
Life in the Ninja World (Naruto)

dark2DT · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

chapter 1

Chapter 2


: "Well, does anyone understand this point? I'll explain one more time," said the teacher of the Ninja Apprentice Class. He swept his gaze around the 11-12 year olds sitting in the classroom. There were more than fifty people.

"Teacher Soji, Ichigo-kun is sleeping in class again!" One child raised his hand and pointed at a boy who was slumped over a wooden table as deadly as he was.

Souji turned abruptly to the other side of the room and saw a figure. One really fell asleep. But why hadn't he noticed just now? Well, Souji picked up the white chalk that was written on the blackboard. placed on the left hand Before using the right finger to flick as hard as possible

The white chalk shot through the air very quickly. Just hit the sleeping boy's forehead. until the boy shouted "Ouch!" came out and looked left and right in front of him in shock.

"Ha ha ha ha ha."

Laughter rang out throughout the class with a silly expression. As the boy who slept in class showed,

Souji stood with his arms crossed and looked at the boy, "Ichigo, it's not long before the exam day. Still going to sleep during school hours?"

A boy named Ichigo looked up at Souji in a daze. His face showed panic.

Teacher Souji saw that and immediately shook his head. In addition, his eyes also showed a special feeling of disgust. but only a glimpse Before turning to speak to the other students, of

course, while everyone was paying attention to the teacher in front of the class. No one knows that The Ichigo they knew had disappeared. And there was a forty-year-old man who was just a company employee. come in instead

The man in Ichigo's body slowly sat down before closing his eyes and straining his mind. Why did his story appear here? what appears is Alien reincarnation novels, or reincarnations suddenly popped into his head. Yes, these stories were the only things that could explain what happened to him!

"From this state of affairs, I must have emerged in the Naruto ninja world," said the man in Ichigo's form. He conspired and swept his gaze around. If I'm not mistaken, this is a ninja apprentice's class. Originally, I thought that this was a bodybuilder show that liked to trick people. But when you feel the sights, sounds, smells that float in the air and see He was immediately convinced that this was not a prank show. but it's true

"The Tail Beast, the Ring Eye, the Blood Limit, the Ninja God, the Master of the Six Paths, the Eye of the Sun, Kaguya…" The man in Ichigo muttered the information in his head non-stop. and suddenly a bell sounded. which is a sign of the end of today's school hours

The students bid farewell to Crusoechi before they left the classroom, some went home, some gathered to practice.

Ichigo's figure remained stunned. until Kru Souji walked away. Ichigo's figure stood up. along with walking towards the window of the room and climbed outside

The world of Konoha Village Suddenly appeared in the eyes of Achiko's figure. This caused him to feel confused and frightened due to the spirit in that Ichigo body. I've read Naruto Ninja for the first time. Until the Chunin Exam And just before the end of Kakashi Naruto Gai fighting Obito and Madara who had read a few chapters and stopped reading. Read it again, it's the ending where Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura fight Kayuga, the middle part of the story and so on. This is almost not read at all. I used to only listen to my friends at work to spoil them for me!

"Damn it, if I knew this, I should have bought twelve volumes of Ninja Naruto manga and read them ten times a day!" Ichigo said with deep regret that he hadn't read all of them.

But you can't regret this. because he had not inherited the memory of the owner of this body. causing me to not know the stories of this place So he walked towards the center of the village. And immediately look for the stone that carved the faces of Konoha's Hokage.

"Okay, the 1-4 generations are still the same." He suddenly sighed when he saw that. before a glimpse of the face of the Fifth Hokage His heart suddenly dropped.

"Hey, this fifth-generation Hokage, why does his face resemble Teacher Iruka-chan?" He was shocked. also considers himself blind So he rubbed his eyes and looked again, but hey, the result was the same.

The fifth Hokage of Honoha is Umino Iruka!!

How desperate is this Konoha Village now? To the point that Teacher Iruka has to become Hokage, despite other options like Kakashi, Gai Asuma, or other talented people. Still more suitable for this position than Teacher Iruka.

"Damn it, isn't this the Naruto ninja world we're used to?" he said, but he couldn't help but turn pale. Because that's not to say that the world doesn't have the main characters of Naruto!

Thinking of that, he immediately ran back to the ninja academy. He swept his gaze until he saw a boy. Sweet face like a woman which if not for wearing men's pants and put on a cute skirt They must have misunderstood and were walking around in the school.

"Hey, mister," shouted Ichigo.

A sweet boy in a t-shirt and shorts startled. He glanced at the person making the sound in front of him. before speaking in surprise "Ichigo-kun?"

"Yes, I am," replied Ichigo. But he couldn't remember this sweet young man. But it's not a problem at all. because the other person knows him

"Is there a record here about the history or story of the ninja world?" Ichigo asked.

"Eh, there it is," replied a sweet, soft voice. "There is a library at school. It's over there." After finishing, he pointed his finger at a building with a huge sign that said 'Library'

. Ichigo said two words "Thank you" and immediately ran towards the library.

Where are you going in such a hurry? The young aunt murmured before realizing that he had some business to do so he ran out of school. with the blue shirt that he wore there with fan symbol The paper belonging to the Uchiha clan is on the back.