
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

What ?

I gently stroked Nene's head and went to the academy with Shunpo.

On the way with Shunpo I sped up like a ninja, I stopped to look in an alley.

A man almost sexually assault someone, so I kicked the man's crotch, crushing one of his testicle. He fell down and I saw a woman underneath his body.

Judging from her clothes she same in my school, I helped her up and gave her my school jacket, because her jacket was torn.

"Thank you, aren't you Soga?" I nodded and gave her the first treatment as her hand was bruised like a victim putting up a fight.

I then walked to the academy with her, she and I didn't talk as she was probably traumatized by what had just happened.

We arrived and I was willingly punished by the disciplinary committee because my jacket was worn by that woman, this woman apologized many times but I assured her it was no big deal.

<Dropping someone off safely>

[Acting Skills, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Special Water Vehicle, Take?]

[Special Asset, Take?]

Special Asset? What kind of asset is this? I have to take it because I'm curious.

oh no, the 2 assets I got were not just any assets. Yakuza clan Sumiyoi and mafia leader Black Rose, the two groups that control northern tokyo and southern tokyo.

And the asset I get is 50 percent ownership of these two group of water and oil, all profits and various money earned by these two camps will run to my bank account.

Fortunately each leader who leads the camp understands how to organize his group, and my name is mysterious to them but fortunately I have a special feature that is wearing a ring on my right hand.

That's the description of myself as the rightful owner of these two camps, if any member sees my super computer hologram ring they will definitely know right away.

Later if any thugs cause trouble on a date or otherwise claim to be these two groups, I show them my middle finger if they don't recognize it then they're fake, if they recognize it. It's inconvenient because they have to prioritize the safety of my activities.

I checked my account, my God. I have returned your money Soga. Now you don't have to fear running out of money there.

The money I made exceeded 100 million yen, which is quite a lot for this but it doesn't matter if I can do charity or help with this Eroge project.

I need an assistant or a manager for this, who knows I might have some interesting contacts out there.

I was now punished by cleaning the academy fountain, I looked around and took off my clothes because I was afraid that my official school clothes would get wet.

I cleaned the fountain enthusiastically because I counted this as exercise too, I felt like washing my koi pond, I wanted to go home so bad because of this.

After I finished cleaning the pond, I looked at my soaking wet shirt, what else could I do, I like playing in the water so luckily my pants were dry.

I got out of the fountain and reported back, the disciplinary committee member nodded and allowed me to return to class.

I hurried to change my clothes in the changing room of the sports hall, I heard the sound of moaning here, someone was having sex. I didn't want to disturb their moment so I had to leave immediately.

After finishing dressing and I slide into the classroom then I see Hanamori who in the middle of teaching.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry I'm late because I was punished by the disciplinary committee members for my jacket, I apologize for interrupting your teaching" Hanamori saw my hand full of scars, she came over to me with a displeased face and raised my hand.

"What is this wound?" I was careless because I didn't bring a change of clothes from home earlier when I checked in the locker room.

"Training wound?" Hanamori looked at me suspiciously, then she took me to the medical room.

I let go of Hanamori's hand but she pulled my hand back again, the noise we made made made some other classes curious because Ms. Hanamori nagged me the whole way.

"He's causing trouble again" Rinka shook her head and went back to her studies.

We arrived at the medical room, I was seated on the bed and Hanamori left the room.

Hanamori ran a little while trying to hold back the tears that came out, she continued to run to my class and stood in front.

"Class is dismissed for a moment, if you'll excuse me" Hanamori grabbed her things and ran straight back to the teacher's room.

"heh, that freaks and troublemakers must be punished" Ootori smiled fiercely, while the others whispered to each other.

Hanamori ran and couldn't hold back her tears anymore, she failed to become a homeroom teacher because I had become something she was afraid of.

"Guide Tatsuo, I think he'll get into trouble in the future" These words kept appearing in Hanamori's mind like they were haunting her, Hanamori originally believed that I would be fine but after seeing the wound on my hand, she immediately despair.

A future prediction that came true, Hanamori reached the teacher's room and approached the teacher who was eating.

"Tsukioka Sensei, come with me. I'm begging you to help my student" Tsukioka finished her food and looked at Hanamori who was crying.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying, calm down" Hanamori tried to calm down but emotions had taken over so she still couldn't calm herself down.

