
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Customer service

The quiet night in the middle of the mountain with the sound of motorcycles running slowly but surely adorns the beautiful night.

The view of the sky full of stars makes this motorcycle trip really enjoyable.

I stopped at the familiar green market, Clover Mart.

I parked my motorcycle then put my helmet on my saddle, I entered and saw a very familiar face.

"Welcome" It looks like the manager who is the cashier of this market, What a dedicated woman.

I picked up the onigiri on the shelf and the coffee and soda, I brought these to the cashier's desk and the manager watched me intently.

"How much?" The manager scanned my items, I took the money from my wallet.

"600 Yen" I gave her this money and I placed the coffee in front of her.

"For you, as a token of your hard work" This woman looked at me with a strange look, I was just being kind here.

<Appreciate people's work>

[Technology Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[One box of Stun Guns, Take?]

[Sexual specialty, Take?]

What is that? Sexual? No, no. It's not time for me to go there.

I take technology only, all the skills and even theories plus all the knowledge about past and future technology I can create and build, improve and enhance, all forms of technology whatever it is.

"I refuse your gift" I ate this onigiri, it was so salty. I devoured it in one bite and looked at this manager.

"Then how is the shoplifting progressing this time? More and more stock items are going missing, aren't they?" This woman was surprised to hear my words, I opened this soda and drank it slowly.

"Are you just here to make fun of our performance?" I looked at the manager and shook my head at her.

"I'll help you improve your shoplifting surveillance performance with my system" This woman raised her eyebrows judging by the way she was looking at me.

"Prove it" I then walked to the door and closed it from the inside, this woman was on alert.

"Relax, I have no other intentions. I don't want my project to be disturbed by the thief hiding over there" I pointed to a house not far away where a man seemed to be waiting for something.

I then entered the staff room and sat down at this computer, then I programmed a nano security where every barcode of products that have not been purchased will light up in any clothes, whether it's clothes, underwear or even bags. Then the security system of camera sensors that are 1080 pixels that can zoom to micro size and image quality equivalent to cinema and automatic lock security system if there are shoplifters trying to escape.

I added a cable to connect the computer under the cashier's desk as a second CCTV for the cashier, then I connected this connection to the automatic door system and I tested my project.

I attached a new barcode and put it in my pocket, it glowed bright red like infrared then I tried to run out and the market door was locked tightly as if it didn't budge at all.

I put down the items I utilized and this door opened again, I went back in and saw the manager wide-eyed and gaping at my skills.

"How was it? Now you don't have to worry about losing products anymore." The manager ran in front of me and bent her body a full 90 degrees.

"As the manager of Clover mart, I would like to thank you very much" I saluted her because I also owned the mart.

"I understand, have a nice day" I left the supermarket, the female manager then closed the supermarket as quickly as possible and then tried my system, and the result was the same that she couldn't escape and the items tucked in her panties and inside her bra were glowing like infrared.

"Who is he" I arrived in front of the gate of my house, I opened it and went inside after parking my bike I closed this gate and locked it, locking the back gate as well so that an incident like Nene would not happen again, it's a good thing Nene is good person otherwise it could be dangerous.

I heard Nene had fallen asleep and I saw food on the table.

"Mr. Oberon, I have warmed up your food. Please eat" Nene's cute writing like an elementary school child is really cute, I opened the cover of this food and ate it casually.

"A little salty, is there something wrong with my body?" I finished my food quickly and then self-diagnosed my body.

No dehydration or allergies, normal digestive condition, normal oral hygiene and so on, this could be it.

My penis is beating fast, my hormones are increasing drastically it seems, it's time for me to do what men usually do, Masturbation.

but I decided against it because I didn't want it to become an addictive habit, just work out.

I started doing my exercise routine, because yesterday I didn't have time to exercise I intensified today twice as much as usual.

I'm still doing my workouts in my room with pauses to drink, I've prepared 300L of water here and have drunk half of it.

I have prepared food and supplements and vitamins here for me, I know this is not healthy but this is my punishment for not being disciplined.

"Mr. Oberon, time for breakfast" I'm still doing Hand Stand Push Ups, stop in the air then I do a Flip.

"Yes, I'm going out" I checked the results, Almost, a little less perfect cut body.

Not too stocky nor too skinny and fat, The only thing missing is the stomach area. I have to make a perfect body for myself and my health.

I put on the hotel robe I bought and went to the dining table, Nene sniffed me continuously.

"Nene, is there a problem" Nene was startled and then shook her head quickly, this is the first symptom of a fox wanting to mate but she didn't growl or howl like a normal fox.

"No, I just like to sniff your scent. Mr. Oberon" Nene ate while glancing at me continuously.

My hormones seem to arouse Nene's sexual desires, I'm sorry Nene this is for your own good.

I hypnotized Nene to control her call of nature, after finishing Nene calmed down and I quickly finished this meal. I only hypnotized her for a moment before the effect wears off I have to clean up this smell.

After taking a long shower I checked my clothes were missing, I tracked my clothes with Shinsu I felt my clothes were in Nene's room and Nene was, ah I knew that She was sniffing it.

I then went into the room and put on new clothes, tidied up all my sports marks and will continue again after I finish sweeping the yard and feeding the koi fish in the pond.

I could hear Nene's little howl as if calling to mate, I was still busy cleaning this koi pond and cutting the grass in the yard as well as cleaning the statues of Nio and Komainu.

