
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

Leonzky · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
438 Chs

[97] Summer Vacation Plans

Japan's summer break typically stretched from mid-July to the tail end of August, with schools resuming on September 1st.

"Summer vacation," Hachiman mused, considering Zaimokuza's words.

Initially, he hadn't laid out any specific plans. Nevertheless, he soon recollected his commitment to Saeko to partake in the Kendo Inter-High School Tournament with the club towards the close of the month.

"At the end of this month, I'll be accompanying the Kendo Club for the Kendo Inter-High School Tournament."

"The Kendo Inter-High School Championship? That's the nationally renowned kendo competition, correct?"

"Yes," Hachiman affirmed.

Zaimokuza's interest in kendo tournaments caught him by surprise.

"I nearly forgot you're a member of the Kendo Club. No need to fret, my dear friend; I'll certainly be there to cheer you on at the event."

Upon hearing that Hachiman would be participating in the tournament, Zaimokuza displayed considerable enthusiasm.

"Well, I appreciate that," Hachiman responded with a smile.

Despite Zaimokuza's initial eccentricities, he proved to be a rather dependable friend.

"However, Hachiman, the kendo competition only lasts a few days, right? Do you have any other plans after it's over?" Zaimokuza inquired once more.

"Other plans? I intend to head to the beach with Komachi," Hachiman disclosed.

When it came to summer vacation, a trip to the beach was practically mandatory.

Sunshine, sandy shores, the ocean's embrace, and an assortment of beachgoers in swimsuits – that's where true enjoyment resided.

"Going to the beach? I'm so envious; I'd love to go too," Zaimokuza expressed his longing upon learning of Hachiman's plans.

"Well, why don't you join us? I'm sure Komachi wouldn't mind," Hachiman generously extended the invitation.

For one of his few friends like Zaimokuza, Hachiman was notably accommodating.

"Unfortunately," Zaimokuza replied with a hint of regret, "even though I'd love to, I'll be spending this summer in the countryside with my grandparents."

"That's perfectly fine," Hachiman responded. "Family always takes precedence."

Since Zaimokuza couldn't make it, Hachiman didn't want to press the matter. However, he contemplated inviting Kotonoha, Yui, Shizuka, Utaha, and Saeko. With such captivating ladies as his companions, a beach trip would be unforgettable. Furthermore, their figures were impeccable, and the mere thought of them in bikinis already ignited Hachiman's imagination.

As he daydreamed, he sensed his nose beginning to bleed.

He pondered that renting a private beach might be a wise idea. After all, he now had plenty of money, and he didn't want others to witness the mesmerizing figures of those girls.

The bell signaling the commencement of class rang, and Shizuka, clad in a white lab coat, entered the room with an air of authority. She observed the restlessness in the classroom and let out a sigh before placing her teaching materials on the lectern.

"Alright, I understand you're all enthusiastic about the upcoming summer vacation, but let's return to our seats and begin the lesson."

In her role as the class representative, Shizuka commanded respect. The students who had gathered in clusters obediently took their seats.

"Very well, today, I'll be covering the essential topics for the upcoming exams. Pay attention, everyone."

"Next, please turn to page 59 of your textbooks..."

With classroom order restored, Shizuka launched into her lesson for the day.


Meanwhile, at Totsuki Academy, within the Shokugeki Arena,

Amidst the thunderous cheers of the audience, the scoreboard displayed a score of 3:0.

In the center, among the three judges, Senzaemon Nakiri stood up and proclaimed the match's outcome.

"3:0. This victory goes to Erina Nakiri."

The other judge, also serving as the director of Totsuki Culinary Academy, Hisanao Kageura, added his voice.

"According to the Shokugeki regulations, Miss Erina Nakiri will inherit the Tenth Seat of the Elite Ten and all its privileges."

Upon hearing this announcement, the entire Shokugeki Arena erupted into even louder applause.

They had witnessed a legend—a middle school student had claimed one of the ten coveted positions representing the zenith of culinary expertise at Totsuki Academy.

Despite her status as Senzaemon Nakiri's granddaughter, Erina's achievement as a middle school student remained an awe-inspiring feat.

Throughout Totsuki's history, no middle school student had ever ascended to an Elite Ten seat, rendering Erina a trailblazer in the academy's annals.

This triumph served as a stark reminder to the current Elite Ten members. They realized that their competition extended beyond their ranks, and if they allowed themselves to stagnate, they could just as easily be unseated, as had transpired today.

In stark contrast to the disheartened former Tenth Seat, Erina Nakiri bore an expression that seemed entirely befitting of her victory. She elegantly swept her long hair and departed from the Shokugeki Arena, accompanied by Hisako Arato.

"Erina-sama, you were absolutely incredible. That dish was sheer perfection," Hisako exclaimed, her admiration evident as they exited the arena.

"Oh, Hisako, would you like to taste it too? I can prepare it for you tonight," Erina playfully teased, using her finger to lift Hisako's chin, a mischievous smile gracing her face.


At that moment, Hisako's eyes seemed to transform into heart shapes.

"By the way, Hisako, have you managed to find the information I requested you to investigate?" Erina inquired casually.

"Yes, Erina-sama. I've already gathered the information you requested." Hisako reverted to her customary composed demeanor, withdrawing a document from her folder and handing it to Erina.

Accepting the document, Erina began to peruse its contents.

"Oh? So, he's an author of a novel called 'Sword Art Online.'"

Indeed, the document contained comprehensive details about Hachiman.

With the vast resources of the Nakiri family conglomerate at their disposal, obtaining someone's information posed no challenge.

"Six volumes with nearly five million copies sold. It appears this guy is quite successful," Erina contemplated.

"He is currently a first-year student at Sobu High School, Class E."

"His parents frequently embark on business trips, leaving their home often. He also has a younger sister."

"Tsk, he seems to be quite the ladies' man," Erina remarked with a trace of disdain as she glanced at the section detailing Hachiman's close relationships. Aside from a boy named Zaimokuza, the rest were all girls.

After swiftly perusing Hachiman's profile, Erina handed the document back to Hisako.

"This is perfect timing; summer vacation is just around the corner. Make the arrangements. I wish to engage in another culinary duel with him during the summer break."

"Certainly, I will initiate the preparations immediately." Hisako nodded as she returned the document to her folder. Nevertheless, she hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"But Erina-sama, are you genuinely interested in another duel with him? You are already a member of the Elite Ten, and the outcome of the match appears rather evident."

Upon hearing Hisako's words, Erina shook her head.

"No, even if the result seems assured, I must engage."

"I cannot tolerate the idea of losing to someone I've previously been defeated by. I must personally overcome that guy personally!"



-If we reach 2,700 power stones, I will post an extra chapter.

-If you want to read 10 chapters ahead..

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