
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


Shit got complicated because Kathrine made a girl go after Tyler and he triggered his curse at the party she'd been caught at. Caroline just told us after Elijah left and I made a ring, giving it to Mason who knew my rules. I told him that if he doesn't abide them the rings power will fade after the full moon. I told him I'd be there and we could both help him, but if he refused I wouldn't harbor cowards afraid of pain.

Mason nodded and left, thanking me while I waved him off. Most of the others stayed except myself and my lovers who went to my place with me. Lexi enjoyed the immortality and I gave her the enochian tattoo with Rose, Max, Elena, Vickie and Bonnie. Four days later Jules and her pack came to town and I challenged her for alpha of her pack.

I told them as I had a foot on her throat that she'd be given to Elijah to sacrifice. I told them the truth of the curse and offered them moonlight rings for their loyalty instead, telling them my rules. Brady challenged me as well and I took off my own ring before beating him down violently. I told them I had fifteen hundred years as a werewolf and knew all the secrets of our people lost to time.

I told Brady his girlfriend's fate was sealed, but he didn't have to die. I told them they could all have the power and knowledge of our people or they could die here while their former alpha is sacrificed later. The rest of the pack knelt and I let Brady. He knelt and I nodded. "You'll find love again boy, but I'm warning you now, touch my lovers before you kill me and I'll skin you alive and torture you in ways that'll give your deviant of a pack mate a hard on while he throws up before I burn you alive and wear your claws and fangs on a necklace."

He nodded and I waved them off as Elijah came over with his two witches. They took Jules and Elijah told me that Rose and Trevor were forgiven. I grunted and told his witches they could peruse my library of grimoires if they brought their own grimoires to share knowledge. They agreed happily and I turned to the wolves. "No more camper shit. I have a mansion, cold beer and hard liquor with two thousand acres filled with deer and animals to hunt. Load up, you're coming to a real home."

Some of them cheered and I tossed them a bag of moonlight rings. They took them and put them on while I wore my own. Brady put his on and his eyes glowed before he nodded to me. I'd earned his loyalty and I told him of the Lockwoods.

He and I rode together in the camper and I explained the situation with Tyler and why Jules had to be sacrificed. I told him that I could kill the originals, but one of my lovers is their eldest sister and a witch so I forbear. I told him that I wanted him to take ten wolves to the Appalachian mountains and all over, offering my knowledge and the power of the rings to every pack willing to swear allegiance to me. I told him when he returned and it was done, each other them were free to challenge for pack hierarchy including challenging me.

He agreed and when we arrived at the mansion, he was shocked to see the fifty car garage with two hundred rooms above and below ground. The Olympic sized pool and the gold life was before their eyes. I introduced them to my lover and told them I'd castrate any male or female that hurts my lovers and kill anyone that tries to fuck them. I roared to make a point and their eyes all glowed with fear as I'd released a primal roar of power that terrified their inner wolf.

I told them the beer was in the fridge, steaks and deer meat were in the freezer and the pool was free to use, but those that didn't head out with Brady tomorrow would begin shifting then, over and over again until it becomes painless. I told them it was anywhere between a hundred and a hundred and fifty shifts on average before their pain tolerance adapted. Mason arrived with Tyler and told them the best part, I would be there to take their pain away so it felt more like a dull ache instead.

He explained the whole wolf trick to taking pain and broke his own arm while I took the pain away. I told them it also helped to make them harder to kill when they didn't flinch at pain and instead kept fighting. In reality I only took enough so that it was a dull ache, letting them adapt and taking less until I took none and that's why it took an extra fifty or so shifts. Same destination, less pain all at once.

April twenty-sixth came as Brady had been gone nearly a month, hopping around to every pack, sending them my way. Hayley had come and ended up in my bed as well. Vickie was nearing her due date so I was on edge and a werewolf lover was just what the doctor ordered. She and I were insatiable together and she enjoyed watching me fuck my other lovers, knowing she was the only one that could keep up for a time.

After one particularly fierce bout of sex, I kissed her shoulder and told her I recognized the tattoo she had on her shoulder. She told me not to screw with her and I growled telling her that we'd already done that. She huffed and I chuckled before telling her. "I'll make you a deal. You agree to marry me, become my mate and the female alpha of my pack and I'll tell you right now what that birth mark is, what pack it belongs to and everything from the beginning of the werewolf species down to who you are and everything, no secrets."

She looked at me seriously and her eyes met mine. She bit her lips as both of our eyes glowed. I warned her that I'd have other lovers and she said she didn't care if I could give her what I promised. I grunted and she agreed, telling me no secrets and no lies.

I sighed and told her the first time I'd met her ancestors. I told her the full story, setting a bowl of water beside the bed so she could see my memories as I spoke of them. I told her how I heard of her parents being murdered and saw it all the day it happened, but that I knew it would long before. I told her absolutely everything about me, the painted world, what I was, everything.

I told her that she'd be immortal with my other lovers and live in the painted world with the pack members when it was time for me to die and move on. I told her this body and a part of my soul would stay there with them and we'd have an always and forever of our own. She shivered as I spilled all my secrets to her. I told her I knew her current path and how it would end with her death after being made into a hybrid and her daughter having a ruined life with very few people alive to support her.

