I'm showing Woodi the movement that I saw on the screen in the hope that it's something that could help us solve this case. Sarah Twaist deserves justice. Then my phone rings and I answer;
"Detective Marks"
"Hi Detective, It's Dereck from Boyle Heights"
"Wait, who?"
"Dereck, the security guard that you spoke to?"
"Oh yes, how can I help?"
"You said that I need to call you the moment I have eyes on that guy again, he just walked into the building."
"Okay, Thank you. I'm on my way"
I push my chair out and say to Woodi;
"That was Dereck from Boyle Heights. He says that the guy is now there visiting Mia."
"Okay, but we have footage to go through that could give us a solid lead who was at the scene"
"I know, but if we can get the plate number of the car he drives we can get his details and take that info to Mia. Do you mind going through the footage yourself? I will see what Mia knows and then I can get info from the mysterious guy too. Maybe I can talk to them both at the same time."
"Yeah, no problem. I'll let you know what I find. As long as you also keep me up to date with what you find out, deal?"
"Deal. See you later."
I run to my car. It's the first time I get to drive again since my arrest. I get in and start...the engine is purring like a lion. I drive as fast as I can to get there in time. As I pull up to the Boyle Heights apartments, I see the pick-up truck standing outside. I call in the plate;
"Station, this is Delta-05, over"
"Delta-5, we read you loud and clear."
"Please run a plate for me. It's 2, Victor, 3, 9, 8, 8, South Dakota plate over."
"Roger Delta-05, hold a few"
As I'm waiting for the information. I see Mia and the mystery guy carrying what looks like furniture to the pick-up.
"Delta-5, this is station over"
"Station, your a go"
"Plates are registered to a Marcus Anderson. He has an outstanding traffic violation which means in the state of South Dakota, Judge issued an arrest warrant for him."
"Rodger station, send back-up to my location over, Delta-05 out"
I walk up to the pick-up. If I wait outside and they decide to run, I'm all alone and they are two. So, I'm going to try and get them both at the same time. I walk to security and ask Dereck;
"Hey man, thanks for the call. I need another favor. I want to catch both of them. Tap into the security footage, wait till one of them gets into the elevator. Then stop the elevator on any floor till back up arrives so that I can secure the second suspect. Can you do that?"
Dereck stands up and says;
"That's no problem, I'll stop it"
I stand by the stairs, waiting for Dereck to confirm that one of them is trapped. Dereck stands up gives me a thumbs up and says;
"Mia is in the elevator"
"Thanks, now I'm going for the guy"
I walk up to the second floor. I open the door and look down the hall, left and right. Where could he be? I draw my gun and slowly walk into the corridor, not knowing what to expect. He comes out of Mia's apartment. I raise my gun and point it at him and I say;
"Police, stop right there Mr. Anderson. Get your hands up slowly"
"Should I just drop the box that I'm holding or can I put it down and then put my hands in the air?"
"Don't be a wise-ass, drop the box and get your hands in the air. NOW!"
"What did I do, Officer?"
"You just do as you are instructed and everything will be okay. Turn around and face the wall"
I push him against the wall and say;
"Any weapons on your person? Needles or anything that will poke me?
"No nothing, Officer"
I give him a quick pat-down and take out my cuffs.
"You are under arrest for a failure to show up in court for your traffic violation."
I call it in to the station;
"Station this is Delta-05, I have two suspects in custody and need transport at my location as well as a tow truck for a vehicle over"
"Roger that Delta-05 backup should be arriving shortly"
I lead Marcus Anderson into Mia's apartment and sit him down on the couch. I take out my phone and record the conversation. Then I ask him;
"I'm recording this, you have nothing to hide, do you?"
"No, it's okay"
"So, if I ask you questions, would you answer them while we wait for the rest of the cops to show up?"
"What do you want to know?"
"I'm looking into a missing person report. Maybe you know her. Her name was Sarah Twaist, Mia's roommate, do you know anything about her?"
"Missing, I thought she was dead?"
"Oh, so you do know that she was killed. Do you know anything about it?"
"No sir, nothing"
"That's strange, cause on the night of her disappearance, you and Mia were the last two to see her alive. If you know anything, now is the best time to tell me what you know"
He just sits there and looks away. Then I say;
"I'm reminding you of your right that you don't have to answer any of my questions. But if you help me find the person who did this, maybe we can cut a deal for you with the District Attorney. Maybe your warrant disappears and no jail time, but only if you help us"
"I know nothing, we went to a party and she chose to stay there. That was the last time we heard of her until Mia was informed of her death."
"Did you maybe see who she talked to?"
"As I said, it was a party and there were other people around. I didn't keep an eye on her"
"How did you know that she wanted to stay?"
"Mia told me, so we left"
Mia's name seems to keep popping up, I radio again;
"Station, this is Delta-05. Where is my back-up?"
"They are en route, should be then in two mikes"
I ask him to stand up. We walk down the stairs and out of the lobby. Back up arrive just in time.
"Officer, take Mr. Anderson to the station and book him. He's got an arrest warrant issued in South Dakota"
I get my cuffs back and walk back into the lobby to the security station. Then I say to Dereck;
"You can let the elevator come down to the lobby please."
I walk up to the elevator and wait. Doors open and Mia walks out angry.
"What was the problem with the elevator, didn't anyone hear me screaming?"
"We did hear you. We just didn't care enough to react on it."
She tries to take a swing at my head and I grab her arm. Then I say;
"That could be considered as trying to assault an officer. I wanted to ask you a few more follow-up questions about Sarah. Now it seems we are going to do it at the station. I put the cuffs on and lead her out the door."
I walk to the Officers and say;
"Take her down the station, she's got some explaining to do"