I was still waiting for Nene's nature call to finish, I then made a snack for Nene. Nene finished her nature call, I put this on the table and went out.

"Nene, I'm out" I started the motorcycle and opened the gate, Katsuragi's aunt saw me from behind her fence, I moved the motorcycle and closed the gate, she approached me.

"Tatsuo, can this aunt tag along?" I opened the glass of my helmet, Aunt Katsuragi looked at me with a pleading look.

"Does your husband have no problem with this" Then for some reason Aunt Katsuragi was sad, I reflexively bowed my body immediately I was rude to ask about someone's domestic relationship.

"I have become a widow, aunt has not had fun for a long time. I forgive you" I was quite relieved to hear that, I bowed again as an apology and then gave a helmet to Aunt Katsuragi.

"I don't want to wear it unless we've entered the city" I shook my head and handed her the helmet anyway.

"It's for your safety, I don't want to get a ticket from the police here or in Tokyo" Aunt Katsuragi put on the helmet I gave her, I started the motorcycle and Aunt Katsuragi immediately embraced me from behind.

Aunt Katsuragi's large, soft breasts pressed against my back and her hands stroking my muscular muscles under my shirt, I performed Master Oogway's usual techniques.

Inner Peace, Take a deep breath with moon breathing, Focus on driving.

I started walking leisurely and enjoying the ride, it was very comfortable to run on the mountain road this afternoon because of the cold atmosphere here.

I planned to go to the restaurant where this coupon was written, We arrived in Shibuya I was a little speedy after passing the Hinohara Border.

Aunt Katsuragi kept hugging me tightly as if she was scared then got tighter and tighter until I almost broke my concentration.

Luckily we had arrived before my concentration broke that is, I was really aroused during the trip because of Aunt Katsuragi's breasts with her hands gripping my hips, ticklish and aroused all in one.

I calmed myself with moon breathing but still, immoral temptation took over my mind.

I parked my bike and entered this restaurant, Aunt Katsuragi and I ate together until I was full.

Even though this coupon is 70% off, this meat dish is so good I can cook it for Nene later.

I paid for it but Aunt Katsuragi immediately refused and wanted her to pay, I didn't feel right so I paid.

We went to Shinjuku again, I wanted to buy clothes for Nene and myself.

Aunt Katsuragi chose clothes for me, and a mother's choice is very good to see after all, Aunt Katsuragi chose clothes that are soft, stylish and mature.

As I was paying for my clothes, Aunt Katsuragi saw a beautiful dress on display and touched it, I whispered to the clerk to wrap the dress.

After I paid and brought the groceries, we went back to Hinohara. Throughout the trip, Aunt Katsuragi never said a word except when we were eating and shopping.

Why is that? I wondered to myself, even though I knew I was a little strange because honestly I am strange.

We arrived in front of her house, Aunt Katsuragi got off and I got off too.

"Auntie, thank you" Aunt Katsuragi shook her head and stroked my head which I was now bending over.

"No, don't be like that. I should be the one thanking you, I miss my husband when we were still dating" Aunt Katsuragi wiped her tears and smiled, Aunt Katsuragi went inside the house and waved. I also waved to her, then I put Nene's clothes back on, Nene was happy with her new clothes that I picked out directly.

Now that Nene has calmed down from the call of nature, I'm glad to know this and then I went to the store with Shunpo, after arriving I went home with Shunpo.

Leg Day is the best after all, I ran quickly until I arrived in front of Aunt Katsuragi's house, I knocked on her door and pressed her doorbell.

"Yes, Im Coming" Then a girl opened the door, this must be Aunt Katsuragi's daughter.

"Aunt Katsuragi left her groceries, I beg you to hand these over to her" This girl was suspicious and took this bag, checked the contents for a moment and immediately closed the door by slamming it, how rude.

I'm leaving here because I don't want to take offense to Aunt Katsuragi's daughter's actions.

<Providing an unexpected surprise>

[Music skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Physical Enhancement, Take?]

[Special skill of the senses, Take?]

Sensory Specialty or Music or Physical Enhancement, I'm still hesitating because these 3 choices are very interesting. Plus I'm entering the academy in 3 days, so I have to really decide on this.

I'm taking music only because I also want to play music, All the knowledge and practice of all forms of music from instruments and without instruments I can play, Only minus is singing skills but I can make good rhythm and tempo by imagining it.

I got the knowledge of all famous musical works from the past to the present, so I can make or perform any instrument and any form of music.

Now it was time to give it a try, I went back and sat on the terrace by the fish pond, I made a violin from Shinsu and played Lacrimosa with all my heart.

The sound of my violin echoed in this beautiful full moon night coupled with the howling of stray dogs and the hooting of owls outside.

They helped enliven the sound of my music and I ended with a bang, then bowed in appreciation of Mozart.

I returned the violin and locked all the entrances to the house and went to bed.

Tomorrow it's time to practice Silat.

For Personal Experience of Ore No Kanojo O

first 3 episode was decent after that got little acid trip.

Episode 4 was i cant describe it, The Mc is a fucking asshole. using Rinka (Mc) as a prostitute for "Experience for becoming Nympho".

Well At least i already finish him off in this novel, and spoiler for the new cultured people.

Episode 6 is more fuck up because Rinka kill his own father, and bad end happened because mother and daughter becoming Mc personal Nympho, well hentai is hentai after all everything is fapable if you like it or not.

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts