
Life With Cats

Life With Cats is a novel I've worked on for about a year now. It's a warm hearted story about a woman who dies of old age surrounded by the cats she loves with all her heart. She longs to continue living with them, forever. Thankfully and unknowingly the God of Laziness cared for her life enough to grant her another chance. She decides to continue her Life With Cats. Updates coming soon!

Cilliez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


With one day left before we head out to the Capital, I decided to work my way through all my skills. I've gotten the hang out of most of it all, but I want to really try them out. Before we walked back to the Inn, I added everyone back to [Invisible] mode. It just worked as a simple thought in my mind. Then they'd have a dim shine around their bodies for a moment before it would shimmer away.

The walk back simply consisted of a quick walk to the Tailor Shop to pick up the clothing they set aside for me. The pieces were all very casual, and much more suited for travel. They had taken my measurements before I left so they picked what would fit best out of what they had. They said custom pieces are more of a luxury for those who live in the Capital.

Grace, who was already sitting by the entrance of the Inn, happily joined the group when we arrived at the door. I think out of everyone in our group, the town would miss her the most. She had formed a large group of followers, almost cult like, consisting of town folk who would chase her down to offer fish sacrifices. She had no issue accepting them, of course.

Meanwhile, Team Flutter had all finished their work looking around the place and had settled back into the room. I finished our outing by just shutting the window and slumping back into the bed. We'd all done quite a lot today…

Or at least it feels like a lot to me. It makes me wonder if this is what the God of Laziness is expecting of me? I really wish there was a way to communicate with him but what help would that even do? He'd probably just shrug his shoulders, too lazy to communicate properly. Ah, I should just take a nap….

After a 3 hour nap, I woke up to the sounds of "meowing". It's Frankie, I can tell from her specific tone, that and her specifically yelling 'It's Frankie!! Wake up!!'. I shake off my sleepiness and see her standing on top of my chest, looking down at me.

"Uh… yes?" I smile and give her some head pats. This reminds me of back home, back then when they'd wake me up when they were hungry or lonely.

"Oh uh… I just thought… since we were out hunting earlier you might want to look at our stats and see how well we did." Frankie nuzzles into my hand, nostalgia fills me immediately.

Right, let's check it out. I get up and drop off the objects that can raise their stats, they're all way too small for Yasa's body which towers over them. Maybe there will be something more of her size one day. Or would that be impossible?

[Doggy has obtained the 'Tough Bite' skill.]

Doggy's bites will contain a +10 strength boost.

[Dolly has obtained the 'Unnoticeable' trait.]

Dolly has a trait which causes others to fail to notice her presence.

[Fern has obtained the 'Messenger' skill.]

Fern is capable of long distance communication, connecting multiple people together within his own System of Communication.

[Frankie has obtained the 'Speak Up' trait.]

Frankie will have a higher frequency of speaking her mind.

[Grace has obtained the hidden trait 'Cult Creator'.]

Grace has created a Cult, the members of this cult believe in one higher being, their own feline Goddess.

Wait…. what???