
16. Arrest

Strapped on the dropship's pilot seat, I begin making the pre-flight check with Jean as my co-pilot. After the pre-flight check is complete, I ask for authorization to launch. "Control, this is Foxtrot one requesting for launch at EMC (Electromagnetic Catapult) two over."

In a professional tone of voice, the Flight Control answers. "Copy that Foxtrot one; atmospheric and weather readings are nominal, and the flight trajectory is clear. EMC is charged and you're cleared for launch."

"Roger that, Control. Foxtrot one launching in ten seconds." After I say that, I push the throttle to max, and the engine roars. "Three, two, one, launching!" With a press of the button, the ship immediately lurches forward as it accelerates at a tremendous speed that pushes me into my seat; my exosuit absorbing most of the G force being exerted on my body. After two minutes of the launch, we reach the Karman line: the boundary between space and my home planet Zuloth. 

As soon as I entered space, the concept of weight vanished. Everything, including my body, feels weightless. The suit, equipment, and the ship are floating weightlessly in microgravity. Passing the Karman line, I fly the ship towards its trajectory to reach the orbital station Pioneer 500 kilometers above Zuloth. As we near the station, I contact SpaceWay Control. "This is Foxtrot one requesting Pioneer Control for permission to land."

"This is Pioneer Control: permission to land granted; head to hangar M051."

"Foxtrot one copies; heading to designated hangar M051."

With permission to land, the autopilot guides the ship to landing pad M051. With my hands on my thighs, I attentively watch the ship automatically following the programmed landing procedure as I ready myself to react in case of emergencies. As soon as the wheels gently touch the pad and the automatic wheel clamp locks the wheels, I relax as I start to unbuckle my harness. 

"That was a smooth ride," Jean comments as her seat rotates 180 degrees after unbuckling her harness. 

When my harness detached, my seat also rotated to let me exit the cramped cockpit. I reply, "Hope it stays that way," as we exit the dropship with sergeant Taric, Alpha, and my squad following behind us. With artificial gravity, we walk the deck of the station normally.

"It'll be fine. It's not like we're deployed to fight some highly armed combatants." 

"Please don't jinx us, Sergeant," Taric warily says. "The briefing said our target is an arms dealer, so obviously they're armed. I don't want to get in a firefight as soon as we reach him."

"And risk pissing off the Terran Military? Fat chance!"

"Still, a chance– a chance."

While we made idle chats, I was reminded by the briefing we had near dropship before launch. `As soon as you launch and reach Pioneer station. There will be a frigate waiting to pick you up. They'll transport you to the mining station located at the asteroid belt and will be providing overwatch.`

As we walk out of the station's hangar, a middle-aged human man wearing a gray Terran military uniform stands at the now open door. Noticing the rank on his shoulder, I saluted him and my squads followed suit. "First Lieutenant Blaze Orlov, sir!"

The man returns the salute with his own before answering. "At ease, Lieutenant. I'm Captain Derek Moyer and I'll be your commanding officer for this operation."

"Yes sir."

After meeting with the captain of the frigate, we follow behind him as we head to his docked ship. When we enter the ship, we receive glares from the crew as we walk with the captain. 

The rivalry between the PMC and the Terran Military is still going strong I see.

After the war ended and the zulaith military collapsed, various groups of PMC were established and are now the second strongest military force followed by the actual Terran Military. While the PMC might be the second strongest, the Terran Military far outmatched them from one to five from manpower to equipment. While the relationship between the two military groups is stable, most of the Terran soldiers and personnel resent the PMC due to the increased involvement with their operations. And the PMC in turn is pissed that they receive the highest risk operation than the Terran Military.

I don't care about this rivalry stuff anyway, but I saw Jean and other members of my squads glaring back. So I told them to, "Ignore them."

"Fine… you're the boss Lieutenant," Jean answers.

"For a zulaith, you know how to discipline your men, Lieutenant; even though most of them are humans. No offense by the way," Captain Derek says, which made Jean raise an eyebrow.

"It's fine, Captain. I earned their respect and trust. Human or zulaith; if I can't earn their trust or respect, then I'm just an incompetent officer," I answer.

The Captain laughs at my statement. "That's true! Can't imagine someone leading a group of soldiers through thick and thin without gaining any respect or trust." After walking in the hallway of the ship for a few minutes, we arrive at a door. "This is where your team will be staying for the duration." When the door slides open, two rows of beds are lined up on each side of the wall with mounted lockers beside them.

"In three hours, the ship will depart to the asteroid belt after maintenance and resupply are complete. After departure, we will arrive at the mining station in ETA eight hours, so prepare and check your equipment 30 minutes before arrival. Also, I'll be asking one of my pilots to transfer the dropship you left at the station to the ship's hangar."

"I'll do it, Captain," I say. "Me and Sergeant Jean we're the ones piloting it."

"Oh? I Didn't know you were also a pilot Lieutenant."

"I had training sir."

"I'll leave it to you then."

"Sir," I salute him as he leaves the room.

"Let's go, Jean."







Ten and a half hours later, we're nearing the mining station that's been built on one of the largest asteroids. After checking our equipment, we head to the frigate's hangar where our dropship is stationed. As soon as I sit in the cockpit, I receive a transmission from Captain Derek. "This is Bravery to Foxtrot one, do you copy?" 

"This is Foxtrot one, we heard you loud and clear."

"Good; as soon as you land at the station, we will be observing 50 kilometers away. As a precaution, we will be aiming the 300-millimeter railgun and the 30mm CIWS(Close-in Weapon System) at the station."

I hope it doesn't turn from precaution to fire on will. I don't want to be turned into a floating mass of frozen minced meat.

"Copy that Bravery; we'll be launching in five minutes."

Following my flight check, I start up the engine. With the dropship status displaying all green on the monitor, I contact the hangar crew. "This is Foxtrot one; all systems are green and ready for take-off."

"Roger that; opening hangar doors."

Seconds later, orange strobes of light shroud the hangar, followed by a klaxon alarm and announcement. "All personnel, all personnel! Decompression will begin in two minutes! Any personnel not wearing spacesuits should exit immediately! All personnel..." After repeating it three times, the lights went red, and pressurized doors were sealed before decompression began. All that remains in the hangar are the hangar crews in their suits. A few minutes later, the hangar has equalized with the vacuum of space, and the bulky hangar door opens.

With a steady push on the throttle, the engine power increases; lifting the ship off the hangar's deck and flying out to the frozen void. After cruising for a few minutes, we are five kilometers from the station. With practiced movement, I gently landed the ship. I got up, grab my rifle that's mounted beside the seat, and exit the dropship with rifles at the ready with my squads. Wearing bright reflective space suits, the workers stare at us dumbfounded as we march into the airlock. 

Before we could enter the airlock, a worker with a different colored reflector on their spacesuit quickly runs towards us. Probably the supervisor. He started questioning us when he got close; even though we're armed. "Hey! Who the hell are you!?" He shouted in Awuri through open comms. Now that I have a better look at him, he's a zulaith through his helmet. After the war, most people lost their homes and livelihood. With the help(occupation) of the United Terran, zulaith's found jobs from human companies and one of those sectors is space mining.

"I'm Lieutenant Blaze. We're here to arrest Grant Wiley for suspicion of smuggling illegal weapons and ammo to Zuloth," I say with a deep voice in awuri. I reach out my hand to Jean and she passes me a tablet to show him the warrant. "Can you tell me where Mr. Wiley is currently?" I say, switching to English.

"H-He's probably at his office," He says in English. "On the third floor, you'll find a gold plaque beside the door. You can't miss it."

"Thank you," I say before we enter the airlock. 

When everyone is inside, Jean taps the cycle button on the panel, and the gate to the outside is shut. Pressurized oxygen starts spraying into the chamber before it equalizes with the station and lets us through. We left Alpha to standby near the airlock while the rest of us headed to the elevator. When we reach the floor, people who were working stare at us dumbfounded as we walk to the office. Now in front of the door with the gold plaque beside it, six of my teammates stand watch outside the door; before me, Jean, and two of our squadmates follow me into the office.

When we entered unannounced, a middle-aged human man wearing an expensive suit with blond hair, trim facial hair, and blue eyes; focused on working at his digital desk before speaking in annoyance. "Can't you damn knock–." Before he could finish, he looked at us with a face of irritation before it was replaced with worry. "What's the meaning of this?"

"Grant Wiley, you are under arrest for suspicion of smuggling weapons and ammo to Zuloth," I say as Jean shows him the warrant. "Stand up from your chair, turn your back towards us, raise your hands, and slowly walk backward."

"What!? I know nothing about any weapons! There's got to be a goddamn mistake!" A look of shock is etched on his face as he slams his palm on the desk. Judging by his body language and reaction, he's not lying; but orders are orders.

"You can explain it back at Zuloth, but for now we're asking you to cooperate." Slumping his shoulder, he sighs in resignation as he follows the orders I gave and was handcuffed by Jean. "Foxtrot to Bravery, we have the target." 

"Good work. Now get back to the dropship, Lieutenant."

"Roger; out."

We let Mr. Wiley in his spacesuit and we started walking out of the station. A crowd of people is gathering near the airlock as they watch us escort Mr. Wiley outside the station; Alpha joins up with us when we enter the airlock. Same as the inside of the station, workers and the supervisor we met moments ago look at us before we board the dropship.

Enjoy the new chapter!

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