
Life Travelling Through Fiction

A jumpchain multiverse exploration story. Where the main character will be travelling world to world across different popular media. This is my first foray into fiction writing. Especially long form story telling, so I apologize for the quality and hopefully I'll get better.

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Body Mod Character Sheet

Body Mod: The default body that will adapt to all future jumps. Becoming appropriate for both age and species.

Build: Medium-The average

Body type: Athlete - Focusing on lean muscle and speed over bulk and strength.

Flexibility 1: I am as flexible as physically possible relative to my body.

Metavore: Retain physical appearance no matter what you eat as long as you eat enough to avoid malnourishment.

Final Stats:

Strength 1- Visible muscles can bench 180 pounds.

Endurance 2- Can easily run a 5k

Speed 3- Can run as fast a Usain Bolt

Dexterity 3- The balance of a tightrope walker

Appeal 1-No acne

Shape 1- No extra fat

Sense 1- 20/20 vision