
Life With Cats

Life With Cats is a novel I've worked on for about a year now. It's a warm hearted story about a woman who dies of old age surrounded by the cats she loves with all her heart. She longs to continue living with them, forever. Thankfully and unknowingly the God of Laziness cared for her life enough to grant her another chance. She decides to continue her Life With Cats. Updates coming soon!

Cilliez · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

12 Kittens

It felt like I slept for a long while. When I opened my eyes again, the area around me was different. There were many birds, trees and cats. Cats. CATS. WAKE UP. I rub my eyes awake as quickly as I can. In front of me, are 12 little kittens, appearing only a couple weeks old. If they weren't magical summoned beasts, they would probably still be with their mother nursing. I was worried that if I were to walk away that they would struggle to keep up. I hope they grow up but I also love them at this fluffy and cute age. I nudge them lightly and melt a little inside. They're so cute. I guess I'll have to carry them carefully. Once we find a place to live, I'll turn it into a kitty playground. I can't wait!

For now however, I get up and use my coat to make a makeshift bag to carefully put them inside. I feel a bit cold now, but it's worth it. Inside the bag the kittens kept mewing, but I figured no one but I could hear them. I travel for about 20 minutes, give or take before finding a path. Finally, some civilization. The God of Laziness didn't explain much about this world, so I wasn't sure what kind of people lived here. But since there's magic… maybe there are magical people. Well, I was pretty sure there was since the god had said everyone had at least one skill. I'm honestly just hoping that I can settle down quickly so I can snuggle my kitties in bed. Hopefully they have beds...

I just realized that I have no idea what I look like either, so I hope I'm not scary looking. Otherwise life will be a bit difficult for me. Though the god probably wouldn't do that. He wants my life to have very little difficulties. If that's true, would that mean that I'd be protected by a god? No, he's too lazy to physically step in himself. He probably only gave me some good luck. He probably wrote it down on his pad and mentally thought to himself, 'that should be enough'. I chuckle to myself. I looked at my physical appearance a little, curious about how I appear. I lost my sags, and I'm much shorter now than before. Also, my black hair has turned to a dark brown. I always wondered what I'd look like as a brunette. The biggest change is my age, I think this body is really young like young enough that if I walk around without parents I might get some confused expressions. That's fine, I suppose.

Finally, I can see some houses up ahead. I can even see some people walking around. They look human. Though possibly not human? I'm not sure. Would it be rude to ask someone for their race though? I can't just go up to them and ask, right? What should I do when I get there? I should just find a place to settle down. I walked into the bustling section of the town, there were many houses that had signs out front. But I can't make out what the signs mean. I should have asked to have a language skill. How am I going to find my way around now…

"Are you lost, little girl?" A loud voice questioned behind me. I turn around to see a man that seems more than half my size. I mean, I had noticed the size difference between me and everyone else, but this is the first time I actually saw it up close. I'm short. He's also got a sword sheathed away on his hip. Maybe he's a guard?

"Ah.. uh…" I don't know the language. Rats. But I can understand him, is it because of the cats? I'll have to check later. I nodded instead. I don't want him to think that I need to find my way home so I kneel down and draw into the dirt. House. Coin. Room. Sleep. I tried my best to use pictures to explain. Thankfully, I used to draw as a hobby in the past.

"Oh! You need an inn! Traveling at your age??" He scratched his head. I don't know man, I don't know how old I am yet. I guess it isn't normal for 'kids' of my stature to travel around here. I just nod again. Thankfully he doesn't ask too many questions, and after a couple of my confused glances. He seems to understand that I can't respond to him.

"Well this place is The Flower Inn, it's being run by a childhood friend of mine. She used to be a teacher so maybe she could help you learn our language." The inn doesn't look super big but it probably was the right size for this town. The town only appears to have at most 18 people living in it. There were few shops and some small pastures. It was peaceful, and small. A good place to stay for a bit. I bow to the man and walk into the inn.

