
life of a high schooler

"Being a detective is really stressful Hun" A story about a girl who has to create a balance between her mystery solving,her family and love life.

Ebube_Nwokeji · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 16

... Friday, after school....

" Hey, Amy, how was classes today?"

" Oh hi ,Leo, classes was nice and Mrs Harwin was a lot nicer than usual."

" You think? She actually wacked me in the head twice today."

" Come on, Leo; you know you were in the wrong with you playing 'CALL OF DUTY ' while anatomy lesson was going on."

"Hey! Don't blame me, it's not my fault that Mrs Harwin was teaching anatomy lesson like she was teaching a documentary about world war 1 while mentioning the names of all the the generals that participated in the war."

"Yeah, Yeah ... By the way, where's Jon."

"oh! He went submit his club project; being the club's president and all."

" Oh! Then we could wait for him."

" Sure, sure."


" Urgh! Why is he taking forever just to a project; I mean just drop it and go."

" Come on, Leo , you know he's the president so he has to give him members a few words of encouragement and also scolding to those who erred; and speak of the devil..... Here he comes!"

" Hey Amy, how was your weekend vacation."

" Nice, though grandma was strict, grandpa was only home the evening of the day to the day we leave till when we left but all the same, they were nice."

" That's glad to hear; my grandma doesn't care about anything except her new lover "

" Sorry, Jon.... How about this, I'll introduce you to my grandparents when next I visit them! I'm sure they would love to see you."

" Hey! What about me Amy? My grandma is remarried but my grandpa still thinks about her all the time."

" Sure thing, Leo. Grandma can never have too many grandkids and I'm sure Mom would approve. I'll introduce Anna and Jane too."

" Now, that's what I'm talking about! Speaking of Anna and Jane, it's been long since we chatted them."

" Why chat when we can visit them now.

" Really?!"

" Yes, really. Are they coming with us to the Anime Con ?

" Yeah; we all are going."

" That's nice then "


Yeah, Jon?"

" Are you ok? You really look pale."

" I'm fine , Just fatigue from being in the class for a while."

" Sure? "

" Yeah . Very sure."

" Ok, then; let's get going."


" Helloooo, who is it."

" it's a notorious gang that have come to rob you."

" Really, even when we are friends and therefore part of that gang "

" Fine! It's us Anna ."

"Amy? "

" Hurry, sis we have a lot to talk about


" Amy! How are you! Do you know how worried Jane and I were?! You should have at least called or left a message."

" I'm sorry ,babe by the way, is Jane here? I think I heard her voice."

" Of course I'm here."

" Still mad big sister?"

" No."

" Then do you not miss me."

" I don't and I care but you don't have to ride on our feelings like that."

" I'm sorry, Jane. I'll remember to drop a message next time."

" Fine but next time I won't bother looking."

" Yes ,'Mom'."

" By the way, where are your two sons?"

" Sons?"

" Jones and Leo."

" oh! they went to buy some ice cream for us all."

" By us all, you mean Anna and I."

" em... Yeah I can't have my sisters mad at me and in my own opinion, ice cream makes all things better."

" Thanks, Amy but you shouldn't have... really"

" Oh come on, my treat and just to make it better, I bought one each for everyone."

"oh that's better."


" We're back!"

" Leo! Jones!

" What took you so long."

" The line to the ice cream stand was long and SOMEBODY decided to woo a lady."

" Woah! That's nice Leo. Did she accept?"

" I'll rather she didn't accept! When she turned, she was a fifty something year old woman! "

" Hahaha, now that's hilarious! Sorry Leo. We'll help you next time."

" Suit yourself."

" Anna, How come you never told us your dad was the head of a police division?"

" Oh! My dad actually told me not to."

" What! Why? He's Job is really cool."

" I know but he didn't tell me because he wanted to protect me but later....I figured it out when I just happened to see a lot of police reports in his room, just laying on the bed."

" Wow, Anna, that's so smart of you, unlike me who doesn't even know what my dad does."

" Sorry, Amy I'm sure you will find out in due time."

" Yeah,You are right.... In due time."

" Hey guys, how about we go out to buy some costumes for the Anime Con. We can't go plainly."

Sure. Let's go!"


" Have you found the target?"

" Yes, boss. Target found. Buying some clothes for something called Amine Con?"

" It's Anime Con, you dumbass! Now go plant the letter."

