
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

Leonzky · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
439 Chs

[341] Bastard, You've Pushed Against Me

Chapter 341: Bastard, You've Pushed Against Me

"Hey, it's over, you two can separate now!"

Yumiko's expression soured as she observed the lingering closeness between Hachiman and Yukino after finishing the chocolate bar.

"That jerk Hachiman, still wanting to kiss Yukino? You've already kissed me, yet you still want to kiss that Yukino girl? No, I absolutely won't allow it."

With determination, Yumiko shot Hachiman a fierce glare.

Caught in her piercing gaze, Hachiman innocently shrugged. Sensing the tension, Yukino gently pushed Hachiman away and took a step back.

"Alright, let's continue the game," Yukino said calmly, resuming her usual demeanor.

The two returned to their respective positions.

Just as Raphiel was about to shuffle the cards, Hachiman intervened.

"Raphiel, let me shuffle this time."

"Huh? Okay," Raphiel hesitated briefly but ultimately agreed.

Taking the cards from her, Hachiman shuffled them casually before placing them back in the middle.

However, in Raphiel's eyes, all the holy light markings she had made were now erased.

Only Hachiman could have done this, the hero of the situation.

Noticing the disappearance of the holy light markings, Raphiel regarded Hachiman with displeasure.

Hachiman simply shrugged.

"Fairness is the most important aspect of a game. What's the point of cheating like this?"

With the external assistance nullified, Raphiel had no choice but to continue the game normally.

Another round of the King's Game commenced, and this time Hachiman was the king.

Flipping over his king card, Hachiman smiled.

"Seems like luck is on my side. This round, I'm the king."

"My command is for number seven to serve everyone tea and address them as 'master.'"

In fact, the king's commands weren't limited to tasks involving two people; single-person commands were also acceptable.

Upon hearing his request, the girls blushed slightly. Serving tea was one thing, but addressing everyone as 'master'...

At this moment, Raphiel's smile froze on her face. Ironically, she happened to draw number seven this time.

"Number seven is me."

Flipping over her number card, the mischievous angel couldn't help but display a resigned expression.

As the saying goes, what goes around comes around.

But she wasn't about to be a sore loser; after all, everyone had followed her command earlier. It wouldn't be fair to go back on her word now. Besides, in the grand scheme of things, asking someone to address others as 'master' wasn't that outrageous. After all, weren't waitresses in maid cafes required to do so every day?

Despite consoling herself with these thoughts, Raphiel couldn't shake off her discontent. If it weren't for Hachiman erasing her holy light markings, she could have smoothly collected some joy points by now.

With that in mind, the mischievous angel shot Hachiman a subtle glare.

In response to her glare, Hachiman just smiled faintly.

"Don't worry, I just want you to go through the motions. There's no need to serve tea to everyone individually and address them as 'master.'"

Relieved by Hachiman's lowered difficulty level, Raphiel let out a sigh.

Standing up, the mischievous angel folded her hands in front of her and made a slight bow, assuming a posture of serving tea. With a smile, she began, "Master, please enjoy your tea."

It had to be admitted that despite her questionable personality, the mischievous angel's demeanor was quite elegant when she acted properly, exuding the air of a noble lady.

No, she really was a noble lady in the heavenly realm.

"Raphiel, I want tea."

To everyone's surprise, Satania, the idiot, actually regarded herself as the master.

Hearing the idiot's words, Raphiel didn't get angry. Instead, she replied with a smile, "Of course, Satania, I'll bring you tea later."

However, as she observed the familiar smile on the idiot's face, Hachiman couldn't shake the feeling that the idiot with red hair was in for a rough night.

The game continued. With the absence of a certain angel's cheating, everyone had the chance to become the king, making the game even more entertaining.

Some were commanded to sing, some to dance. Everyone participated with great enthusiasm.

Time flew by, and before they knew it, it was already nine in the evening.

After concluding the King's Game, the girls returned to their rooms to rest.

As for Hachiman, after spending some time in his room, he quietly made his way to Yumiko's room door.

"Knock, knock."

Hearing the knock on the door, Yumiko, who had just finished bathing, felt puzzled. Who would come looking for her at this hour?

Opening the door, Yumiko was startled to see Hachiman standing there and quickly covered her chest with her arms, realizing she was only wrapped in a towel.

Seeing Yumiko in just a towel, Hachiman raised an eyebrow.

"Good evening, Yumiko. Are you trying to seduce me?"

Given that the girl had just finished bathing, her golden hair was still damp, and her fair skin had a faint blush. Her figure under the towel was alluring.

Hearing Hachiman's words, Yumiko blushed, unsure if it was from embarrassment or anger.

"Who's trying to seduce you? It's you who insists on coming over when I'm bathing."

Although she had just finished bathing and had no makeup on, Yumiko's natural beauty was still evident. Combined with the blush on her face, she looked enchanting.

Seeing Yumiko's enticing figure, a hint of desire flashed in Hachiman's eyes.

As if sensing this, Yumiko took a step back, her expression turning cautious.

"You bastard, what are you tr—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Hachiman silenced her with a kiss on her tempting lips.

Casually closing the door, Hachiman sat on the edge of the bed with the girl in his arms.

Naturally, Yumiko sat in his embrace.

Although she was initially surprised by the sudden kiss, the two had kissed before, so she quickly responded.

Because Yumiko was only wearing a towel, Hachiman could clearly feel the softness of her body through the thin fabric.

With the scent of green apples from her hair, Hachiman couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

Feeling his arousal, Yumiko's body stiffened momentarily, but they didn't stop the kiss.

After a moment, Yumiko pushed Hachiman away, breathing slightly ragged, her eyes filled with allure.

"You bastard, you've... aroused me."


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