole II

Abilities: Absorption II, Majin/Timebreaker Mark II, Shapeshifting III, Vampirism, Egglaying II, Materialization, Teleport V, Unlock Potential

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth, Jupiter, Neptune

Linked: 187 Namekians, 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 5 Adoptive Kids, 9 Biological Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts