
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs


After being reborn once more, I almost thought about questioning it, but decided I could give a shit about why I was always coming back into weird worlds. That being said, being reborn as Ash Ketchum's twin brother Ren Ketchum wasn't so bad. While Ash was running around with Gary fighting over who would be a Pokémon master, I was studying everything Professor Oak could or would teach me. Hell, by the time I was ten I'd built my own Pokémon transfer computer and Pokédex with Pokénav and phone hookups.

Professor Oak called me a genius because I introduced capsules for all occasions and made money on it two years later. With a single case of capsules one could carry all they owned with them on their Pokémon journeys. Professor Oak said Pokémon researchers and rangers needed them most of all and helped me collaborate with Silph Co, Devon Corp and the league to get my capsules mainstreamed.

By the time I was fifteen, Professor Oak gave me a special gift for all my help around his lab, an egg his Charizard and Dragonite had bred to have. The egg of two champion level Pokémon wasn't something to scoff at. A month later it hatched into a Dratini and made even Professor Oak surprised. The baby Dratini and I had become fast friends over the next couple months and I even had it practicing it's egg move, Dragon Dance, along with Wrap and Leer.

Ash was extremely jealous and begged Professor Oak for a Pokémon or egg. When Professor Oak said he had a couple Magikarp eggs, both Ash and Gary said no because Magikarp was lame apparently. Still, I offered to take care of them with Dratini which Professor Oak said that I'd have my hands full with Dratini for now. I didn't mind and left it at that while Dratini and I went to train and play for a bit. Eight months later it was time.

Dratini had reached maturity enough for real battles. It had learned Twister, Thunder Wave and Dragon Tail after months of hard work and practice so Professor Oak gave me a Pokéball for it and it became my first official catch. As it turns out the boy that was scheduled to pick up his own Pokémon had cancelled due to being terrified of Pokémon so Professor Owk gave me first choice since I arrived first at his lab.

I picked Charmander and he said it seems I had a knack for raising dragon Pokémon. I shrugged and captured Dratini as my first catch with one of the five Pokéballs Professor Oak provided. Dratini and Charmander got along well and I smiled seeing this. When the girl known as Leaf took her Bulbasaur and left in a huff, I shrugged at Professor Oak.

He did the same and soon Gary showed up while Dratini draped itself over my shoulders. He happily took Squirtle saying it was the one he was hoping for most before he challenged me to a battle. I used Charmander and he scoffed, saying I was a loser for giving him the type advantage. I shook my head and remained silent as he sent out Squirtle.

This wasn't the games where turn guaranteed hits based on number system values. This was real life where dodging was a thing and getting hit even with a propped tail whip fucking hurt. So he tried a water gun and I told Charmander to jump, spin and slam it's tail into Squirtle's face. The hit was so hard Squirtle slammed into it's back and I grunted. "Tackle it with all your momentum feet first in a Stomp!"

Charmander did just as I commanded and Squirtle was out for the count while Charmander only felt sore from the odd attacks it's used. I petted it and told Gary. "Conventional named attacks are predictable and easily dodged once you understand their limitations. You're not a school kid anymore, it's time to start thinking outside the box if you want to beat us some day."

He tsked and paid me the basic wager money after recalling Squirtle. He said he would pay me back for this some day before leaving in a huff. I turned to Professor Oak. "Still have that Pikachu we found for Ash?"

He nodded and smiled while I finished upgrading my Pokédex to the Kalos level. He looked it over and I downloaded all the apps I programmed while smiling. "There, now I have radio, news, Pokédex, phones, navigation and Pokénet. With this I have access to the latest moves, breeding tips and training needs."

He looked it over and found it fascinating, especially when the hologram of himself popped up as an AI saying. "Hello, I'm Sam Oak, artificial intelligence for this device. I'm here to advise you on all the lastest scientific and Pokémon discoveries. From Pokémon to items my scanners can pick up everything and advise you on all known moves, training methods and uses for items."

Professor Oak was floored and I turned it off, telling him I'd send him the AI program as well as the blueprints to update everything. He thanked me and said I was truly a genius. He told me he was flattered I'd use his own image as the design and I shook my head. "The AI chose the image based on the second third wisest and most knowledgable person I knew. I had nothing to do with it's choice so there's no need to thank me."

He sweat dropped. "So who is first and second?"

I raised a finger. "My mom and Dratini here."

Dratini cheered and said it's name while Oak smiled and chuckled. "I guess I can live with being third in that can. Can't argue with a Pokémon and I certainly wouldn't argue with your mother."

We both laughed and I sent him the email with the AI program and everything. After that Ash soon came in with his pajamas on saying he was ready to be a Pokémon master. I facepalmed and told professor Oak I was heading out. I patted Ash on the shoulder and told him I'd head out first and meet up with him when I can.

I headed out first, taking a jog through route one with Dratini cheering me on. For the past three years I'd trained in my secret gravity room to hone my body for the coming adventures so I wasn't at all disappointed. Being sixteen I was damned happy this world wasn't exactly like the anime or it'd have been really screwed up. As it was I was happy to be free in the world finally.

I ran through the path and stopped to scan every Pokémon I saw along the way, only stopping when a Poliwag jumped out of a nearby stream and challenged me. Smiling, I nodded to Dratini and it jumped from my shoulder using Leer. Poliwag sweat dropped and a Thunder Wave hit it a moment later at my call out. One Dragon Tail to the head later and Poliwag had fainted. I caught it and patched it up with some potions. Once it was feeling better, I scanned some Sandshrew, a Spearow, Pidgey, some Manley and a Rattata before heading down stream where I stripped and put all except my trunks, active Pokéballs and sandals into a capsule. The capsule went into my ring while I locked my Pokéball belt and jumped in.

Dratini joined me and we swam down stream looking for Magikarps. It took a while to find what I wanted, dodging a Gyarados along the way, but with a bit of help from Dratini, the golden Magikarp was stunned and caught before I retrieved the ball and swam to the bank with Dratini. Smiling, I exited the pond and Dratini climbed up my back to rest on my shoulders. I chuckled holding up the ball and Dratini cheered while a girl my age exclaimed. "No way, a Dratini?!! That's really rare!"

I looked up to see who I could only assume was Misty. I put the Pokéball on my belt and it locked into place while my teenage hormones kicked in and showed proof that I liked what I was seeing. I blushed with her and apologized saying I hadn't ever met such a beautiful girl before and my hormones are still out of whack. She nodded slowly with a blush saying it was something she could understand.

I smiled and let her hold Dratini while I dried off and changed into my usual black jeans and boots with a green T-shirt and black jacket. We sat and talked while I told her what I was doing, catching a special Magikarp. I showed her Poliwag and Magikarp who were happy. I let out Charmander and fed my Pokémon while I massaged them to their delights.

I told her I just started my journey while I've had Dratini nearly a year since it was hatched from an egg. Dratini ate with the others who got used to each other before I returned them. Dratini crawled to my shoulders and I told her. "Well, it was nice to meet you Misty, but I gotta be going. I have an adventure to get to and I plan to see the world in all it's wonder."

She smiled. "It was nice to meet you as well Ren. I hope we do meet each other again."

I chuckled. "Oh, and be careful of my brother. He's starting today as well, though he's a klutz and pretty much a dumb airhead yelling about being a Pokémon master when he doesn't even know how to train a Pokémon. If you do meet him you'll recognize Ash right away."

She laughed and said she knows the type. I smiled and told her if we meet again I'd like to take her out sometime and get to know her better because a beauty like her was worth knowing. I gave her my pokenav number and left, walking towards Viridian city. I got pretty far on foot before a storm came and I brought out my umbrella. I saw Ash on the road followed by a flock of Sparrow. Seeing this, I sighed and told Dratini. "Twister on the Sparrows!"

Dratini cheered before a Twister formed from where it leapt up, blowing into the massive flock of Sparrows as Pikachu deep fried the bike and combined the twister with it's Thunder. The Sparrow all fell down or were swept away while Pikachu and Ash fell and nearly passed out. I sighed walking up and tossed Ash over my shoulder, picking up Pikachu and catching a Spearow while I was at it.

Dratini brought me the ball while I carried Ash and Pikachu to Viridian city. When Ho-Oh made an appearance, it dropped a feather I pocketed and walked on after scanning both Ho-Oh and the feather. When officer Jenny stopped me, I told her what happened and we got Ash and Pikachu to the Pokémon center since it was the only medical place in Viridian city which was more like a small town.

I had my Pokémon looked over and healed up before asking how I could go about getting a Happiny or Chansey for my Pokémon team. Nurse Joy said they were regulated in Kanto because of the need for them in Pokémon centers, but Johto was more free with their laws on such matters, though I could go through the league or get lucky and befriend a Chansey willing to give one of it's eggs so long as I got special permission from the league.

I sighed and watched a Chansey telling Nurse Joy. "They're one of the most versatile and helpful Pokémon out there. They can learn a ton of different moves from Thunder to Mega Punch, Fire punch and more. Chansey's really are one of the coolest non pseudo legendary or non legendary Pokémon Kanto has."

The Chansey's loved my praise and I smiled, turning to Nurse Joy. "Plus they can learn a special move called gravity that can help boost training Pokémon and human's muscle growth if used carefully. Add to that their healing abilities and they're so useful I think that everyone should have a Chansey."

Nurse Joy smiled. "I agree they are quite helpful and it would be great if everyone could have one so their Pokémon stayed healthy."

I sighed. "I said as much to Professor Oak a couple years ago and he said we can't all have it easy. I guess he's right, adventures are supposed to be trying or the gain wouldn't be worth as much if it's easy."

Nurse Joy agreed saying Professor Oak would know best. I asked if she'd like me to help teach her Chanseys some moves so they could protect the Pokémon under her care easier. She said she'd like that as well so I spoke with the Chansey's and instructed them on how to feel the air around their punches and reach for the cold or hot. I showed them how to punch and add real force without over committing.

With a few tries they had Thunder, Fire, Ice and Mega punches starting and occasionally flickering out. Nurse Joy was shocked and I shrugged, telling her I studied Pokémon for eleven years under Professor Oak and I picked up a bit. All in all four Chansey's using punching attacks for a bit was a sight to see. When they tired a bit, I suggested they stop and rest up before trying again for half an hour twice a day in the morning and evening when they weren't working so they had plenty of time to rest and regain their energy.

I told them they did amazingly well and would make any trainer jealous. When my Pokémon were returned, I got a room and Ash woke up. He stayed outside the ER where Pikachu was recovering. I went upstairs and crashed for a bit with my Pokémon until a loud boom woke me up.

I returned my Pokémon and took Dratini with me as I left fully dressed and ready. I made sure to grab my Pokédex and wallet so I wasn't missing anything. I found the Lobby destroyed, Team Rocket sent flying and four happy Chanseys celebrating. Ash and his Pikachu had sent them flying, but Chanseys had done most of the beating.

Seeing the Pokémon center was now half destroyed, I yawned and said my room was one of the few left standing. We all ended up helping clean up a bit before taking turns resting in the room until morning. Misty was there so she and Ash argued a lot while she complained to me asking. "You're really related to this jerk?"

I nodded. "He has his moments, but yeah, we're twins to be exact, though we look very little alike, my red hair and the fact that I'm a foot taller for example."

Ash huffed and said it's because he got the hood looks and I got the freakish height. I smiled and Misty spoke. "And Ren got the intelligence clearly! Besides, he's dreamy while you're a pip-squeak."

I chuckled and thanked Misty who blushed. Shrugging, I told her she was quite beautiful herself. Her 'assets' were quite a bit larger than some preteen anime girl's thankfully. In fact, she reminded me a lot of Nami in that department just before the final battle. It really was thought provoking, but still, I had other things to worry about at the moment.

I called mom and told her I'd made it to Viridian city and was heading to the forest for training so I'd be out of contact until I reached Pewter city. Ash spoke to mom, asking for money to get Misty a bike. She told me he spent his allowance on the toys and alarm clock he broke just before we left so he was nearly broke right now. He looked to me and asked to borrow money which I flicked his forehead. "Win some battles and get your own money Ash. I'm not a bank. I already have you two hundred grand for this month's allowance, so no, clean up your own messes."

Mom said I was right, telling Ash he was technically an adult now and he'd have to start acting like one if he wanted to get anywhere. I put away my Pokédex and Misty asked. "Wow, is that a new Pokédex from Professor Oak?"

I shook my head and Ash bragged. "No, Ren is such a nerd he made his own Pokédex after he made capsules and panted them."

I whacked the back of his head. "It's patented not Panted and I thought Mom and Professor Oak told you to keep your mouth shut about it?"

He rubbed his head and apologized while I rubbed my brow. "Sigh, whatever, I trust Misty, but don't go spouting that again. The last thing I need is for you or I to get kidnapped for ransom or worse, for the tech. There's a reason it's prohibited to official league and police certified personnel. Capsules can be used for a lot of bad things in the wrong hands. Even I only carry one on me for emergencies and special circumstances."

Misty asked. "Capsules? That new age tech that can shrink a building to pill sizes?"

I nodded. "Can you not tell anyone I invented it? It really is dangerous if bad people use it to drop bombs or other things. The league is already having trouble dealing with organizations like team rocket. If they got ahold of that technology they could hide easier or do a lot of damage all over quickly. It's simply too dangerous for my family if word gets out."

She nodded easily and said I must be like a genius especially since I made my own Pokédex. I smiled and showed it to her, having Ash show his to her as well. "Professor Oak knows a lot about Pokémon, but when it comes to technology I'm the one he calls for help. As it is he's working on understanding my newly designed Pokédex with all it's tech so he can upgrade his older model to do more. This is why I gave you my phone number when we met, so we can stay in contact whenever and wherever we go."

Misty blushed and I showed her all the apps as we entered Viridian Forest. When we stopped because Ash saw a Caterpie, I told them I'd head in deeper and go catch myself a Pokémon or two as well so Ash and I didn't have to compete for them. Misty asked to come with me and I told her only if she could stay quiet around big Pokémon because I wanted to catch something strong and not just scare everything off.

She said she'd stay with Ash then and I told them I'd meet them in Pewter city if nothing else. I headed out deeper into the forest until I came across a clearing where the scans indicated the two Pokémon fighting were a Weepinebell and a Scyther. I didn't need the scans to tell me that, but when it said the Scyther's special ability was roost, I found it useful after all.

When the Scyther beat the Weepinebell, I walked out and gained Scyther's attention. It turned to me and I smiled. "How about a real challenge eh?"

Scyther looked to me and raised it's blade like arms. Dratini jumped forwards on it's own, knowing I wanted a real battle this time. Dratini faced off against Scyther and it used Fury Cutter while Dratini hit it with Thunder Wave, dodging the Fury Cutter as Scyther took the Thunder Wave head on. It cried out as a Twister hit it in the side and spun it upwards. I spoke as the Twister hit it's peak. "Now Dratini, charge up your strongest Dragon Tail."

Draconic energy spiraled around Dratini's tail, making it glow as Scyther came crashing down and got hit head on at my command, getting blown clear across the clearing into a tree. A Caterpie fell out of the tree and fled while I caught the unconscious Scyther. I cheered Dratini on for a job well done before picking him up and putting him on my shoulders to rest.

I fed him a treat and brought out Charmander, traveling through the forest and battling random people and Pokémon, healing the wolf Pokémon after each battle and thanking them as I switched out my Pokémon besides Scyther and Magikarp. Scyther needed rest and Magikarp needed water. Still, each of my other Pokémon including Spearow had gained a lot of experience just like the wild Pokémon I offered advice to after each fight.

I avoided the Beedrill area because I had no real interest in them unless one was a shiny which I doubted. Magikarp was a lucky find and one I wouldn't take for granted. By supper time I'd made it out of the forest and to Pewter city. Looking back I wondered how bad one's sense of direction would need to be to spend a week or more in there. Shrugging, I went to the Pokémon center and had all six of my Pokémon healed up.

I grabbed something to eat when they were healed up and fed them all together after bringing out a big blow up pool of water for Magikarp and Poliwag. After all my Pokémon ate, I introduced them to Scyther and asked him if he'd like to stay and learn from me to grow stronger or be released. Scyther agreed to stay and I pulled out my old sword, Yoake.

Scyther got serious as I closed my eyes and focused. All of my Pokémon watched me as I drew my blade so fast and strongly it split several boulders smoothly as the tops fell off. I sheathed my blade and told Scyther. "I'm a master swordsman and quite capable of teaching you to hone your own blades into true forces of nature."

I walked over and with a light push, the smoothly cut stone tops finished falling off, showing a clean cut so good the edges of the stone were sharp to the touch. Seeing this, Scyther was more determined than ever to learn from me. I smiled and told Charmander. "You'll learn to hone your claws into powerful slash attacks. I'll even teach you all I know of fire and dragon type moves so you can reach your true strength as well."

I turned to Spearow. "Your wings can be just as strong and sharp as any sword if you train them. You can be fast and deadly in the skies."

Spearow puffed out it's chest and agreed while I turned to Poliwag and Magikarp. "Both of you can become true rulers of the seas and for you Magikarp, a powerful dragon and water type move user. As for you Poliwag, when you evolve, I can teach you martial arts that would make a Hitmonchan and Machamp jealous. These are the things I can do for you, but all I ask from you is your trust and in time, friendship. Training will be hard for each of you, but I ask nothing of you that I myself can't or won't do. I will strive to train my body and mind further to better guide and walk beside you to the very top of all our capabilities and potential."

They cheered and I smiled, petting Dratini. I'd made a similar promise years ago and Dratini had agreed to stay with me. I sighed. "Then for tonight, get some rest, for tomorrow we start our training in earnest."

They agreed and I brought out a tent, staying outside the Pokémon center tonight. Come morning, after my routines, I warmed up and fed them breakfast before beginning to train them in earnest. I got a special wet stone from the Pokémart for Scyther's blades and sharpened them before setting each of my Pokémon up learning moves, battling one on one, two on two and working on the basics.

I worked out with weighted training clothes and practiced both martial arts and swordsmanship, to work off the rust. I practiced against trees with a special wooden sword to hone my technique with Scyther and practiced against him head on to some trainer's surprises as they watched the world's hardest workout training regimens.

When the sun reached it's peak, I called for a fifteen minute break, massaging and feeding them lunch, working out the tension before an hour nap. Then it was battle tactics practice for each of my Pokémon and once that was over, healing and rest with more massages. While they ate dinner they watched me do one finger push ups upside down. I worked up a real sweat and grabbed a shower before eating as I laid them down for the night.

Each morning before dawn I was up with them running with weights or flying and swimming as they needed. Magikarp was in the nearby River swimming against the currents and Spearow was with Scyther in the air doing the same only playing tag as fast as they could go. Even Charmander and Poliwag had weights on their tails and practiced their elemental moves. Charmander was trying to get his ember to stronger alongside learning Iron Tail like I coached him and Poliwag was working on Water Gun and Double Slap.

Dratini was trying to learn Iron Tail and Dragonbreath. It was like this over the next four days as each of them learned new moves. Charmander learned Flamethrower and Iron Tail. Poliwag learned Iron Tail, Hydro Pump and Bubble of all things. Spearow learned Steel Wing and Brave Bird along with Scyther learning X-Scissor and Aerial Ace. Dratini learned Iron Tail and Dragonbreath while even Magikarp learned Tackle and Flail.

I called it for now and began challenging every trainer in town for the next two days before sweeping the floor with them all. I finished it by challenging and beating Brock with Spearow and Scyther. He was surprised by my choices in Pokémon having heard about my others and seeing my Dratini on my shoulders. Still, when Spearow beat his Geodude with a Quick Attack and Steel Wing combo, it evolved into a powerful Fearow.

Smiling, I congratulated Fearow before recalling it to send out Scyther. I nodded to Scyther when Brock brought out Onix. "You know what to do, trust yourself and have faith in your training. You are my sword, feel it and believe in the blade I honed."

Scyther growled and agreed, watching Onix and the moment it went to dig, Scyther moved at incredible speeds, cutting a massive wound along Onix's tail. Onix roared and screamed underground while Scyther dropped down, touching it's blades to the ground. I told Brock. "Give up now while you still can. I'm a swordsman and I've trained my Scyther in the art of the blade. If your Onix attacks, I can't guarantee it won't be severely injured or killed in the next attack."

Brock paid close attention and saw Scyther's blades began glowing as a powerful move was being charged. I grunted. "I taught Scyther to sense the movements in the ground and air by feeling vibrations. The moment your sonic comes up it will dodge and deal a devastating blow. I can't guarantee the outcome from there. The only reason I'm saying this now is because I don't want to hurt your Pokémon."

Brock frowned and stood up, calling back Onix. Scyther blasted the field instead and made a massive gouge in the ground across the whole field in the shape of an X that went a full two feet deep. Smiling, I told Scyther he did great and his instincts are as sharp as my own now, though he still lacks control which I can teach him. Scyther smiled and returned happily while Brock nodded, saying I raised my Pokémon extremely well, calling them tough.

I chuckled. "Who, Scyther or Fearow? No, they're softies. The ones you'd need to look out for are Charmander and Dratini here. They're as hard working as I am."

Dratini bobbed it's head happily saying his name. I petted him and accepted my badge alongside the two grand in wager money for competing against a gym leader and winning. I smiled and Brock sighed. "You're one prepared trainer and I can tell your Pokémon are stronger than any of the basic Pokémon I have, but X-Scissor, even one that powerful, doesn't make a Pokémon faint."

I shook my head. "No, but that was one half of a combo I taught Scyther. The moment your Pokémon reeled back in pain it would've used it's strongest move, Aerial Ace. Your Onix would be lucky to survive both attacks at once, most Pokémon it's level would."

Brock seemed surprised, but nodded. "Thanks for the heads up. You're one tough trainer. You deserve that badge."

I nodded. "By the way, my brother Ash should be coming in a day or two. When you beat him, make sure to remove the old sprinkler system. If his Pikachu hits them I don't want you giving him a badge on a technicality. He needs to learn the value of really training his Pokémon or he'll get a big head soon enough and his Pokémon will be the ones to suffer."

Brock looked up and nodded, seeing the old sprinklers doing no real good in a rock type gym. He said he'd have them removed today so I thanked him and left. I headed to the Pokémon center and had my Pokémon checked out before I continued challenging trainers for pocket money and experience. Poliwag learned Bubblebeam mid battle before it evolved into Polwhirl.

I began teaching it how to throw a punch and do proper kicks before working on Fearow's Drill Peck and Scyther's Bug Bite, along with Charmander's Smokescreen and Dragon Dance. Dratini worked on Agility and Slam with Magikarp working on it's endurance in the water, pushing itself just as hard as all it's fellow Pokémon friends. When we weren't training, taking a break or battling, I took my Pokémon to see the museums and play together at the park.

After all, all work wasn't healthy and sometimes you just have to know when to relax. When the trainers in town stopped accepting battles, I headed into Viridian forest and found the Samurai, beating his Metapod and Pincer with my Charmander without using fire based attacks. A simple Bite and Slash combo took down Metapod before it could Harden too much. As for Pincer, it ended with two Slash attacks and an Iron Tail than cracked Pincer's horns.

The poor Pokémon cried until I treated it with super potions, a sealant and a big bandage. I apologized to Pincer and it hugged me feeling better. I smiled at the big softy and gave him some treats with the Samurai kid's permission. I told him I'd already beaten Brock and circled back after no one in Pewter city could beat my Pokémon.

I headed back to Pewter city and found Ash with Misty heading into the Pokémon center. Seeing them, I smiled and joined them, having my Charmander treated for a take down attack he hadn't fully dodged in time. Ash asked where I was and I told them. "After I caught my sixth Pokémon in the forest I decided to head here. With the pokenav it only took a few hours so I battled Pokémon along the way to train up my team."

Ash frowned. "A few hours? But we beat you here!"

I chuckled. "True, but I had already stayed here for over a week training my Pokémon and beating all the trainers in town before getting my first badge. After no more trainers would face my Pokémon I went to look for you both in Viridian forest. I ran into a Samurai kid an hour ago and beat him with Charmander before coming back out when I couldn't find you along the path. I saw you entering the Pokémon center which is why I decided to have my Charmander looked at."

I showed him my badge case as proof before gesturing to the trainers waiting on their Pokémon. "Ask them if you don't believe me. Some of them I've beaten two and three times over the last few days in rematches out back."

Ash did so and was surprised all twenty five kids in town had been beaten by me soundly. They weren't mad though because after each fight I'd offer advice and training tips while feeding, massaging and healing our Pokémon together. They were just here to ensure their Pokémon were in top condition to challenge me again and train out the tips I'd given them. Misty said I'd been busy and I chuckled, showing her Poliwhirl.

Misty adored it and I suggested we train a bit before I buy her dinner and we see the museum together while their Pokémon get checked up. She agreed, but Ash was impatient to challenge Brock so I took them for lunch instead and paid for all three of our meals. Misty offered to help Ash win and I stopped her. "You shouldn't help him by loaning him your Pokémon. At best you should give tips and offer advice. The regional competition is meant to assess whether the trainers themselves have what it takes to raise their own Pokémon and win the battles with their sharpened skills. Offering to help him cheat is diminishing what trainers who worked hard for including myself and only shows how well you yourself have raised your own Pokémon, not his own understanding and skills in that same area."

Misty nodded slowly. "I guess you're right, Ren. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to demean all the hard work your Pokémon and yourself have been doing."

I smiled softly. "It's fine. Just remember, Ash will have to succeed or fail on his own. Give him advice where you see fit and offer tips if you want, but ultimately it's down to how much passes through his hard head."

Ash complained and I flicked his forehead where he now held it. Dratini laughed in it's own way and I sighed. "Ash, one thing you are not is a competent trainer-"

I waved him off as he went to say he was. "No, you aren't, but then again neither am I."

He stopped and I continued. "We're both still learning, always learning. Pokémon master is just a title they throw around for strong trainers, but in the end even the strongest of trainers anywhere in the world is still just a novice in training their Pokémon."

I petted Dratini while it ate and told him. "There is so much we don't know about Pokémon and this world in general Ash. Some day long after we're gone, dust in the wind, someone will have learned everything there is to know about everything in this world including Pokémon. They'll know how to train each and every individual Pokémon exactly how it needs to be so that it can become the strongest it's species can ever achieve."

I looked from Dratini to Ash. "On that day he or she will become the Pokémon Master this world has been crooning about on tv. Until then we can only work hard, train them to the best of our knowledge and become the strongest current trainers this world has ever seen. The title Pokémon master can still be applied because it's the peak of our era, but it won't be entirely true, not yet."

Ash complained and asked. "Why do you make things sound so complicated? I'm going to be a Pokémon Master and that's final."

I saw a bit of Luffy in him then and sighed. "Very well. I guess you can't teach a rock how to roll."

Misty chuckled and Ash grumbled asking what was so funny. Misty said nothing and he finished his meal before leaving. I asked Misty if she'd like to head to the museum after he loses his gym battle if he doesn't accept advice like I think he won't. She agreed and we followed him out after I paid.

Dratini went to sleep while we followed Ash to the Pokémon Center before heading to the Gym. There we went into the stands and watched Brock's Onix beat Pikachu. When it was over, I walked over to Ash who held Pikachu and sighed. "You ready to learn how to train my way or do you want to work it out yourself?"

I gave Pikachu a potion while Ash debated until Flint showed up. Ash said he'd figure it out and I nodded before handing the sleeping Pikachu back to him. "Let it rest for tonight. By tomorrow it should be fine."

Misty joined me and we headed to train in the stream a bit while I helped her Staryu and Goldeen learn a few moves. They battled Magikarp who was like a tank right now and Poliwhirl who was working on his ice beam. Her Starmie and Dratini went head to head and poor Starmie got hit with an Agility boosted Slam right on the center gem. It recovered slowly, but we had to take it to the Pokémon center because it needed looked after seriously just in case.

Misty and I headed to the museum before having dinner at a fancy restaurant and relaxing in the park while our Pokémon are and played. I showed her how to massage her Pokémon and she thanked me for the date with a kiss at the door before I smiled and headed to my room. My Pokémon slept with me in the Pokémon center and Magikarp in it's tank on the nightstand. The next morning Ash took his super charged Pikachu to Brock's gym and we followed.

Seeing Geodude beat his Pidgeotto before losing to Pikachu, I groaned before telling Misty. "Ash still hasn't learned a thing. Boosting Pikachu's electric attacks is the dumbest way to go about this and it will cost him this match."

Misty nodded and I looked up, relieved the sprinklers were gone before watching Onix beat Pikachu. It was sad, but necessary and once it was over, I walked to Ash, asking him. "Would you like me to help you train now Ash?"

He gritted his teeth and nodded solemnly before following me out. I nodded to Brock and spent the next day training Ash and his Pokémon with my own. Misty was impressed and Ash called it torture only to be attacked by Magikarp who used Flail and bitch slapped him into the small river. I grunted and told him. "All of my Pokémon are working hard to learn new moves, be faster and be stronger, no different from an athlete or warrior. Each one of them does their hardest because I expect nothing less of them than I do myself."

I took off an arm band and tossed it in fron of him on the ground. A loud gunshot like bang sounded and the hard ground gave way and sank. "I wear weighted training clothes and working my body just as they do. I train blindfolded and even deaf with ear plugs to hone my instincts and I work tirelessly night and day to come up with battle strategies, diets, training workouts and move learning regimens so they can be the strongest Pokémon this world has ever seen."

"To mock my training and call it torture when they placed their faith in it and me is to mock everything we're striving for Ash. I won't tell you how to train your Pokémon, but I can tell you not training them at all or using dumb tricks to boost a single element temporarily does them no good. Now stay and learn how to train, or leave and try your luck with Flint or Misty."

Misty spoke up as I picked up my arm band and put it back on. "I've already offered all the advice I'm going to. He doesn't have any water type Pokémon so I'm fresh out of ideas."

Ash got up and saw how hard I was working myself and my Pokémon, striving to be the best and cheering each other on when they learned something new or pushing each other when it was getting time to rest to get that one last workout in. He watched how I fought Scyther with a stick and one hand behind my back, striking Scyther and correcting his guard or form every step of the way while Scyther didn't hold back at all. While Scyther rested, I fought hand to hand with Poliwhirl, teaching him martial arts. Soon I was doing breathing techniques with Charmander, Dratini, Scyther and Poliwhirl before I did Aerial combat training on Fearow's back, spins and dives mostly while teaching Fearow blindfolded to feel the wind currents and trust my judgement and it's instincts.

When we came down, Ash said he wanted to learn so I told him to bring out his Pokémon. Seeing Pidgeotto, Pikachu and Butterfree, I sighed. "I guess it's a start."

I gestured to Poliwhirl. "Tie some weights to Pikachu's tail. Not enough that it can't lift it, but enough that it'll be hard to do so."

Poliwhirl nodded and I turned to Pidgeotto. "Do the same for Pidgeotto's wings. Both of them need to strengthen those parts of their bodies. Fearow, take Pidgeotto up and teach it what you can while it's wings grow stronger. Play tag, but don't hurt it, it's weak from the looks of it."

Pidgeotto complained, but I put a hand up. "It's not your fault, you've just never trained like my Pokémon have. Once you begin you'll understand how weak you are and that you gan and will get stronger from now on. It's not an insult, just a fact that you'll need to except if you hope to get stronger."

Pidgeotto nodded slowly and I turned to Butterfree. I grunted and asked if it new the poison, sleep and stun spores. It nodded to each of them and I smiled. "Then you'll work with Fearow to learn Whirlwind, one of the moves he's going to teach Pidgeotto. Then Scyther can teach you Bug Bite, Double Team and Wing Attack."

I turned to Ash. "Now for you."

I went into my backpack and pulled out a lighter pair of beginner weighted gear. I set it in front of him and told him. "The arm bands are twenty pounds apiece, the legs are thirty and the boots are thirty five. The belt and pants are fifteen while the shirt is twenty five. All in all it's two hundred and twenty five pounds distributed across your full body. If you plan to see the world and go where no one has before you'll have to be ready to climb mountains and cross deserts. That takes strength and stamina, plus it helps your Pokémon to see the efforts they're putting in aren't alone."

I poked his nose. "A lazy trainer only provoked laziness in his Pokémon. The harder you work to get stronger and learn more to help them the more they'll appreciate your efforts when you lead them to victory because you'll all have worked for it."

When he was changed he could barely walk yet I made him stretch and run with me, telling him I'd take away his allowance and tell mom he was failing and hurting his Pokémon's future by being lazy. We ran at a light jog really for half an hour before I made him stop and start doing push ups. I told Magikarp to splash him and give him water to drink when he needed it before doing my own exorcises.

I made him count honestly and told him he only hurts himself and his Pokémon if he lies or fakes his numbers. When a full hour passed, I called the training to a halt and made them eat, rest and relax. I massaged his Pokémon and taught him to do the same before explaining Steel Wing and Iron Tail to Ash and his Pokémon. I had Charmander use Iron Tail and Fearow use Steel Wing before telling them what to feel for.

We trained off and on for the full day before having a great night's rest. Pikachu had learned Agility and partially Iron Tail while Pidgeotto had learned Wing Attack, Drill Peck and partially both Steel Wing and Whirlwind. As for Butterfree, it had learned Bug Bite, Wing Attack and Double Team successfully while learning Confusion and Air Slash on it's own.

Still, even with them not entirely ready, Ash said he had faith in his Pokémon and insisted on fighting Brock again. This time he won if barely. He got damned lucky with Pikachu using Agility to dodge and managing to hit a critical with the one time his Iron Tail worked. As for Geodude, it was taken out by Butterfree who'd used Confusion until Geodude knocked itself out.

Ash got his first badge and Flint revealed himself, freeing Brock to come with us in the end since Flint was his father. I promised to take Misty for another date when we reached Cerulean City since it was the closest once we got through Mt.Moon. She acted a bit weird and I told her in secret that I knew she was the youngest of the four sensational sisters. She asked how and I smiled. "The fact that you're a water Pokémon expert, you have an incredible talent and eye for water Pokémon and your beauty. I knew you were special the moment I laid eyes on you and the way you reacted when I mentioned Cerulean city only confirmed it."

She blushed and thanked me which I just shrugged, saying I meant every word of it and only stated facts so there was no thanks needed. Her blush deepened and she asked me to be her boyfriend. I smiled and happily agreed, giving her a kiss that lasted longer than the one after our date. She blushed more and I took her hand as she leaned against my side.

We walked to Mt.Moon and ran into a team rocket problem. When a bunch of Zubat came flying out, Dratini dropped their asses with a Dragon Breath and I caught one, smiling as the ball disappeared to head to Professor Oak. I saw Brock catch one out of the corner of my eye while we went around the downed Zubat and headed in to find lights up everywhere. I grunted. "No wonder the Zubat are spooked, their home is being disturbed."

We met the scientist Seymour there doing independent studies of the Clefairy and the moon stone. He spoke of the moon stone and said it belonged to the Pokémon before asking Ash if he agreed with him. Ash said yes, but I scoffed. "While your theory is interesting, it lacks credibility. The moon stone does increase certain Pokémon's powers via induced evolution, but so do the other elemental stones of fire, leaf, water and thunder. Besides, if the Pokémon came to earth inside a moon stone they'd all be dead, burned up in the earth's atmosphere or killed upon the same impact that scattered moon stone pieces throughout this mountain."

He growled and said I was a non believer who simply doubted him. I facepalmed and picked up a Clefairy holding a piece of moon stone, asking it. "Can I have this?"

Clefairy looked to me and down to the moonstone before handing it to me smiling and saying it's name. I chuckled and fed it some Pokémon food while it and Dratini talked. I scanned it and asked it to do a move called Charm. It did so and my Pokédex dinged. "New energy signature detected and recorded, classification Fairy type, move: Charm. Clefairy, the Fairy Pokémon. Average height two feet, average weight, sixteen and a half pounds, predominately female species by three to one. Its magical and cute appeal has many admirers. It is rare and found only in certain areas. Evolution process, moonstone needed after a certain time in it's aging and strength process."

I called Professor Oak and told him my Pokédex classified Clefairy as a Fairy type Pokémon and declared the new type rankings. I sent him the info as Sam spoke about Faith type Pokémon being weak to poison and steel type Pokémon moves while being strong against Dragon, Fighting and Dark type Pokémon. I petted Dratini and told it. "Looks like Fairy and Ice type Pokémon are things we'll have to look out for them buddy."

Dratini nodded while I petted him. Professor Oak said it was certainly a fascinating discovery. I introduced him to Seymour and they talked until Professor Oak used logic to poke holes in Seymour's theory as well before saying it was however possible that microbes that evolved into fairy type Pokémon did in fact come from the moonstone so his theory could still be correct, just not entirely in the way he meant it. He asked me to keep him up to date on how it turns out.

Ash went to catch Clefairy and Seymour went to stop him. I flicked Seymour and he fell down as I told him he had no right to interfere in what wild Pokémon a trainer can and can't catch. I told him if he tried again I'd report him to the league and see about getting him banned from Mt.Moon and any known Pokémon nesting locations. Ash caught himself the Clefairy and we ran into team rocket before I asked Ash's Clefairy to take them to the moonstone while I send the idiots packing.

It agreed and Meowth asked who I was calling an idiot. I looked to him and he gulped while I smiled. "You're a Pokémon that can talk. That's really rare and quite valuable to the Pokémon research community. I'm sure Professor Oak himself would love to study you and use you to help make a Pokémon translation device to speak to all Pokémon. Are you a captured Pokémon and if so, who's your trainer?"

He gulped and backed up while Jessie and James tossed out their Pokémon. I raised an eyebrow before telling Dratini. "Use twister and send them flying out of this mountain at full strength. Since they want to play rough, let them know what rough really is."

Dratini roared it's name and shot a twister at full power, sweeping up the idiot trio and their two Pokémon, ripping the lights from the walls as they went and blowing them out in full category five tornado winds. The wild Pokémon hid and watched as the idiots were sent flying far away. Darkness returned to the cave until I brought out Charmander and had him light a torch. I followed Dratini's nose to Misty and the others in another cave not far away where a giant moonstone lay.

I walked over seeing the Clefairy dance around and told them of the cleaning I'd done to the cave and that it should calm the wild Pokémon now. I walked over and asked for three moonstones, giving one to Ash, Misty and Brock before telling Ash that when Clefairy's ready it'll evolve with the moonstone into Clefable. I told them the six Pokémon I knew evolved but moonstones and suggested they keep them as proof of our having found this place on our adventure.

Later that night the Clefairy did a dance around the giant moonstone and I recorded everything before sending it to Professor Oak who thanked me. The few Clefairy that evolved had all been recorded so it was time for us to leave. I told Seymour that if he screws with their minds or messes up their habitat I'd report him regardless. I petted a Clefairy and told him they were innocent and impressionable so giving them ideas to force his theory could end badly.

He said he knew that because he was a scientist and I scoffed, saying I was starting to doubt that. Still, I turned on my nav and scanned the mountain before leading our group through fast and safely. A couple hours later and we were out of Mt Moon. Ash saw Gary's message on the Cerulean sign and took off running to try and catch up.

Sighing, I took Misty's hand and we continued walking, knowing Ash would fire himself out and we'd catch up eventually. When we arrived at Cerulean city, I took Misty on a date and she showed me all her favorite places before we arrived at the gym. Seeing her sisters just offering Ash a badge without a gym battle. Misty got pissed and stopped them.

She and Ash got to battle and when team Rocket showed up, I threw out Poliwhirl. "Show them the meaning of pain for interfering in an official gym match, ice beam them mega punch!"

He froze the machine solid and sent it flying with a punch that blew the machine back out the way it came before it exploded, sending them skyrocketing elsewhere. Poliwhirl stopped in front of me with a muscle pump before I nodded to Misty and Ash. "Continue, I won't let anyone interfere again."

They picked up where they left off and Ash beat Misty's Starmie which was weakened by Pidgeotto. When the match was over, I turned to Misty. "Do you have any suitable Pokémon for another match?"

She shook her head and I sighed. "Then we'll wait until your sister's Pokémon have recovered before I challenge them. I'd sooner cut off my arm than accept a badge I didn't earn."

Dratini agreed and we headed to the Pokémon center to heal up their Pokémon and check on her sister's Pokémon. As it turns out their Pokémon had been waiting in the center for the passed three days now since their last match. Misty was pissed and I was irked, but she managed to pick them up and give them back to her sisters, forcing them to accept my challenge or lose their gym license. I fought Daisy who used a Dewgong and Seaking.

I demolished her Seaking with Magikarp to her surprise. They'd called it a waste of a water type Pokémon and one flail later their Seaking bounced out of the water, off the wall so hard the wall cracked and Seaking fainted. Magikarp glowed and grew into a massive red scale Gyarados who I petted with a smile. I had Gyarados use hyper beam against the Aurora Beam Dewgong fired, colliding beams until both Pokémon were knocked out. I returned Gyarados and thanked Daisy when she gave me the badge.

I told them the league had special money paperwork that should more than pay for any gym. They said they hated doing paperwork and I scoffed. "Hire a manager then to see to the paperwork. So long as you all look it over before it's processed and one of you signs it you'll get the money you need and keep your shows so long as you continue to accept battles."

"Though I will be notifying a league representative to keep an eye on you all since you tried to give away badges without battling. The rules are clear, you have to test the trainers before you can deem them worthy so passing out badges without doing so is against league policy. Special forms have to be filled out even when you do use that policy and deem them worthy of being allowed a badge without winning the battle."

I shook my head. "It demeans all the work those of us putting in the effort to train have done when those with the same badges get through the system because gym leaders get lazy. If you don't want the job then quit and the gym will be given to someone who does want it. If not, do your jobs or get fired and lose everything, even your shows when the league strips you of your rights to have Pokémon at all."

They looked like I'd bitch slapped them stupid. I walked away still feeling irked while Misty warned them to get their acts together or lose everything their father worked for. We met up with Brock and headed out after a trip through town to the Pokémart. I picked up a berry mixer and special Pokémon food and seasonings for them.

Seeing Ash stopping his training and getting lazy more and more each night, I told Brock and Misty I was going of ahead to Lavender town first so they could head to Vermilion city and I'd meet them there. They reluctantly agreed as Ash began his battling streak and started to get a big head. I headed out immediately and took the fastest route to Lavender town where I used Dratini to catch a Ghastly.

I trained my Pokémon for three days and headed to Saffron city to face Sabrina, switching out Fearow for Ghastly. When she used Abra, I smiled and sent out Scyther. Her Abra lasted all of a split second before Scyther beat it with a ferocious agility boosted wing attack. She gave me the Marsh badge and I gave her Ghastly.

Ghastly made her laugh and her cold personal broke. She thanked me and I shrugged, asking for her to try to read my mind. She did her best and failed, but I was able to sense how she did so and worked on my own psychic abilities. I thanked her and left, heading to Celadon city after I picked up Fearow.

I flew most of the way and challenged Erika almost immediately, beating her with Charmander who evolved into Charmeleon during the last battle with her Gloom. Still, I told her that having a perfume shop in a gym was a bad idea because if a fire type Pokémon cuts loose the whole place would go up in flames, especially since they didn't have a sprinkler system. I told her as she gave me the badge that she should separate her job as a gym leader and a perfume shop owner more or it could cost her everything if her grass Pokémon burned in the gym.

She accepted my criticism and said she'd invest in a sprinkler system. I shrugged and left, heading to Saffron city before heading south to Vermillion city on foot fast with Poliwhirl running beside me. When we fell into a Squirtle Squad trap, I froze the lead Squirtle with telekinesis while the others fled and Dratini used Thunder Wave on it before hitting it hard with a Slam followed up by Aqua Tail, Dratini's new move.

It weakened Squirtle just enough to be caught. I continued on while smiling because Ash would have to catch one of the other Squirtles. I headed onwards and skipped over a lot of shit, arriving in Vermillion city a day later. I spent a full week training my Pokémon before I took on Lt.Surge.

It was a one on one and I ignored Lt.Surge calling me baby. Dratini faced Lt.Surge's Raichu and he was shocked to learn his electric moves did no damage. I'd spent the last week teaching my Pokémon how to ground themselves and Dratini using Iron Tail on the ground, directing the currents into the ground with it was quite effective. Lt.Surge soon found that we had more than one surprise up our sleeves when Dratini used Flamethrower before hitting Raichu with an Extreme Speed and Slam combo.

Raichu played pinball with the wall and ended up badly burned for it's efforts before it came out barely standing and huffing. I told Lt.Surge. "Give up now before Dratini is forced to really hurt your Pokémon."

He hesitated before Raichu shook it off and tried a Hi Jump Kick. Dratini followed my command and used a Twister, bouncing Raichu off the roof. Raichu fainted and nearly died if Lt.Surge hadn't caught it. Dratini glowed and began evolving into Dragonair. It's size was amazing and it was quite beautiful to see.

I hugged. "Yeah, I don't think I can carrying you anymore Dragonair."

Dragonair and I hugged before I got the sense that he'd carry me now if I wanted.