" Yes boss."

" Try not to be suspicious or let her know you are there."

" Yes."

" Good, now off you go."


" Hey, Amy! Isn't this cute! It's Nobara Kugisaki's outfit and guess what... You get a free dye job for buying any known anime outfit! Isn't it cool?!"

" it's cool sis! Really cool! I'm going with a Bulma costume. What are you going with, Jane?"

" I'm going with the girl with the green hair in assassination classroom."

" That's.... nice but she's just... plain."

" I know but she comes with a lot of goodies like a dye job and her tentacles for free. The tentacles don't show at all but once I rub my neck twice, it pops up!"

" Woah that's nice. I wonder what the boys are picking."

" I'm thinking.... Goku and sukuna.

" Nice! Anna what do you think."

" Well.... I'm thinking..... Eren Yeager and..... Gojo saturo.

" Not bad either... But unfortunately, we have to wait to see it and for guys, they sure do know how to waste time like a woman. Say..... Do feel like someone's watching us?"

" I don't think so, Amy ;maybe you have been so stressed out that you think things are out to get us. "

" Yeah Amy, Anna's right. You are just overthinking it. If it makes you feel better, we could have ice cream later, my treat."

" Fine then."

" Amy I would like to try out my outfit and Anna's helping. Would you like to join?"

" Nah, I think I will just be the one to assess."

" ok then, we'll go now, don't overthink or rather, find something to keep you busy, alright?"

" Sure thing,sis."

" Bye!"

"See ya."


" Now's the time. 1..2...3.... GO"


" Sir! I think you.... Sir! You dropped... Oh come on! Do I have to chase you for your own belonging now?... Wait! He just vanished?! I better take it with me to return it later."


" Sir! The target has seen the letter and has taken it successfully."

" Good job raider, now time for phase 3.... Return back to base."

" Yes sir!"


'As I sat waiting for Anna and Jane, I was still wondering what that envelope contains. It could be a bomb or it could be a set up. Whichever one was dangerous but my instincts keep telling me that I should check it out... Maybe opening it wouldn't hurt .... Maybe I have a secret admirer that's too shy to tell me his feelings openly.

What!? Who is this person and how does he know me or where I'm going?

" If you truly want to know the truth about

your father's job,

meet me at the dark alley behind the Anime Con venue. Don't be late."

' I can't show this to Mom. She'll stop me from going and I can't show my friends because they could be in danger; besides, I really want to know."

.... LATER...

"Amy what do you think!"

" it's beautiful Jane and Anna you look just as beautiful. It was worth the wait."

" Thanks, Amy! By the way, what are you picking?"

" Oh! I'll go with plain old chichi."

" That's nice babe. Go change!"

" Fine but I'm not sure I'll look nice wearing her clothes."

" You will look nice babe. Just leave it to Anna and I."

" Ok."

..... Later.....

" Hey girls! We're here and we brought ice cream... Girls? Where could they have gone to?"

"Relax, Leo, probably helping one another to change into their outfits."

" oh ! That's true."

" Hey boys! Nice outfit, my guess was right, Sukuna and Goku though I don't understand why Jones is Goku and and Leo is Sukuna. The vibes aren't matching here."

" what do you mean by vibes, Anna?"

" No offense, Jones but you have a cool vibe hence your matching with Sukuna while Leo is bubbly hence his matching with Goku."

" You are right, Anna but Leo said he was into the villains now not the heroes and begged me to wear the Goku outfit."

" Fine,then."

" Where's Jane and Amy?

" oh, they are in the make up room. Jane is adding some finishing touches to Amy... Oh here they come."

" Woah, Amy you look radiant and just like Chichi only brown-skinned."

" Thanks Leo, What do you think, Jon....Jon?"

" You look stunning and lovely, Amy?"

" Awww! Goku and Chichi.... Sitting on a tree...K-i-s-s-i-n-g"

"Quit it Leo! Can't you see that we are making them uncomfortable?"

" It's payback, Jones, for encouraging me to woo an old woman."

" Fine, I'm sorry, now stop being childish."


" Let's go home guys."

"Sure. Tomorrow's going to be a long day."

" Wait! Let's take the ice cream before it melts."

" Sure. Dibs on the strawberry!"

" Hey! I wanted that!"

" Sorry, sis, hands already on it "

" Why you little—"

" Hahaha."