

"Where's Gwen? she's gonna be late for school?" I heard my father ask coming down from the stairs.

"I'm here" I told him coming down from the stairs.

"Dad,tell her to back to her room and change"I heard Jeremiah say as soon as I got down.

"Why?what's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"What's wrong with what you're wearing? Dad tell she can't wear that to school" what was the big deal I just put on some black denim Shorts and a white baggy shirt with a pair of black high knee boots.

"Why can't I wear this to school?" I asked him wanting to know.

"Just don't wear it."Jeremiah told me and turning to dad he said "Dad,tell her she can't wear this"

"Wear what you're comfortable with, sweetie. I'm not stopping you"I hugged my dad when he said that.

"Thanks Dad"I told him.

"You shouldn't have wore this"Jeremiah said to me driving us to school.

"Why exactly?"

"On the first day of school,you look like a baddie. couldn't you wait for a week or two?"


"Alexa is gonna kill you"

"Who's Alexa?"

"She's the popular girl of your set. She's the girl everyone eyes from a Conner. besides her is Madyl who is also popular,she's similar to you"I listened to what Jeremiah said.

"Those two must really get along"

"No,they are more like frenemies. they don't talk to each other,they mind their business." I heard him say. and then he went furthermore to add "Alexa is a bitch, She behaves like she runs the whole school forgetting there are seniors"

"Can't wait to meet Alexa..."Lest I forget "And Merry" I added.

"Seriously, you want to meet her? she's not worth it"

"I'll still love to meet her"

"What can I say when my sister is so persistent?"

"Actually, Nothing" I smiled at him and he just had to roll his eyes.

Walking beside Jeremiah attracted a lot of attention. It looked like my brother ran the school here and he was quite known as everybody turned their head to look at us.

"Why didn't you tell me you were part of the famous?"

"What can I say? Your brother is a star"

"They're looking at me and whispering"

"Yeah. you're walking next to a star looking badass. why won't they look at you. moreover,I told you not to wear that walking with me but no,you didn't listen"

"Now is no time to make me feel bad"I was feeling bad right now and not to talk about it, people are staring. it seems like there is no difference between California and Florida.

"Hey Norwood" I heard this boy calling my brother.

"Desmith"They shook hands together and then came an hug. I guess they were calling each other by their last names.

The guy called Desmith I guess looked at me and Oh Boy,licked his lips.

"What do we have here?" I think he was expecting me to respond but I didn't so he looked at my brother asking "Who is she?" still looking at me.

"His girlfriend"I answered him and it seems like he didn't like my answer. Even my brother turned his head to look at me surprised.

"I didn't know you have a girlfriend who's this beautiful" it seems like he is still hitting on me even though I told him my boyfriend is standing beside me.

"No she's my...."

"Yes,he doesn't like to mention any thing about his relationship. he keeps it a secret"Jeremiah stood there looking at me with this expression on his face "What're you doing?"


"Jeremiah,I will be back"I told him before I gave him a peck on his cheek and Man, Jeremiah was so surprised.

I didn't know my way around the school so I decided to ask.

"Excuse me, where's the principal's office?" I asked the redhaired girl I met on the way.

She had to scan my body before she answered"To the left beside the accountant's office"

Well that was a detailed explanation.it was not as if I knew the accountant's office.

"Thanks"I smiled at her and walked away but she stared at my back until I disappeared from her view.

Taking sheets of papers which contained my subject table, the rules which probably nobody follows and a list of other things I don't know about, I left her office.

While walking with my head down looking at the stack of papers, I suddenly bumped into someone and he caught hold of my shoulders.

"I'm sor..."

"You again?"That's when I noticed he was Calvin. he sighed letting go of my shoulders and just passed me and I just had to stare at his back.

Seems like we both hated each other.

"Jeremiah,I was thinking of joining the cheerleader's team this year"I told him as soon as I caught sight of him.

"Thought you hated it?"

"New School,new Likes" I told him

"I don't like cheerleading but I used to and I don't still like it,but why don't I try it?"

He sighed like he was tired of me "Sis, you're making me tired"

"It's my duty to"I smiled winking at him.

"That's Lynda,she's Alexa's sidekick"My

brother pointed to the red haired girl which I just asked direction from.

"Who's the one standing beside her?" I asked staring at the girl dirty blonde girl. she was on a black long sleeve turtleneck tucked into a black short high waist skirt with flowers imprinted on it which was way above her knee and a hat around her head and a black knee boots

As much as I hate to admit it,she really looked good.

"That's Alexa. the one we have been talking about"

"Make sense"

"Who's those two girls that just passed us by?" both me and the girl on the left had stared at each other before she passed me by.

"The one on the right is Lena and the one of the left....Madyl"

"Is that the one you talked about?"I asked him and he nodded with his head.

"And who's she?" I nudge my eyes to this particular girl who had been staring at my brother and when he finally stared at her back,she winked at him biting her lips sexily in a flirtatious way.

"That's not Nelly right?" I asked in confirmation

"No, Claudette" he told me and the Claudette girl began to walk towards our direction.

"Hey Jerry"She said as she hugged him and then pecked him on his cheeks.

"I tried calling you yesterday but you didn't take my calls"

"I was busy" My brother answered uninterested.

"Who's she?"She asked still with her arms around his neck.

"His girlfriend"I was the one to reply her this time and little by little,she let go of his neck in surprise..

"Jerry,you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend".

''Was he meant to?"I questioned her. "And stop calling him Jerry. His name is Jeremiah" I told her. well, she did stomp out angrily.

"Anyone ever mentioned to you that you sound like a jealous girlfriend when you're angry?"

"I don't think so"

"You know news is going to spread that you are my girlfriend right?"


"What happens when they find out we have the same last names?"

"Dunno but what I do know is we can enjoy this moment that we're free from people winking and biting their lips flirtatiously at us..." He knew that I was directing this message to him.

Just then,the bell rang. it was time for classes to commence.

"See you bro" I told him before finding the way to my class

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