
Life in cultured world make me wonder, Is this good ?

becoming something that you desire is good in many way, because you can feel them in first person. While enjoying life is either hard or easy as people speak despite they have many reason to tell you how to do it, No, life doesn't work that way. in this "Cultured" World where everything you see and Anything you feel is Questionable yet morally speaking is not. As long is enjoyable and "Fapable" is all good. =================== Hello, This novel using a translator because my first language is not English so in this description of the novel i tried using my minimum Vocabulary that pop up out of my vein. Yeah, you already guess it. This Fanfic i will share the "Cultured video" not the "Number". Maybe some of you asking what happened to other fanfic , This site limiting my update on that fanfic because some uncultured people get offended by "loli". I dont mind at all, after all everything in this novel is imagination of a reader trying to make a story. so yeah, I will try not to approach a loli (a literal child not that petite type girl) one, but don't judge me because of some "Cultured Video" tag that is weirdly fuck up , i just taking their character despite i already have a milkshake on them (Stroking genital with compassion and love). Anyway, Thank you for reading also, the schedule is not consistent because my work schedule and university make my update was slow. Either way, if you looking some "Daily dose of video recommendation" Come on in, I will share it with you. if you looking for story, i'm so sorry for inconsistency of plot or some not build up character or shitty mc. because writing novel is a hobby not my passion at all. so thank you for your attention Ps. This novel contain NTR, Because you know some of this cultured Video has many NTR included either good NTR or bad NTR(Either is Plot or Art).Im taking their Female Character as story building also alter their background reason(Or should i say Cultured Video Plot)without changing their personality in their original Cultured Video. As vanilla enjoyer like i am, I honestly wish that some of you cultured people who didnt Enjoy or despise NTR. Skip this novel, I mean it. Anyway if you looking some kind a Sauce for Cultured Video, Check Author Thought. ill leave the sauce there. As master Oogway says, If there is a hole there is a goal. If the daughter cant be breached the mother you shall reach.

Shaywalloppp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Class leader

On this afternoon I was having a Leg day running from home to Clover Mart, after hearing the news that I had to become a member of the Eroge Club, I now accept that.

It's bad to be considered a pervert, morally it's wrong but consensually and in the view of the entertainment media, it's a good idea.

Because I admit, in Shibuya and the shopping district there are many internet cafes that rent out Eroge, their new Eroge as well as old editions.

But somehow there is something missing from this Eroge like what is missing, I don't know because I haven't tried to play it.

"Welcome" The two employees were there, I nodded and took a refreshing drink from the fridge then paid for it.

The manager came out of the staff room and approached me.

"Sir I thank you again, these 4 days the shoplifters are now decreasing and not even exist anymore, our losses are decreasing now" I was happy to hear that and nodded to this Manager.

"Keep up the good work" I then left the market and went back home, I was already looking at the assets in my account which were already in the hundreds of thousands of yen.

I have to return the Soga money that I used with the profit from Clover Mart, sooner or later I have to get more assets.

I went home and immediately took a hot bath, Nene is now sewing my narrowed sportswear, I tried Onmyouji's ability to make magic.

Pretty good, I was able to create a barrier on the statues of Nio and Komainu, I finished my bath and tried it directly. A little touch here then here and perfect, the guarding from evil spiritual beings will instantly go away.

Nene came over to me and saw this Charm on Komainu's statue, she touched it and her tail seemed to get a small sting.

"This is a good protection Mr. Oberon, do you want to teach Nene?" I recalled yesterday's incident which was still fresh in my mind.

"NENE!" Running a red light, "NENE!" Almost hitting someone's sedan car, "NENE!" Almost getting hit by a train, "Nene?" We stopped for a soda on the side of the road with me buying Nene a refreshing drink.

I'm still shaking from the sensation, not because of the near death but I'm afraid of having my bike confiscated, Nene can still be saved in a near crash, the Ducati can even damage houses because it's literally made of adamantium.

"No, Nene became naughty yesterday. I won't teach Nene before she admits her guilt" Nene was disappointed and whined to me, I covered my ears from Nene's whining.

"Alright, Nene will apologize" Nene kneeled in front of me and bowed as if she was about to prostrate herself.

"I am Kitsu Nene, I apologize profusely to Mr. Oberon for my behavior yesterday, Nene promises not to repeat it again, Nene promises to obey Mr. Oberon's words" I smiled and stroked Nene's head gently.

"I forgive you, from now on you don't need to call Mr. Oberon, just Oberon" Nene nodded and I invited her to eat.

<Forgiving Someone's Mistake>

[Drawing Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Super Computer, Retrieve?]

[Special Summoning, Take?]

Special Summoning? Nope, nope, nope, later. I don't want it yet.

Drawing skills alone, all the skills and abilities that I can do digitally or hand sketching, I can create the illusion that my drawings are alive from 2D and 3D easily, plus technology and drawing skills, I can create animations easily.

It seems like fate has prepared me a path to become an Eroge developer, Shit. Ah, swearing again, time to repent it with praying.

I prayed for forgiveness and after finishing praying I then went to bed because tomorrow was the day I would become class president without an election.

"I beg you, become a member of my club" Yuri bowed in front of me, I took a deep breath because I got into trouble again. I appreciate her persistent efforts.

"I will help you with your project, but I have three conditions" Yuri excitedly gripped her hands together.

"Really? Then I'll pick you up at your class at the end of class" I closed my eyes and sighed, this woman was hard to listen to but it was also my fault for not explaining directly to her.

"You want to be a member of the Eroge club?" I looked at Rinka who was walking with me.

"Not joining, just helping with their projects I'm not interested in joining the club yet" Rinka grasped my hand and I looked at Rinka.

"Then join the club I chose, the dance club" Dance club? Sounds good, I haven't seen the list of clubs in this academy either, I'll have to find out during Hanamori's lesson.

Rinka and I said goodbye, I arrived at class and all my classmates were looking at me like I had a problem with them.

I smiled innocently and sat down at my desk, one of my male friends was busy with his cell phone, the other was busy with the assignment I had completed.

The bell rang and Mrs. Hanamori came into the classroom after we saluted

"Today I will conduct the class president election, my chosen candidate is Soga Tatsuo, if anyone wants to be class president please raise your hand" There was one person raised their hand, and she was the girl who hated me the most in a bigger sense.

"Onoura, please stand here" Onoura and I stood up for each other.

Ms. Hanamori sat in my seat and looked at both of us.

"Please give your vision and mission as class president" I moved away and leaned against the window, Onoura nodded and explained her slightly egoistic vision and mission.

"We have to show that we are superior to all the trash out there, especially the A class" I looked at this window and saw birds flying out there, free without any ties.

It reminds me of a gambling woman's saying, Like a wind.

"Tatsuo, Your turn" I look at all my friends and Onoura who have already done their presentations or speeches.

I stood in front of the teacher's desk, then sat on it.

"I have a dream. That one day everyone in this class will control their own destiny. A class that is truly free, damn it. A class of actions, not words, ruled by freedom, not committees! Where laws change according to the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice return to where it belongs: in the hands of the students! Where everyone is free to think - act - for himself! To hell with all these cowardly student councils and disciplinary committees. To hell with this 24-hour rumor bullshit and this princess behavior bullshit! To hell with Ichisakura pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT! This class is sick. Rotten to the core. Nothing can save it - we must uproot it by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from its ashes, a new Class will be born. Evolved, but not benign! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they wish, they will make Class C great again!...! In my new Class, people will shame us and fear us for what they BELIEVE! Not for pride, not for fame! Not for what they say is right. Everyone will be free for their own freedom! And the freedom I choose right now is don't vote me into class president" I smiled with ambition and motivation, just like that burly politician.

Everyone here seeing my words felt a little strange, I didn't mind as long as they understood my intention to be a punk.

"Soga Tatsuo, After the lesson is over. meet me in the teacher's room" I covered my face like a careless person but in my heart I was cheering happily because according to the future foresight, if I talk seriously my victory to become class president is absolute, if I talk silly and nonsense my victory is 0.

"Okay I'll do it" Then the voting started and I lost badly, free from responsibility then Onoura gave me a handshake, I accepted it but Onoura slapped my hand.

"I don't want to touch the hands of a pervert and freak like you" Looks like I got a new nickname again, No problem at least I have a definite enemy rather than an enemy hiding under the covers.

"Thanks for the nickname" I smiled and sat back down on my stool.

<Sportsmanlike Behavior>

[Liquor Mixing Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Super Computer, Take?]

[Special Sexual Skill, Take?]

Sexual skill again? Are these skills better than liquor mixing and supercomputer? If it's liquor mixing I'm not old enough for the supercomputer I'm afraid a real computer will appear in front of me.

The sexual skill alone should be good, I see this skill.

Seedless, yes it's called Seedless. A skill that makes my sperm dead and unable to impregnate any woman I fuck, and where my sperm is highly addictive to anyone who has tasted it.

Although my sperm is difficult to impregnate but I can impregnate someone as I wish, I must be careful for this.

The lesson ended, we went to the changing room to start exercising, I took my long-sleeved shirt to cover the many wounds on my body, this outfit was short-sleeved and fortunately loose so my curves were hard to see.

Plus the pants are long and stretchy, good for covering my big thighs, I often do Squats until my thighs are like chicken thighs, very tempting but fortunately my body has been improved so it's ideal to be seen anyway.

I came out of the locker room bathroom and saw that the two men had already left.

I then walked out of the locker room and saw everyone already gathered.

"Soga Tatsuo, 2 minutes late" I bowed to the green haired teacher, she looked at me with a disciplined gaze.

"I apologize, I have to get a shirt to cover my body" This teacher checked my body with a look, I was a little awkward seeing this.

"Your body is no problem, I sentence you to lead the warm-up" I nodded and got ready, I stretched leisurely then warmed up by counting 1 to 8 seconds.

Our hand warm-up, then leg warm-up, waist and hip warm-up, neck and head warm-up, then leg and hand body flexibility warm-up.

" Teacher, it's done" The teacher tapped my head with the board in her hand.

"Teacher Ootani Kaho, remember that" I nodded and remembered it, Kaho immediately ordered us to go to the field.

