

KARMA BLACK has really never been the same since she enlisted in the military the military wasn't all that bad when you knew the reason why she had to enlist at 17 years old in the 1st place. Her secret still haunts her to this day sometimes it could keep her crying all day with nothing but sleepless nights as a result of it.

Karma wasn't the only one who was hiding secrets her mom was no better in fact one of her mother secrets is actually why she doesn't respect her today. I'm sure the conversation that I over heard was not meant for my ears. Maybe if she wasn't such a reckless parent perhaps my ears would have never heard the troubling words that has affected me most of my life.

You see at one point my aunt Cortana lived with us. The attic was her bedroom she was my moms baby sister. my mother said she felt obligated to watch over her sister since their dad left them at a young age and her mom was no longer with us, every kid wants to meet there grandma or grandpa and usually every parent wants that to happen. I guess this was a very rare case.

I had been outside in the backyard jumping rope completely minding my own business, when my mom and her sister were having a heated conversation. I couldn't hear them over the cars in the street and the goings the atmosphere was way too loud. I stopped jumping when i say them pushing and pointing at each other.

From here I couldn't tell what was going on so I got a little closer. I was about to come inside to get a cold drink, is when I heard my aunt Cortana say, how do you live with yourself everyday? how do you mean my mom responded. I mean you pretend like you're such a perfect person and nothing bad has ever happened to you its a lie, don't hate because I know more than you. Please you wish

You don't have room to be always so judgmental your not perfect and you don't have the right, huh Cortana what are you talking about now? you see that's what I mean you're so dismissive of me, I'm not just anybody I'm your lil sister. Normal people cant hold secrets for that long you can talk to me, I'm sure I can but there is nothing to talk about.

Ad look for very long time, I've been walking around with this chip on my shoulder mad at myself for something I think I know, but have never been woman enough to say, well today's the day. Cortana just spit it out already. She takes a deep breath alright then.

I know that you killed mom! don't lie because I have proof, my mom eyes got real big. Your don't have shit! are you gonna admit it so we could speak about it or are you just going to continue to lie and leave me no other choice! no other choice? no other choice but to what well let me ask you what would you do if you saw me choke, stabbed and kill mom? I would mind my f****** business that's what I would do, if I knew what was best for me, wait are you threatening me?

Honestly I really don't care, how you take it. You take it any way want to, I just wanna know what happen why cant I know that? that's because some things are not meant for you to know and the things that are, will come to you without you having to ask. I raised you all of our life, I'm your mother no matter what you think. All you need to know is, I needed to do away your mother because she's no longer mine, she's evil woman it hurts to hear I'm sure the same way it hurt me to hear she was not my mom it broke me down when I heard it for the first time but you have no idea who she was and what she was willing to do to get what she wanted.

What are you even talking about? shh shut up, Karma coming in this is just not the time can we do this later. no it's always later with you I don't wanna wait what happened to my mother tell me now! Ma auntie what's going on? nothing we are just talking crab to each other like sisters do we ok go back outside or up to your room.

I don't owe you anything Court and oh yeah, since this has been affecting you for so long. Let me help you out, I would not want you to be someplace where you feel uncomfortable so you have till this Friday to move out and go where? if I had somewhere else to go I would have been gone, that is great but not my problem, maybe you should go dig around and find somewhere for you to live the same way you're trying to dig around in my life and ruin it.

I just wanna know the truth and I just want you out! with no more words feeling defeated she put my head down and I walked away. Dam I wanted to help but my mom sounded really serious serious enough to not question her and then on top of that did she killed my grandma? I had to hear that wrong I hoped.

The not knowing made me a nervous wreck now that bald up thing that was inside of my aunt it had now become a part of me is my mom a killer she was willing to kill her mother she brought me here and didn't seem to have a reason to keep me around so I stayed quiet !