
Chapter 43

I had been getting used to waking up with new memories. Waking up with no new memories somewhere unfamiliar is still very weird. My blindness starts as a severe handicap. With my hearing and danger sense I'm not unsafe, but not being able to see keeps me confined to the city. I am very quickly able to sense nearby water sources. I start large with a well, then progress to sensing any water out and around me, followed by sensing the water inside living things, finally by sensing the water in the air. It took me weeks to achieve this, something I'm sure should have taken longer if not for it being my only bending goal. By the end, I had a new type of vision. I could instinctively know any living things in my vicinity, and I could much more accurately 'see' things in close proximity to me by seeing the change in water vapor in the air. It's not perfect, but after a month I feel confident getting around in the world.

While most of my early time was spent trying to develop vapor sense, I also tried to practice with my latent creation quirk. In trying to use it though I realize I have never properly studied chemistry. I have some success producing small amounts of pure iron, gold, and silver. Doing so is slow and requires heavy concentration. By the end of the first month, I was also capable of making water using my own body fat. However, doing so required even more time and concentration than making the metals. Beyond water and pure metals, I really need a better understanding of chemical structure. For now, though I have something to practice, so whenever I get the opportunity I try to make some water quickly, seeing as it has the most direct applications for me at the moment.

By the end of my first month, I'm ready to head out into the world, but I really don't know what to do. The map was a wasted purchase as even with my vapor sense I can't read it. I decide I need a better understanding of the world, the show was vague at the best of times when discussing the actual events of the war, and even more vague with the events before the war. I need a library, no I need The Library. The Spirit Libary is basically the library of Alexandria if it was never destroyed. It's run by a knowledge spirit named Wan Shi Tong. Rayquaza has really become essential to my exploration. I ride him east from Omashu toward the Si Wong Deserts. It takes us near two weeks of flying over the dessert before Rayquaza spots the top of the Library sticking out if the desert. It took a while to find because one I wasn't any help in looking, and two we wouldn't camp in the desert. We instead chose to retreat back to more temperate regions before camping for the night.

As I approached the Library it occurred to me that I couldn't read, because I was blind. I had a quick rethink of my plan. Then went into my warehouse and with the help of Walts grabbed some of the Valyrian books. I gave all of the Westerosi as well as some of the Valyrian books to the giants and children, but I still had a fair collection. I didn't want to get rid of anything I might actually need so I picked out a couple of the more general history/art volumes and put them into my bag. I then returned to the desert and began to climb down into the sunken library. My rope descends onto a bridge pathway over several stories of bookshelves. I wait patiently where I entered for the guardian spirit to find me. I don't wait long as I soon feel a large flying owl-like figure quickly approaching me. I feel no immediate danger as it lands in front of me standing tall at a height that would match me as a giant.

"Human. Why have you come here?"

I kneel down and pull out the three books I had brought as an offering.

"Great Wan Shi Tong, I come seeking knowledge. I have a brought these works of unknown history for your collection"

He extends his massive wing over my hand and the books disappear.

" What are these?" I've never seen this language before"

"I am sorry, but I do not know. If you, great spirit of knowledge who has forgotten more than I will know, don't know what those books are how can I?"

"You bring me something of unknown value as a tithe, so what reason do I have to allow you into my library. Humans only ever use my knowledge to gain the edge on other humans, and have been banned from my library."

"I do not disagree, conflict is human nature. When we can not win through talent and strength we instead try to outsmart our opponent"

"You do not disagree that you will use this knowledge for war? Even if it means you won't be allowed into my study"

"I have not set out to search for an advantage, but I also cannot say I wouldn't find one. Or that the information I would find wouldn't aid me in battle. Either way, I do not dispute this, because I don't want access to your study."

"Then what is it you want human?"

I raise my head to imitate looking at him.

"As you can see, I can't. Even if I was allowed into your library It would useless to me. I came searching for you. I had hoped that my offering was enough to have a conversation or receive a lecture from you. You have reservations about the knowledge that a visitor may find, but if it is you that is instructing me nothing I learn would be without your approval."

"And if I were to accept your proposition what is it you would like to learn?"

"History. A hundred years of war means a hundred years to spread lies about each other. I have questions about what the world was like before. Why is the Fire Nation so much more technologically advanced? Why is the Earth Kingdom so much larger than all of the other elemental nations? How is it that nomadic air benders controlled lands without a proper government? People say the world has fallen out of balance since the Fire Nation attacked, but has there ever really been a balance?"

"Very well, you have brought me three books, so I will give you three days of instruction. Follow me it's been centuries since I last gave a lecture, but the lowest levels have a classroom we can use."