
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs


I sat in meditation at the academy the next day and from then on until the continental tournament as I cultivated in a motionless training environment. With my efforts, the abstruse gemstone, the connection to my painting nourishing my spirit energy and the motionless training environment, I grew from rank eighty-three to rank eighty-seven while waiting for the tournament. I signed up as a Shrek team extra and again I played the trump card. All the others had trained and made it to rank fifty after a trip to the sunset forest so they had to return for another set of spirit rings.

I'd taken Oscar to get a mirror image spirit beast ring and he managed to get a skull bone along with it that increased his capabilities. We returned as the others returned from their own trips getting their rings. Tang San managed to get a thirty thousand year spirit ring from another man faced demon spider and evolved his right spider lances once more. His fourth ring had been from a ten thousand year spirit beast as well which had evolved his lances.

They trounced the competition one after another including the elephant armored academy students. They beat two more teams after I interfered and killed a spirit douluo trying to kill Tang San. The spirit douluo in question was from the last academy the team beat, the Cang Hai. When the silver bishop of the spirit hall tried to apprehend Tang San for deflecting the Cang Hai team's fusion ability back on them.

I stepped in and stopped him, telling him I killed the Cang Hai dean because he attempted to murder Tang San the other day, showing the spirit bone I took from him and explaining that the spirit fusion ability Tang San deflected was just that, the dumb team's own power. I released my nine treasure glaze tile pagoda and all eight spirit rings, speaking coldly to the Dean as my father and grandpa Bone stood behind me. "You can try and take Tang San, but with the proof I've given and the witnesses I can provide, you'll have to arrest me as well and your spirit hall will go to war with my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile clan here and now."

I walked up to the bishop and spoke coldly. "If you need a reference, this is very much a threat of war you and everyone in the spirit hall will have to answer for. My clan may not win against your spirit hall Salas, but everyone below titles douluo in the spirit hall will all be slaughtered including you and several titles douluo to boot. I give you my word as the heir to my clan."

He sweat dropped because he knew I fully meant my words. His guards backed off and he said there must be some mistake then on Cang Hai academy's part because a Dean trying to assassinate a student of another school was against the law. I scoffed and walked away, telling him. "Then it seems you're willing to listen to reason. Grandpa Bones and my father can testify with another dozen eye witnesses to my words about the Dean I killed in defense of my fellow student. Do tell the Pointiff that I am thirteen and I will be participating on Shrek's behalf for the finals. I do hope they brought out the rumored spirit bones. It wouldn't be fun if the prize was cheap, showing the same for the spirit hall after all."

He scowled and left with his men while I tossed the cranial bone to Tang San. "If you don't want it, I'd suggest you hold onto it until the end of the tournament so we have more to share with the team."

He nodded and thanked me while I waved him off. "The spirit hall may or may not have been responsible for your mother's death, but they were for mine. When I reach titled douluo, their blood will soak this world and my sword will cleave all those who side with them in two."

I turned and left with my father and Grandpa Bone, telling the others I'd be waiting until they need me in the arena. I cultivated constantly and when Dai Mubai went into a coma because of the evil white Tiger god inheritance ritual, I offered to help. Dugu Bo asked what I thought I could do for him and I chuckled. "He isn't the only one with a God's inheritance with his spirit essence."

I took out my thundergod meteorite sword and told him. "Long ago this belonged to the thunder god and is a divine artifact made into spirit essence when he died. I should say died and was reborn."

They were all shocked including my father who was watching with Grandpa Bone and Sword. Grandpa Bone chuckled saying I sure had many mysteries hiding from my grandpas. I smiled lightly and sighed, turning back to Dai Mubai. "The evil eye white tiger god is a stubborn old fool bound to the constellation in the stars themselves because he got banished from the god realm for being a jackass. Let's see if I can't make him see reason. After all, he's only a bound god and even I'm in a better position than he's in."

I put the thundergod meteorite sword in Dai Mubai's hands and put my hand on his forehead. I entered his mind with skilled ease and the evil eyed white tiger sage tried to block me. I scoffed and my sword glowed with divine power as I pushed the big cat back. We went to war in Dai Mubai's mind until I pinned down the big cat and bound him to Dai Mubai permanently until Dai Mubai ascends to godhood.

I warned the cat that if Dai Mubai dies so does he now so he'd best help him with all his might or face the consequences of his actions. I exited Dai Mubai's mind and took my sword from him, putting it away. "It's done. They'll have to bargain and finish the inheritance, but if Dai Mubai dies before reaching rank one hundred and ascending to godhood, the evil eyed bastard will die with him. I bound them with divine lightning chains that are unbreakable by the sage old foggy until Dai Mubai becomes a god."

I turned to Zhuqing who thanked me and shrugged. "Don't let the old cat bully you. He has no power on his own now other than to help or not. If he doesn't he condemns himself as well so remember, he can't do anything real. All he has is mental tricks, nothing more."

I turned to leave and Xiao Wu asked. "Why didn't you tell us you were a god?"

I shook my head. "Because I'm not a god anymore and that was a long time ago. I have the blessing of a new life now and I don't plan to waste it talking about the past I can't change. I fought, I won and I died because of the fight having destroyed my physical body. That's all that matters about my past. I prefer to look towards the future now."

I turned to my father and grunted. "I won't become a god again until the future of the clan is secure and I've destroyed the spirit hall down to every last member. Trust me, they will pay for what they've done."

I headed to the clan with them and when it was time we headed to Heaven Dou capital city where the first prince of the Heaven Dou empire gave a speech. As I waited, reaching rank eighty-nine, Mewtwo showed up with a most curious bird. It was a Yin-Yang Chaos Bird, made from the primordial energies leftover from the creation of the Soul Land planet. It agreed to fuse with me to prevent another rise of an evil god so with a Neidan it provided, I broke through to rank ninety and created a second and third core, one of light and grey, mixing them in my bones, heart and brain.

I was much happier and calm inside when I fused with the Yin-Yang Chaos Bird willingly using a formation array to make us both equals in spirit. It's million year old ring made the ninth ring of my nine treasure glass pagoda. It's wing external spirit bone fused with the Evilgod Tiger's wing bones, mutating them into the Yin-Yang Chaos wings. Their power went up so much it was startling.

I could hear and see the chaos bird flying in my mind scape happily as it changed from a depressed slaughter dome to a more evolved and powerful world of nature and balance. I thanked Mewtwo who happily read my mind now and knew it was genuine. He returned to the scroll with a ring and peculiar bracelet that looked like Tang San's living treasure storage device only it was blue and black. I shrugged and told my father I'd broken through so I was going after my final rings soon.

For now, I was a rank ninety-three titled douluo, the Thundergod Douluo. I fused with the million year old tortoise chest bone and rose to rank ninety-five, becoming a super douluo like my grandpas. I meditated and consolidated my power, rising up one more rank by the time I had to join the Shrek team on the tournament field for the opening ceremonies. When the ceremonies were over, Tang San fought the Blazing academy one on one and ended up poisoned.

He won by forfeit and had to be healed by a technique from one of our backup teammates. She ended up trading her life force and passing out. I caught her and huffed. "To go so far to heal someone. I guess I can do as much as well."

I set her in a chair and put a hand over her heart and forehead. "As a titled douluo my lifespan is far more than I'll need to become a god so I might as well share it. Self made technique: chaos lifeforce exchange!"

Jiang Zhu grew younger rapidly and I didn't appear to age at all. I huffed as I sat down and sighed. "That should be more than enough to help her ascend to godhood especially once she becomes a tilted douluo and doubles the lifespan I gave her."

Xiaogang asked how much I gave her and I smiled. "All except a century and considering I'm already a rank ninety-five super douluo, I'm not too worried. Just ask her not to use her healing too much and waste it all."

He nodded and I took off my abstruse gemstone necklace since it could no longer help me much. I put it on Jiang Zhu and told them since Tang San is healed I'd be going now until they need me because I had to get more spirit rings for my sword. Grandpa Bone came with me to find and kill a million yea old thunder dragon Mewtwo had raised from a hundred year thunder drake with dragon bloodline beast pills which were stable.

