
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


"Roaaarr" The roar of the tiger here makes the dojo shake a little, I've trained all the Silat styles that mimic nature.

Tiger, Dragon, Bull, Crane, Snake, Armadillo, Dove and many more.

All these forms of martial arts mimic the behavior of wild animals in the forest or imitate a Beast, so many of these martial arts styles emphasize brutality which eliminates martial ethics and honor.

Tiger style which refers to the technique of grabbing and clawing an enemy to lock the enemy firmly with just a grip.

Dragon style is the same as Tiger but emphasizes the brute force of dominance and devastating attack, If tiger is for torment the dragon is for destroying.

The bull style is a style referring to pushing and head power. That's right, a hard head like yourself banging your head against pure steel.

The pigeon and crane style is the same, which is an air combo where I attack like a bird while still in the air, just like flying.

The snake style is a body flex style, I had to experience some muscle cramps to do this style because I had to get used to making my body flexible after all.

Armadilo style is quite difficult because there is a saying in this martial arts, muscle of iron bone of steel. Yes, my body must be immune to physical attacks whether it's bullets or sharp weapons and this style makes my body leave quite a lot of scars, because I literally have to withstand sword slashes, sniper bullet shots and testicular destruction, I'm serious about this because this does exist in the history of Silat. and the worst thing is that my whole body has accumulated many wounds that I myself am proud to see.

The most resonant style with shunpo is the monkey style which refers to agility of foot movement and body balance, I must be able to balance my body on a standing stick, I initially fell many times and even my testicles were hit by this stick, the pain was unbelievable.

then the most forbidden style even banned by any school, a style that has disappeared in Silat history but somehow I was given this style.

Forest Demon Style, a style where you throw away your rationality and become the pinnacle of silat, Wild Brutality which refers to mutilation, tearing the body of the victim and to name a few things that make mountain climbers die, being eaten by wild animals, falling into the abyss with a body that has no shape because it was blown away by others. simply put this style is a style to mutilate people.

I also absurdly wanted to master this style and I admit, if it wasn't for moon breathing I might have gone berserk.

Every weapon here whether blunt or sharp has injured me and has tasted my blood, even the floor of this dojo is full of my blood. I hope Nene doesn't come in here if she does she will be hysterical seeing this blood.

I have coated this dojo with Shinsu to block all the smell of my blood, Speaking of Shinsu even though its implementation is limitless I have to be imaginative and creative in its application.

Shinsu can be used to heal someone in addition to medical skills and educational skills, make firearms with firearms skills, make Living Weapon like I'm doing right now.

I coated all the weapons here with Shinsu and made them attack me for Armadilo-style training, and it was worth it. I could withstand the full slash of a katana that could even cut my body in half and it didn't even scratch me.

Then enduring a shotgun pellet shot to the head, at first I almost died doing that if not for Shinsu protecting me I might have died here. and my head is practically as hard as a wrecking ball.

And the most painful is the Nut cracker or should i say dick and ball torture. i fainted a few times because this exercise really hurts like hell. after 5-6 hours i got a little used to it, then 10 hours later i was already immune even full shotgun shot i can tank that with my ball.

everything is discipline to myself if i give up because this hurts, this is tiring, this is stupid and a waste of time. no, this is motivation, this is power, this is madness beyond logic that i must pass through it even i must endure hellish training 3 days with out training, yes this is already midnight. in the morning i must go to academy.

I cleaned all these weapons and the dojo floor before sunrise, I must move quickly to eliminate all this evidence with Shinsu's help too.

I opened the Dojo door and saw a pile of food with various letters.

"Mr. Oberon, eat" "Mr. Oberon, it's time to eat" "Mr. Oberon do you have a problem? Eat first" Nene's message of concern touched me, I ate all of her dishes even though some were cold and a little stale, I didn't care the important thing was that I ate all of this with gratitude.

<Appreciating someone's kindness>

[Singing Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Special Vehicle, Take?]

[Physical Enhancement, Take?]

I take physical enhancement only, and I feel my body evolving, not like a pokemon or digimon but a human evolution, and it's extremely painful.

I bit my mouth not to scream because I was worried that Nene would wake up to hear me, my body felt so hot as if my body was burned in lava. my bones were crushed like they were run over by a truck, my muscles seemed to be ripped apart by something.

My body is now paralyzed, I can't take it anymore.

"aaaaaaa" I screamed as loud as I could, Nene woke up and opened her room, Nene panicked seeing my body full of wounds and blood.

"Master, master, master" Nene was confused and tried to help me but she was afraid to see my expression of pain and was confused whether she should give me medicine or accompany me here.

"Nene, stay here" I tried to speak but my mouth felt like it was filled with hot lead, I felt my throat melting.

Nene just cried seeing me tormented, she couldn't do anything to help me, I then stopped making noise, Nene immediately touched my body but her hand felt touching the hot pot.

Nene ran to get water to wipe my body and bathe me on the floor, Nene was still shedding tears seeing my body full of scars and she was even more devastated seeing the biggest scar where from my left shoulder to almost touching my right hip.

The wound that I got first and could be seen from the front and back of my body.

"Stupid, Stupid, why didn't you tell me" Nene changed the water and got some medicines to close my wound by operating on it but every needle that pierced my body was bent no matter what.

"Come on, go in!" Nene was getting annoyed that the needle to stitch my wound couldn't penetrate my body after all.