"Tatsuo, he has a wound on his wrist, a wound like a sharp weapon slash filled his hand" There was a sudden silence here with Hanamori crying.

"What?" Tsukioka was surprised and got up from her seat.

"Let's go" Several teachers went to the medical room, seeing the group of teachers in the medical room was a unique sight.

While I was in the medical room brewing tea leisurely while tuning my violin, I was bored actually. I filled the time by playing the violin alone since Mrs. Hanamori left.

I played Toccata and Fugue in D minor on the violin, because I was bored at this time occasionally testing myself, the sound of my violin was very melodious in this medical room.

I played this violin so wholeheartedly that I myself danced a little for full immersion, This also trains focus. My hands played the violin, my feet danced, my brain focused on remembering the notes of this music while my instincts guided my feet.

After this music was finished, I then made Guzheng, Japanese Bamboo Flute, Erhu. I gave them Shinsu and played Relaxing Music.

After all, I was resting, a good rest is where listening to music that relaxes the mind plus the air of nature is better like at the pond near my house or at the stargazing spot.

I closed my eyes and started playing this music, I created additional instruments to make the atmosphere more relaxed, I started changing to flute and Guzheng I layered Shinsu.

I like this atmosphere where eastern fantasy is alive here, calm and relaxing moment. If Nene was here, she would probably sit beside me and move her tail left and right.

Then I feel nature start to come to me because on my shoulder I feel a bird perched, I smile and further embellish my game.

I heard the bell ringing, I ended my music beautifully and then eliminated all the instruments.

<Make People Happy with Your Music>

[Gambling Skill, Take?]

[Special Asset, Take?]

[A full set of musical instruments, Take?]

[Home Improvement, Take?]

<Make people's hearts peaceful with your music>

[Pheromone Special Skill, Take?]

[Special Asset, Take?]

[Car Specialized Vehicle, Take?]

[Clover mart Asset Upgrade, Take?]

<Make people's minds at ease with your music>

[Sewing Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Special Forest lighting tool, Take?]

[Improvement of your Ancestor's land, Take?]

<helps relieve stress>

[Singing skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Off Roader Specialized Vehicle, Take?]

[Ripple Specialty, Take?]

Take a deep breath, release. Take a deep breath with moon breathing, release. Holy sweet Jesus my lord. I have to pray here.

I took the cross necklace on my chest and prayed with my knees, Soga! look at this gift. You deserve all of this.

Home improvement or land improvement? Gambling skills I don't want because you have no interest in gambling right now, what is this Ripple skill? I've heard it but I forgot, my brain is a little slow when it comes to power.

I picked up a full set of musical instruments, my Clover Mart Asset Upgrade, Land Upgrade, Ripple or singing? I'm not sure really.

I forgot what Ripple was, Think Oberon Think. There's nothing in Soga's memory about that power either. Ah Jesus bless me with luck for this.

I already know that the instrument will be in my house, I'll check the clover mart later, this land I have to see.

Ripple is a breathing skill that takes in solar energy and channels the solar energy that the body has absorbed into whatever it wants, If I channel this energy into a living being I can choose the effect whether it is calming the mind, refreshing the body, making the skin youthful and clean like newborn.

If I channel it into an inanimate object, I can manipulate the sharpness of the object, the strength of the object, or the toughness of the object, however I can think of it. This skill resonates with my Sun Breath which can make the Ripple effect very large and the replenishment of Ripple Energy very fast.

My Ripple can be channeled through Shinsu as well as the touch of my body whether it be skin or hands, even my penis. god jesus, this is so perverted.

I waved my hand and made a memo in the super computer for this and made a note when I got home to check what had changed including Clove Mart.

As I was organizing the memo on the super computer I turned my head towards the entrance, seeing several teachers and Rinka standing there.

"ummm, how can I help you?" Rinka ran to me and immediately hugged me, I spun our bodies around like we were dancing. then I put Rinka down.

"I didn't know you could play such beautiful music, Later when I do a competition be my musician" I nodded because this was a promise.

"Tatsuo, show me the wound on your body" I hesitated because Rinka was here, I looked at Rinka who was currently looking at me innocently.

I opened my shirt and showed my wounds, Rinka's face which was smiling earlier became flat then she shed tears of sadness, Some teachers were unable to see because the wounds on my body were so many that the name of the place that was smooth without wounds was only my neck, head, and crotch and buttocks, fortunately I was still wearing pants if its not, i will get into trouble. the others were all full of wounds and had dried up on my body.

