
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Anime e quadrinhos
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71 Chs

Chapter 30: Another Tribulation

Lui Shi agreed to Soren's offer of getting a few drinks, and then the both of them began counting the spoils that were recovered from the estate, and then Soren remembered that most everyone in this realm has access to a private space where they can store items, making Soren a bit sour that he forgot to have the Zhang family empty their pocket spaces before killing them.

'Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk… I'll just make use of what I have here, as it seems to be quite plentiful': soren

Soren then pulled everything out from his inventory, while Lui Shi pulled all the stuff he took from the estate from his pocket space. And upon comparing the size of the piles, Soren seemed to have collected a ton more than Lui Shi, making him ask in a baffled tone.

[H-How did you collect all that?... Where did you collect all that?]: lui shi

[Huh?... Oh!... Well, upon coming towards the dining hall, I noticed something strange in the patterns of the walls where I was walking, and upon inspecting a bit closer, I punched my way through, only to find what appeared to be a secret vault, and inside it were all of these… Since I'm new to this realm, tell me… What have I collected here?]: soren

Lui Shi was surprised to hear Soren was new to this realm, making Lui Shi think he had recently ascended from the lower realm, but that didn't make sense, as Soren was far stronger than anyone he had ever seen in his life, and Soren's earlier sentence still rang clear in his head when Soren claimed to be a Creation God, something he had never heard of before. Lui Shi then began explaining all of the items Soren had in his possession, while Soren just listened on as Lui Shi began to slightly salivate over some of the things Soren had collected.

[It appears that you have around 10,000 Spirit Stones and 1,000 Grand Spirit Stones, while it seems that the Zhang family head was trying to further his cultivation with these 10 Immortal Crystals, and he was most likely trying to get the last thing he needed from those damn Demon Immortal Sect disciples… You also have gotten yourself a Epic ranked robe… That's quite something!]: lui shi

Soren listened to Lui Shi list off the things he had robbed from the now dead Zhang family, and when Lui Shi spoke about the robe, he was a bit interested as he asked.

[Lui Shi, what is this Epic ranked robe?... Is it valuable?]: soren

[V-Valuable!?... Of course it's valuable!... Hundreds of Sky Immortals would fight to the death for the chance to obtain this robe!]: lui shi

Upon seeing Soren's blank face, Lui Shi mentally face palmed as he began to explain about the ranks for weapons and armors in this realm.

[*Sigh*... Okay, so weapons and clothing, or armor have different ranks… For swords, axes, bows, and so on… They have ranks that are as such… There are normal swords, which don't hold any kind of power, and are easily broken, then there are Spiritual Treasures, and they rank from low to high, before going into Rare Spirit Treasures, then to Epic Spirit Treasures, then Legendary Spirit Treasures, Mythical Spirit Treasures, Immortal Spirit Treasures, Divine Spirit Treasures, and then there are Celestial Spirit Treasures, they are the strongest… And the same goes for clothing or armors, but they are rare to find, as having an Epic ranked robe is equivalent to having a Mythical ranked weapon… Do you understand now?]: lui shi

[I think I do… I'll keep this for myself then… Thank you Lui Shi, now… Let's go get a drink]: soren

Soren then decided it was time to change his bloodied clothing into a clean set, as it would look suspicious to enter a bar or a restaurant with his appearance, so Soren decided to dawn the robe that he stole from the Zhang family. It was a black robe with a red collar, along with other red accents around the robe, the collar reached down and exposed his chest, while Soren's hair needed to be rearranged to make him look less like a hobo, and more like a wise and ancient cultivator, so he bought a red ribbon and tied his hair up, while the rest began flowing down his back. After redressing himself, Soren took Lui Shi into town and found a nice bar that was quite, and then they sat down to have a few drinks, and as they drank, Soren noticed that a kid around the age of 16 entered the bar followed by 3 men who appeared to be his guards, and the appearance of the kid screamed arrogant, as Soren guessed his cultivation to be at the Sky Immortal level, this was a level that quite a lot of people in the world had, but they were all ancient beings who ascended from the lower realms.

