
Adjustments Lookout Part 1 Different Strokes

Ruby stood in front of him not breaking eye contact in the least. A very determined look in her eyes, but internally she was nervous as can be. Hoping he wouldn't send her away now that he knew.

"Your home is very weird." Bulma stood next to him along with Old Gohan. "Like, she is your daughter but not your daughter. How screwed up is that?"

"I didn't know she existed. Her mother was someone I met back when I was still in Italy. My career took my all over and she didn't keep in touch with me." Kakarot didn't mind in the least. Well, he did wish he would have known. "How old were you when you died?"

"I don't know." Ruby shook her head as she honestly didn't know. "I only remembered being hungry and traveling to America. Mom said a Mr.Rexford was going to help us. But we were in an explosion in a snowstorm. Maybe three days after landing."

"Did she have anything on her, your mother that you can remember?"

"This card from him." Ruby passed a copy of a standard business card with the symbol of fist on the back of it. "Recreated it with magic to get it right." It was woven into the background and only by cutting corners would make it appear by cutting the corners just right. "Mom.. had a red one in her person but the Mr.Rexford gave her a gold one like this."

"A little clandestine, were you a spy or something?" Launch looked at the card from her seat oddly. "Were you some type of spook or something?"

"Yes, something like that." Kakrot answered simply. "Ruby, I need you to relax your mind as I check you over. I swear it will not hurt much." She nodded, flinching for a brief moment as his spirit engulfed her.

The symbol of the Goddess Jiutian protected the girl's soul. Even now, it only appeared due to the approval of the Goddes for him to know. A searching pass the time of her life here in the Greater Dragonball Dimension, he found her History of back on Earth.

It was short, violent, and not the best. Her mother was just a contact of when he was Richard and operating in the area at times. An informat that was a local. It helped he spoke Italian, and she was needing of money to live.

"Haaa, such a thing. You have lived more here than there. You were conceived about three years before my Unit was .. disbanded. Not to long after that I settled down and got married." Kakarot sighed as he thought about everything that could have happened. 'Rexford had to talk to me about a lot of stuff but by the looks of what she was privy to and saw, he may have found her by accident. All the information I took from Valencia might be able to shed some light on this.'

Bulma didn't like the quiet look he had. Neither did Old ohan. They both elbowed him in the side to pull him back to the here and now.

"Ah.. anyway, what do you want to do now?" Kakarot asked the girl. "Technically by all accounts you are my daughter but not by blood here. The proceedings for adopting all of you is still underway with a review pending so there is that as well."

"Do you want me around?"

"Don't be foolish." The room became quiet for a moment. Bulma was about to punch him in hte back of the head for saying something so insensitive to a child. "I have no reason to not want you around. If I was against it, I would have said no back when Tights arranged it. I am not that great of a parent since my first two.. well my second and third kid were brought to my side instead of being reborn somewhere else after living their lives. I am also a cruel scientist and .."

With a tackle, the little girl hugged him fiercely.

"I wanna stay!"

"Ok.." Kakarot rubbed her head gently as he consoled her. "..there there.. it will probably be ok. It just will take time. Chronologically, you are technically the oldest, despite the twins living longer than you."

"Magic is absolutely nuts..." Launch shook her head as she fought back a smile.

"It could be worse, we could be like the Kais and born from a tree that drops fruit." Kakarot stared at the former thief. "Just one more reason to get stronger to figure things out."

"Alright, best she gets some rest. She also still grounded from before." Old Gohan could only see her as a child and nothing more. "Much to work through to live a good life. Like getting your homework done and learning not to cause trouble."

"Ok." Ruby gave Kakarot another squeeze before walking off. She stopped to stare as if cementing his image in her mind. "I will finish it really quickly!"

"I think she took only one thing out of that." Hasky muttered. With Ruby gone, it was mostly the adults left and a bunch of sleeping babies. "The Ultra Divine Water has been secured but those who went are still in recovery."

"The assault on their minds was to much for them to bear, if not for my magic helping them, they would have all died." Kakarot made a note to pay the creature Darkness a visit when he was free. His people secured a single cup each and not the whole pot. Darkness was very adamant about not allowing them to take it. "With the bit stored inside their bellies when drinking it, we should be able to replicate it and increase the method for unlocking the potential in our people more."

"Genetic unlocking is not enough for you?" Old Gohan asked.

"Not even remotely close. Not when there are ways to put the possibilities even further in people's hands. To much time is lost at birth as it is from just a mixture of genetic abnormalities. The Ultra Divine Water can help with that. As a scientist, I won't stop the pursuit of that."

"Considering the benefits outweigh the loss, I can see why you want to." Bulma folded her hands behind her head walking around. "Glad it is not going to the entire population, a lot of people would die from the exposure."

"Uh uh, anyway, I need to go talk with the Guardian of Earth." He waved goodbye before Teleporting away. "See yall later!"

Carrying on about there business, Hasky went to deal with a pass-through Devil's Hand with Launch. They were planning to visit the Lookout to talk with the Guardian about the Otherworld later. Both of them also needed to check on Colonel Violet and Ranfan, who moved to Devil's Hand for some work.

Not to mention Eighter from the Red Ribbon Army who was training with Tien. All the Demons in the Devil's Hand were on a new schedule. The would now spend a week there then take the Demon Gate in Fiend Village to go and train those Demons. With Pasta taking over security in the Demon Realm for that gate.

