
LIfe Took A Turn When I Turned Eighteen

Another typical day but special and strange at the same time. Emelie turned eighteen and excited to see her parents and celebrate this big day with them. But upon her arrival in the house, she came across a sight, which she can't unsee after seeing it... Her parents are eating flesh? they are not alive? and why is that man laying dead without a single blood drop in his body? Everything is strange. But then she soon realised, she was going to turn like them.... ( Warning : The cover image does not belong to me, credit to the respective owner. )

Flower_Looks · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 4 : A body found in dump

Lea may look shy and cute, but she is a devil in form of cute innocent bunny. Whenever soenthing happen in our surrounding, she will be the first one to get the airs of it.

If you want to hear about the newest gossips, then you must come to her, you will never be disappoint.

I am already stress enough but still, when she start talking about dead body and blood, she caught my attention.

" What are you talking about? Vampire? Are you in your right mindset? ", Clair asked as she was disturbed with the thought of Vampire.

" It's okay if you don't believe me. But the police has made this statement, they assume that it's not a work of a human ", Lea exclaimed.

" The police may have assumed that it's not a work of human being. But I am confident they didn't said it's a work of Vampire. The creature call Vampire does not exist in this world ", Clair defend her belief.

While I was just hearing their argument and trying to think about today's situation.

" Girls, if... from what you are saying, it's not a work of human being and Vampire as well, is it possible the murderer is Undead? ", I ruled out the possibility.

Today, even if my greatest enemy is to tell me that they are going to turn into zombies, I will believe it. Cause I have seen this and believe it to be true.

Clair and Lea both started staring at him after hearing my words, they had their mouth agape in astonishment.

They both get up from their desk and bed, walk close to me and started checking my forehead.

I was shocked for a moment and clueless as to what they are trying to do, but soon realised that they are checking my body temperature.

" Eme, we know that you have your greatest intrest in horror movies and book. But...from when did you started to mis real life with your imaginary zombies world? ", Clair asked as she had that look, telling me that how helpless I am.

Hearing them, I pushed away their hands from my forehead and glared at them both.

" It's okay if you don't believe me. I was just telling you casually anyway, but you don't need to behave like that ", I am slightly offended by their words.

They know, I have been reading fantasy novels for years now and that I sometimes tends to forget about real world and stay in my imaginary world. So it's not weird that they were thinking like this.

But I am not talking nonsense either. The reasearchers have found a person who contained all the syptoms thay am undead does.

It's not revealed to the whole world yet, but a case has come to the light that people are turning into zombies.

And so, I believe that it's a case with my parents. I strongly believe that my mom dad are affected and have turned into undeads, but it hurts to know that I am going to turn into one in some hours.

" Eme...eme, what are you thinking? Stop zoning out and get ready. We are going out ", Said Clair as she get me out from my world of thoughts.

I am a bit startled but I know...they will take me away even if I am to refused to them, they are the people who have full right on me and can make me do anything.

After an hour,

The three of us got ready and we are now standing in front of a bar, looking at each other while Lea and Clair were staring at me with their intense gaze.

" Guys? Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face? ", I take phone to check myself as they keep looking at me.

They both shake their head and snatch away my phone from me. " It's your birthday today, we told you to wear something mature. But what's up with you? Why have you wear this dress? It's hiding your hands and cleavage, not to mention your legs. You sure you have turn adult today? ", Clair is mad at me because I didn't listen to her and choose the full length dress.

" I know what you mean, but look at me, I think I am looking pretty. And just to correct you, I am not adult yet, I am still a teenager, I have just turn eighteen only ", I said in my defense.

There's an injury on my arm, if they are too see it, I am sure they will be curious enough to take off the bandage and look inside as to how much I have been wounded.

I can't let this happen. If they are too see the bite marks, they might get suspicious with me, I can't see this happen.

I have turn eighteen but I am still a teenager and there are many things which I can't do even at this age.

They both are staring at me with that grumpy expression, as if they would dump me into the big dustbin if I am to say another thing.

" Alright, since it's your birthday, we are letting this matter slide. But we will see you next time ", Said the both girls in same tone.

After that, the three of us enter the bar, we gave our identity card to the guards to make them sure that we are not underage girls.

It is the first time we are entering the bar, once we walked in, there are many hot guys inside, some alone while some with beautiful ladies who were dress in sexy way.

In front of them, me and my girls felt like total noob and rookies. How can there be such a big difference between us and the women who were inside here?

It was a huge difference and we felt like little girls in front of them.

The atmosphere inside was totally different from any party, it was loud inside, the loud music was playing while adults were dancing on the stage.

Some were drinking alcohol, vodka, and even cocktail while sitting on the bartender's working place.

The three of us are amazed. But I felt like going back to the dormitory, this place just don't suit me I guess.

" Guys, should we go back? ", I softly mumbled to the both.

The music is loud, seems like they didn't heard me or they just don't want to listen to me.

" Eme, lets go over there, let's drink something ", Lea and Clair suggested me.

And instead of asking for my permision, they just started dragging me to the cocktail counter.

" As expected, you won't listen to me ", I mumbled and let them do as they were saying.

In this very own bar, Andrien is present as well. He is sitting in the corner, with his friends and talking about bunch of things.

But seems like, Andrien's friend spotted Emelie along with her two besties.

" Andrien, I seemed to have spit that girl ", Leo exclaimed as he saw Emelie going towards the cocktail counter.

Andrien was busy in his own thoughts all this time, but when Leo mention Emelie, Andrien's attention shift on him.

" Where? ", Andrien asked in rush tone.

" Over there, do you see the counter, she is with her friends ".

" It's a bar, what is she doing here when she is underage ", Andrien called out when looking at the three girls.

" You know what, there are many underage kids who come here with their fake ID's. It's not that difficult to enter bar you know ", His another friend called Mark said in casual tone.

They are the regular customer of this bar, so they know each and every person that works here and comes here.

So it's easy for them to spot someone who's new here.

" You guys stay here, I need to check something ", Said Andrien as he get from the sofa and walk away from his friends.

His friends were left in astonishment, couldn't believe he was leaving them alone for someone.

" Do you think that girl name Emelie is special to him? ", Leo inquired.

" I bet she is, if not, he won't leave us here so abruptly ", Said mark as he giggled.

Back at the counter, Clair and Lea order for alcohol from the bartender and he is readying their order at the moment.

" Lea, Clair, I just don't thing it's a right decision. Why don't we go for something non-alcoholic? I don't want to get drunk ", I don't want to drink alcohol.

Cause, what am I gonna do if I spit something while I am drunk? I am worried and anxious, I kept telling them to order something non-alcoholic but they are not ready to listen to me.

Plus, this atmosphere does not suite me. On the other hand, I am feeling dizzy to see many people here and the music was making me numb to the ears, I couldn't hear properly.

But there seem to be something wrong with me. Seeing the red colour, I am thinking about blood.