When we killed it, it became my seventh ring for my sword and it's wings fused with my Chaos wings, making them Lightning Chaos wings. They were so pure that they resonated with the other million year old spirit bones in my body and stimulated them to grow in age as well. While that happened, I found and faced a million year old Purple lightning Dragon, killing it and gaining my eighth spirit ring for my sword along with the million year old external spirit bone Purple Lightning Dragon claws for both hands.

I fused with the pair and smiled as I'd reached rank ninety-nine already. I felt a suppressive aura from the world as if some god was forbidding ascension without an inheritance. I scoffed and we left, heading to hunt the Demon Empress, an evil demonic whale. The battle was titanic and horrified even grandpa Bone once I began it while he watched.

Still, in the deepest core of the ocean I slew the Demonic Whale bitch and fused her spirit ring to my sword while suppressing my spirit power for now, avoiding ascending. I took the whale's body and skull bone, asking grandpa Bone if he needed it. He shook his head saying he had a full set so I stored it for now. When we returned, I told father and grandpa Sword I was suppressing my full power so I didn't ascend immediately, but it would happen someday soon.

They asked if I was ready and I nodded, telling them to strengthen the clan with the immortal herbs and pills before we make our move while the tournament is going on. They agreed and took the rings I provided while I sat in meditation. When Dai Mubai unlocked the sage's power, I followed Zhuqing when she went to get medicine for him after he won his match and passed out.

Two spirit saints attacked her and I made them disappear, appearing in front of her. "Go back to Dai Mubai before something bad happens."

She ran and I followed without anyone seeing. I appeared as the leader of the two spirit saints spoke. "Princess Zhuqing went out and didn't come back right? I had my subordinates retrieve her."

I chuckled as I appeared. "Yeah, you can have them back."

I tossed his subordinates at his feet, beaten and bloody in a very brutal fashion and barely alive. He frowned and Zhuqing came through the door. He tried to grab her and I cut off his arm with a thought. I wagged a finger. "Touching a friend of mine without permission, bad dumbass. Now be a good stray cat, take your kittens and leave before I neuter you with a rusty spoon and butcher your subordinates for giggles."

He held his bloody stump and I released my sword that glowed with a terrifying five red and four golden rings. He gasped. "Titled douluo."

I nodded. "I am, so what of it? Piss off or your arm is the least you'll lose for trying to attack my friends."

Dai Mubai gave him a senzu bean and told him it would regrow his arm. He ate it and fled with his unconscious subordinates saying we hadn't heard the end of this. I scoffed once he was gone. "I'm a limit douluo, what have I to be scared of from weaklings or even countries? I could skull fuck his king and queen with his wife for a laugh and make him thank me afterwards. Fucking weaklings."

They all had sweat drops and Xiaogang asked. "Limit douluo? You've already reached so far?"

I nodded slowly. "My spirit bones are all fusing as well and soon my spirit rings will age rapidly as well. I'm suppressing my power so I don't break through and ascend as a god. Even if the other gods decreed I need an inheritance of a current god, fuck them. I can feel the suppression they had that prevents normal people from ascending and I'm not impressed. I ruled as a supreme god when they were a twinkle in their father's pants. The fucks I give about a mortal suppression barrier."

I turned to Tang San. "Now that I've reached the pinnacle of this world, you should know I can see your hidden secrets. Being a reincarnation myself, it isn't hard to see others like myself."

He bit his lip and I shrugged. "Don't worry, I don't give a shit about what happened or why. To me you're still Tang San, still my friend."

I sat down and sighed. "Sorry if I've been distant of late. I took in the core of a Evilgod Tiger and it was the essence of pure evil. I was busy suppressing it's power and keeping it from corrupting my mind until I fused with the Yin-Yang Chaos bird and made two more cores to balance myself out without killing myself. The evil core went into my bones while the good core is in my heart and the Yin-Yang core went into my brain, balancing my problems finally."

They brushed it off and I told them what I'd done and where I'd been with Grandpa Bone. I turned to Dai Mubai. "Don't worry about the pussy cat. It can't erase your heart or mind unless you agree and so long as you're mortal it's stuck in you. Just tell it to fuck off and obey or I'll climb back in your head and skin the fur ball to make a throw rug. It'll be the first bald cat god that had to regrow it's skin."

He smiled and agreed, thanking me for alleviating his worries. I shrugged and turned to Zhuqing, telling her. "After this tournament is over I'll take you and Dai Mubai with me to train in a special place. You'll be at least spirit douluos before I release you and have all I know of alchemy, fighting, formations and forging up to divine weapons and artifacts."

I turned to Ma Hongjun. "As for you, I have a hundred million year old deity level Phoenix spirit beast pet I'm willing to give you and one other. You'll be able to soak in it's blood, it's power and fuse with a full skeletal set of Phoenix bones, reaching at least titled douluo with whomever you choose to be your girlfriend and eventual wife. Think carefully fatty, because once you do this you'll forever be tied to her and she, you."

I turned to Oscar and hummed before saying I had a garden of million year old immortal emperor plants who give spirit rings, bones and increased efficiency in their medicines if he and Rongrong want some to help grow stronger after the tournament. He thanked me and I turned to his ape pet we'd met in the frozen forest. I tossed it a sack of beast pills. "If you betray him after eating those I'll make monkey soup out of you."

It shook it's head and hid behind Oscar's legs after snatching the sack. I huffed and turned to Tang San. "I have some river grass and a special gift for you but it won't be of use until later. It can return sentience and rapidly age plant type spirit beasts until they can reform into human form after the hundred thousand year mark."

I tossed him the ring and he looked confused but thanked me while I turned to Xiao Wu and tossed her a bag of beast pills made into carrot shapes and colors. She absolutely loved them while I turned to the Dean and the extra team members. "I have some resources that can help you all and the school, but I have another gift. Once your bodies are ready, I'll help you fuse with hundred thousand year old spirit beasts I have picked out for all of you except Xiao Wu, Tang San and the monkey."

The little monkey screeched at me and I snorted. "You may be a snow ape to others, but your just another monkey to me."

I grunted and told them that once their bodies can tank a hit of a spirit Saint without using spirit power to block, all that's really difficult is the soul shock and I can help them overcome that easily like I helped Dai Mubai with his kitten problem. Later that night Gui Mei came to confirm Dai Mubai had given up his power and he disappeared never to be heard from again for trying to attack Tang San and the others. I personally made sure of that much myself, trapping the ugly bastard in a spirit power nullifying cell strong enough to hold a Douluo God.

Mewtwo had many experiments he wanted to try on him since he was evil so Gui Mei was all his. Mewtwo was kind hearted to good people, but like me he'd be brutal to evil ones. The next day I watched the next match to learn the self made moves like before with the other matches. Tang San revealed who he was and who his father was.

After he'd won the match, I followed him out of the city and killed the spirit douluo that attacked him. When Yue Guan, the chrysanthemum douluo, showed up, I made the he-she disappear in the cell next to Gui Mei. We headed back to town after I told them. "The supreme pontiff won't send any more fodder for now. If she does, well, there can always be a new supreme pontiff."

My words made the Shrek monsters and all except Xiaogang who wasn't there, feel relieved. Tang San asked what I'd do with the titled douluo and I chuckled. "After I take the he-she's neidan I'll refine it into a pill with a brutal and bloody technique so my Grandpa Sword or Bone can break through the next rank. Don't worry, I don't waste resources and since I fully intend to kill every member of the spirit hall, there will be plenty of such pills being made of all the titles douluo."

I walked away from the shocked group, turning back and telling them coldly. "The Spirit Hall started this war by poisoning my mother when Rongrong and I were yet to be born because my father announced he'd have a son as the heir to the clan. For this, they will all pay with their lives, down to every last member. My mother died because they feared what another strong generation of my clan could do if pushed. Now they'll learn first hand their actions signed their tombstones. As for the pills, they won't be evil and won't be made of their bodies, just of their spirit essence while I leave them withered husks, dead in the dust."

I turned back and left them there, heading to meditate and watch the next match once they were ready. As it turns out the spies I felt watching us reported back and the supreme pontiff summoned me to her castle. I arrived and she asked where her subordinate the chrysanthemum douluo was. I shrugged. "Right now? In a pocket dimension I control having the power drained from it's body and turned into a cultivation pill for daring to attack my friend."

She got mad and released her domain so I released mine that pushed hers back and protected Yu Xiaogang. He asked me not to kill her and she asked him what he meant by that. I smirked and retracted my domain, releasing both my spirits and showing her my rings with my spirit power at the limit. "He means miss supreme pontiff, I could kill you as easily as you breathe. Though why he'd want me to spare your pathetic life is beyond me."

She was shocked a great deal while I retracted my power and killed the little ant kneeling not far away while listening. I dropped the severely weakened Chrysanthemum douluo and Gui Mei in front of her, barely alive and unable to cultivate anymore. Chuckling, I told her. "You can have them back now, the process is done and they'll never cultivate or fight again. They're crippled beyond any medicines or help now just like I'll do to every titles douluo the spirit hall sends after my friends."

I turned to Xiaogang and spoke coldly. "For you I'll spare her and only her. But if she attacks my clan or Shrek academy in any way, there won't be any saving her from me. I'll turn her into a cultivation resource like I have these pathetic fucks who dared attack my friends."

I left and gave my grandpas the spirit ascension pills Mewtwo had made by experimenting. They were safe and reliable especially with Mewtwo's skills. Both grandpas broke through to rank ninety-seven and ninety-eight respectively, nearing the limit of soul land. I watched Shrek beat the Star Lou empire academy and the first prince of the Star Lou empire learn not only did his younger brother have the sage's inheritance, but his teacher tried to have Dai Mubai banish it.

When it came time four days later for the finals, I stood on the stage with Rongrong and together we used our clans secret technique to amplify the whole Shrek team while using all our glass tower rings at once to give them all the boosts at once. The team's power went up insanely to the point where they crushed the spirit hall's team even without using Dai Mubai and Zhuqing's fusion ability. The spirit hall's team did use a spirit fusion but it was destroyed in seconds and did no damage to our team.

When they tried the triple spirit fusion ability we did the hammer formation fusion ability and won in a devastating blow. When we received the bones, Xiao Wu attacked the supreme pontiff and Salas knocked her back, making the broken heart flower fall away and revealing her aura as a hundred thousand year old changed spirit beast. The supreme pontiff declared it so and sent minions to attack until they were blasted back by a barrier I made.

I spoke coldly. "Spirit hall, you dare attack my friends again!"

My voice thundered through the city and the sky changed into a terrible world ended thunderstorm. I growled. "I warned you once before Bibi Dong, now you draw my ire again? I'd like to see which of you dares attack those I care about today!"

Thick pillars of lightning cracked down onto my palm as my massive sky splitting blade formed. The old foggy and the elder hall moved, appearing before the supreme pontiff saying they'd deal with me as I growled. "With just you? Not nearly enough!"

My sword blade descended onto their barrier and the old limit douluo's sword. My thundergod meteorite sword screeched and crackled with lightning before a loud boom shattered the barrier and sent all the titles douluo flying back, spitting blood. Only the old bastard stood strong and even still his sword had cracked and given way halfway through his blade already. I pulled back my blade at my father's words and put it away while glaring at the old bastard.

My father told him to apologize for having had my mother poisoned and the next time we meet it will be on more civil terms. The old bastard called my mother a shameless whore and I went to kill him only for my father to pull me back by my shoulder while fixing his glasses. "Very well. Since you're unrepentant, know that any time from now on that our people meet yours, your people will be hunted down and killed, every last one of them. For now though, old Bone, sent Tang San and his girlfriend to see his father. I'm sure the Clear Sky Douluo will want to speak with them and we have places to be."

I turned and left through a portal grandpa Bone made with my sister. As for the rest of the Shrek academy, they hadn't had time to act so they were deemed innocent. I sat in the clan in meditation for a few days before spending four years training the others of Shrek's seven devils. Fatty chose his bird bride after all and Jigan died, giving them his blood and sacred flames of rebirth with his spirit ring that would last Fatty until he becomes a titled douluo and god.