After she gets her power up of course. The same as so many others for work well done. Towa was currently speaking with Kakarot via Telepathy. He did not go straight to the Lookout. Talks with his Magic Teacher needed to be done.

"Your lab is getting bigger."

"Thanks, just means there is just many more things to study." Towa turned to face him and felt a rush go down her cheeks. She was still stronger than him magic wise but the feel of the Dark King Aura was strong. "The amount of Dark Factor you gave me, it is enough to use the Dark Form for myself. With the Demon Realm area acquired, more can be gathered to make us stronger."

"How much would it take to bestow the Dark God/Goddess Form onto someone?" Kakarot looked at a cylinder filled with black protoplasm by all accounts moving around. The moving protoplasm reacts to his presence and pushes to the glass. "Settle down."

Under his command, it stopped moving. It only wanted to combine with him to increase his power.

"So much more. But at least the Demons under you now can keep up in the future when needed. Not to mention whoever you turn into a Vampire of course." Aware that he was planning on turning Hasky as her reward, the Demon had another suggestion to add in. "The tests so far are promising, but test subjects are needed."

"Hasky is willing to go through it. I will try to pass on Saiyan traits via the route of Vampirism. As for Namekian traits, I will need more blood to adapt to it myself. I am not going to go on a killing spree to obtain it, however."

"I know that. Just make my job harder, why don't you." Towa huffed as she looked him over. "Well, once we travel, a lot more will be available for you to adapt to. Don't forget to absorb a good bit when you visit Snake Palace. Not just fight and have sex."

"Uh huh." Kakarot gave his full attention as he asked his next bit question. "So when Are you going to let me drink your blood and energy?"

"!" Towa took a step back, a very uncomfortable look on her face.

"Not like it will kill you." The Champion was bewildered as she no longer look willing to take part of certain experiments.

"Haha, no time soon." Towa let out a dry, awkward laugh. "I already have your "first seed" as you are now, so that will tide me over for a few .. projects."

"Never thought I would see the day." Kakrot smiled as he moved to a few machines. Tapping away and getting a read-out on the genetic sequence of some of the demons under the Timebreaker and Majin Marks. "The transformation into their human forms have progressed a hell of a lot farther lately."

"Two days, the spike rose the very moment you increased the Marks magic. The strain on your spirit should have dropped considerably." Towa pulled out a scouter to get a read on him. "The Hyperbolic Time Chamber will be good after we return. Even now your Spirit is unsettled from the fights and remerging. I can only imagine how much it will change when you are exposed."

Spirit: 8,350,011→

Ki: 21,501→

Magic: 360,701→

"Shown the good then the bad, not a bad method. Before I go, how about a quick spar?" He changed his clothes into his Timebreaker Saiyan Armor. "Been a while since we really went at it."

"No.. we will go at it later. You have work to do." Towa's demeanor changed as she was wanting him to leave instead. "Go deal with the Namekian."

*Schup!* Kakarot Teleported out without a word. Leaving the Demon woman troubled about why she did so. Shaking away the notion that popped into her head, she focused on all the work that was available.

"Arggh!" Annoyed, Towa took a page out of Kakarots book and split into 9 copies of herself. Each working on something different to keep her mind occupied. "The tests on Mai I took, they cannot be accurate. Just is to early for this to have happened."


The Lookout-


Speaking with the Guardian about various troubles took the old Namekian by surprise. He was still expecting Kakarot to just kill him and take over. Considering the power he wielded, it wouldn't have been surprising, especially since he considered him to be Evil by all accounts.

The Guardians of the Earth had a dogma in their head that was ingrained a Pure Heart needed to be the new Guardian. Yet he knew Kakarot absorbed Evil energy, Negative energy, and the like to get stronger.

Talking with the Guardian in detail and coming to a decision lead to a good place for all parties for now. Kakarot used his Longevitity Aspect and restored the Namkeian to around his Prime age. Also, siphoning some of the Evil that was built during the time the old Namkeian was unable to do anything about the troubles of Earth.

"Even you are not beyond Evil. That Pure Heart stuff... is just not viable. Not for any long term person who has ideas or desires of their own. Of course, no one can remain pure unless they are some airhead. Or brain damaged." Kakarot's view was modern on the take and would not change anytime soon. Not unless they presented a case that tracked and made sense.

"It has been a long time since I have been so spry and clear-headed." He did a few punches and could feel his power increasing by the second. Those old cells work much better than ever before. "But King Piccolo...."

"You have got to put an end to him before its to late. There are ways to make sure he doesn't cause trouble later. Keeping him locked up is a small fix. Waiting for a bigger one to develop. There is a way forcefully to take him back."

"That can wait until later. Come, lets pay a visit to the Old Guardians." The Guardian leads Kakarot towards the Realm of Gods and Sages (Shinsenkai*). Basically the crypt for those who no longer had fight in them to manage over the Earth and the role of Guardian. 'Maybe the wisdom of these Elders can help change his mind.'

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 8,350,011→ = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 21,501→

Magic: 360,701→

Styles: Otherworld II, Ogre, Namekian, Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight II, Ki Blast II, Sense IV, Telepathy III, Full Power, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Semiperfect Multi-Form, Masenko, Blood Bomber, Wormhole

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting II, Vampirism, Egglaying, Materialization, Teleport II

Transformation: Dark King Aura, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Earth

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,254 Demons, Bongo, Pasta, 87 Snake Martial Artists, 13 Ogres, 5 Adoptive Kids, 9 Biological Kids

Magmatidecreators' thoughts