

Klein reached his school a bit early because the student council had called him to attend a meeting. When he reaches there, everyone is already sitting down and focusing on the white board.

"Why did you draw my face like that?"

"Klein! We just made a pool for the Student Council President election and they choose you, Louis, and our vice president as the candidate. Klein heard the door being open and they saw Louis.

"I don't want to. Let me be a normal guy in the discipline committee."

"Ah, what a shame. Then, I guess we respect your decision." The vice president said.

Klein sighs and this time, he got called by his discipline committee's member. He ran to their meeting room and saw Mia and Wen standing with the other members.

"Wait, Mia and Wen? You two already graduated, right?"

Wen gave him a smile before giving him a badge.