"Have a nice stay little girl!" He yelled as I walked through the door. Little girl? I'll have you know that I turned 78 this year and I'm not- oh… I guess I am.. I forgot. Silly me~

The inside is lit softly by candles, there are a couple tables decorated with utensils to the right and in front of the door is a large table. A young woman smiles welcomingly at me as I walk towards it.

"Welcome to the Flower Inn, would you like a room?" She took out a book and held a quill that was freshly dipped into ink. This town looks like it was from before I was born in my past life. Candles. Quills. Looks like technology isn't as advanced as it was on earth. Cellphones probably would be considered a highly magical tool. Well, since I can't talk yet… I just nod.

"Each day is 100 runies. How many days would you like to stay?" She gently asks. I look down in my pocket and fish out a bag. I simply place it on the table. She seems shocked to see the bag. It's a bit flashy looking, I don't know how this is supposed to be a 'Starter' bag. It has a golden trim along the top of the pouch. She probably thinks I'm from a rich family now. Actually, if all Starter items look like this, then what am I wearing right now??? I can't wait to find a mirror or something. But would they have mirrors?? Then I guess a body of water would work too… A bath! I'd love a bath right now. While I was thinking, she had carefully opened the pouch and took out the coins from inside.

[Gained knowledge of Runies]

"This is enough for a 3 day stay, is this enough, your lady?" She was too formal now. Aaaah, she totally thinks I'm a rich person now. That's all the money I have, I'm not rich. If anything, I'm stinking poor. I hoped I could stay a bit longer, but I guess 3 days will have to do. I hope these kittens don't take too long to age.

"Ah.. uh... " I just nod again. She takes me around to some stairs. They're old looking but look secure enough when she steps on them. So I just follow her up.

"You're not from around here, are you?" She questions. Finally. I nod in response.

"Hmmm, so you can understand us but you can't speak the language, huh?" She walked me to a room, on the door is what looks like a number. I only deduce it cause all the other doors have one too. The number on my door looks like a diamond shape. [ <> ]

"This is room number 8. This shape is called a hozidia, so you can either call this room number 8 or the hozidia room. But in our language the number is pronounced 'shi-pen', try to say it to me?" She seems to have gotten in full teacher mode. But I'm super thankful for it.

"Shi... pen.. Shipen" She smiles at my response, and opens the door.

[Gained knowledge of numbers.]

"Each room has a bed, a table and a toilet room. If you need to shower, there's a shower downstairs that you can use, and you can let me know if you're hungry." She gestures to her stomach, letting me know how to ask for food. "

"Most of the time, people need to pay but since you're so young, I'd feel bad taking your money." She walks over to the window and opens it. The window points out to the front of the Inn, you can see people walk past, some in a rush. There are small stores in front of the Inn that I'm curious to go into.

"This room is one of the few that have a window. I thought you might enjoy the view. Let me know if you need anything!" She leaves the room.

She seems super nice but I'm a bit glad that she's gone now. Too many things had happened today, and I hadn't gotten to cuddle with my kitties yet. The entire time they had been meowing to get out of the bag. And now I could finally set them down. I made my way to the bed and put down the bag. When I opened it up, all 12 kitties started to explore around. Some looked like they had opened their eyes fully. I could recall all of their names.

[Would you like to name your summoned beast?]

This thing made noise again. I look around to find it. I track down the noise, but it's coming from me. Inside my coat is a large pocket. I search around a bit, and find a small note pad. The note pad had the following information:

[Gained knowledge of Runies]

100 Runies = 1 ???

1000 ??? = 1 Runies

Runies is a currency often exchanged in the Forest Kingdom.

[Gained knowledge of numbers]

Shipen = 8 = <>

The number 'Shipen' is used commonly in the Forest Kingdom.

[Would you like to name your summoned beast?]

Touch the summoned beast and say the name that you would like to give them.

More coming up!

Cilliezcreators' thoughts