
Life after Death Mission

Story of a lady that dies for an unknown reason. Was a shock to be reincarnated into a different person. But it was not what it seems. Being reincarnated to a dying person. And need to fill the dying wish before the time is out. Is this a blessing or a curse? *** I will pause this novel but I will continue it using my main account.

PattyBoo · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 I'm Still Dreaming

"Red! Shit! What are you up to?" That angry guy always punches me in the face a couple of times.

I had no idea what happened after I lost consciousness. But first, let me go back in time. This is such a ridiculous dream. I was so down to earth.

I thought I was going to die because of the pain I was in. I try to avoid pain as much as possible in my life. Except when I went insane and tried to kill myself on a regular basis.


"Green! What the hell is going on? Why did you punch Red in the face like that?" Blue made a demand.

"You are unreasonable, Blue. He disowned you as his brother because of what happened, and he did the same to Claire," Eliza said.

"Unreasonable? He was forced to marry someone he didn't know! Would you agree, Eliza, if you were in the same situation?" Blue

"You..!" Eliza was speeches.

She doesn't know because she had a much worse reaction when she found out she was engaged to someone. It was on the verge of becoming a war. Eliza chooses the compromise and agrees to the engagement at that point.

"Please, gentlemen, unwind. I was fine, I wasn't hurt. It wasn't his fault at all. I believe he charmed her or his memories are a little hazy "Claire stated.

"What exactly do you mean, Claire?" Green inquires, " "First and foremost, Green, did he cry when you punched him earlier? No, he was cursing you, wasn't he?"

"You are correct, if he was hurt, he would have fainted or cried, but earlier he had a different reaction," Green responds.

"Eliza, Did you dislike the fact that someone was staring at your body?"

"Yes, but why?" Eliza responded

"Did you notice he was staring at your chest with a strange expression?"

"Did you mean he has a weird stare like he's a pervert?" Eliza

"Finally, he does not like being touched by me, but this time he was perplexed and asked me to touch him. Isn't that strange?"

Grey agreed, "That's correct."

"When did you arrive, Brother?" Blue inquired.

"I was here before you all, you silly girl," Grey replied as he approached Blue and stroked her short hair.

"What happened to him, Brother?" Green inquired.

"I'm not sure, but based on his actions, he was acting like you."

"I'm not perverted!" says the speaker. Green denied it and attempted to punch Grey.

Grey, on the other hand, effortlessly avoids it.

"I didn't mean that, Hehe, you're defensive Green."

"What do you mean!?" Green asks Grey, who smiles but does not respond.

"I believe brother means, Brother Red was acting manly before," Blue declares.

Grey agreed with Blue, "That's right."


Red had been unconscious for two days. His brothers were tense. What perplexed them was Red's willingness to flee to the Dark Forest in order to avoid the marriage. When Red willingly agreed to be in that situation. It was perplexing.

Lancelot Wallace is Red's real name. His age is 15 years. He is in his first year of high school. His hair was Scarlett and his eyes were dark violet. It's one of the reasons he's nicknamed "Red." He was a gay man in the closet. And how is he sexually active, and what is unknown to his family?

Grey Wallace is the oldest of the Wallace children. He's already 20 years old and in college. His hair is blonde, and he has grey silver eyes. Most people think of him as elegant and good, but his siblings think of him as a trickster. He enjoys pranking his sibling and blaming the innocent party.

Emerald Wallace is Green's real name. Green, on the other hand, despises that name because it sounds feminine. He is Red's twin brother. To make matters worse, he appears more feminine. His hair was light green, and his eyes were golden.

Aqua Wallace is Blue's real name. She is thirteen years old. In terms of hobbies and preferences, she is more boyish. Her hair was blonde, and her eyes were blue. She has the appearance of a pretty boy and is frequently mistaken for one.

Claire Knight and Eliza Dawn are Red and Green's high school classmates.

Claire has black hair and blue eyes once more. Eliza, on the other hand, has maroon hair and dark brown eyes.


In my dream, I was still in the room when I awoke. While peeing, I suddenly realized something.

"Ah!! "

What the hell is this incredibly detailed dream? I've even got a male private part. I make an attempt to touch it myself. I was so intrigued by it that I masturbated myself.

It was a strange and exhausting sensation. If only I had my own body. Even in front of my family, I can enjoy myself. Without their knowledge. That's one of the benefits of being a woman.

The door swung open, and the same people walked in. There was, however, a middle-aged man and lady. They were both staring at me.

"Do you lack manners and don't know how to knock on a door? You should know that I require privacy."

"Lance!" exclaimed the middle-aged lady.

"Now I'm perplexed. What do you think my name is, Red or Lancelot?" I have a question.

They are perplexed by my appearance. And I'm staring at the back of the room.

"You don't intend to stop what you're doing?" Grey inquires.

That's when I realized I was still masturbating in front of them. The strange thing was that I was not embarrassed.

"Oh! Sorry about that, I technically forgot about it "I responded. Then I zipped up my pants. But the issue was that mine was still hot. I'd like to finish it.

"Actually, I need to finish it myself, but I wouldn't mind if someone helped me with it, and please excuse me and give me 5 to 10 minutes," I said as I rushed back to the Comfort Room.


"Could someone please explain what happened?" A middle-aged man inquires.

"Well, Father, we don't know, he was acting like that when he woke up two days ago," Blue responded.

"How about two days ago? Claire, please tell me what happened."

Claire replied, "Yes, Uncle Arthur."

Thanks to the Brothers, Eliza, and Blue. They are able to explain. That Red was behaving strangely.

He was behaving in a perverted manner. Attempting to compel Claire and Eliza.

Red: What kinda dream is this? it so realistic

Others: pervert!

Well, The Mc didn't realize that she was not dreaming at all. Poor Mc branded a pervert.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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