
life of a high schooler

"Being a detective is really stressful Hun" A story about a girl who has to create a balance between her mystery solving,her family and love life.

Ebube_Nwokeji · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 1

Being a girl and a black in old England at that time had lots of disadvantages but thanks to my interracial parents, white friends ( Jones, Jane, Leo and Anna), I was able to get by everyday .

"My name is Amelia stone and I am 16,a high schooler born to a black dad and an English mum so you can say that I have the best of both worlds ranging from cuisines to clothes but sadly my dad although black lived most of his life in Europe so he knew little about his native origins nor their food except melon soup which my mom tried to prepare once but gave up when dad said it was ok but his face was contorted.I tried helping mom out as she was on the verge of crying which was what she did whenever we lie to her. I tasted it but to my horror,it was so bitter.I think it was because she used more of the bitter leaves without washing it properly. Ugh those cursed YouTuners deceiving old women like my mom.""ok my mom is not really old as she is 37 while dad is 42 but she sometimes act like she's old especially when she wants to learn a new thing.I had to hold it in and swallow it painfully while internally giving myself a facepalm as to why I didn't keep my mouth shut and instead wait for my dad or my younger brother to suggest going out for dinner. That's right! I have a younger brother; Marcus stone,aged 11 and a real pain in the ass.He is such a blabbermouth and also my parents favorite as he knows how to do the cute expressions that captures not just my parents but the other grown ups in the neighborhood which makes it easy for him to get his way around things while I the elder always has to suffer the consequences for his actions; once I was brushing my teeth in the restroom one morning, when I saw Marcus' toothbrush in the bathtub and trying to be a responsible sister I has to call for him whilst brushing.He came but started crying and threatening to tell mum what I did; me not knowing what I did but hadbu had to plead with him told him I was sorry but he refused and ran downstairs to the living room to tell mum and dad who were watching a movie .Seeing him crying and muttering some incoherent words mom became angry and asked him what was wrong and that was when I,who was at the end of the stairs about to enter parlour heard Marcus saying "Mama, Amelia called me mucus" What ?!! Amelia Jaida Stone how could you?, apologize to him now " mom kept ranting and complaining about how much I knew that Marcus hated being called mucus and how unfair I am to my brother.While mom was scolding me, Marcus who was behind mom looked at me and smirked then made a face at me.Inside I was raging as mom wouldn't let me explain but instead kept giving me sermons after sermons on the importance of family.I facepalmed myself about how childish Marcus was. He was 11 for crying out loud.Does he think he is still 5?

 To cut it short, mom grounded me literally by making me babysit Marcus for a whole day because according to her,it helps for family bonding.while she and Dad went to work and came back later that night .while babysitting, my friends came over to say hello and catch up before the holidays were over.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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