[Oi!... Bar man! Get me and my guards some drinks, and make it quick!]: kid

Soren could already tell where this was going, but he didn't know who the kid was, as he had already rid the city of the Zhang family, so this kid shouldn't be related, unless he was outside of the city before the Zhang family were killed. The owner of the bar quickly scrambled to make the young kid some drinks, as he was just a lowly Tribulation Immortal, while the kid before him was not only the young heir of the Zhang family, but he was also a genius who reached the Sky Immortal level at the age of 15, and to stabilize his cultivation base, he left the city for an entire year.

[I can't wait to go back home!... Father must be anxious to see me… Hahaha! I'm gonna show my strength to him, and then I'm going to fuck that bitch Yei Fei who dared to decline my proposal 2 years ago]: zhang family heir

Soren couldn't help but overhear the talk between the young kid, and his guards, so he looked over to Lui Shi who seemed to give Soren a knowing smile before Soren gave him a wink and stood up as he began stumbling over to the table that the young Zhang heir was seated at, while he was shouting for his drinks.

[H-Hey!... So are you a member of the Zhang family?*Hiccup*]: soren

[Oi!... Who let this drunk bum in off the streets!... He dares to question my position in the Zhang family?... Haha! Yeah, I am, so what are you doing still standing there? Kneel, and beg for forgiveness, and I might let you live, you drunk bum]: zhang heir

[Oh?... Then it seems that I have left one alive,*Hiccup* so I guess I must get rid up you like I did the rest of your family *Hiccup*]: soren

Upon hearing Soren's words, the kid became enraged as he shouted and stood up to attack Soren.

[Who do you think you are!... I'll kill you for trying to claim that you took the lives of my Zhang family!... We are invincible in this city!]: zhang heir

The kid then took a sword and tried to slash Soren in the throat, but once the blade struck Soren's neck, it shattered into pieces, but it wasn't due to Soren's cultivation level, but due to the resistance of the robe he was wearing.

[Now that wasn't nice… I guess I'll kill you now]: soren

Soren quickly sobered up upon having the young Zhang heir strike him, and in the next second, Soren flashed through the Zhang heir and his 3 guards, and in the next second, all of them were dead, as their bodies littered the floor. Soren then walked back to his table and continued to drink with Lui Shi, and as the minutes turned to hours, it was now closing time for the bar, but the bar owner didn't want to interfere with Soren and Lui Shi, as he harbord fear towards them, or more specifically, towards Soren who had the balls to kill the young Zhang heir, as this would undoubtedly bring trouble from the Zhang family, but nothing ever came.

[Well… I should get going… I promised my wife I would be back in a few hours, but I have stayed here longer than that… So before she gets even angrier, I'll go back home… Thanks again Lui Shi, today was quite the experience]: soren

Soren then left the bar with a bit of a stagger, before he opened a portal back to the lower realm, and stepped through it, and appeared back in his living room, where Gine seemed to be waiting for him, and the second she saw him, she was a bit pissed.

[Honey, I'm home! *Hiccup*]: soren

Soren was soon tackled to the ground as Gine began punching him in the face, but no matter how hard she hit him, only she felt the pain, while Soren was unharmed, but instead, he had passed out as the sound of snoring was heard.

[Owwwww!... You damn muscle brain! You left me for too long! And now you make me hurt myself!...Ahhh! What's the point, you;re asleep now, anyway]: gine

Gine then struggled a bit to pick Soren up and take him to their room, where she threw him onto the bed, and then took her clothes off and went to sleep. The next day, Soren woke up with a bit of a hangover, while a bit confused, as his cultivation level was extremely high, so it shouldn't be possible to get drunk, so he asked Ava.

