
life of star

A magical letter is passing on the milky way through out universe in search of a girl Named Rona.

(ages back)

in the middle of the universe there is a planet named

naidox. there is a 4 and half years little girl with pink cheeks trying hard to find her parents. her eyes is with full of tears. her body is week. she can't even walk with the body her energy levels is decreasing. sec to sec. in her mind there is only two things her parents anna and Khair. and the big blast in her vacation with parents. parents disappears suddenly and she is alone in a dark place with fire around her. she is hurt and Starving of Hunger and a leg is twisted. her body is paining with scratches all of his sudden there is a big light appeared in front of her. handsome and man is coming towards her . along with young beautiful woman. she is not able to see the faces in the brightness of light. they are coming close to her. for a sec she thought that they are her parents. when they come closer she started crying loudly. dad mama why did you leave me I am scared please don't leave me again. and man said hello dear why are you here all alone? where is your parents? and a woman said dear what happened to your parents? what is your name? they give some water. little girl replied my name is rona me and my parents came here for vacation suddenly a big blast appeared. when I opened my eyes after the blast there is full of Darkness here later I started walking. I am all alone here I am searching for my parents nearly for an hour. I didn't even find a living creature here. the first person i saw after the blast is you mam. who are you mam? where is my parents? the men and women discussed for a minute and decided to take her with them. and women replied to the little kid my name is tara and he is my husband John. and said dear Rona there is no one here. we are here for patrolling this place. if you don't mine come with us we will search for your parents for you John is a gordian of this planet come with us dear. we will take care of you. Rona is in silence for a minute and accepted to go along with them. they leave the place in space car. the couple takes her to their home and asked for more details to help her. she don't know anything. so so they decided to grow up her as their kid. after few years the four and half years little Runner becomes a young beautiful smart teenage girl. with her companion Roy. Roy developed crush on her because of her attitude and kindness. Rona becomes a girl with a dream of saving Galaxy from Evil with her companion Roy. Roy always supports her in everything the bond between them is amazing. Roy is son of Yash who is king of the planet

naidox. the friendship between Yash and John helps to build the friendship between Rona and Roy. when Rona is a little girl she first met Roy in the palace of naidox. they both became friends. after they both grown up together. Roy also try to helping search of her parents. that teenage life of Roy and Runa is adventurous because Tara is a defence officer of naidox with good motives of making her child Brave. with that effect Rona is brave and courageous. one day Roy and Rona went out of the planet for fun. but suddenly a spaceship is attacking some space cars in space. Rona wants to help them. she hide them with the help of Roy invention. after that she went to the space car. there is a boy without consciousness in the car and a girl is trying to help him. Rona and Roy take them to their home and give some first aid. a while later Rona try to talk with that girl with introducing herself as Rona. hello I am Rona and is Roy may I know your name please and why the spaceships is chasing you? who is that guys? the girl replied I am lena and he is Shaan. we are from wives planet which is left to the naidox . Hira group chased us. so we tried to escape from them and come out of the planet. Rona asked why are they are chasing you? lena replied we don't know yesterday they come to us and arrested our parents into bars. roy asked why? lena replied maybe e they want something from our parents . cars Shan and my parents working as scientists in Hira but suddenly our parents found in hira that's why they tried to quit the job and wanted to send them to bars. Rona ask them did you know what's wrong with them? lena replied no rona I don't know anything.rona asked what happened to Shaan? lena replied he is my friend and my campanian. when Hira members tried to arrest our parents Shan attacked them so they use electric gun on him so he is is unconscious. Lena asked is Shaan ok? Rona replied he is alright he need some rest. he will be ok for dinner don't worry roy will take care of are you hungry lena do you want something to eat? Lina replied yes please I didn't eat anything from yesterday morning. Rona offered some food a cake and Juice with salad here you go have it. after some time Roy said Shaan open his eyes come on girls. lena asked shaan are you ok Shan I am too scared for you how are you feeling now? Shan replied I am alright Lena don't worry who is this guys lena? lena replied they are our new friends Rona and Roy the saved as from Hira group. Rona offered some food to Shan. Rona asked do you know anything about your parents work. Shan replied no Rona I just know their secret working place my dad takes me there when I am a kid. that's all what I know. John and Tara come to their room to meet new friends. Rona explain everything to John and Tara. John said I will tell to yash about this in the evening Tara said I think it's no use cause it's out of our planet. I heard about Hira that they are very cruel with full of Evil thoughts. Rona said momme I want to solve this mum. Tara said no dear it's dangerous I don't want you to interfere in it please stay away from it. John said yes dear your mum is right I think so too. Rona said Mum I know that it's dangerous but I can't leave it like this. I know the pain of losing parents.I don't want to see anyone losing their parents in front of me .mum please don't give any objection to me. John said ok dear I have no objection I know that you are well skilled you can take care of yourself please be careful for us we are still here for you. tara said ok I to accept it but be careful. Roy said I want to join your rona. Rona said no Roy it's dangerous no I don't let you in. Roy said I want to be with you Rona forever. standing by your side makes me feel great please don't say anything I am with you in this battle.lena said thank you Rona for helping us. Shan said then we will start our journey tomorrow. Rona Roy and Lena said yah be ready. Tara said let's go out for dinner tonight. John said ok come on kids. Rona ok guys get ready for tomorrow.

To Be Continued 🥰🥰🥰🥰