I woke up and saw Nene who was looking at me with tears, Nene immediately hugged me with great sadness, she was crying hard.

"Nene forgive me, I apologize to you for what happened to me" Nene was still hugging me with worry, I stroked her head gently. I helped Nene clean up all this, I carried Nene on my back, Nene continued to embrace me.

After finishing cleaning all this, I went to the hot spring accompanied by Nene who sat on the rock beside me.

The effect of this physical enhancement is extraordinary, my body is already perfect cut, very tempting to look at however, my strength is 8 times that of a normal human.

My vision is clearer and I can even see in the dark even if there is no light, not by magic or night vision like video games, if it is completely dark even any object in front of me I can see its shape.

My vocal cords are stronger to the point that I myself can change my voice in various ways and I hardly experience hoarseness or loss of voice.

and all of these things the most significant change is my height which was 170 now touches 179, as well as my large penis which was originally ehem sorry Soga, 14 cm maximum with erection, now 19 cm it is erect. and I admit that the thickness of your penis is 13 cm erect now 15 cm. Upgrade Soga Upgrade.

All my physical strength has increased all the way to the super human point, I have to restrain myself from beating anyone here except people who are looking for trouble.

"um Mr. Oberon, Nene asked. Has Mr. Oberon already mated with Rinka?" I stopped whatever I was doing right now and looked at the agitated Nene.

"Not yet" Nene was relieved and then she got some shampoo and rubbed my hair with it, I got out of the pool and sat in front of the shower.

Nene was still shampooing me gently then rinsed my head gently, Nene sniffed my hair then buried her face in my hair.

Did my hair become soft? I touched my hair, oh my god my hair is so soft. It's only fitting that Nene plays with my hair.

"Nene that ticklish" Nene realized and immediately ran, she slipped and I caught her body before her head hit the floor.

Nene got up and immediately saw something she shouldn't have seen, my penis. I quickly covered my penis because I accidentally showed it.

" I, I, I, I excuse me" Nene walked leisurely now and exited the bathhouse.

I shook my head and got out of the bathhouse as well, I went into my room and looked at the changes in my body in the mirror, my skin was getting brighter and more charming plus my aura was a bit inexplicably alluring.

Is this good? I don't know but I hope it doesn't cause any trouble, I prepared everything I needed to go to school this morning.

I then tried on my academic clothes, they were really tight. I took these to Nene's room, I knocked on her door.

"Nene, my clothes are tight, can't you sew these?" I could hear the panic going on inside, Nene came out with her clothes disheveled.

"Sure, let Nene sew it up" Nene took my shirt and brought it into her room.

I then went to the kitchen to make lunch and breakfast for us, in 5 hours I have to arrive at Ichisakura academy, the distance is quite decent because I have to use a motorcycle to get there, if I wait for the bus I have to transit at the station in Mitaka district then to Adachi where Ichisakura is located.

I wonder why Soga chose that academy, I have to accept it and respect his choice most importantly I have to enjoy my high school years fully.

I served this breakfast at the dining table and waited for Nene to finish sewing my clothes.

Nene came out of her room and gave me my new and longer shirt and pants, I tried them on and they fit, a little loose but I liked that at least they weren't too tight exposing my cute ass.

I notice a small ornament on my left pocket close to my heart, a small stitch with a cute fox face, Nene made this, I get excited at the cuteness of this ornament.

"Thank you, this" I served this food to Nene then Nene eagerly ate it quickly.

We finished eating and I helped Nene wash the dishes then I got ready, I heated up my Ducati and opened the gate, there were still 2 hours left before entering the academy but I wanted to be on time.

I took the Ducati out of the gate and saw Nene locking the gate.

"um Nene, why are you coming?" Nene put on her helmet and then sat in the driver's seat.

"Nene will be driving, Mr. Oberon." Okay, I set the Ducati's system for safety and Learn mode, I've reprogrammed the Ducati's system so I can set it whenever I want.

I explained the working system of this bike to Nene and how to drive it, Nene listened seriously and asked me one thing.

"Is Mr. Oberon ready for Nene Mode?" Nene Mode? What is that? I nodded my head, climbed on the back and held on tight to the metal of the Ducati.

Nene pulled the throttle hard, making the engine sound even more fierce, then Nene did a burnout and pulled the throttle full.

"NENE!" I screamed as loud as I could because Nene was literally running above 200 mph even in every sharp turn Nene drifted elegantly as if she was a professional biker.

While I prayed in my heart not to die silly, even though I had shunpo and driving skills, if someone else drove like Nene did, my heart beat fast as if my adrenaline was pumping.

Nene did a Wheelie and pulled the throttle even harder, the bike ran as fast as lightning, all the corners and gaps Nene passed easily without scratching other people's vehicles or even crashing into other people's vehicles.

"NENE!" Nene laughed and pulled the gas even faster and did a very dangerous drift of 30 degrees slope that even motoGP professionals would fall, but because I had installed Safety mode and Learner Mode, the possibility of our fall was 0.

"Nene, swap, swap" Nene accelerated the speed of this motorcycle to the central city of Tokyo.


Sorry for the late update because some new yeark work i have right now and also my exam is here, busy day busy schedule.

for the hentai is Jk Konbini Tenchou, Ugly bastard one and im not recommended it despite the animtaion is somewhat 9/10.

The MC is bastard to show dominant by molesting the girl because he the manager of the convinent store and you know the rest blackmaild and fuck.

see you next time

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts