
Life’s a Beach: Leveling Up in the Afterlife

Lily, a young woman with a bright future, meets an untimely end in a tragic bike accident. Instead of darkness, she awakens on a mysterious, small island in a vast, magical ocean. Reincarnated in an unfamiliar world, Lily must adapt to her new reality, where the island operates with a system akin to a video game, offering quests, crafting opportunities, and level-ups.

Audrina_ru · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

Lily waved goodbye to her friends as she stepped out of the cozy little café where she worked part-time. It was noon, and the city was bathed in golden sunlight. The streets were alive with the hum of activity – people chatting, street vendors calling out their wares, children laughing and playing. The cobblestone streets were lined with historic buildings painted in warm hues, and flower boxes added splashes of vibrant color.

She hopped on her bike, feeling the familiar thrill of freedom as she pedaled through the bustling streets. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted from a nearby bakery, mingling with the floral notes from the park she passed. Birds chirped in the trees, and the sky was a perfect, cloudless blue.

As she turned the corner onto a quieter street, her thoughts wandered to the plans she had for the evening. Maybe she'd meet up with her friends again, or perhaps she'd just relax with a good book. But her musings were abruptly interrupted when a car suddenly veered into her path. Panicking, she swerved to avoid it, but lost control. The world seemed to tilt as her bike veered off course, and then she felt it: the sharp, sudden impact as her head struck the curb. Pain exploded behind her eyes, and a searing warmth spread from her skull, enveloping her head in a frightening embrace. She could feel herself slipping away, a sensation of fading, as if the life was being drained out of her. Darkness closed in around the edges of her vision, and then everything went black.

Lily awoke with a jolt, her body aching and her head throbbing. She found herself lying on a small, sandy island, barely large enough for her to lie down comfortably. The horizon stretched out endlessly in all directions, and the sky was an impossibly clear blue. She sat up abruptly, her heart pounding, and grabbed her head as the throbbing intensified. Memories flooded back in a rush – the car, the swerve, the impact. She remembered the warmth spreading from her head, the darkness that had swallowed her. Realization hit her like a wave, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I died," she whispered, the words barely audible. Grief washed over her in relentless waves. She thought of her friends, her family, the life she had left behind. The laughter, the love, the plans for the future – all gone in an instant. She buried her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. The loss felt like a physical weight pressing down on her, suffocating her with its intensity.

She didn't know how long she sat there, grieving for the life she would never return to. Time seemed to blur, the sun's position in the sky shifting as minutes stretched into hours. Eventually, her sobs subsided, leaving her feeling hollow and exhausted.

A loud rumbling from her belly jolted her back to the present. Hunger gnawed at her, a reminder of her immediate need for survival. She looked around the island again, her eyes falling on a simple fishing pole and a small leather bag. With nothing else to do, she picked up the fishing pole and cast it into the water.

Minutes passed, then hours, as the sun began its descent towards the horizon. Finally, she felt a tug. With some effort, she reeled in a modest fish. As she held it in her hands, a shimmering status window appeared before her eyes.

**You have ranked up.**

Lily gasped, dropping the fish. The island expanded slightly, and a campfire materialized beside her. The fish, miraculously, stayed at her feet. She knelt beside the campfire, her mind whirling with questions. What was happening to her? It felt like she was in a game, with ranks and status windows appearing out of nowhere.

She cooked the fish over the campfire, the smell of the roasting fish filling the air. As she took her first bite, another status window appeared.

**You have ranked up.**

This time, a small leaf hut appeared behind her. The island was now noticeably larger, giving her a bit more space to move around. She looked around, bewildered but also intrigued. There was something almost magical about this place, even if she didn't understand it.

A new status window appeared, accompanied by a soft chime.

**Quest: Survive your first night and the approaching storm.**

Lily looked up and saw dark clouds gathering on the horizon. The gentle breeze was turning into a gusty wind. Her heart pounded. She didn't understand this strange place or why she was here, but she knew she needed to survive. She hurried into her new hut, pulling the leaf door shut behind her as the storm broke.

The night was long and terrifying. The wind howled, and rain pelted the flimsy hut. Water leaked through the hastily constructed roof, soaking her to the bone. Lightning flashed, illuminating the island in stark, eerie light. Lily huddled in a corner, her mind a whirl of fear and confusion. She thought of her life back home, her friends, her family. Memories flooded her mind – laughing with her friends at the café, the warmth of her parents' hugs, the feeling of freedom as she rode her bike through the city streets.

She missed them terribly. The storm outside mirrored the turmoil within her. Her thoughts spiraled as she recalled the happy moments she took for granted. The laughter, the love, the sense of belonging. Here, she felt utterly alone. Despair clawed at her heart, threatening to overwhelm her. Why was she reborn alone on this island? Was there a god who had decided this fate for her? The realization struck her with brutal clarity: she was completely alone in this strange new reality.

When the storm finally passed, the sun rose to a calm, clear sky. Lily stepped out of her hut, exhausted but relieved. A new status window appeared.

**Quest completed. You have received 5 gold coins. You are now level five. The system marketplace is now open.**

Lily's mind raced as the marketplace window opened before her. She saw a variety of items for sale: pots, canned food, better shelter. Each item had a price, and she noted that the better the item, the more expensive it was. The window also displayed a timer: **New products in 2 days.** She had 20 gold coins in total, thanks to the bag she had woken up with and the reward from surviving the night.

Still confused but feeling a bit more hopeful, Lily sat by the campfire and browsed the marketplace. She didn't understand this place or why she was here, but she was determined to make the best of it. She had survived her first night, and now she had the means to improve her situation. She selected a pot and some canned food, and water leaving her with 14 gold coins.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Lily began to plan her next steps. She didn't know what tomorrow would bring, but she knew she had to keep moving forward. The island, the marketplace, and the mysterious status windows were strange and confusing, but they were also her new reality. And she was determined to survive.