
Life of a reincarnated Ger

Yu Mùchén died in a accident were the computer explosioned but fortunately he got reincarnated! as a... Ger..? with one kid and a another on the way! and that's not the weird part he was reincarnated in a new world of magic and fantasy that takes place in ancient China! New equipped with a new race and two kids and a husband on the battlefield Yu Mùchén trys to have a living for his family and waits for his dear husband to come from the war so he can dip out of this damn place!

lilac_the_lazy_one · LGBT+
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2 Chs

1♡ Dead

He gently taped onto his keyboard writing something after a while the man stopped taping and stretched his arms and grin

He finally finished writing the last chapter of his novel, he has been writing it since he was 16 but now it's finally finished

He happily posted it onto the website and then he giggled happily before spinning in his chair

Yu Bao about 29 in age, he was a second place student in college and he had a lot of hobbies due to his habits of picking something up and dropping them for something new

When he was around 5 to 6 his mother got a new job that took a lot of her time but paid lot so in his and his baby sister's life he was absent don't get Yu Bao wrong she was a wonderful mother!

She was their only parent so she had to take care of everything since his father was absent and didn't want to pay child support so he left the country

His mother due to the guilt of not being able to be present in her kids life invented money in anything thay asked of, which ended up in Yu Bao's plentiful of skills

Yu Bao stopped spinning around when he heard a dinging sound

He picked up his phone to see a message from his sister, he gaved a sweet and doting smile as he readed the text

<Gege! Gege~ can you come over next week little Ying is crying for you.. oh! And I got a present you! Hehe~!< p>

From your wonderful and only baby sister Yu Chang!>

When he was 5 or 6 Yu chang was a baby only one month old and from his tender age he raised his sister from the ground up to be respectable lady or woman it doesn't matter but the point is he raised her while their babysitter sat on his fat ass and did nothing even tho that's how Yu Bao perfured it

He started to text her back not noticing when his hands hits the cold cup of coffee on table

The coffee fell onto keyboard making it sizzle and some of the coffee felled onto to the computer outlit on the floor making it sizzle as well

This catches Yu Bao's eyes and it widen


The outlit catches up on flames and before Yu Bao could got up his small legs catches between two cards making him trip and dragging the computer off the desk