
Adjustments Lookout Part 6: Aftermath


Chichi's (Valencia) Forces-


Arriving in Ox Country, the other Champion and her forces were settling in. Chichi and a few others were reverted to infants and merged with their counterparts. The Supreme Kai of Time exhausted every trace of her Time power in doing so.

Chronoa turned into the appearance of a human in every way. As one of the few adults and the only one to know more than the other forces, she had a lot of work to do currently. Recovery would take a long time and would not be the safest of things to do.

Chichi already had all she needed to further her goals. The child between her and Tights conceived through Magic was the hardest thing to take care of. Speeding her birth up then sealing the infant inside Chichi's Internal Space was a weird thing to the Kai. She couldn't understand for the life of her why they didn't that inside of Tights instead.

Something dangerous was going on, or just downright odd she thought actually. Her charge was keeping something from her and it would not be good at all once revealed.

'I can still feel a connection to the Time Nest, so everything is not lost.' Moving in the house on Pleasant Mountain, she observed the people Chichi requested of her. 'Old Gohan has found the violent boy as normal, that is good.'

Watching the interaction between toddler Goku and the old man, she felt saddened that the boy would squash his grandfather one day. But the overall correction of the Timeline was the most important to her.

*Schup!* A figure appeared behind the former Supreme Kai of Time. A young man with purple hair and a sword strapped to his back. Timepatroller Trunks was there in the flesh.

"Trunks!" Tearfully, she hugged him in happiness. Her Trunks, like her original Diemsnion, had perished. "Can't believe it is you!"

"Hey.. who are you?" Hugging her back, the hybrid was suprised he did so. He had never met the woman before, as far as he rembered. But hugging her just seemed right. "How do you know me?"

"It's a long story." Chronoa let him go collecting herself after some time. She shook her head as that could be discussed later. "The better question is why is a Time Patroller here, nothing is the matter here."

Trunks was defintely suprised she knew of his job.

"I was sent here to pick someone up, I am starting to think that someone is you. The Time Scroll couldn't pinpoint for some reason." Getting serious, Trunks tried to "sense" anything else but didn't find anything of note. "I think it best if you come with me, messing with Time is a grave offense."

Not resisting, Chronoa went along with him. Her Time Magic may be exhausted, but one thing she learned was to be resourceful and strong. Her Ki was much higher than her counterpart, and her fighting skills would trump the other if it came to it.

Looking like a human, it would be quite a shock for the other to see her. However, this Chronoa looked on in horror at the Devastation done to the Time Nest. Let alone the loss of those who should be there, the damage looked to still be ongoing.

"We need to talk seriously!" A Kai but very old and somewhat perverted, came over in a hurry. Taking in the view of Chronoa long than he should have considering the situation. 'What a young sexy youthful human! Why did Trunks bring her here I wonder!?'

The joke would be on him once he found out this human was the Supreme Kai of Time from another Dimension. And she was actually older than him with the constant use of Time Bubble to help Chichi and her forces train.

"Well, its like this.." Trunks started to explain what happened as the surroundings changed. The very presence of human Chronoa rippled the power from Chichi via the Link they shared. The Time Nest settled down and restored quicker, but the damage had been done. "..and then.."

*RUMBLE!* The Time Nest shook violently as Black figures came through. The Unending Army had arrived in large numbers and began to take over the place. The terrain was eaten as they moved and various energies taken in.

"Stop!" The current Supreme Kai of this Dimension came out with a large scroll. Unraveling it, a wave of power forced itself out, repelling the creatures. The darkness that made them up peeled away, revealing various people and animals. "Get in the Time Vault! It's the only place safe!"

Not second guessing, Human Chronoa, Trunks, and old Kai did so. A figure made of Black and Gold stepped out looking at those who returned to their previous state before their Deities and Champions were taken out for abuse of power.

"Pulled in before I took over..." The voice that came out was an exact match for Rexford. A spear appeared in his hand as he waved them away. "... go and live a better life now. Not many receive a chance like this."

*Openings in Space were forced closed by the use of his power. Slowly the Time Nest was brought under control but Rexford felt the presence of several powerful creatures this way. His involvement served its purpose while also providing an accomplishment of his job.

"I suggest you never abuse your power again, Chronoa.. it counts as Valencia misusing hers." Stepping away, he winked at the human Kai with a smile. 'If she plays her cards right, I might be able to come back and crush the Godling Zeno instead of Kakarot having to.'

A few seconds after he left, the nest had visitors. Ones less aggressive then the Unending Army but still a threat. The Angel Vados had stepped in with a half-awake Chappa, the God of Destruction she was assigned to.

The two were only there due to passing by during a disturbance that occurred. Not expecting to come across this.

Chichi (Valencia)

Soul: Enduring Drive

Aspects: Sex, Sensuality, Music, Hope, Reincarnation

Spirit: 5,030,454

Ki: 125 (Sealed)

Divine Ki: 10 (Sealed)

Magic: 11,000 (Sealed)

Styles: Bandit, Saiyan, Korin, Crane, Turtle, Ox, Kaioshin II, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast III, Sense IV, Full Power Up, Bulk Up, Ki Shout, Kamehameha, Afterimage II, Evil Containment Wave, Kai Kai, Spirit Bomb,

Abilities: Accelerate, Time Lock, Medium Materialization, Healing II

Governing Regions:

Linked: 891 Humans, Korin, Mr.Popo, Yamacha, Tao

Magmatidecreators' thoughts