The blood mutated Ma Hongjun's future bride's bird spirit essence into a Phoenix lineage spirit beast essence. Their bodies reached titled douluo in toughness and their spirit power became as potent as a spirit douluo's even as they became spirit emperors. The bones were split between them at Ma Honjun's insistence. I helped the teachers fuse hundred thousand year spirit rings and the rest the same when it came time.

From tigers to leopards and jaguars, Dai Mubai and Zhuqing grew a great deal stronger in my special training arena. Even Oscar and Rongrong got physically stronger after bathing in million years old mountain dragon king blood. My own bones completed become million year old bones with a singular domain fusion ability that boosts literally every skill I have by a full ten times for one hour a day. They had minor skills as well, but that was their fused bone ability.

My lower spirit rings began growing stronger towards the end of the fourth year after my bones were done. My purple spirit ring was all black and all the black rings seemed to be aging because the near hundred thousand year mirror beast ring was slowly turning red. In the meantime the group grew to become spirit saints and I stopped training them after helping them fuse their seventh rings. The teachers had all become titled douluo and Zhao Wuji insisted I'd helped him fuse a freaking million year Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear.

It had taken all four years to raise the damned thing and if it hadn't been in my painted world it would've likely won the fight even with me pushing godhood. He got plenty of spirit bones and was smug as shit when he directly became a freaking rank ninety-four titled douluo. Still, with the dumb bear's power up, he was keeping pace with the dragon bloodline teachers easily since they'd gotten the million year treatment including Yu Xiaogang who practically ran through the spirit ranks while I watched jealously.

He'd had it easier than I had and I'd used a lot of shortcuts. Flanders tried to get me to donate the painting to the school and I told him to fuck off. He'd just wanted the expensive spirit herb garden and massive resources inside. Still, many of the clan and the academy had trained inside for the past four years.

When it was time, I kicked everyone out and told them I had to go into cultivation on my own. In truth I knew the attacks would be coming soon so I went to Star Dou forest and trained Xiao Wu who had kept pace with the others. I helped her break through to spirit douluo alongside Er Ming and Da Ming whom she cared for. Da Ming I helped evolve his bloodline into a sky azure dragon bloodline and helped him cultivate to a million years with dragon bloodline pills.

As for Er Ming, I made the Giant Ape a giant staff and beat it while feeding it beast pills and senzu beans in a time bubble near the lake where Da Ming swam in my painting. Er Ming grew insanely strong after he reached the seven hundred thousand year mark and by the nine hundred thousand year mark I had to go all out with him to win. When he reached the million year mark, I dropped his ass out of the painted world on his head for laughing when he nearly beat me in a fight.

Da Ming went back in his lake and laughed with Xiao Wu while I'd grown older, looking twenty five now because of the time lapse and my low lifeforce. I sat on a log and told Er Ming he could go do what he wants, so long as he doesn't start a war with the humans. I turned to Xiao Wu and Da Ming before sighing and asking them to keep an eye on the dumb monkey. They agreed and I yawned, going to sleep in a tree by the lake.

I woke up a bit later when the soul hall came with two titled douluo and a bunch of spirit douluo to help the successor to the supreme pontiff get another spirit ring. I got a notification from my clan sending an emergency beacon at that moment and I sighed, praying Da Ming and Er Ming could handle things here. I called grandpa Bone through the special technique and he opened a portal for me to come to the clan in.

I found them facing a dozen titled douluo thinking they could beat us with just this. I scoffed and boosted my father and the grandpas with my treasure before beating more than half of the titled douluo and sending them to become pills. The elder hall really was moving in force and the stone head of the Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan patriarch was proof of that at the very least. Five minutes later I'd beaten and captured all except two who escaped by locking me in a time space bubble for ten seconds and fleeing.

When I was released, I told my father. "Shore up the clan's defenses and heal those who can be saved. I'll begin my killing spree now. Grandpa Sword, stay here and defend as much as you can while calling for us if they come back. Grandpa Bone, it's time."

He nodded seriously and my father sighed. "You really have grown up little Ren."

I smiled lightly and became serious as I formed my thundergod meteorite sword on my back in a scabbard. In a single day I wiped out all those of the spirit hall in the Star Dou kingdom below titled douluo. Thousands died and the second day was worse. I raised the Spirit Hall's city to the ground and slaughtered most of the elder hall, killing those I'd captured and had drained into pills.

Over fifty titled douluo died by my hands and the old limit douluo bastard managed to flee into the Star Lou empire missing an arm and leg with less than five titled douluo. Bibi Dong was captured and for now, simply drained of her spirit power the natural way without being able to recover until have was released from the cage. Her daughter was captured and put in the cage with her, watching as the others were turned into pills by Mewtwo. Grandpa Bone broke through to limit douluo with a second pill while grandpa Sword was given two more and father was given five.

I told them they'd have to find inheritances if they hoped to become gods. I split the pills in half and gave them to the clan and Shrek academy, warning Flanders they shouldn't be used unless they have no other options because only titled douluo could be used to make pills and I wouldn't be sharing the technique with them or the clan because I didn't wish to leave that kind of legacy. In the meantime Grandpa Bone helped me hunt down and end the old bastard in the Star Lou empire.

Mewtwo managed to make two limit pills from him and my own thundergod meteorite sword ate his sword spirit essence. I heard about Xiao Wu sacrificing herself and got to meet Tang Sam's reborn mother with his father who had one arm now. I frowned and gave the old man a senzu bean, telling him to cut his arm where it healed and the senzu bean would regrow the limb entirely from the wound. He was shocked and gave it a try, finding himself with two arms again.

I turned to Tang San and told him to find the ingredients in my medical garden and use them to help Xiao Wu. I told him he'd have to get the slaughter city inheritance sword and the sea god pavilion inheritance if he hopes to become a god and truly revive her, but Da Ming and Er Ming having sacrificed themselves will be a great start because they can retain their sentience and be reborn as gods when he ascends.

I let him into the garden and sent Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue out of my painting drained and needing to gather their energies. Both were pale as I put them before Xiaogang and Tang Wu with Tang Wu's wife and Liu Erlong in front of them. I told them coldly what happened to Bibi Dong which is why she became cold and spiteful. I told them she was being influenced by the god of Seraphims to prevent the rise of more gods for greedy reasons on it's part.

I told them it was up to them what they wanted to do because as of right now all the other spirit hall members were dead with the Clear Sky Clan and Lightning Tyrant clan they butchered. I told them I'd even killed Bibi Dong's apprentice and saved the king they'd poisoned so it's really up to them what to do with them. Qian Renxue looked to Bibi Dong who looked ashamed, but not afraid. I turned to my father and told him. "The clan is safe, Rongrong has found the one she wishes to be with, the spirit hall is destroyed and I've done all I've set out to do. I have very little lifeforce left and I will need all I have if I wish to ascend so I will be going on ahead soon."

I waved a hand and a book appeared before me. I handed it to my father. "That is a book on laws, like my Lightning and wind laws I'm using to ascend as a dual god. Comprehend one fully and apply it to your spirit essence to break through and become the god of that domain. There are many more, but those are the basics."

I turned to Flanders. "I only have one book so you'll have to cooperate with my clan if you wish to copy it and use them as a reference for later generations. Might I suggest creating a roster of who achieves godhood with what domain?"

Flanders nodded and I closed my eyes before bringing Tang San out. The rabbit that was Xiao Wu was sleeping and he had all he needed now except godhood. I nodded and made a spirit ring, giving it to him. "I'm about to ascend and become a god so this will be my last gift to you all. It has a library of all the knowledge I've gained in my travels from realities, dimensions, worlds you've never heard of all the way to technology, star travel, medicines and all the cultivation techniques I know."

I tapped Rongrong's forehead and sighed. "I've been a poor brother to you Rongrong. That is a self made cultivation technique I made in my last life before I died. It can guarantee godhood for the one who fully comprehend it. Perhaps…if we meet again in the god realm someday I could make up for being such a terrible brother?"

She had tears in her eyes as she agreed and I stepped back humming as the last of my rings turned fully gold. Both my spirit essence tools came out and all the rings with them. My rank rose unbidden to rank one hundred and a divine light fell as I spread my arms. I turned back to my father and smiled as I whispered a spell using divine energy to bring back my mother right there in front of him.

It truly was a godly act in the moment as I rose up and flew to the god land. There I was given a less than stellar greeting until I took a deep breath and drank the divine energy in massive pulls, forming divine rings fast as my spirit tools became real from their own spirit rings. I put the glass pagoda on a necklace as my sword was strapped to my back. I became the god of storms and lightning as well as the god of time and space, unbidden from my own unique connections to those realms.

I was greeted reluctantly and brought before the council as I rose faster and faster as my divine rings formed, reaching rank one hundred and fifty-nine as a newly made Godking. Poseidon and Asura both welcomed me as I ranked height than Poseidon and equal to Asura. There were now six Godkings in the divine realm and with my nine divine rings, I was already pushing higher.

I put deity seeds in the lower realms in the form of the replica of my Thundergod meteorite Sword and my actual Treasue Glass tower. After watching the others seek out their path to ascension, I wasn't surprised Rongrong found my tower even though it landed in the Star Lou empire. She and Oscar had been there looking for their ninth rings which they acquired. As for my sword, it landed above the million year old silk worm and scared the critter who took it and hid it for me.

I shrugged and went through the godly life before I myself grew bored when I advanced to rank two hundred and found the ceiling of my strength. I literally couldn't get any stronger and Asura sympathized so we watched the others ascend one by one after Tang San in their own ways. Even Hongjun and his wife ascended together after a while. Father waited for mother who caught up in cultivation with an abstruse gemstone and in the meantime Jiang Zhu ascended.

She thanked me for everything and for a time we became lovers. We even sent our son down with Tang San's daughter before we fought and killed the dragon god's army that attacked. We split the dragon god in two and were forced to put the second half in Tang San's newborn son at his insistence. We watched as his daughter and my son made their way to Shrek academy a thousand years after we'd left it.

Even Flanders was up here bitching and seeing as it was getting kind of crowded, I told them I would be leaving soon to find another adventure in another world or reality. Jiang Zhu knew it already as I'd been thinking about leaving since I'd arrived. My own painting now made divine essence and Mewtwo had long since become a spirit beast god with my help. Tang San and the others asked how I'd go and I told them I'd died to arrive here so I was going to make a new body and move my soul to it to store my god body before letting one of them smite me.

My mother and sister were horrified while Grandpa Bones asked if he and old Sword could come with me if it works. I told him he'd have to stay in my painted world and use the lake to view the outside world I arrive to. I told them about Mewtwo and why he stayed in the painted world, because not every world was good to outsiders. I showed them the memories of Mewtwo's world and how I'd died there capturing and stopping a god yet the world after rejecting him.

I showed them the many worlds I'd walked and lives I'd lived. I told them each one was a new adventure and sometimes I had to walk it alone. Jiang Zhu said she'd stay and give birth to our daughter before leaving with Tang San and the rest when it was time. Most stayed with Tang San, but Grandpa Bones and Sword came with me and greeted Mewtwo happily. I stayed long enough to see my son ascend with my inheritance as the sword god of storms and lightning.

I told him I was proud of him before asking that he look after his mother and sister. I disappeared and returned, putting the scroll in my ring that vanished into my soul. I gave Ning Ze, my son, the original thundergod meteorite sword. I told him it was the most powerful god artifact in the divine realm and could kill anyone including himself if he wasn't careful.

I turned to Tang San. "Do it. It's time, this cloned body won't last long anyways."

I turned to Ning Ze. "This is what I want. Remember, live your life to the fullest my son. Do what you want, be who you want to be."

I turned back to Tang San and he impaled me cleanly through the heart. I smiled and thanked him before grunting and telling Ning Ze to hear them out. My lifeforce faded and once more I died. Something went wonky and I could tell that much even in death.

I wasn't reborn this time, but transplanted in a new dead guy's body or supposed to be dead baby anyways. What's more, I think I'm blind, yup definitely blind.