

I just stood there frozen in place really awaiting her answer. Honestly, I never met my grandma so if she did it, didn't really brother me none, but the fact that her being guilty made her a killer, well that part had me scared to death. With still no words from my mother my auntie continued, yes I saw you that night. When she begged me to stay home with her, I didn't but it bothered me why would she need me there if you was there so I doubled back.

Court you bugging out, where are your meds, you talking crazy my mom starts to fumble thru empty bottles. No, I don't need those pills. That's not going to shut me up no more. You are trying to keep me doped up so I don't tell the truth, and I believe you only took me in after you killed her was to keep my mouth closed and me under your control but I'm sober now.

Nah look here, I promise you don't want that smoke from me today. Now I'm sick and tired of saying the same shit. You had a bad dream, the real story is you called yourself coming home early to cut school and mommy was already here dead on the floor when u got there, every since then you have night terrors sometimes you allow them to play with your head and gets the best of you I get it, your traumatized well hello so am I.

Fyi it was me trying to give her cpr for 20 minutes before I realized her neck was cut. You have been waking up doing this to me for years and your therapist said eventually you will have the dream of who did it, you blame me self consciously so that's why I'm in your dreams and it seems so real that's why it make you so upset you should go lay down while I make us breakfast. You cant take your meds on a empty stomach.

Auntie was so hot you could cook a egg on her face, you really out of your mind if you think as and grown adult you can still make up that storyline up and I'm a go for it just cause you keep saying it don't make it the truth they both got close, I watched them even closer. Getting angry my mom stood up they were getting eye to eye again. I don't owe you shit spoiled little brat

But all I do his take chunks outs my life for your ungrateful ass you should be kissing my feet when our dead beat daddy left us and your mother died or was killed like you say, I packed up and brought us here so I didn't end up in jail you would not be a orphan but I see now how that was a bad idea my mistake.

Since you want some truth here it goes. We are only sisters thru our dad, only he left us just to be a hoe hoe hoe. We do not have the same mother either so that makes us only half sisters, since when your a liar yeah right, its the truth means nothing to me, but your mom kept us together when our dad went missing.

She spent the rest of her life searching for him with no help from my mom I hated my mom for that besides it was her fault her nagging caused him to leave and end up in your mothers arms. She played her hand well I cant hate on that so I move out and as payback when I came back it was to bring you home with me. she giggled then a frown, it was really only to rub it in her face and it back fires on me.

Your mom was nosing around in matters should have never been in, which is why she's probably dead now. Did you know once she found out about my mom and I your mother she tried to kill me and then my mom. Lucky she failed but now my mom is on the run, seems like we should be helping one another? help you do what? cover up the fact you killed my mom? all whiles yours is free, please do you know life on the run there's no free or stop and smell the roses its don't talk keep a low profile so I did that

and still bcw came after us I didn't want to admit i had a mom of my own so id have a chance to be a guardian they told me that I needed to get a job to raise you. So I asked you that very same day in front of your counselor

If you wanted to go with our fathers family or stay with me you choose the ladder. Not like you had a choice they didn't want you cause no one liked your mom, so again it was me to convince my mom to take you.

Ok you proud of yourself, I got to a cookie for you, how you wanna swallow it? now why did you do it and I want the truth! I didn't say, that I did anything, I got a witness who cause your mom cant look at no picture ad say its me. Do you know why because she is dead someone killed her, but you cant put that on me no proof no evidence learn the law.

My auntie just stared at with her face cracked. I hate you and moving here was a mistake, Good I am so glad you think that and since you are all grown up we don't have to be miserable you can just leave now, like I'm not kidding you can really leave now? and don't take nothing I brought you!

Finally done with my auntie it was hell having them at odds things got worse and worse mommy new rules said I was no longer allowed to talk to or eat nothing she made, nor was I allowed to speak, hug or touched anything she had. This was her home and now just that quick she could not come here and I couldn't go there man mommy was going out her way to be a real prick.

Then I come home one day to a big ass divider in the middle of the living room floor knowing world war 3 would start the moment she hit the door I. just shook my head cleared my side and moved on upstairs to my bedroom. Maybe I was crazy but it certainly seem like my mom was torturing my auntie.

I wonder if that's why I'm a only child my aunt kept pushing you know payback is a bitch so I've heard and then you die! do you think I'm scared of you? I'm not some weak little girl well if you keep mouthing off you gone have to prove that shorty, come on lets see what you got!