
life as the guardian tree

Connor_Flinn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1 Untimely slip

Huff huff

"Woo shes a beautiful day for a climb" said Aiden gleefully to himself as he reached up to secure his next climbing clip. The air was cool and crisp as he climbed up a cliff he had found while out for a hike in the Canadian Rockies.

Aiden was a 5' 11" 35 year old man who had graduated as an honor student from the university of Oxford and loved being outdoors. He had short thick brown hair and vibrant green eyes that looked at everything with excitement but could stop a man in his tracks if he got mad. He had spent years camping, climbing, hiking, swimming, and biking. This had significantly impacted his love life as he couldn't find a woman who shared his enthusiasm for nature and the outdoors but he was fine with it as he had always preferred the quiet and soothing energy of the world to social interaction that's not to say he hadn't been known to got out and get drunk with friends once in a while just that he preferred to relax in the woods and watch the stars or study the wildlife and fauna.

As Aiden was climbing up the cliff he look up and saw a ledge he could rest on so he quickly began plotting his route up when he hear a strange hum in the air.

"Well aren't you an interesting little thing " Aiden said. Looking around he noticed a small insect with a strange rainbow colored shell he had never seen before hovering around 3 feet below him off to his left but as he watched it flapping its wings they seemed to start glowing as it moved out of the shadow of the cliff mesmerizing Aiden causing him to lose his focus on what he was doing at that moment. Unfortunately this caused Aiden's grip to loosen and he slipped off the face of the cliff as he was falling he watched in horror as his safety lines failed one after the other till he realized he had fucked up and wasnt likely to survive this time.

"Well shi-" Aiden didn't even get to finish speaking and his consciousness disappeared.

After sometime his consciousness stirred but all he could do was feel the warm embrace around home like that of a sauna but denser and more comforting. He lay there soaking up this sensation as he heard a sudden sound that startled him awake.


Host consciousness detected...

System start up ...

WARNING insufficient *****energy ...

Activating basic interface

Suddenly Aiden saw a screen appear in front of his view.

Host name: Aiden


-Experience Points (XP):0/100 (Required to level up: 100 XP)

Stats Overview:

- Health (HP):100

- Energy (ENG):50

- Strength (STR):10

- Agility (AGI):10

- Wisdom (WIS):20

- Spirit (SPI):30

-***** Power (*POW):0


- Active Skills:

- Passive Skills:

-Natures Blessing : allows the host to passively absorb mana from the heavens and earth to grow stronger

Cultivation Techniques:

- Rooting the essence:

As Aiden stated at the screen he could help but think 'Now what the heck is this I thought I died'


'Again' thought Aiden 'What is it this time?'

Note system has not been fully activated please acquire more *Power

' *Power what is that' Aiden thought as he explored the screen learning he could tap item on it with a thought.

Cultivation Techniques:

-Rooting the Essence

Rooting the Essence is not merely a technique; it is a journey into the heart of existence, a profound exploration of life's interconnectedness. As the host embraces this path, he becomes a guardian of nature's secrets, destined to unravel the mysteries of growth and transformation. With each step you take, you nurtures not only your own spirit but the very fabric of the world around you, echoing the eternal song of the _ Tree.

As Aiden is trying to figure out what happened he is hit with an intense wave of drowsiness and his consciousness fades again

just trying things out I know I'm not very good so any suggestions I like will most likely go into this if the idea fits in with the story

Connor_Flinncreators' thoughts