
Life in I want to eat your pancreas

Well, I am writing this for fun as the movie ending was very painful, also i have almost zero experience in writing. HENCE, YOU ARE WARNED! There will be PLOT-HOLES, BAD SENTENCE STRUCTURES, ETC. But i will try to write a romance fanfic (obviously no harem) Thank You~

Ayanokoji_Kiyopon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Chapter 42-Training *gone wrong*

Two days have passed since the meeting of Sakura with her boyfriend's parents, and Asher had been going all out in preparation for the upcoming war (on bed), he had been searching for places to lead the great war of perversion, endurance and strategy.

Today, he has decided to take her to the range for training in firearms, well the plan is for training atleast.

He was on his bike, standing while leaning on it, wearing a black leather jacket and black pants, he was looking badass and dashing.

After 5 minutes of waiting, he saw the silhouette of a beautiful or rather hot and sexy girl, he saw Sakura and gulped a mouthful of saliva while staring at her with his hungry eyes.

She was wearing a tight black leather suit with tight black plants, her hair was flowing like a waterfall, the curves of her hour-glass figure left him speechless, he has mostly seen her in tops and skirts.

This is the first time he found that his Sakura could even have a devilish seductive look rather than her usual fairy goddess look.

Sakura looked at him and found him drooling at her, she rejoiced in her mind to make her man speechless for her looks, at first she was apprehensive as she has never wore these type of clothes, so she was nervous.

But after looking at Asher, she smirked smugly and went to him seductively while swaying her hips to entice him which was working very well.

She went to him and brushed her hands across his chest and said seductively, while leaning at him and looking at his eyes, "Like what you see?"

Asher just remain stood at the spot and nodded his head like a chicken pecking grains, she smiled at him sweetly and pecked on his lips and said, "You are also looking very dashing."

Finally Asher composed himself and smiled at her, "Thanks, Let's go, don't want to make men drool at you hehe~"

Sakura brought her tongue and teased him as she nodded and Asher sat on the bike, Sakura sat behind him as she wrapped her arms around him tightly and rested her head on his back.

Asher smiled and started the bike and with a vrooom, he left for the range.

After 1 hour, they reached the destination, Asher stopped his bike and Sakura looked at the enormous place, it was near the mountain, the smell of gun powder was lingering in air.

She stood from the bike as she removed her helmet, swaying her hair with the wind attracting the gazes of men around her, they were in daze looking at her, after all it is very rare for them to see such beautiful women.

Moreover with the charm of training could be seen in her, the way she handles herself, the way she walks, these were all the features of people who are highly trained in combat.

Then Asher stood with his 191 cm height, his jet black hair fluttered as he removed his helmet showing his emerald orbs and godly handsome face, breaking of heart could be heard as the men who were thinking of hitting on Sakura were broken after seeing her partner.

They all knew that he is the most handsome man they have ever seen, Asher swiped his gaze at him looking at them with murderous gaze who were gawking at Sakura as he thought, 'You can admire at most after all, I also like to show off.'

All of them felt predator looking at them, they could feel sweat on their forehead, only one thought was in their mind, 'This man is very dangerous!'

Asher smiled and held Sakura's hand tightly as she moved towards him closing the distance between them, showing that they belong to each other, no one can ever put any barrier between them.

Asher took her to the entrance, but from there he moved towards a door on which was written-'FOR ONLY SPECIAL PEOPLE'.

He went to the door, where his eyes were scanned and then the door opened, they went inside it and were greeted by an old man, but Asher knew that he is an expert and a very powerful one.

He smiled at the man and said, "How are you old man?"

The old man looked at him and smiled, "Ho ho, long time no see."

Then he looked at the Sakura and said with a raise of his eyebrow, "Oh, and who might this beautiful lady be?"

Asher looked at Sakura and moved her forward while grabbing her hand as he said, "Old man look this is your future grand-daughter in law."

Sakura blushed but greeted the old man, "Hello sir, I am Sakura Yamauchi, Asher's girlfriend."

The old man laughed but his flickered at the mention of Yamauchi as he said, "Oh the daughter of that Kang brat? And call me grandpa child, this brat never calls me grandpa, I don't know how this cardboard piece managed to get such a lovely girlfriend."

Sakura was surprised that this old man knew her father but how? as long as she remembered and what her mother has told her that her father was great businessman, but she brushed it off while thinking that it might be for self defense.

Then she asked him, "You know my father Grandpa?"

The old man smiled and said, "Yeah, after all i was the one who trained him in firearms."

Sakura was greatly surprised, Asher was no better he was also surprised and now his doubts about her father were opened again, he decided that he will talk to old man in private, his future father-in-law's death was not simple at all.

Then he shook his head to think about these things in future for now he will train her in firearms.

After some minutes of talking Asher said to Old man, "Old man, I will take the private cabin with range."

Old man looked at him and nodded, "Okay go, Its good that you are training your woman and i am impressed by her, she already is an expert, I can see it in her body language."

Asher smiled at the man and said, "Yeah she is great" a loving smile tugged on his face.

Old man chuckled at his grandson figure who is by far the most talented man he has ever seen in his life, he said, "Protect her, I can see you two are greatly in love, cherish it because nowadays finding true love is very rare."

Asher nodded and said, "I will Old man."

Then Asher whispered to the old man, "I need information about Kang Yamauchi old man, his death is not simple."

The old man furrowed his eyebrows and then nodded his head as he said, "I also thought that something was fishy in all this."

"Well, it will not be much problem for CEO Ash, would it?"

Asher was shocked that the old man found his identity because he only told him about his involvement in underworld but then he also think that it was plausible as he had seen him for a long time.

Old man looked at him and giggled as he said, "Brat, do you think that i will not recognise after you wear a shitty mask?"

Asher pouted and said childishly, "Oyee, that was badass."

Old man, "Yeah yeah, now go, don't make your woman wait for long."

Asher reached the place with Sakura, the place had the training range with many guns from .9mm pistol to snipers and rocket launchers.

Behind them was a cabin, the place was private and no one can enter the place without permission.

Sakura was looking at the various firearms, guns, grenades, flashbangs, rocket launchers, daggers, etc.

Asher chuckled seeing her looking at the guns like a child, he went to her and said, "Pick up the Deagle, we will first practice handling, parts, reloading the gun."

"Then we will practice the stance, balance and body-eye coordination after that we will first train in 20m distance."

Sakura nodded and smiled, she picked-up the deagle and found that it was heavy, she took the gun and went to Asher, he took the gun and then showed her the parts and told her about it,

"Here, this is the muzzle, the barrel, the reloading capacity, scope, etc."

He told about all the parts and their functions as Sakura learnt all of that seriously.

He made her practice to reload the gun, he was teaching her about the theory that they will also find her best suitable weapon, etc.

Then suddenly Sakura asked him, "What's your favourite gun Asher and could you show me some of your skills like what can i do in future if possible?"

Asher chuckled as he can see stars in her eyes, he then went to a place and picked out a box and opened it, in the box was two guns,

"This is my favourite gun, 'Silverballers'"

Sakura looked at the gun with exquisite design and symbol, but she was surprised that they were two guns, "But these are two guns?"

Asher smiled and said, "Yeah, but they are used as one."

Sakura was surprised and asked, "Can you show me how you will shoot?"

Asher laughed and said, "Sure my love."

Then he picked the two guns, and reloaded them at such a speed that left Sakura gobsamacked then from 100m distance he started shooting alternatively with them, Sakura was shocked that all the bullets hit bullseye.

She was also drooling at the scene, seeing asher shooting with such focus and seriousness, made him more handsome.

Then Asher went to her and winked which made her cheeks red, "So, how was it?"

Sakura looked at him like a fangirl and said, "That was fabulous Asher, you are a genius."

Asher being narcissist, nodded his head and said smugly, "That I am."

Sakura giggled at him, "Hehe~"

Then Asher rubbed his hands as he looked at her pervertly, "Now lets train you in stance."

Sakura nodded but she was feeling that something was wrong, she had a premonition that the training is not going to be just 'training'.

But nevertheless she stood up and picked the guns, Asher went to her licking his lips.

He came closer to her back as she could feel his hot breath on her neck making her feel hot, he slided his arms along her hand and said sensually in her ear making her lose strength, "Tilt your hand like this yeah."

He touched all over her hand while his other hand was running along her waist, Sakura was unable to focus at his constant attacks, he said seductively in her ear making her squirm, "Tilt your waist slightly."

Then his hand went to her stomach and rubbed at it, which made Sakura let out hot gasps, his hand moved upwards and cupped her breasts, which made Sakura moan in pleasure, "Ahmmmm.....Asher...I am.. ahh...unable....to...mmm...focus~" Asher was squeezing her breasts ruthlessly.

Asher then picked her up in princess carry and led her to the cabin, Sakura was breathing roughly as her arms were wrapped around his neck and her face was buried in his chest and Asher could feel her hot breathing on his chest, making him aroused.

He quickly ran to the cabin while carrying her like a princess, he kicked the door to open and made Sakura lie down on the bed, he quickly closed the doors tightly, then closed all the windows, he also searched for any hidden cameras or microphones.

After making all things are right, he turned only to see Sakura opening her eyes and shyly looking at him with red cheeks and misty eyes, she was lying on bed as she was at his mercy.

Asher could feel his breathing hitched at this extremely arousal scene, he prayed in his mind that he do not cross the line or all the preparations will be to waste.