'Ava… Why is it I was able to get drunk?... My cultivation is at a Gods level, and even before I died, I was quite a heavy drinker under mom and dads nose when I went out with my friends': soren

<{This was all due to your subconscious purchases… You subconsciously purchases alcohol that was made by gods, so it would naturally intoxicate a god}>

'Hmm… I see… So how many System points were wasted?': soren

<{A few thousand… But don't worry, you're still above 3 million System Points}>

'Alright… Then I guess I should go explore the other realms, but first I need to tell Gine that I'll be leaving again, as I don't want her to freak out… I can vaguely remember coming home last night, and being attacked by her, so I could guess she was quite mad': soren

Soren then tried to wake Gine up so he could tell her that he was gonna go out again, but the second he tried to tell her, he was whacked, as Gine woke up and began lecturing him, and the entire time, Soren was in seiza position.

[Blah blah blah blah blah… Are you listening?]: gine

[Yes!]: soren

[Good!... Blah blah blah blah blah… You're not listening, are you!?]: gine

[Yes!]: soren

[Thought so… Soren, I just don't want to worry about you every second of the day, you tell me that you will be gone for a few hours, but then spend the entire day away… Are you trying to hurt me?... I don't want you to disappear like Bardock, so if you can promise me this, I will never question where you go in the future]: gine

Soren noticed Gine was quite emotional with her last sentence, so he did listen and understand where she was coming from, as he had left her for 6 years just so he could train, so to ease her emotions, Soren took her into a hug as he spoke.

[Gine… I'll never completely leave you… Even if I'm gone for 100 years, I'll always come back alive and well, just so I can see a happy look on your face, but the reason why I can't take you with me all the time is because you would only drag me down, as I would always be worried for your sake, and protecting you 24/7… So please, understand the reasons on why I leave you behind when exploring, it's only to ensure your safety]: soren

[Then… Then make me stronger… I want to be strong like you… What is keeping me from growing strong like you?]: gine

[Nothing… That's why, if you want to come with me, then grow stronger, I'll take you with me if I deem you're strong enough to fight on your own… Fight with mom and dad, they are quite strong now… If you can reach Super Saiyan in 2 months, I'll take you to my next world that I plan on traveling too]: soren

Upon hearing Soren's promise, Gine felt motivated, as since having Kouki, she had settled down like how she did on planet Vegeta, as her progress completely stopped, and she stayed in a stagnant power increase. Gine then gave Soren a deep kiss before she ran off to find Kouki, as she wanted to train with him, as they were both Saiyan's, even though Kouki was only half Saiyan, but due to Soren being Kouki's father, Kouki had a special spark within him, that would soon blossom upon reaching a new stage.

[Then I will go to the next realm above Heavenly Way Immortal Realm]: soren

Soren then opened a portal and entered it, and he appeared on the outskirts of the city that was previously run by the Zhang family, and then he flew off far into the distance, until he found a secluded area where there was no sign of anyone for thousands of miles, and then Soren spoke with Ava.

'So how do I ascend to the next realm?': soren

<{It's the same way as last time, you need to release your cultivation onto the world, and the world will, will come and start the tribulation lightnings, and if you survive, you will be whisked away into the next realm}>

'Hold on… You said if I survive… Will I die if I'm not strong enough?': soren

<{There is no need to worry… You are plenty strong enough, it's just what is programed for me to say, as once you ascend to the next level, the lightning becomes 10 million times stronger than the previous tribulation}>

'I see… So the one I would have a chance to die on is ascending into the God Realm': soren

<{Exactly… Do you have any more questions?}>

'None for now… Thank you Ava': soren

<{No problem!}>

Soren then began releasing his pressure onto the world as it began making the entire planet shake before the nearby planets also began to shake from the violent pressure building up, and as cultivators all around began feeling this pressure, they all turned towards one direction as they thought.

'So that mad Emperor finally did it… No… This isn't his aura, this is someone else entirely': ???

The Tribulation lightning began to gather around Soren as they began striking him down, while off in the distance, many powerful cultivators flew at fast speeds so they could watch Soren ascend.