Hanamori immediately fainted and so did Rinka, I caught Rinka and Hanamori midfall. I lifted them to the bed and gave them blankets.

"Tatsuo, I wonder if your parents knew about the wound on your body" I looked at them all with a smile.

"My parents are dead, Mrs. Yoshioka. They passed away 4 weeks ago, in my house I am alone as a family head, accompanied by my ancestor pets and friends who accompany me" I took my shirt and put it on, putting a bandage on my wrist to cover this scar.

"I apologize for being rude to ask this" I nodded and brewed tea for everyone here.

"No problem Ms. Yoshioka, I'm trying my best to be independent. Thank you for worrying about me" I smiled innocently to show I was fine but their gazes still seemed to pity my condition.

"Does it hurt?" I looked at Kamiyama and smiled at this.

"At first, then I got used to it" A nurse came up to me and checked me then she hugged me unexpectedly.

"There, there, I shooed pain away" Why is this teacher acting cutely, am I a little boy or something?

"Mrs., I'm having trouble breathing here" This teacher released her hug then clamped my face with both hands.

"If your body is not in shape, rest here. You're free." Really? I looked at the other teachers and they nodded even the head of the academy nodded, I can skip class here easily then if there is a need.

"What does Ms. Hanamori think?" Hanamori was still unconscious and she having a small shiver.

"I'll pass this on to her, now you eat your lunch" I nodded and took my lunch, some of the teachers came back with my tea, they loved the smell.

Rinka wakes up and I serve her something she likes.

"Candy?" Rinka cried and immediately hugged me.

"Why didn't you tell me, why? Why?" I gently stroked Rinka's head and added Ripple, Rinka started to calm down little by little.

"I'm afraid you're worried, Nene is just like you, I'm sorry Rinka, I don't want you to worry" Rinka let go of the hug and hit my shoulder softly many times.

"Who wouldn't worry seeing their lover hurt like that, I have feelings for you too" I hugged Rinka tightly and continued to stroke her head.

"I'm sorry Rinka, punish me as a form of apology" Rinka then gave me her little finger.

"Promise to let me stay at your house the day after tomorrow." The day after tomorrow means Friday after school when she stays at my house.

"What do you think about Uncle and Auntie?" Rinka immediately called Uncle and Auntie.

"Go ahead, go ahead. Mom will be waiting for you."

"Boy, Listen to me. If you hurt my little girl and I hear it with my own ears. I'm gonna beat the shit out of you, you hear me! You hear me!" The phone was immediately disconnected by Rinka, Uncle seemed to be only threatening lies for me to take Rinka seriously.

"How was it?" I smiled and kissed Rinka's lips for a moment.

"Alright, I'll bring the bike then" Rinka was happy and kissed me warmly and longer, We heard Hanamori wake up we immediately behaved normally.

"TATSUO!" Hanamori shouted my name and I was a little surprised.

"Mrs. Hanamori, I'm here"Hanamori then hugged me, she was also crying and I calmed her down with Ripple's touch.

"Don't make trouble, please don't make trouble" I didn't want to make trouble but trouble was looking for trouble with me, I myself was confused what to do.

"Okay Mrs. Hanamori, I will minimize the problems I will make"Hanamori nodded and still hugged me tightly.

"Ehem, Mrs. Hanamori" Hanamori released her hug to me and immediately covered her red face, Rinka giggled at this.

"Excuse me" Hanamori immediately excused herself to go back to the teacher's room, Rinka pulled my hand.

"Besides magic what else can you do?" I showed Ripple to Rinka and she was interested, I explained this Ripple Effect to her and Rinka excused herself to me because there was something urgent, I assumed she wanted to go to the toilet.

Should I rest or go in? Just rest while it's free, right?


Apologize for not updating for long time, because i have much to do in real work and lets be real i even forget that i wrote a novel in this website.

thank you for the wait, and here is the sauce Shihai No Kyoudan, Hanamori is from there, she gentle nature and love her student but The MC somehow a prick using her as toy, i dont like it but the cultured video is good, check it out if you want.

How about the schedule ? maybe when i have free time, to be honest i have much work in real life so i can't update daily even looking for sauce is somehow i have no time to spare. thank you again for the patient and i cannot read many notification etc. Thank you as always, see you again

no thought head many project and work.

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts