
Adjustments Lookout Part 5 Before Multiverse Travel




Kakarot was currently talking with King Yemma still, the Orge Judge of Souls was quite please with the current situation actually. Without the Supreme Kai of Time and Chichi's weird energy clashing against Kakarot's messing with the Dimension, everything was going smoothly for the current location.

"Here, for keeping your end of the bargain, and then some." It was rare for the Ogre to do so, but he trusted Kakarot a great deal. Enough that he gave something of great honor. "Not many are given of these."

The Yemma fruit was quite the treat and luxury for mortal souls. Even more so for those who were still living. But his work and plans were promising. The control of the Demon Realm Gate and the securing of Devil's Hand still showed benefits to check out. With the Dark Crystal gone and Garlic finally wiped out, only the son Garlic Jr. remained in control of the Makyo Star.

'The faster the Ogre's find out about it, the better.' King Yemma pulled from his musing to pay attention.

The fruit was quite fragrant. It contained a lot of power inside, but the magic was so fragrant it actually captivated him for a moment. Biting the golden fruit, it was to no surprise from the ogres he devoured the fruit after the first bite.

"Yum!" Kakarot's tail swished about, then his fangs stretched out. "So.. good!" His entire body felt renewed and restored on a higher level than the Medical Vat, and Magical Vat was capable of without a long-term concentrated soak.

*Fwoosh!* Magic, Ki, and Spiritual waves wracked the area for a moment. Kakarot let out a shout as his body pulsed with such power and the sense of being so full. Time was saved as he wouldn't have to train to adapt to the gains from the past few days.

"Here!" After the gratefulness of the fruit, he tossed an injector to King Yemma. "One good turn deserves another. This shot will increase your genetic potential. Specifically in regards to Magic to a greater degree."

"Hmmm?" In his hands, it was pretty hard to give it to himself. The size difference and all. "Is this what you have given to a few humans?"

"Yes, those who at the time who show a good track record and those who have earned it. When they do die eventually, I am sure they can help out a great deal on this side. Still building the education for that. But it should start fully in 2 years, I think."

"Good, the creature Babidi is still elusive, but my people are still looking. The Kais brought into the fold due to the other Champion that left is quite the trouble. But as we discussed, they have their purpose." King Yemma received more help and more potential help from mortals recently than the so-called Gods of Otherworld. "If you were born an Ogre, I wonder how good things could be?"

"Hehe, I dont know. The customs here.. are way different. Plus severe lack of females is a very odd culture to be in for myself. With the ratio of 90% Male to 10% Female never good for any race."

"Science is still a growing industry here. We are more magic-intuned. But the notes help and the material left by Baba will go a long way. As for acquiring some genetic samples for you to look into, it will take a few months to get together." King Yemma had to many all over the place working, even the interns found themselves working daily. Paying them a living wage compare to before helped. "The Dark Planet... you will need to be much stronger to even approach that part of the Galaxy. In all ways."

Giving the nod, he left his friend King Yemma to join the others waiting to travel Snake Way. They would talk telepathically on full concerns and diplomatic needs. Like the heads up the moment the Kaioshins try to actually to make moves around Earth and the various Sorcery wielders.

"This is a very long road!" Bongo was tired already. "Do we really have to wear this waited clothing as we go?"

"Yes, it will do you some good." Roshi was excitied.

On his back was a very heavy Turtle Shell. With Kakarot using the magic acquired from taking out Garlic and the Dark Crystal to restore the Longevity of several people, the turtle hermit was counted among the lot. As well as Mercenary Tao.

Or Master Crane as he took over the school completely. Settling in Fiend Village to help increase the security in that location. He almost forgot to pick him up but Baba was happy to do so considering the benefit of her side taxi service.

"Hmm, I must admit, the progress shown for so many of your people before higher weighted training is something I look forward to." Tao gave his brother's rival a side look of amusement. "I will have to get there before you, no sense in letting a Turtle mess the place up!"

*Woosh!* Tao shot across several pathways. Cutting his time down by a lot. risking falling down into HFIL by doing so. The rest of them looked at Kakarot who smiled and kept running instead. His plan to go and train with the Ogres was later.

"If he falls, someone else has to go and get him from HFIL!" Kakarot kept pace shouting back. Tien didn't want to lose to him so he pushed harder.

The Snake Queen had felt his increase in power from her location. As well as most of the snake martial artists. In the waiting area of the Palace, thousands of them anticipated for his arrival. Kakarot didn't disappoint with bringing people with him that was strong.

Some of the strongest demons in Devil's Hand were looking forward to this at first.

"Outstanding." Princess Snake gave them a predatory gaze. A few of the demons actually squirm in discomfort from the intensity. "Kelly, take them to another area, the strongest will remain with me to fight against him."

"Of course." The attendant bowed before leading the others away. "It best we get out of their way." She spoke directly to the reluctant Tien.

"So no talking?" Kakarot cracked his knuckles and was wholly prepared for a full fight.

"Talk is for later.." Princess Snake made a head gesture. Three martial artists immediately charged at him. "If you manage to beat all of them, I will fight you in my full form. I wonder if you can make it though."

"Of course I can, I will even show you my form as a sign of respect." Kakarot blocked against the three quickly. Left arm hitting the first the to the side. The right arm hitting the second to the floor. The third slipping behind was stopped by his tail. "Defintely surpass me in magic fighting.

Princess Snake's eyes narrowed looking at him. His full power and he had an additional form, she was even more determined to keep him here when he fails.

"You have grown so much stronger!" The snake woman Cobri stabbed at him with her twin swords.

*Chink!* Pulling out his greatsword from a capsule, he parried the other. It took only three strikes before Cobri was outmatched in pure might. Her hands shaking but the smile on her face grew even further.

"Out of the way sister!" Wielding a hammer, Pytha swung from underneath. The sheer force sent Kakarot to the side. A green energy burned his skin. "Your magic defenses are still subpar! Have you not learned anything since you left last!?"

With a swing using a wide arc, a black red gale of magic coated the greatsword. Kakarot had learned a lot actually. Just needed time to put it into effect.

"This is an imitate move but.. I wonder if it will actually hurt you." With a spin it shot of then split into a 100 slashes. The slashes create streams in the air like scarring wind. Pytha was going to block at first but jumped out of the way at the last moment.

"What are you nuts!?" Looking at the place she use to be, the snake woman was upset. "That would have killed me!"

"What is the move called?" Princess Snakeeyes were narrowed as she checked over the marks. The cut had corroded with his magic but didn't spread in the lest. 'He seems more Demon than before, but his features are still the same. So just an advancement of his magic then.'

"The Wind Scar, imitating something I witnessed in the past. A recent fight allowed me to fill in gaps of information you could say. The original could slay a 100 demons or.. other types in one go." Immediately feeling the after-effects on his magic reserves, it was best to use it sparingly in the future. 'A 100,000 of my magic in one go... damn that will take a long way to improve.'

"We are not demons.. but I guess the other is a broad margin." Removing her outer robe and bracelets, Princess Snake kicked her magic up to a high degree. Enough that Kakarot felt a sense of agitation. "Let's really get started!"

Her lackeys backed away as they were outclassed and would be in the way. Watching the princess open her mouth a fire a blast of flames outward was enough to see how serious she took the fight.

"Kuff!" Kakarot coughed getting out of the smoke. Flying upward to gain room. "Hmm!?" With pure speed, Princess Snake was behind him in instant. "Tch!" The parry attempt was useless as her arm became loose.

Slipping pass and delivering a palm print to his chest. The blow sent a shockwave that caused his heart to stop briefly. Luckily his tail was set for combat and moved just as flexible as his opponent.

"By a woman a drink first!" Princess Snake was suprised he was actually able to wrap her up with his tail. "You need education in better wrapping I'm afraid!" Shrinking, she immediately slipped upward and almost out.

With a grab to the leg at the last second, Kakarot burst downward to disorient the princess as he twisted her ankle. The lack of a solid hold was costly. With maneuvering like the most deadly of predators, she wrapped around his torso and then his legs.

*Bam!* Kakarot punched her in the face. His other arm pushed to uncoil himself. He should have gone for a grapple of the mouth. Princess Snake bit him in the neck to try and inject him with a bio poison.

"Thanks, I need some of your genetic material anyway." Tightening the muscles in his neck, her fangs were actually stuck. Muscles swelling, he started to use bulk Up and punched her repeatedly in the head. 'This grip is crazy strong!'

"Lem mef go!" Taking the blows to the side of the face was painful but the pain to her fangs hurt worse. As they struggled in the air, more bio poison was pushed into his system. 'How much can he resist?'

Apparently an hour. The moment he stopped moving, Princess Snake tightened up to break a few more bones. Satisfied, she released him to head back to the Palace.

*Schup!* Kakarot opened his eyes and Teleported out of her hold. Playing still long enough took time and a solid mind to resist fighting still, just enough in the end to have her drop guard.

"Well, let's go a step higher, Princess." Kakarot prepared a Power Ball.


Lying in bed with snakes-


Defeating Princess Snake was not easy at all. Her Magic level was higher since she trained diligently after he left. Her Ki itself kept him on his toes and laid waste to the part of Snake Way where they fought the moment she transformed into a giant snake.

Which resulted in her ordering a good portion of the Snake Martial Artists to

Luckily going Demonic Great Ape turned the tide of battle as he thought it would. Mostly due to the fact she went into a predatory heat from the power he exuded. It was a good thing he didn't use the Dark King Aura while fighting.

"You were quite rough with me." Princess Snake rubbed her face in pain. Thinking of the next activity, she decided it was safer to have him weakened. Tossing over a red fruit to help boost his Spirit against loss. "Separate into more of you. I won't survive.. well it would just be to much of an issue."

*Woop!* Separating into a total of eight, she was suprised at the eighth one that mostly contained magic. Almost no Ki at all coming off of it. Just enough to make him detectable to senses.

"So, Dark King Kakarot.. how well can you perform?" Her voice reeked of sultry desire. "For this Alliance, how far are you willing to go?"

"I am willing to impregnate every member that wants it among your people with my seed, I need every bit of force that I can get that will obey orders." He grabbed her by the waist with a strong grip. "Let's get started, only have a few hours left."

The Snake Princess was suprised he was so straightforward and not going to try and go against her proposal. By the sounds of the others, the sparring was getting closer to an end. With most of those that came with Kakarot running low on energy.

They would be given a piece of the Snake fruit to help recover. They would need it. The Multiforms giving them a bit of respite as they pulled out various weapons to increase the skill and understanding further.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 8,362,421 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 30,012

Magic: 361,001

Styles: Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian, Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast II, Sense IV, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting II, Vampirism, Egglaying, Materialization, Teleport II

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,257 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 92 Snake Martial Artists, 15 Ogres, 5 Adoptive Kids, 9 Biological Kids, King Yenma

Magmatidecreators' thoughts