We were ordered to run for 7 laps, I walked leisurely while whistling my favorite song, Minecraft Soundtrack.

"Tatsuo! Where's your spirit, if you don't finish this within 3 minutes. I'll add another lap for you" I walked leisurely because it was good for my leg exercise, Kaho looked at me who leisurely walked without any effort except all my classmates who were desperately running.

Kaho then came over to me who was having fun walking, she then accompanied me to run to encourage me.

"Kaho please back off" I ran as fast as Usain bolt around this soccer field, I controlled my speed not as fast as shunpo, because this was enough to hold myself back.

I finished this field run in just 3 minutes, Kaho nodded and then she left to give a lesson on stamina.

I cooled down by flexing all my muscles gymnastically, I was seen by one of my classmates who somehow focused on me.

"Miss Suzumori, are you charmed by Tatsuo?" I saw Suzumori who immediately looked away, I saw Kaho who blinked at me.

Oh my god, what is this teacher's problem with me. I then did a one handed hand stand upright then lowered my body, one hand push up without my feet touching the ground.

My monkey style Silat skills and physical enhancement made me strong enough to be able to do this.

"Tatsuo, try doing 2 finger push ups" I did 2 finger push ups with ease.

"Split?" Doing splits is even a difficult yoga move.

"One Fingger hand stand?" I did Mrs. Kaho's command and I stopped doing my activity to look at all my friends gaping.

"Tatsuo, become an athlete under me. If you refuse then enter the athlete club, I as the athlete club advisor invite you" I got up and immediately bowed.

"Sorry, I haven't decided which club to join yet" Kaho then smiled mischievously, then she covered her mouth with the attendance board.

"So you want to join the Eroge Club huh? You have a lot of talent but you're throwing it into something indecent" I heard some of my friends giggling, I had to fix this immediately.

"I emphasize again that I'm not in the Eroge club, I'm just helping with their projects" Kaho then giggled and I felt something was wrong in my sentence.

"Participating in their projects indirectly makes you a member of them, be honest with me, you're already in the eroge club aren't you? I'm not forbidding you, just keep your eyes open" I saw Kaho's winning smile, you got me there.

I heard some of my friends laughing, I then sighed indicating I lost, I need more experience for reverse psychology and not letting myself jump into my own dug up grave reserved for me from myself to myself.

"Can I see your body?" I immediately reflexively protect my body, Kaho raises her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kaho, you can insult my actions and behavior but I will never show my body to anyone because it's more embarrassing" Because I was afraid they would be traumatized and hysterical seeing the wounds on my body.

The lesson ended, I immediately rushed to the bathroom and changed my clothes immediately, I was confronted by Suzumori.

"Umm, is there anything I can help you with?" Suzumori looked around and bent her body.

"Teach me how to run that fast" I then used the foresight of the future, Suzumori will become a professional athlete where I myself was her loyal supporter. Thank you for the spoiler, I gave my respects as well by bowing.

"Alright, I'll teach you but I have 3 requirements" Suzumori raised her body and looked at me.

"First, my training is so hard that you'll give up before 5 minutes starts. Second, any form of training will help you in your athleticism in running. Third, please don't tell the class about my skills. I'll let you know next time" Suzumori nodded and we went to class together.

<Want to train someone>

[Massage Skill, Take?]

[Asset, Take?]

[Special weight bracelet, Take?]

[Spiritual Specialty, Take?]

Special spiritual skill? Is this the same as Onmyouji or Shinsu? I doubt it's better to just take the weight bracelet.

Then these weight bracelets appeared and there were 8 of them, they were like normal bracelets with soft fabric but when I put them on my legs and hands they were all over.

I feel like I'm lifting more than a ton of weight on my body, I'm having a little trouble moving now I look like an elder in my village who is hobbling around, I have to discipline this.

"What's wrong with you? Need to relieve yourself?" Onoura looked at me who was walking slowly like an old man, I shook my head at her then looked at her face which was looking at me fiercely.

"I got a little cramp doing the cool down earlier, thanks for worrying about me" Onoura then kicked my leg, I stumbled and my face hit the floor hard.

There was a small shock here, I got up and felt my nose bleed.

"Oh, you can't use your eyes to see your footsteps?" So this is bullying? Interesting, this is the first time I've experienced bullying. In my old world there was bullying but not like this but we would fight each other with firearms.

"Thank you for reminding me not to be careless, in the future I will try to listen to your advice class president" I walked back to my seat, Onoura looked at me with a fierce look again.

I healed my nose with Shinsu, then looked at Onoura who saw me holding my nose.

No need to revenge, After all I know some reality check or some fact. Love will grow when hate does the job first, You will eventually love me one way or another so i spare you or else, im gonna ripped you apart like Slayer rip a demon in Doom.

Kutsujoku is the cultured video Onoura come from, she a class president in the Visual novel but in cultured video she only appear as cameo also get fucked by Main character, despite she only appear in some 1 minutes screen time, i like her proud and boastful nature. well this Cultured video has 3 episode.

The second episode is change plot and still preserving a original plot, you know hummiliation with mind control fuckery.

anyway enjoy it cultured people

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts