
Life Simulator System in a Cultivation Novel

Bloodsniper · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

Ch-28: A finger to kill

"Death Strike," Bai Chenyu muttered as he looked at the beasts charging towards him. Within seconds, the beasts' heads fell to the ground, while Mo Xiao watched everything from the sidelines.

"Huff... Huff," Bai Chenyu panted as sweat trickled down from his forehead. Feeling his spiritual energy decreasing, he continued to use the chaos rank technique. He could still go on but needed to catch his breath.

'Just how high is Chenyu's spiritual energy reserve? He should have been exhausted a long time ago due to unleashing such a high number of chaos-ranked attacks,'Mo Xiao exclaimed inwardly. He had been observing all this time, and the number of chaos-ranked attacks Bai Chenyu unleashed baffled him. He doubted whether he could unleash such a large number of attacks and not collapse. While Bai Chenyu was sweating a bit, Mo Xiao realized that he had underestimated Bai Chenyu's physique and became more curious about what kind of new physique this was.

Despite feeling tired, Bai Chenyu was already in the heat of fighting and got ready to hunt some more beasts. Mo Xiao, who was watching, frowned when he saw Bai Chenyu about to take action again.

"Chenyu, take a break and recover your spiritual energy or you will collapse soon," Mo Xiao said when he noticed Bai Chenyu was coming close to exhausting all of his spiritual energy and suggested him to stop.

"All right, master," Bai Chenyu replied, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He was feeling a bit tired but could still unleash a couple more attacks. However, he listened to Mo Xiao's words, found a large boulder, and sat down on it to recover his spiritual energy

'I should teach him a technique that doesn't need much spiritual energy. It might not be as powerful as chaos-ranked ones, but it'll be handy in tight spots. This way, he can save energy for crucial moments and still keep his best technique as a trump card. Our sect's disciples are supposed to learn it anyway,' Mo Xiao thought, tapping his chin and getting excited as he remembered the technique for Bai Chenyu.

While Mo Xiao was thinking, Bai Chenyu had already recovered his spiritual energy. Mo Xiao, noticing this, called him out, "Chenyu, come here." Bai Chenyu came and stood in front of him.

"Master, can we go hunt some more monsters before going back?" Bai Chenyu said with an eager expression. As an avid fantasy novel reader like many, he also dreamed of hunting powerful monsters. Now that he had reincarnated here, it was a dream come true. Honestly, a few moments ago, he was a bit scared, but seeing how effortlessly he could deal with them, he was not nervous anymore. However, it doesn't mean he will become arrogant and lower his guard or underestimate anyone.

"It's not a good habit to solely rely on one technique; moreover, the Chaos-ranked technique consumes too much spiritual energy. So, it's better for you to learn some offensive technique which requires less spiritual energy consumption," Mo Xiao explained to Bai Chenyu, but Bai Chenyu's eyebrows twitched.

'What,too much spiritual energy consumption? I don't think that will be a problem. Even I am shocked at my own spiritual energy reserve thanks to my physique. I doubt even Su Chen had such a high spiritual energy reserve in the novel. I'm pretty sure my spiritual energy reserve will continue to increase greatly as my cultivation improves, and I will be able to spam Chaos-ranked techniques," Bai Chenyu thought in his mind but decided not to mention it.

"Alright, master," Bai Chenyu shrugged his shoulders casually. He thought it would be a good thing to know more techniques, and he could already guess the technique Mo Xiao is going to teach.

"Alright, look at this," Mo Xiao said as a pure light glowed from the tip of his finger, and a purple beam as thin as a needle shot out from the tip towards a tree, forming a small hole.

"This is called the Crystal Finger, a normal Earth Rank technique and one of the signature techniques of our sect the founder developed, and it is taught to all disciples," Mo Xiao introduced, and Bai Chenyu nodded as he already knew about this technique.

"It's more suited if you use it to target joints and eyes of your enemy to make them immobile or disoriented, and if lucky, you can pierce their heads. Even though it is low-ranked, it is still useful," Mo Xiao said, to which Bai Chenyu nodded in agreement.

"Take this scroll and go over there to learn it; I will guard you while you learn," Mo Xiao said, tossing a scroll to him, which Bai Chenyu caught.

"Alright, master," Bai Chenyu said as he opened the scroll directly and swept his eyes over the content.

[ You have learned ' Crystal Finger' ]

"You can't learn it in a single glance; you..." Just as Mo Xiao was about to say something, Bai Chenyu's words dumbfounded him.

"Master, I have already finished learning," Bai Chenyu said, looking at Mo Xiao, who was now looking at him with doubt.

"W-What? You learned it?" Mo Xiao asked with a slight stammer in his voice but then looked at Bai Chenyu seriously.

"Look," Bai Chenyu said as a purple light glowed from the tip of his finger, which shocked Mo Xiao."

"Heavens, what monstrous talent. Even for an elder, it would take a few hours to learn, even if it is an earth-ranked technique," Mo Xiao said, looking at Bai Chenyu as if he had grown a second head.


A Mortal Refinement Realm beast was charging towards them with a bloodthirsty aura."

"Try it on this. Shoot at its legs to make it immobile," Mo Xiao said to Bai Chenyu, to which he obliged.

Bai Chenyu pointed his finger at the torso of the beast, and what happened next surprised both of them. Instead of a thin needle-like beam leaving his finger, a thick purple beam, the same thickness as an adult human's thigh, shot out, obliterating the lower half of the monster's body. Bai Chenyu and Mo Xiao both looked at his finger with a dumbfounded expression on their faces.

My laptop's not working, this chapter was written from my phone, my apologies if there are mistakes

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