
Life with my Mystery Guy

What happens when a wrong phone call leads you to meet your forever after? Meet the story of Krista a young office worker and Andrew a young handsome man with a passion for books that changes her boring life into one full of love and excitement.

tanyka · Urbano
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10 Chs

Mystery novel

A few more days had passes since then and me and my mystery guy are talking on the phone every night. We talk mostly about books and movies. I'm a movie lover and he obviously loves books.

So here I am , on a Saturday afternoon, in a library looking for a book about unsolved misteries and crimes, something like Sherlock Holmes but mixed with fantasy.

When I told him what movie genres I love he suggested me a few books in the same genres. Of course , me being me, I refused to believe him that it's more fun reading. I actually replied to him "I prefer to spend 2 hours to watch a movie then an entire day to read a novel. I'm wasting too much time I don't have." I sad to which he chuckled softly and than started to tell me about the plot and characters. I quickly interrupted him saying " What are you doing? No spoilers!!!! You're killing all the excitement and fun like that!" I yelled in the phone annoyed at him.

"I taught you said you weren't interested." He said clearly amused.

"I'm not!" I replied shortly and then changed the subject because I knew I was gonna lose to him ...again.

After a short search in the Mystery/ Crime section of the library I found the book he told me about. Apparently it's a series consisting of 3 volumes , almost 600 pages each. My eyes wide and full of curiosity , I was debating if I should buy just one or all 3 of them.

After a few minutes I acted on impulse and bought the whole series.

I went to the cashier and paid for the books, put them in a bag and went home.

'Here goes my new pair of shoes.' I. cried silent tears on the way back doubting myself if I made a good or bad choice.

'Books over shoes. Shoes over books.....arghhh whatever. If I don't like them i'm gonna ask for a refund from that jerk!'

I arrived home, put on my slippers, I made myself a cup of tea and sat on my sofa with one of the books in my right hand. I started reading it and before I knew it I was hooked on it so bad that I didn't even realise that it was already late at night. My tea on the coffee table was barely touched and now cold.

My stomach started to scream at me for not feeding myself for half a day so I got up went straight to the kitchen and made a sandwich with ham, cheese, a few slices of tomato and a little bit of mayonnaise. I sat on the stool at the dining table and started eating the sandwich. All throughout eating I was thinking abot the mystery novel and couldn't wait to go back and read some more. By the time I was ready with the first volume it was already 3 am in the morning so I put it aside , and yawned all the way to the bedroom.

The next day I did the same...nothing but reading late into the night hooked on the second and third volume, only stoping to eat twice when my stomach started swearing at me for not feeding myself properly.

Monday morning I woke up as usual at 7:30 barely able to open my eyes. I rushed into the bathroom to prepare myself for work but when I looked into the mirror I scared myself. Guess what? Yupp...panda eyes! a little red and swollen like I haven't slept in ages.

Arghhh... I was so ready to put the blame on that jerk for my panda eyes. I wanted tot text him 'some' words but I stopped myself before touching the phone.

'Don't be a crazy bitch.' I told myself. So I started preparing for work, got out of the apartment with my bag in my hand and a slice of toast bread in my mouth and headed to work..as usual.

Upon arrival I said 'hi' and waved at some colleagues. I got some odd and curious glances from them but I ignored it and went straight to my desk and prepared for work.

3 minutes before 8. Hah...a new record. I smiled to myself happily.

As usual, Ryan places a cup of coffee in front of my face.

'Ahh....sweet heaven.' I think to myself at the smell of coffe. I lift my head and prepare myself to give him my best smile as gratitude for bringing me coffee.

"Woooaa...." He exclaims, eyes open wide and takes two steps back.

" What happened to you?" He asks me staring straight into my eyes and examining them more than it's normal.

"Ahaha..." I give him a small smile and try to hide my eyes , suddenly feeling conscious of how I look.

'I knew I should've put on some make up before I left home.' I sigh to myself.

"That bad?" I ask instead of answering him.

"Uhm..." Ryan scratches the back of his head trying to find the right words. "Not that bad?" he answers more like a question.

'Look at him all flustered...pfftt.'

" Rough monday morning. You know i'm not fond of mondays." I give him a slick smile not wanting to debate on it anymore.

Ryan quickly catches on and stopes asking questions.

"Okay... have a nice day." Waves and says 'bye' going back to his department.

By the time is lunch time i'm so tired that I barely keep my eyes open. I go to the bathroom, splash some water on my face and stare in the mirror for a few second. I grab my phone and take a picture of my eyes, crop it so only my panda eyes are visible and sent it to my Mystery Guy along with a text : " this is all your fault." and put an angry emoji at the end.

Got no response so after having a big lunch I continue working like a zombie for the rest of the day until it's time to go home.

I'm barely trough the door when my phone starts ringing.

Ring ring ring.....