
Life in DxD with my BFF

My goal is to annoy the Issei haters but mostly just me messing around Boy dies, meets a omni being that helps him on his road to reincarnation. What will the boy decide to choose. What will he do to piss the masses off. We’ll find out eventually. I do not own any of the characters other than my OC’s and MC Whoever owns the pic im bouta use as cover lmk and i’ll remove it

zMadara · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Popote Jesus Prologue

Life is hard. I don't get how the hell I lived 18 years just to die by a fucking Fiat 500. Not a truck, not a plane, a shitty Fiat. Yeah I'm sick of this, just thinking about it pisses me off. So I kept walking, floating, or flying whatever this is.

Narrator POV

*ugh* "Why do I have to do this unc. I was in the middle of preparing for a family reunion," said the golden eyed man.

"Because you mom is too lazy to do it and my daughter will most likely mess up everything again," said the white haired being tiredly.

"So you do it cause if I do it Imma bully you worse than mom," replied the golden eyed man.

The white haired man had no idea what to say for the first time in his long long life. He had to make an incredibly tough decision as this involved his somewhat peaceful life.

"It's decided bring it on Jesus my nephew, I've been through things worse than your mothers bullying ha," answered the white haired man thinking about the tragedies his daughter put him through.

"Ha you think thats the right choice fine. Watch as I make you question your life later. For disturbing what my important plans," said the now named Jesus as he grin's evilly, already plotting his uncle's demise.

Meanwhile the uncle looks at his nephew terrified at whats to come.

Jesus POV

I finished plotting my uncles demise and now to get back to the main thing.

"So uncle you just want me to reincarnate that lost soul and grant him some powers," I asked stoically.

"Yeah pretty much just bring him here after I leave. Oh yeah you can do it however you want just don't make him nigh omni right away let him work for it for a couple million years," replied Uncle.

"Wasn't planning on it," I replied back.

My uncle just nodded and disappeared from here and I summoned the lost soul here. Wow his life was shitty especially that ending wholly crap. I'm crying.

"Klk little soul too make this short.."

"Did you just say klk… oh god no your Dominican. Wheres the hookah," he said half expecting and half nervous.

"Nah no hookah loco pero like I was saying Im going to reincarnate you into a world of my choosing and don't worry you'll be OP since I'm feeling generous since your hispanic too," I said.

"Alright thats cool but can I know what world and race at least," he asked calmly.

"Sure. Your reincarnating in the world of Highschool DxD and your race is a Primordial. Here's a little extra your main concept is time and space so master that to perfection. Thats all bye bye little one, we'll see each other soon maybe," I said kicking him out of here and sending him into the world of DxD. I wonder how his life is gonna be, i'll check on him later back to handle my reunion now.


Well I brought my mc from another fanfic into this and turned it into something fun I hope

There will be crossovers between the 2 or more who know

GG hope y'all enjoyed if not cool