All of it she saw in the bowl of water and when I stopped talking, I kissed her neck and rolled her over, brushing her hair aside. "I've kept my end of the bargain, but I'd understand if you want nothing to do with me anymore. I'd even let you keep the memories and do as you please or I can give you everything you're seeking, protect you and live you like no other, not even Elijah or Jackson could."

I looked into her eyes and my eyes glowed. "I didn't stop it because I am a greedy, horny immortal and selfish wolf asshole. I knew as much from that day I could've stepped in and saved your parents. I knew that if I did you could've had a great life, fallen for Jackson then found yourself cursed like he and the pack are now. That would remain your fate for the rest of your life with my interference just once. Even if I'd not interfered and said a thing, you would've suffered as you saw in the bowl."

I got off of her and sighed. "I'd understand if you hate me, if you want me dead, Andrea Labonair. Sadly the only way for me to die is to swap bodies with someone who can die and move on as I have. Even heretic vampires would explode trying to absorb the power in me and I can't exhaust myself without destroying the world with a spell that big or channeling all my power into the world itself."

I sat on the edge of the bed and looked back to her as she watched me. "No lies, no secrets. Not even the oldest lovers I have outside the painted world know as much about me as you do right now. I've been a god, a warlock and even other species of werewolf. I've seen so much and done more than any mortal I know of could possibly imagine. I've loved and lost, seen worlds destroyed and destroyed worlds myself. I've been a killer, a savior and everything in between. I am not a good man, or even as evil as the darkness I've seen and fought."

I turned to look at the door. "I'm just a man, using what I know to do what I can to help or not to interfere as best myself judgement guides me. Hate me, but don't think for a moment this is a game to me. I've lived too long for such things and while I am cruel, I can bring them back for you if you wish it, even if you decide to leave me."

I slipped my pants on and she stopped me, pulling me back to bed. She tore them off and straddled me, impaling herself. She said I talk too much so she was deciding to go with option three. I told her option three was her leaving me.

She growled and told me to shut and just take her. We were rough, violent even as she clawed me bloody, but damned if the explosive orgasm didn't disrupt my legendary will and concentration. Sadly I knew afterwards that the contraception spell crumbled and that las bit had painted her insides a scalding white. She practically purred and whimpered while she slept in my arms.

When she woke up, she told me yes, that she was a woman of her word and she'd be my mate. I told her it was a good thing then because it'd be hard to explain why the contraception spell broke last night to someone that wasn't my mate. I rubbed her stomach saying the angry mind blowing sex sort of blew my mind and concentration so so spell failed and she got a belly full of potent seed.

She looked at her stomach and groaned while I told her that I could stop her from getting pregnant and undo the damage if she wanted. She shook her head slowly saying she was my mate and she would take responsibility for something she started. I hissed her hand and pulled her in for a hug before she said I'd better bring her parents back. I agreed and told her I'd do so when we go to New Orleans to free the crescent moon pack from their current curse.

She nodded and I grabbed her ass before growling. We were back at it and she was on her back this time, praying to deities as I did things to her no priest should hear. I told her of the ritual we'd use after I gathered the venom and changed myself once more to give the pack the ability to shift without the rings with our marriage. She nodded and I put her hand on my heart, letting her feel the love and elation I felt for her having agreed to be with me.

Her eyes went wide before she got randy again. We showered and went downstairs where my other lovers said it was about damn time. I chuckled and Hayley sat down while Max dragged me upstairs with the others other than Vickie who had breakfast with Hayley. They talked while the silencing spells went up around my room as always. Living in a house with werewolves tended to make it hard to have privacy without them so I made a switch on the wall that turned it on and off.

Max said her goodbyes because she was heading back into the painted world, done with the high school stuff. She told Bonnie and Elena they'd meet again, but the bed was getting crowded and she had magical clones of me that satisfied her alone there. Rose and Lexi snorted wanting in on that action. They packed their bags and left with her, leaving Bonnie, Elena, Vickie and Hayley outside currently.

When we came downstairs, Vickie's water broke and I carried her to the bed. There, I held her and brought out Daenerys, Arya and Ros, being the best nurse maids in the painted world. Soon my son was delivered and Vickie held him, naming him Maximus. I kissed her forehead and heard about the decade dance at school.

Nothing happened because Klaus knew of only Katerina thanks to Elijah. Even Isobel hadn't gone to him so things were fine there. Two days later Matt found baby Maximus, ten million dollars and a letter from his sister explaining how she hadn't survived the pregnancy so she sent it to him because her rich lover couldn't be seen to having an affair and a child at that. It explained a lot of the how's from the doctors saying she wouldn't likely make it due to drug use and so she left it to him with all the money her lover could spare.

She asked him to raise Maximus Donovan as his own and maybe fix his life better than his screw up of a sister could help him with. I held Vickie as we watched it play out in the pool and Matt found the baby minutes after we left him. Matt broke down and cried with her while I held her saying it was for the best. She agreed sadly and we watched the baby cry for his attention, pulling him from his grief.

The cashier check for ten million in the envelope floored him, but after he got over that, he played with Maximus's feet saying they were going to be just fine. I kissed Vickie's forehead and we watched Kathrine be sacrificed with Jules and the angel of death serial killing nurse. The pack winced as Jules died and I sighed, telling them I wasn't about to guess which he'd take if she hadn't been offered up.

I turned to Brady and told him to keep eyes on my son and if he's in danger, protect him because he is one of us. Brady nodded and I stood up with Vickie, Hayley, Bonnie and Elena. Vickie went into the painted world and Bonnie had to go home to check on her grams because she hadn't been feeling well of late even with the healing I did. We went with her and I smelled cancer on Sheila.

I grunted and told them it was liver cancer from the smell and no magic can cure it, but I could turn her into a werewolf which would heal it. Sheila said no and was damned adamant about it. I told her to abstain from using magic and see a doctor immediately. I sighed, telling her I'd fly the best in the world here for her treatment if they can help her odds.

She thanked me for that and we went to the hospital for her. Matt, Caroline and pretty much everyone showed up as the doctors came out with the news after five hours in an MRI and twenty oncologists from around the state went over the results. It wasn't terminal yet, but she'd need a liver transplant and with her age, history of alcoholism and rare blood type, the odds were extremely low.

I went over it and told them I'd get them a liver by morning. The doctors said that would be murder and I shook my head. "I'm the owner behind Argent Tech. Our newest non released experimental tech can regrow such things within hours and my blood type is O-negative. I'm a perfect match for her so I'll be back by morning. Have an OR ready and your hospital will be the first to receive the state of the art tech as a donation along with a healthy donation from myself personally."

I shoved the file in their hands and left alone. I came back still a bit sore, but otherwise fine. I'd had to remove the magic and werewolf DNA from the liver, but that wasn't hard. I gave the doctors the cooler and they insisted on seeing the video of my own removal surgery and healing tank results. I gave both over without complaint and warned them the hospital would be shut down if a hint of it got out.

They agreed and were fascinated with the results. They did the transplant and removed the other tumors outside the liver. Bonnie thanked me and hugged me gingerly. I told her softly that I'd do anything for any of them.

Sheila came out of surgery fine with no sign of rejection at first. She lasted all of two days before she had a near death aneurysm I healed her of. I told her to take the water and enter the painted world to live as an immortal. Bonnie agreed and Sheila reluctantly agreed when I told her of the lakes that showed the outside world of the watcher's desires.

We faked her death and buried her before I faced Elijah and Niklaus who came to my place. Niklaus wanted answers as to why I turned Katerina human and gave them the moonstone. Seeing Elena, he figured some of it out. I told him a lot, mostly about Elena being my lover and as such, out of his reach unless he wanted to find out what a two thousand year old immortal hybrid witch and werewolf could do to him when angered beyond reason.

I smiled lightly. "I'm not your enemy, boy, but if you wish to make me so, just know that I don't need the white oak to kill you, your siblings and everyone you've ever cared about."

He frowned and I sighed. "Now that we know where we stand, how about a peace offering and exchange. You're word Elena not any of her descendants will ever be harmed by your hand nor any hand you command for your father, delivered to you in chains with his own white oak stake so that you can kill him at your leisure or make him a conversation piece. I'm sure you can impale him on a wall of blades and make a decoration of him."

I stood up as Hayley slid off my lap into my throne like chair. I walked to Niklaus and held out a spelled magical contract. I set it on the coffee table and told him. "Sign it and your father is yours to do with as you wish. I'll even tell you where all the white oak is that remains in this world as well as how to keep the pesky tree from regrowing."

I tapped my wrist watch. "Wait, act now and you'll even learn how to make your hybrids, learn a secret about yourself you didn't know and I'll make you a self updating list of enemies so you know whom to kill and who to trust."

He read over the contract and I grabbed his hand, making it bleed before saying. "In blood. It is a magical binding contract that will curse either of us if we break it. Trust me, it won't be pleasant. Absolutely nightmarish beyond your worst experiences in fact. Be sure you want this."

He gritted his teeth and signed it so I made it disappear before sitting back down with Hayley across my lap once more. A stone coffin appeared in front of him with a white oak stake on it's lit and Mikael chained and desiccated inside. I waved a hand and he took the stake while I told him. "Whickery bridge is made of white oak including the sign. Then there's the little knight you carved as a boy that's made of white oak. That plus what you have in your hand and what I have is all there is. If you destroy it all a new tree will eventually grow where it was before because the white oak is an immortal piece of nature. You will destroy this planet before that tree ever disappears entirely."

I tossed him a ring. "That is a magic ring of holding. Put it on and it'll bite you, tying itself to your blood. With a thought any non living thing excluding vampires can be put inside. Store the white oak inside and with a thought you can bring it back out or leave it in there so it can never be used against you."

Klaus looked at the ring like a treasure and put it on, wincing before making the white oak disappear and reappear once. I grunted. "You can have children with female werewolves who've triggered their curse now that your full nature is free. The blood of a doppelgänger is needed for a werewolf to be turned into a hybrid, one of which looks like Stefan Salvatore and lives in Chicago."

I raised a hand and a cut appeared on his hand as a drop of blood from him flew to me. I did a spell on a map and a piece of paper before folding the very long list up and floating it to him. "There, a list of your enemies that want you dead and a map of their whereabouts at all times. Touch the blood and you'll be able to see what they're doing in that moment along with a more detailed whereabouts of them. I do believe I've kept my end of the bargain. Mikael is in the coffins so have at it and remember, touch my women or my pack and that list won't matter because your hybrid ass will find out first hand how hot the sun is via teleportation after I skin you alive."

He shivered and Elijah shoved the lid off the coffin, revealing Mikael. Elijah said his peace and Niklaus said his own before he shoved the stake in. The stake and Mikael caught fire as the Viking died. I stopped Elijah from putting the lid on, telling him Viking ash was scarce and needed to kill their dark witch of an aunt who would come after any child Niklaus fathered thanks to Esther's deal with her.

I told them they needed soil of Mikael's homeland, his ashes and the blood of their mother to end Dahlia for good. I told them how to have a witch bind it to a blade before waving them out. "I'm done giving secrets away so take the coffin and leave. Use the ring if you'd like, but be warned, I'm not your siblings and I don't take kindly to vampires or hybrid weaklings in my territory. Take your family disfunction and fuck off out of Mystic Falls."

Elena tossed Esther's talisman to Elijah, saying Stefan gave it to her so he must've gotten it in the twenties when he met Klaus and Rebekah. Elijah, Klaus and Stefan disappeared from town after that and Whickery bridge went missing entirely. The sheriff had a massive headache from that one, but Argent Tech put in a far safer bridge from non rusting treated stainless titanium and a four foot thick rubber and cement mixed ground that prevented slippery tires. The guard rails were five foot thick dura steel and titanium at a six foot height that made it a wall basically and extremely hard to die on unintentionally.

It was put up less than a day later so there was no need to hold a fundraiser. Damon was dating a tv reporter friend of Jenna's so he wasn't going anywhere. In the meantime, the packs came, most packs anyways. Over four hundred strong, they came to pledge their loyalty to me but I stopped them and we headed to New Orleans for a time.

Elena and Bonnie stayed with some of the pack watching over them and Maximus. They could communicate to me through their rings and I could teleport to them if they have need of me or simply need me each night. They knew what I was doing was important so they forebear using it for anything other than an emergency. Still, it kicked up a storm in New Orleans when a caravan of four hundred plus werewolves and their families moved into the neighborhood.

We went to the bayou and skipped the witch business. Instead, I shocked them by inducing a full moon to reverse the nature of the crescent pack. They were shocked to see so many wolves and even more shocked to see they'd turned back during a full moon that wasn't meant to happen. I told them who Hayley and I were and why we were here.

I told them all what I planned to do so that all of them no longer needed the rings to shift, so that my strength could become their strength. I told them all to pledge their loyalty to Hayley as their alpha. I told them I'd accept any challenges and once I was their alpha, I would teach them all the secrets of our people. Jackson wanted to challenge me, but not until the wedding.

I chuckled and told them that their wolf forms would change as well into dire wolves, bigger, stronger, faster, everything more than before. I told them my rules, no killing, raping, child abuse or other offenses to humans or their own kind. I told them that they can kill if we go to war but the rest would never be accepted and would result in their immediate banishment and stripping of the gifts and knowledge I bring them.

I told them they had to put me down to touch my mate, children and lovers or I'd do things to them that would make the devil himself weep and shriek in terror. They accepted that bit and learned of my rule that had them shifting a hundred plus times and how I'd help them. I told them it was necessary because a wolf with weaknesses and fear of shifting wasn't much of a wolf.

I told them my pregnant mate had done it so if they were too chicken shit they could leave at any time. I tossed a bag of rings on the bench and told them to practice because Hayley and I would marry right after the rituals we observe starting tonight. I made a giant clearing and carved runes in the circle, telling them to stay in it as they practice and the bulk of the pain would be transferred to me.

I told them pain was a fact of life and my tolerance of it would scare them to death. I went with the female elder and Hayley to observe the rituals. They knew the circle was working because they saw the black lines all over me like a jigsaw puzzle of agony. I gave no outward sign of it and just spoke normally.

The werewolf alphas pledged themselves to Hayley so their packs with us and elsewhere would benefit from it. Nearly every pack in America had pledged to her while I gathered the venom of the eight original werewolves including myself. I went to the spot marked with Inadu's death and did the spell with Freya's blood and a great deal of power. Only one dose was made and for good reason, it was potent and too powerful for replication.

I'd had two thousand years to come up with the specific immortality and power. It would give me beastly level powers and more, but allow me to keep my magic. When I was ready, Hayley, Tara and Willow killed me together. The witches drained my magic, what I couldn't channel out into my ring all at once and Hayley ripped my heart out as I told her I loved her.

I came back in a violent earthquake level fashion. Luckily Willow and Tara had kept the magic in their rings so none of it was waisted. The spot marked with my death was so magically potent, the world itself seemed to have declared it a holy place for witches because we found them checking it out later. In the meantime, I grew accustomed to my new changes rapidly learning I had no weakness thanks to the addition to white oak, special wordings and everything.

I even had a heartbeat and could still have kids so beat that Esther and fuck you Qetsiyah! A week later Hayley and I married, making a public spectacle of it. Every wolf that participated had their eyes glow as the old wolf elder did the ceremony. Even her eyes glowed and she gasped as strength and youth returned to her.

I kissed Hayley and told the old wolf. "My power is eternal and so is my youth. I've shared all of it with my pack and as such you're all immortal werewolves now. Damned hard to kill as well because it'd take a siphoner witch to drop you even if your hearts are ripped out and heads are cute off, you'll heal otherwise."

I lifted up some wolfsbane and crushed it saying they no longer had such a weakness and were no longer bound to the moon. My strength and abilities were theirs partially and now I waved a hand. Their rings all changed and I told them they were anti-magic rings now so no more fucking spells from the witches or even me could effect them. I raised my hand with Hayley's in it and we roared as one, shaking the bayou and all of New Orleans heard us as the sound traveled for miles, signaling the coming apocalypse for those that challenged us.

The next day after I'd bedded my beautiful mate, I told them all of the true abilities all werewolves shared. I told them of the power to share memories with our claws or take them if need be. I showed them how it worked and taught Jackson a great deal in his mind within seconds. I released him and he blinked before challenging me for alpha.

I nodded and shrugged off my shirt before asking if he wanted to fully shift, fight as men or partial shift. He chose the partial shift and we showed the rest how we changed. We tore into each other and I beat his ass up and down the bayou like a redheaded step child. Hayley watched from the doorway of the cabin as Jackson submitted.

I turned to the pack and told them I'd fight them all if they wanted, all at once. Hayley reminded them that I'd taken all their pain without flinching so there was nothing they could do to me that would make me submit and instead I'd break them in half all day every day for years without sleep until they submitted. They all flinched and none of them stepped forward so I grunted. "In that case, let's get back to your lessons. The more you know, the more you can pass on to every generation from now until the end of time."

I taught them one by one with my claws, out loud and in fights. I taught them hunting, tracking, covering tracks and scent all the way to surviving anywhere and everywhere. I taught them as a pack and as individuals all the way to raptor techniques and for a laugh, watched them fight out the pecking order. Jackson became my second after beating Mason who beat Brady so after things were settled, we had a bonfire and ate hog while I held Hayley and told them the origin of the species.

I told them everything since Inadu cursed us down to her cult having possessed Jackson's grandfather and him killing Hayley's parents. I told Jackson it wasn't his fault nor his grandfather's, it was Inadu trying to end her own bloodline because they can banish her with her own bones used as weapons covered in their blood. I told them the witches had one buried with their dead who'd used it for sacrificial magic which was how Inadu grew strong enough to infect Jackson's grandfather.

I told them how Klaus killed him and unknowingly stopped her from rising to power after World War One which she used to reach out later and build her cult that infected the old man. I sighed, telling them the Femur had been entrusted to me and I had it sealed far away so only the skull bones was uncounted for and Hayley would be getting the skull in the morning. I grunted, telling them that once we had all the bones, I'd drain them of power and boot the bitch's soul to the other side.

I turned to Jackson. "You and ten of the strongest wolves will be Hayley's guard for the duration of her pregnancy. You'll go with her tomorrow to retrieve the skull while I resurrect her parents and your grandfather. It's time we put the past behind us. If Shasa, Inadu's mother, hadn't demanded the bones be split up, I'd have ended her back then."

I explained to them that once I ended the Hollow, I'd blow the ancestral well and de-power all the covens in New Orleans before we move in and boot the vampires out of our city or kill them all, down to the last of them in Louisiana if they didn't want to leave peacefully. They were all happy to hear that and I chuckled, telling them they'd raid all the magic herbs and shops for the real magical artifacts, stripping the witch bitches that dared curse them of any chance to recover for the next century.

I stood up and huffed as they quitted. "After that, I'll destroy the other side and the even older he'll realm Qetsiyah and the devil witch Cade built, freeing the souls of the dead and restoring the natural order to this world. If witches want power they'll have to learn the oldest of ways and if they want a fight, no spell will harm you all so they can choke on their blood or fuck off. No more will our people fear being hunted by vampires or cursed by witches. They will accept us as equals or we will step over their dead bodies and take back our places as the oldest predator species alive."

They roared in agreement and I sighed. "Get some rest, tomorrow will be a long day."

I stopped and took the case Mason brought before putting it in my ring. The finger bone of Inadu that had been entrusted to his pack. The next day was a long one and after three resurrected werewolves joined the pack with two rings, Hayley returned with the others and the skull. We went in force to the graveyard where the witches were at their most powerful.

I pointed without a word and they broke open a grave while the witches got pissy. I held up a hand and dropped the witches with a spell. They all fell unconscious and with the bones, I drained them of power on the alter, giving Tunde's blade to Hayley. She covered it in her blood and I took out a book I confiscated from the witch Vincent.

I drew out Inadu and Hayley shanked the witch bitch with it. I siphoned her power into my ring and she was ejected to the other side after I drained the ancestral well and blew the link entirely, shunting all the spirits to the other side with Inadu. I'd effectively de-powered every witch in New Orleans. We took to the streets and I gave Marcel a day and night to take his vamps, spread the word and get the fuck out of Louisiana entirely.

The next night there was war and it didn't go like he'd hoped. Every vampire barring himself was slaughtered. I'd broke his neck and teleported him to Klaus with a note telling him everything I'd found and done in Louisiana and what was coming next. I have the word and a secret war went on as every vampire in the city was caught and slaughtered.

I went to the prison cottage and slaughtered the bad witches there, freeing the rest and leaving it a prison until Freya awakes so she'd be safe. We swept outwards and I used magic to find all the hidden vamps, telling the wolves to give them the chance to leave Louisiana for good or die. I personally led the slaughter of those that refused and it was one hell of a slaughter. Thousands of vampires throughout the entire state had been killed.

The supernatural community soon heard Louisiana was a safe haven for werewolves and a barred no vampires allowed zone for all except the originals or Klaus's hybrids. Within a week, my work was done mostly as the magical artifacts were taken from the human faction and the witches. I found and slaughter the travelers before taking Amara's statue self. I used her to drained the other side of magic and break it, shunting those that deserved it into hell after I drained them all of magic.

I broke into the armory and took the tuning fork before killing the siren and taking Cade's bone. With Vickie's help, the bell was restored and rang. I withstood hellfire while draining hell of power and breaking the dimension. Cade came out pissed, but I buried his bone blade in his heart and killed him, shunting all the souls to the bright world where they should've been to begin with.

Qetsiyah fled knowing I knew she revived herself and I caught up to her after killing the second siren. Her death was quicker this time and far more permanent. I went to the island off the coast of Nova Scotia in Canada where I broke Silas free, freed Amara and beat them over the head with a gentle finger flip. I fixed Amara's crazy ass and told her our children were butchered by a Qetsiyah because they had to run off without saying they were in love.

I gave Silas a disappointed look. "I left you like that because your actions led to the death of my children. You knew I didn't love Amara and yet you ran off and eloped without a word of warning. You-"

My anger shook the cave before I sighed and let it go. He apologized and I grunted. "Just go, the both of you. The other side is destroyed, Qetsiyah's dead, you're free and I'm done with the both of you."

I took the cure for immortality from him when he offered and he went off to live his life in Europe like I suggested. I drained the spots of power across the world before I returned to Mystic Falls. There, I turned Stefan and Damon human. Klaus had his army of hybrids so I turned Caroline human and told Klaus he and his family still have Marcel's old compound they can live in, but no other vampires would be allowed in Louisiana.

I gestured to his hybrids. "Other than those of course. But know that if they attack the wolves, they'll be the ones dead."

I turned to the room of coffins and raised an eyebrow. Elijah told me they planned to awaken them now. I shrugged. "I'm fairly certain Rebekah may hurt Klaus for the eighth or so years she's been down. Though I imagine the boy Finn will be the most cross."

I offered a piece of paper to Elijah. "Sage's cellphone number. I imagine he'd calm down fast enough and adapt faster with her."

Elijah thanked me and I shrugged, closing those doors before turning to Klaus. He gave me the ashes, blood and soil and I bound it to two swords. I told him they would kill Dahlia with any lethal blow. He put one away and I kept the other saying it was in case they failed to get the job done with one, I'd kill her myself. I told them Esther was very dead now and he chuckled happily when I opened the coffin and showed her dead.

I told them I drained the other side of magic and blew it up along with a hell realm and the ancestral well. I told them witches would have to learn to do magic without their spirits because none were helping them now. I grunted, telling them I'd be turning my mansion into a school for witches, werewolves and newbie vampires soon so anyone with children no matter the species could have a safe place to learn.

I smiled as Rebekah spoke from the doorway behind Niklaus. "Always the sentimental type, Ren."

I nodded and she shoved the dagger I'd magically removed from her into Klaus's throat. He went to pull it out only for Finn to shove another in his hand. What he didn't understand was the final one from Kol was gold and shoved into his heart. He desiccated and dropped like they would've.

I sighed and Kol thanked me for that. I nodded and he passed the note to Elijah before telling them the dagger did the same to him that had been done to them. I told them. "Don't bring it out for at least a century. I'd rather not have my children hunted by him."

Finn snorted. "He's going to stay down for at least a thousand years! Nine hundred for me and a hundred he stole from Kol."

I grunted. "Why not just add all the time you all spent daggered and call it his sentencing? I'm fairly certain they'll have spaceships available, maybe you can drop his ass on Mars afterwards and he can be king of space dust for his history of slaughtering for fun."

They all liked that idea and I sighed, waving a hand as he appeared in a glass coffin, sealed and on the table. I told them about Freya being sold to Dahlia which Finn knew and I told them of how Dahlia used Freya's power to leapfrog through time. I told them I'd found them and spent the last thousand years making an unbinding spell for her to use the next time she wakes. I grunted, telling them where she is now asleep and what I'd done to Qetsiyah, Silas, the other side and the hell dimension none of them knew of along with Inadu and the ancestral well.

Kol didn't like it, but I told him. "Silas and Amara are in Europe and at best his psychic power can cover a town square. Amara is no psychic and nothing more than an immortal human. She'll temper him, trust me. Most of the propaganda back then was Qetsiyah's doing to force him to choose and join her on the other side. Which is gone, dead like your mother and destroyed by myself."

I looked to each of them and sighed. "Those places were corks in the natural order. None of them belonged and all they did was give witches more power than necessary and cause unnecessary suffering for all the other dead supernaturals, which FYI would've included yourselves if you'd been killed with white oak. Witches talk a good game about vampires being the worst thing that happened to this world, but everything vampires have done and even werewolves, can be laid at their own feet for making the damned curses in the first place."

I turned to Finn and brought out my claws. I told him to trust me and I used them on his neck, connecting us and catching him up on everything. I turned to Elijah as I released him. "The dagger was special because I made it so that Klaus's entire side line died with him barring Marcel, your sister's epic love or whatever."

I grabbed each of the daggers and added the spell to them before passing them to each of them. "Finn's will leave two alive, one is Sage and the other is a vampire named Slater who runs Argent Tech. The rest will wipe your side lines entirely. Then witches can take this time and reflect or go without the powers they'd used borrowing from the spirits and ancestors. Hopefully none turn to sacrificial magic, but you get what you get with what you have to work with."

Finn asked if I'd give my word to pull it out once it was done. I nodded and he dipped it in white oak ashes before stabbing himself. I caught him and sighed. "Always so dramatic you Mikaelsons are."

I sat down and closed my eyes after lowering him to the floor. Kol did the same and I used magic to do so before waiting while I felt the side lines fall. Two hours later I pulled the daggers out and they recovered. Anna and Trevor were already immortal humans so that was that.

When they awoke, Elijah asked if it was necessary and I nodded. "We're returning the world to the way it should've been and undoing centuries of mistakes. Not even the Strix are as you remember them. They're currently plotting to kill you all so do make up your mind before they find a way to do it."

He sighed and took off his jacket and shirt before shanking himself. Rebekah asked me to do it and I did. When it was time, I nodded to Finn and Kol who took the daggers out. I stood up and sighed. "The hybrids are dead, all the vampires save three that aren't originals are dead or imprisoned in mystical prison realms so that pretty much takes care of that."

I set a box on the table and told them inside was a vial of the cure for immortality and there was two prison realms with duplicates so they could be human witches if they pleased. I warned them of the drawbacks and told Rebekah. "If you do take it, be sure to kill Marcel because if he makes any more vampires, I'll kill him myself."

I turned to Finn. "Sage wants to show you the world and be at your side forever. Of everyone here, you are the one that understands the cost of immortality the most so if you do take it, I will help her become mortal as well if she wants."

He nodded slowly and I told them how to get the ascendants before telling them to call me if the do because I'd like to raid both worlds for resources. I told them all the tech and supplies come in handy when you're building a school for kids. I turned to Kol and told him of Davina Claire, telling him that she could be someone he would give up immortality for and become a witch to be with for a lifetime.

I told him I'd not forbidden magic or anything that silly, I'd just wanted everyone to start fresh on equal footing so when I feel it's time, the immortal members of the pack will leave to a realm I'd created for immortals to go and have families of their own. I told them that I too would leave one day and let this world do as it will. I turned to Finn and told him he and Sage would be welcome there, but if he went he'd never see anyone except Freya whom I planned to take there because she was pregnant with my child and would give birth a day after she wakes up, just like last time.

I grimaced and told them what happened before telling Rebekah that Marcel wouldn't be welcome there because I don't allow power hungry vampires in the world of peace I'd made for those seeking to have families, not blood orgies and domination wars. I turned to Kol. "You and Davina would be welcome there to seek a new form of immortality without sterility if you seek it. Magic is potent there and vast libraries beyond imagining of magic and knowledge await all those willing to learn. All that I know of magic, realities, power, everything, is in those libraries. I keep no secrets from those that live there and they can keep no secrets from me because that realm is bound to my soul."

I smiled. "Dragons, Phoenix's, unicorns, that world is full of magical beings that once roamed this world before they were erased from memory by witches nine hundred years ago."

I told them of Malivore and the place I stored the innocent when I destroyed the evil beings that inhabited the pit. I told Elijah that he should live his life and store Klaus in the ring as for now at least, he is just a dead body. I gave him said ring and told him he would be his warden and for now at least, he could have a life, find a woman to spend eternity with and turn her and only her if she's willing. I warned them all that I'd be cross if they jump started the vampire species again before telling Marcel who came out of hiding that Niklaus wasn't to be freed until he paid his debt to society as it were.

I told him that if he and Rebekah can't make it work then he gets one turn. Anymore and I'd know and dust his ass with werewolf venom. I left them there and warned Marcel that the cure wouldn't work on me because my immortality wasn't from a spell, it was from raw magic in my body. I'd only made my body harder to kill, not immortal with the elixir.

He said I killed his friends and I turned to him. "You've killed a lot of people's friends and family oh great king of the quarter. Your friends would be dead now either way from the dagger in Klaus and you with them had I not been fond of Rebekah. Be grateful that I'm not killing you like you and Klaus killed people, kids even. Or did you forget Papa Tunde's sons? Mere boys who hadn't even grown facial hair, killed because you brought him back to try and run Klaus out of New Orleans."

I shook my head. "Stay out of Louisiana, don't make more than one vampire if Rebekah isn't the one you want to be with and leave Klaus daggered. Those are my terms for your continued existence. If you don't like it I can return you to human and erase your mind of the past two hundred odd years or however old you are, turning you into a whipping boy still fearful of his father's ire."

He flinched and I looked him over, shaking my head. "If not for what you did for Hayley or Andrea Labonair as you knew her as a baby, that would be your fate for whining about losing the war you insisted on."

I turned and told Rebekah that if he tries to harm Bonnie Bennett or Elena Gilbert and her family, he'll beg me for death while I skin him alive every day for the next century or until I get bored and shred his soul with dark magic so even his afterlife would cease to be. I left finally, saw Bonnie and Elena, had Bonnie and Elena in a three way and told them everything while we lay entangled. I told them I planned to start a school for werewolves and witches plus whatever other supernaturals remain.

I spoke with Alaric and turned the Mansion into a proper boarding school, classrooms and all. Hell, I made a track for runners and a clubhouse for the kids to throw parties in the woods. Alaric agreed to run it after his high school teaching days are over. With all the dead vampires, it would've made the news so I'd turned them all to ashes while the lines were killed of which was why humans barely noticed. When I learned that Matt knew the truth, Vickie and I paid him a visit.

He still had the money which I really didn't care about. He had a decent place and had been doing well for himself. I told him that Maximus was so he didn't have to be alone and he'd have something to remember his sister by because she was immortal and wouldn't be returning to the mortal world for long. I told him of Maximus's curse and how not to trigger it before telling him of the school he could send him to when he's older.

I headed back to New Orleans and for the next five years I bounced back and forth until Bonnie and Elena joined us in New Orleans. I'd raided both prison words, turned the heretics human with Lily and left Kai in a coffin at the bottom of a well while covered in cement. Yup, he wasn't getting out at all. I'd left five hundred wired nukes triggered to explode the moment he somehow exits the well so even if he did do the impossible, he'd be atomized and the prison world would crumble.

Rebekah thought I was being ridiculous, but then she'd still been sour because I killed Marcel for trying to make an army to take back New Orleans. Stefan and Damon had their mother back and Stefan had Caroline which he'd been happy with. Damon still had Andie Star or whoever she was despite the fact that he was human now. Stefan learned of his kid whom I'd freed and turned human in the eighties named Enzo St.John.

I told them he lived in Florida and had three grown kids. With that, I took the Phoenix stone and altered it before putting it away. That had been the last I'd seen of the heretics and Lily Salvatore because I didn't give any fucks about them. Alaric had started the school with Josette and I'd given them a copy of all the magic books I had for the school.

They had rings of holding and all the money from the Argent Tech funds. They trained witches and werewolves to start off with and that was one of the reasons I'd had to pop back and forth so often, to teach young wolves at the school. Rebekah had become human, Dahlia was dead and Freya was immortal, tied to Hayley. They both gave birth to healthy babies.

Hayley had a son she named Nick and Freya had a daughter she named Hope oddly enough. Soon after Elena and Bonnie moved in, Jackson took my place teaching young wolves at the school. Kol became human for Davina while Finn and Sage simply lived in the immortal world without becoming human. That left Elijah who became human and gave the ring with Klaus in it to Slater to let him out in two thousand years.

Elijah had become human to be with Cami without having to worry about the rest. Once the witches knew and understood the score, they recovered in time and while there were hiccups along the way, Vincent stepped up and made peace as their regent. The wolves settled down and the magic stuff that wasn't dark was returned with the warning that there would be a bloodbath if they broke the peace because I'd kill every witch in New Orleans that wasn't on my side over night if they picked that fight.

Peace reigned and lasted for the next fifteen years under our watchful eyes. Seeing the new generation grow into their own, led by my son Nick, the immortal wolves stepped back more and more, scattering across the globe to teach all the wolves our ways. Another five years passed before Nick accidentally triggered his curse in a hover craft accident.

Afterwards he challenged me and I stepped down as the alpha of the crescent wolf pack. Hayley did so with me and Nick having Hope as his badass witch sister, rose to the occasion. Elena's children moved back to Mystic Falls with Bonnie's and some helped run the school while others lived normal lives. When Argent Tech went interplanetary, we knew it was time to leave.

The school had gone global as well while Ric and Josette had fixed their daughters just in time, breaking their urges to merge. Josie had married Hope and Lizzie had married Nick, having gone to school with them and been power couples the whole way. Bored, I body hopped, leaving a piece of my soul in my other body before taking my women into the scroll, saying goodbye and taking the immortal wolves in.

Jackson stayed and did the honors, ending me. His next stop was to end Slater and be done with the vampire species altogether because fuck that shit. Vampires aren't romantic and unless you're a werewolf who likes it at room temperatures, vampires aren't even that much fun sex wise. Then again if you're a werewolf, it doesn't much matter because most are too horny to give a fuck what temperature they're fucking into or getting fucked by.

Anyways, my death triggered one last spell that killed every dark witch on the planet. Cause yup, I'm a dick like that. Heads exploded all over and it was no doubt quite the scene. I did happen to see the bright world before I was dragged out kicking and screaming.

Well, cursing up a storm and flipping off whatever cruel god played that joke of an afterlife on me.