
Life in-between

The Howard family,or the Howards ,are an ordinary family who resides in the (fictitious) city of Laverock. Though unlike most family, this one is quite extended given that it comprises of seven children. As they struggle to live their somewhat complicated lives, in their sometimes chaotic world,the Howards are shoved in a tight spot when Diamond,who had a rather traumatic childhood. Had an accident that almost claimed his life but left him with Amnesia, the doctors couldn't tell if it was temporarily or permanently. As they try to cope with the unexpected big change,they had two more addition to the family.

fancyhillary5 · Realista
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chapter 1: Nice way to start your day.

'Spring appears in whispers and hushed tones, as the belowing winter bows away. Drowsy flowers come to attention, waking from their sleep..... Yawning, heads turned upwards towards the maestro called...'


Diamond's poetic thoughts about the beautiful spring weather were interrupted ,when Hudson yelled out his sister's name.

' what's the big rush' Diamond kept his thoughts to himself. 'For some reason, Hudson seems nervous. Hmm! That's a nice way to start your day'.

And for some very odd reason, He (Diamond) is poetic about everything. He told his siblings about it and now they think he's 'IN LOVE'. What a joke! Well, If He's acting like this because he's in love,they should expect a whole lot, when he goes through heartbeat.

"I don't wanna sound like a Diva or anything. I really don't mind being late for class but i think my butt just feel asleep".

Diamond announced to the rest of his siblings.

Raymond, Stephanie, Victor, Diamond, Lawrence and Hudson Howard are about to leave the house on a Friday morning but are forced to sit and wait in the car for their sister, Gabrielle Howard.

Diamond's gaze shifted from one sibling to another, as he studied the expressions on their faces.

Hudson is literally freaking out! And the others seemed relaxed, playing on their cellphones. They don't seem to be affected by the fact that,they are gonna be late for their daily business. Why would they?! Raymond is a nineteen year old...Well, He and Stephanie would be twenty in May,which is one month away. Anyway, he the vice-president of the Howard Group and could show up at the company anytime he wants and it wouldn't affect his work. He has done it a couple of times and he hasn't been fired yet. How does he even do that?

Raymond's twin, Stephanie? Her boss knows better than to give her a hard time. A, She is not the nicest person in the world, wouldn't be surprised if her boss was scared of her because people outside her Family and Friends zone are mostly terrified of her. She has had that Aura since she was in high school and B, her family name has quite a reputation of its own.

Victor is in his third year in college,he possibly doesn't have any morning classes. If he did,he would have been panicking just like Hudson.

Lawrence? He's probably preparing another one of his pranks, wonder who it's for this time.

Gabrielle,who is definitely going to be blamed for any kind of misfortune her siblings come across today! That girl is not to be angered,she has a lot of patience but sometimes, people have the tendency of playing on her last nerve,then the stuff gets real! One of her many hobbies is Hacking, she has been practicing it since she was twelve. Her Nick-name is Villain because when you hurt her once, she'll break you twice.

" But I mind being late! Of all school days I can't be late today!"

Hudson,the youngest son spoke In his state of panic, as he starred nervously at the front door wishing it would open up any second now. He missed an important test earlier this week because he had caught a cold. The retake is this morning, before his first class. if he misses it again, he's teacher would most likely not give him another chance.

The huge front door swung open and there she was,Gabrielle in all her glory. She ran toward the car with a small crate in her hands.

" wait for me!"

She exclaimed as she hopped into the car before they drove off.

" what took you so long?" Victor asked as her siblings gave her questioning looks.

" I was looking for my pet chameleon". She answered as she shrugged her shoulders slightly.

Her siblings gaped at her with disbelief written all over their faces.

Gabrielle lost her Hamster, Sparkles over a year ago and she got Sparkles when she turned twelve. She was so attached to Sparkles since it was her very first personal pet because the Howards already had a Yorkshire Terrier, Dola(a.k.a.Mayday). So after Sparkles passed away, everyone thought she hadn't gotten over it. But she looks okay now, with her....chameleon?

" you got another pet?" Raymond asked after a good few seconds of gaping.

"Mm mm..elle gifted it to me ". Gabrielle answered with a smile on her face.

Annabelle is Gabrielle's best friend since birth. They are fifteen years old now and are inseparable. Although, Annabelle is three months older than Gabrielle,they are like twins and are both called Elle

Gabrielle opened the crate and picked up the chameleon, brought it closer to her face and started talking to it. It was green coloured and had cute big black eyes.

" Aren't you adorable.. Her name is Lulu". She introduced lulu to her siblings.

" Ooh! I wanna hold her too". Stephanie stretched out her hands expectantly and Gabrielle carefully placed lulu on her(Stephanie) open palms. Stephanie rocked lulu gently as she talked her. The boys were jammed in one compartment of the car with their furrowed brows as the watched their sisters play with Lulu.

Stephanie noticed the behaviour of her brothers, she knew they weren't fond of reptiles so she wanted to tease them..

"Who amongst my brothers... Wants to hold lulu?" She asked with a bright smile on face. The boys shared a terrified look then declined the offer immediately.

" Thanks... but no thanks!" Raymond was the person first to refuse, followed by Victor then diamond.

" Nope! Absolutely not!"

" Nah! I'm good!"

Lawrence and Hudson just shook their heads vigorously.

" Fine....if you say so!" Stephanie sighed as she shook her head.

Stephanie gave Lulu back to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle gently placed Lulu back in her crate. The boys breathe freely before moving back to their original positions .