
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

They All Fall Down. (Part 2)


Appearing at the new white whale palace garden from before, we use the giant passage way there and travel underground to somewhere in Silla since from what they said, it is once Silla's territory... Sis Yuwei stays behind in the dukedom since she's preparing for the incoming invasion while Abe who drives the vehicle asks:

"Hey wanna do a personality quiz?"

"Personality Quiz? What's that?"

"Well it's like questions that determine who you are."

"Oh...! Is it like those horoscope things where they determine which 16 family you're more compatible with? Let's try it."

"Oh? They have that here? Well, then first, what do you wish to do with a time machine?"

"A time machine? What's that?"

"Ah right... Well let's just say it let's you go back or forth in time."

"Wow, does such technology exist?"

"Nah, of course not. Well, I suppose maybe a magic like that exist but you shouldn't expect much. Anyways what do you wish to do?"

"Hmm... Can you answer first?"

"Huh me? Well, I wanna go back in time and murder the person who puts letters in math."

"There are letters in math? How is that even possible!? And why!?"

"I know right!? Having decimals is already bad but now they want letters inside. I didn't die again so I can study maths again you know! (Well more like I'm forced to relearn since I need to understand logistics but...) It's all horrible!"

Leaning back against the chair, I start to imagine the things that could happen but...

"Hm... Maybe, if I have a time machine, I wanna stop all of this from happening. I wish to prevent the Empire from falling at least, maybe then I could live peacefully with my parents but..."

I lean over to her seat and continue saying:

"But that is if assuming I'm strong or smart enough which I doubt I am. And most importantly, I'm afraid even if I do that, I'll never met all of you... Or can I be friends with all of you if things never happen the way it did?"

Abe scoffs with a huge sneer replying:

"Heh, the hell is with that cheesy answer? But I see..."

"So, what's my personality?"

"I guess you're the present time of person. You're cautious yet ever so the optimist, kinda the opposite of each other."

"You can gather all that with one question?"

"Just guess work kinda like the horoscope you talk about. You might be an entirely different person."


"Yeah, like those 16 family stuff. How much do you read those predictions?"

"Oh! It's very popular with the aunts and moms across the Sector, especially Aunt Soba, she loves to buy those strips every Suwaday."

"Go figure..."

Abe replies with a disappointed voice before she speeds up. All I see is darkness with only the vehicle's shallow light illuminating the way forward, and seeing Abe operate the vehicle I start asking:

"Say, do you mind teaching me about driving?"

"Huh? What's with that sudden question?"

"I'm just curious is all."

"Oh, hold up, I suppose teens your age are very interested in driving... Fuck I made myself sound old, (which I really am if I add all my years)."


"Alright, let's give it a try now."




Abe stomps on a pedal and the vehicle comes to a screeching hold.


"No buts, your hesitation just means that you'll never learn how to. Come now, everyone learns before they even get their license anyways."

Abe exits the vehicle and soon walks to the back and open my side of the door gesturing to get out saying:

"Come now, chop, chop!"

Abe drags me out as I feel hundred hands grab ahold of me and pull me out into the darkness beyond. Abe pats the vehicle saying:

"Don't worry, this thing here is automatic so you don't need to worry about anything much. I'll seat beside you to instruct. And since this place is also pretty wide it's a perfect place to practice."

Infusing qi into my eyes to remove the darkness, I soon realize how huge this place is. It could easily fit around 8 of the vehicle side by side and I notice something even stranger. Owlian signs and writings, and there's small tunnel doors that's small enough only for people to go in. And each of those tunnels have numbers as well similar to the underground base I entered near the Citadel.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"No, just seeing familiar sights."

Abe looks around and hits her palm saying:

"Ah, these Owlian tunnels? I suppose they're relics and ruins from the World Invasion Era. After all, just look at the cursive writings and syntax, even though they use the modern vowels nodes, they still write it using the ancient words along with their numbers. So this is definitely during the last centuries of the Invasion before they have to lift the siege and Defend against the incoming Monster King."

I slowly stand brushing my armour replying:

"I really should brush up on my History here."

"Don't bother, they don't write those stuff in the public archives. You gotta have the royal library- Ah, silly me~!"

Abe bonks her head as she then leans over saying:

"You ARE the Empwess' pwecious little bwother. Of course you have access to the Woyal scriptures."

"Why do you speak like that?"

"Enough questions about me, I'm here to test you! Now get in there!"

Abe open the driver's door and shove me in there as she then takes the seat beside me saying:

"I'm sure you've seen me drive, infront of you is the steering wheel, below you is the pedals, right for driving and left for brake, and to your left if the key sticks which will determine how this vehicle moves and to the right of the wheel the place where you turn the vehicle on.

It may sound complicated but it's very simple when you get use to it. It's honestly the same with my old world since this is Owlian tech. Since the engine is still on the key is on drive, let's start just learning the wheel and put the pedal to the medal."

"Um, okay... Pedal... So I just step on the right- waah!"


The vehicle immediately rush forward and feeling the uncomfortable sense I immediately step on the left and,



The car tilt forward that the back lifts up and soon comes down again with a loud crash.

"That was scary-"

"Scary my ass, even 12 year olds drive better than you in their first pedal!"


Abe folds her arms and says:

"Well, here's some tip, you shouldn't step on the gas full, just a light tap. Try again."


Slowly and softly I press the right pedal with my feet and the vehicle starts moving again but very slowly.


"Okay, you're doing good. The same can be said about the breaks, let go of the right and softly press the left."

Following her words, I lightly step on the breaks and vehicle stops slowly too without any accidents.


"Alright, you're getting a light feel so let's try going faster."




As we stop at a dead end, I wonder how much time has pass down here as I learn how to drive. Following Abe's instructions, I pull the lever near the stick and press the power button.


"Humu, you did okay. Some massive twist and turning problems, but okay."

Letting go of the wheel I feel exhausted internally as I slouch back replying:

"Haah, I feel like we would actually arrive faster if we walk."

"That may be true for super humans like you, but this is all about convenience. After all, why bother running and tiring yourself out if you could have someone do it for you? You need that energy for something else do you not?"

"I-I see..."

"And here's some final lessons, turn the break on when you park your car. Also, don't forget to remove the key and close all windows. Lest you want to get mugged."


"Twist the key to the left and just pull this break next to you."

Following her instructions, we finally descend. Looking back at the car while Abe walks away, I ask,

"Wait, we're gonna leave it here?"

"Duh! Where else are we gonna take it? Well, I'm sure you're strong enough to carry it but I doubt it'll fit the trap door. Now come on."

Abe leads me again by her tail as we move forward to a tunnel. It was a simply a short walk before arriving at a small trap door Abe climb and as she open the door outside,

"Aw Lordy lord! My eyes! Haah, this is why I hate dark spaces. Give me your hand."

Abe reaches her hands to me, I grab it and my vision blinded by the bright lights... It is the prime of noon as the sun reaches its peak. Maybe thanks to my armour my eyes don't feel hurt by the sudden change in brightness.

"Where are we?"

All I see here is nothing but ruins and devastated roads and dried up river ways. Abe crouch down and grabs a broken toy in a small crater replying:

"We're in the ruins of the sister city to the capital... I forgot its name but this is just neighboring to the Colonel's palace."


I take a look around before I realize we're inside some sort of blasted lobby to what seems to be a grand palace once. Abe plays with it before the string snaps and the attachment fly away she answers:

"Yeah, just gotta head to the back and we'll see his private land. Anyways, you hungry? Let's go eat at his place, I'm quite curious to see what food is the local here."

"I don't think that's appropriate-"

"Aw~ shut up, we're allies. I'm sure some few meals are not that much to ask. You haven't even eaten much either right? Letsa go!"


Abe marches forward with huge leaps while I look back seeing the ruined city that's stretching far away before noticing the grand whale statue from the Capital Palace...

"Well, I suppose she's right, better start the day somewhere."


*Munch* *Munch* *Chomp* *Chomp* *Chomp* *Chomp*

"Wow, this is actually pretty good! Second please~!"

Abe in a feat of hunger finished her large meal as she hands her empty plates and bowls towards Colonel Song-Iseon who's sitting at the small rectangular table with us wearing some expensive robe with an apron alongside it. With teary eyes she looks at the Colonel from below which he sighs and grabs her bowls full of bread.


The Colonel looks at her saying:

"You should really enjoy your food."

"This is how I enjoy a food, I'm a rat after all!"

*Chomp* *Chomp* *Munch*

Abe happily proclaims as she gulps down her portion and I can't help but ask:

"But didn't you say you're a possum?'

"What the hell is a possum?"

The Colonel asks which Abe peeks from behind her mountain of food replying:

"Sova, there's this thing called shamelessness. And to succeed, you just gotta make excuses to what's convenient at the moment. But just like rats, possums too have the same appetite, so dig in!"

The Colonel's eyes sharpen as he then turns to me asking:

"So... Lord Silencer nim, what gives you the right idea to barge into someone's house begging for food? I thought as someone from Heaven you would have more... Self awareness."

I... Who have deposited my armour aside to eat lunch take a bit of the Colonel's cooking which is undeniably good as I wonder if all the people here are chefs before answering:

"It's definitely not my idea but... I suppose I'll take the blame. As for the reason, you're the closest one."

The Colonel closes his eyes replying:

"Sigh... Whatever, just make sure to leave no crumbs behind and went on your way."


The Colonel eats his meal and I bow my head replying:

"Thank you."

(The Colonel might not be so bad after all... Wait).

"Where's Ri-Mi Ssi?"

The Colonel takes another bite and looks at me saying:

"She's working extra now that we have... Surplus work. I'll be bringing her this lunch when we're done."

"O-Oh, I see... Say, Colonel what do you think would happen if I stride in wearing my armour-"

"Don't even joke about such stupid question, Lord Silencer nim. We're not ready yet to announce our alliance with your sector just yet."

The Colonel cuts me off before I could finish my sentence but...

"Then can you help me out?"


"I need Yoo-Ah and Juha to at least know the truth. I mean they're our allies now right?"

"... If you don't know, Lieutenant Jin-Juha turn tailed and joined the anti-war faction so I'm sure she has her ideas. Yoo-Ah is another can of worms. Her Sister and brother is someone who we don't wish to mess with at the moment."

(Huh? Does he not know Yoo-Sui's allegiance? And wait, Juha turn tail?)

"Hold up firstly, since we're allies I don't want to keep secrets but do you not know Yoo-Sui's already on our side?"


The Colonel almost choke on his meal as he then glares at me covering his mouth with his wrist. He gulps the one in his mouth shouting:

"What!? Is this how you get your entertainment, Lord Silencer nim? That girl is the last we hope to convince to join our side alongside her little brother, Yoo-Gisa. In fact those two might be the main factor of our hesitations alongside the King Maker and the Crimson Lily. Besides, there's also international problems to what will happen if we declare our revolution now, we don't want to anger the Baratai Secretary of Defense when the yearly monster invasion is close."


(I have no idea half of the names i that but... The yearly monster invasion is gonna come huh?)

I stare at the new sides of the Colonel I'm seeing now as he eats up the crumbs and small chunks from the table.

(It's kinda weird seeing someone so powerful and tall just bending over to eat crumbs he spills. Or maybe the Colonel is just pretty frugal? His place seems pretty empty).

It was silence for a moment as I keep staring until he looks back at me again and softly asks:


"Yea. What do I get for lying? I mean I guess she might not say it publicly but I can assure you Yoo-Sui is on our side."


The Colonel still with food around his mouth takes a deep breathe. And finish his meal saying:

"Then that makes things quicker. So, she's a spy huh? My original plan is failed to doom anyways is that what they're saying? Alright, if what you say is true then go ahead. We're more than ready. We'll give you a good show."

"I don't know what you meant but, alright!"

(This is it!)


Abe grabs me from the back saying:

"Wow, Sova, you really are taking the reins."

She pokes me cheeks as she says that and I turn my head around asking:

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Don't you get it? You basically just set the take over of Silla in motion. Suit up, cause we're heading to the Imperial Palace! Better food! And this is for not sharing some of those royal meals with me!"

"Ah, ow! Ow! Stop that- Huh!? Hold up! I taught I'm just gonna see Yoo-Ah and Juha?"

I stop Abe who's pulling my cheeks and asks but She just nonchalantly reply with,

"Mhm, if you're still unaware, Jin-Juha, Yoo-Ah, and her Sister Yoo-Sui is currently at the Imperial Palace helping the Chancellor downplay the Colonel's new party's dominion and control over the court."

"I'm sorry, did I miss something? I feel like so many stuff happen while I'm gone."

The Colonel eats the foods around his mouth and removes his apron replying:

"To simplify it, after your "kidnapping" in the Dungeon raid, Yoo-Sui asked the help of her father's friends who in return gathers some of the Heroes of the Coalition and the royal crown which now forms the royal faction. After that, they also realize I'm being backed by the same people who kidnapped you thanks to the information lieutenant Jin-Juha gave them so now they're really trying to crack down on us."

"Oh boy..."

(Sis really does have insiders everywhere).

"But if what you said is true then... Their coalition is doom to fail when their leader is going to sabotage them or better yet reign them in unknowingly. Now, finish your meal and wait at the gates, I'll be sending my allies to march towards the capital-"

"H-Hold up! Shouldn't we ask Sis- I mean the Empress first?"

"Excuse me?"

The Colonel tilt his head asking as if I shouldn't even ask, and Abe who's still stuck to my back rest her chin over my shoulder saying:

"Sova, you do realize strolling with your armour on means starting the take over right?"

"How does that lead to that!?"

"It's the symbolism dude. But hey, the Empress did say you should show up unannounced with your armour on so that is considered a green light."

"Green light... Oh, the sign which means we can go right? Wait! Just hold on for a second! How did all of this turn into that! I just wanna show Yoo-Ah the truth-"

"And that's enough casus belli to annihilate our foes. Now gear up, Song Boy!"

"Call me that again and I'll really... Sigh..."

The Colonel leaves us as I wonder what in the world is going on. But before he could exit the room I rip Abe off me shouting:

"Wait! Just one moment! I... Can you at least let me try just one thing before I follow some weird instructions you all probably have me do?"

The both of them look at me curiously as I then hold the medallion which I discovered a new function to my armour before our lunch and say...


Here I stand, once again before the mighty leaping whale. But multiple problem, other than the pulled up bridge there the Guards stationed outside, panicking as they saw me shouting, screaming, demanding I identify myself but soon their yell comes to a halt with the arrival of a companion.

"Let her through."


The Colonel in his full battle suit I saw him wear when we first met orders but the soldiers surrounding us hesitates. I then rummage through the robe Song-Iseon let me used and pull out my medallion saying:

"I am the Silencer under the direct command of the Empress Yuwei Zhihuang. I demand an audience with your king."

*Crank* *Crank*

The sound of chains lower the bridge to let through one familiar person as he sailed over a small boat, his massive size requires him to duck over the ceiling emerging in his thin summer clothing despite the thick winter snow. It's admiral Hwang-So accompanied by guards with different patterns than the ones yelling... Remembering Juha's words, I suppose they're marines.

"Aren't you one cheeky brat. Making Yoo-Ah worried so much only to appear-"

"Enough with your complaining Admiral, this situation requires a more cultured response."

A new man emerge from the back wearing an intricate black robes similar to those black robe mages I saw during the party. He clasp his hand and bows down saying:

"Thank you for visiting from so far, oh Emissary from Heaven. Luck smiles upon you since the King is available for an audience. Follow us."

They lead me deeper near the rivers where they parked their ships and The Colonel follows along. Seeing the palace grow bigger in my sight I can only wonder how did situations moves so fast?

Compared to entering from the stairs below like last time, I'm simply amazed by the proceeding that's to come. Giant bridges raise, aqueducts pour in water from the tri-coloured river to lift the ship so we can sail on another level of elevation...

I grab hold of the sides and brave ahead as I realize we're not even entering the palace but actually swimming around it. Spiraling towards the huge leaping whale on the bright snowing sky. I refuse to turn around and look down as I affix my sight towards the palace while the guards around us are wary around me and Song-Iseon.

Hwang-So and the black robed man stand to our side waiting while keeping a very close look. Hwang-So especially looks at me with an angry glare which I think I can understand why.

(I'll be quite angry if the person I let eat at my own house would become my enemy).

"Since it will take a bit while to ascend to the throne room, may we ask what you wish to discuss with our king? Could Heaven be willing to lend aid?"

(Um... What did they say to me again...)

I turn to the speaker replying:

"I'll be completely honest, I wish to talk about an alliance."


Hwang-So turn to ask and I nod saying:

"That's right, an alliance between your kingdom of Silla and Geom."

*Crank* *Clang*

The ship stops as we reach close to the top, and the gates to the side open alongside a massive wall that separates and drags down to reveal a magnificent scene. Grand walls with beautiful pattern of waves and calligraphy upon the pillars while I see a red carpet that's in contrast against the blue aesthetic and design the throne room is full of. And as the two started walking before I could see everything, and I follow suit but one thing is clear as I follow the red carpet forward...

Leading across a set of stairs surrounded by a majestic waterworks and a throne at the centre where the King sits alongside his queen.

(This throne room is on another to the one I see in Ri... Maybe that is because it's been destroyed).

And the people surrounding him... I know some of them. From prince Yeon-Seyong wearing a majestic robe that shows a lot of beautiful aesthetic and I can already guess he painting on his back, then his uncle beside him wearing full armour that's a mix of scale and plating with pauldrons the shape of fish heads. There's princess Ye-Ri who wears a beautiful blue dress while wearing many accessories across her head to her skirt, surprising is Jin-Cheo in a unique military uniform that shows black patterns and medals attached across his chest while he seems to have shave his unkept beard and comb his hair. But most surprisingly there is none other than Yoo-Sui who wears layers of black robe with blue sash across her shoulders as she holds a rod.

(Everyone looks very formal and Yoo-Sui really is here).

The remaining people around are some scary looking giant elders wearing either uniforms like Cheo with black patterns or robes like the prince each with different insignias and decorations. And most eye catching is a girl the same age as me standing beside Ye-Ri, wearing a dress that sparkles and shine with the blue light illuminating this room. Her cheerful smile grows as soon as her eyes falls to me.

(Brrr! Why do I feel uncomfortable? And wait, isn't she the princess beside Miso at that huge panel when I first enter the city?)

As I notice the heavy stare from Cheo and Zenon someone shouts:

"An emissary from Heaven have arrived! All hail!"

The crimson guards, black robe magicians, the people around the King, and even Colonel Song-Iseon and Hwang-So behind me bows down shouting:


(Yea, I'll never get use to the attention).

The King, a man in his late forties wearing layers of magnificent crimson and azure robes tidy's his collar and stands with a beautiful sword on his waist that looks like if the the sky of stars have been weaved to form a blade...

(Is that the Star Ocean Sword I heard about?)

The queen, a lady who looks like a lady in her late twenties, wearing layers of crimson and azure dress robe similar to the princess atand alongside him and follow behind each step as he descends, stopping only when we're just a few feet away. He takes the crown that looks similar to the one Sis Yuwei once wear off his head and kneel down, with a huge smile that shows his black teeth he says:

"I, King Yok-Kim bow before the Heaven's authority. May we know the reason for you to grace us with your presence?"

(Oh boy... Um... I should've wore my armour before so I can get notes from Abe. And is this really how much people from the 13 family is treated outside the city?)

I take in a deep breathe as I realize it's actually pretty warm here compared to outside before making a serious face replying:

"I'm here as the envoy to the Empress of the Phoenix Segmentum. She demands that Silla, a kingdom suffering from war to ally with Geom to the north so she may reunify this peninsula and make this war-torn realm to prosper!"

"Forgive me? Ally with Geom?"

"Yea! If you don't know, the western kingdom has conspired with those that's has fallen within Heaven so that they may invade your lands once again!"

"Sigh... Sova, enough with that farce, have you seen your face so far?"

"Excuse me?"

Zenon who stands and walk to us continue saying:

"I don't know what happened when you disappeared up north but is this really what you want? Are you truly the Silencer from Heaven?"


"Shut it, you useless old goof! Sova, tell me why are you here!?"

The King turn back to reprimand Zenon but he diss him off and continue forward and stand beside him.


As I wonder what to say, I notice Yoo-Sui's deadpan eyes filled with disappointment. I ignore her looks and rummage my robes again for the medallion and present it saying:

"Like I said, I'm the Silencer under the direct command of the Empress Yuwei Zhihuang! I am here as her envoy!"

Zenon folds his arms replying:

"Sigh... Really?"


From one of the many gates in this throne room slams open with a loud boom. Rushing inside are two girls I'm most familiar here,



Yoo-Ah and Juha appears, Yoo-Ah doesn't hesitate to dash but Juha appears behind her and grabs her collar to stop her saying:

"Clam down there, Yoo-Ah."

"Sova! Hrgh! You're safe!"

"Yoo-Ah... Can you see this!? This is who I am!"

Yoo-Ah wrestle Juha's arm off, dashing forward as I present her the medallion and continue saying:

"This is the truth, look, I finally have the medallion to prove it!"

I notice Yoo-Sui face palmed at my words as I wonder if I'm failing my role but-

"Sova! Stop, Please! What do you get for staying there!?"

Yoo-Ah stops close standing beside Zenon and I reply with,

"That's because my family's there!"

Juha who follow then chimes in with,

"If so, why do you even return here then!? Shouldn't you be enjoying your time with your family?"

"That's... I see, well, at least now you know I am the Silencer, and I'm here to prove it..."

I turn to look at the kneeling King saying:

"So what will it be, King Yok-Kim nim? Will you follow her demand?"

The King lowers his head with a smile replying:

"Lord Silencer nim, we actually had a conference about this situation just today. Forgive this lower subjects choices but we refuse!"

Iseon stands following his words cracking hand and soon I see the tension on the room rise alongside everyone who moves their hands closer to their weapons and about to stand up.

"I see... Thank you for your answer, King Yok-Kim nim. Sadly, I can't leave with that answer."

I grasp the medallion tightly that the sound of my hands gripping the symbol echo loudly upon the silent throne room. Flesh, bones, and tentacles slowly creep out of the medallion and into my arm as it's swallowing my hand.

"What in the world is that."

"That don't look good."

"What the hell are you waiting for?! get the king out of there!"

I hear one of the elders shouts and crimson guards rush to my place but I raise it up before they get close. I face Yoo-Ah saying:

"Let me show you, that I'm the real one!"


"Sova, no!"


I plunge the medallion to my chest as my entire view darkness with the surge and gushing of flesh that consumes me.


Slowly I can feel my hand and move my legs, my spine tingles and soon vision returns as I feel my body being freed...

(Yea, this is the new function I acquired when I wonder if I can hide my armour. Like a living being, this armour seems to understand my thoughts and act upon it and so it can hide upon the medallion).


My alternative voice my armour gave me comes out, the crooked and deep voice resound. Wondering when my vision would return, I surround myself with my new power. When I regain my sight, I summon forth my halberd and extend the Owlian spear shouting:

"Finally, I can see again. I suppose let's never do that again."

Yoo-Ah looks like she's about to cry as she hangs her head, gripping her skirt she glares back at me pulling out the sword from Juha's waist shouting:

"Let Sova free, you monster!"

I tilt my head confused replying:

"Free? This is the real me, the Sova you know is nothing but a fake! An uncontrollable circumstance. Everything you know was a mistake!"

I notice the king has been dragged away and I look back at Song-Iseon saying:

"It's time, I said my piece."

"Very well."

He summon forth a gun-glaive from his bracelet and slam it down saying:

"Sorry my King, but it's time for another change."

*Slam* *Crash* *Boom*

Hundreds of soldiers the Colonel have in wait rush in with Abe's mysterious power as they crash through the doors and walls encircling the entire throne room as the Crimson Guards and Black mages form a tight circle around the centre where the throne is.

"No way... Gramps?"

Juha shake seeing her grandpa makes his entrance wearing full war gear with a massive lance on his back while Deok-Hye and her guard back appear on the opposite end.

(Hmm? Where's the third elder?)

As I wonder, everyone by this point has stood on their feet, taking their stance and finding their positions. Yoo-Sui by this point is hiding her face and banging her head over one of the fountain which makes the princess that gives me the creep saying:

"Oh, oh~! Could this be one of your famous formulating posture?"

(Oh, thank goodness. I thought she's absolutely disappointed).

"Heh, hahaha! Now this seem like a challenge! Yes, if I save her from that armour possessing her she'll definitely fall deeply for me!"

"I may not agree with your thoughts and methods but, let's rip that thing off her! And besides, I thought you hated her when you first met."

"Opinions change, Hyung."

Zenon rips his sleeves and pulls out a pair of tonfas while Juha pulls out her baton while Yoo-Ah yanks Juha's sword and takes a stance shouting:

"Damn straight!"

(Wait, Yoo-Ah can fight?)

I turn and notice the King sneaking away when Abe emerge from the floor grabbing both the King and Queen shouting:

"Yeah! Got them!"

*Slash* *Severe*


Two of the scary musclebound elders unleash a strike faster than a flash with a single edge sword cutting Abe in 4,

"U-Uncle Won-Yok!"

"Uncle Gum-Soo, good job!"

The King and Yoo-Ah cheers the two as they looks at each other saying:

"Heh, it seems you haven't lost your edge, Gum-Soo."

"Neither have you."

Seeing Abe's body dissolve, she's probably fine, but I'll never get used to seeing her get hurt. With the two of them igniting the conflict, the soldier encircling the throne room rush in,


"Die you noble urchins!"

"Protect the King!"

"Purge these traitor scum!"

The soldier starts their melee and the entire place plunge into chaos as I use this chance to sneak away.

"Why are you running!?"


"Get back here!"

I hear Zenon, Juha, and Yoo-Ah shouts as they chase me but their voices drown amongst the battle as I slip away.

(Can I really keep my own vow of things keeps going on like this?)

I emerge on one side where I notice Hwang-So standing toe to toe with Hwa-Jin, the one Juha calls grandfather and hear their conversation.

Hwang-So summons forth a magnificent glaive with a wide blade while Hwa-Jin pulls out a single edge sword. They take their stances as soldiers form a ring around them, Hwang-So breaks the ice saying:

"This time, we'll settle our master's honoured name."

"Heh, we've been delaying this for way too long. And you should've known it's Hwang by this point."

Not wanting to disturb them, I sneak away again dodging any attack that comes my way and found the Colonel who faces against 3 people. Cheo, Zenon's uncle Hon-Kwon, and another scary elder as I hear,

"Chancellor, and cap, sorry but can you let me face him alone?"

The one he calls chancellor looks at him sceptically replying:

"Jin-Cheo? You should leave him to us, don't you think you need to apprehend your grandfather?"

"Heh, I'm sure Hwang-So gramps more than happy to handle him. Iseon on the other hand, I can tell both of you won't even leave a scratch."

Hon-Kwon summons his spear in rage shouting:

"Don't underestimate us, you brat! Who's the one who becomes a shut in!? We'll show you what you missed all these years!"

The Colonel by this point has created a huge ring for them, the crimson guards, mages, and our own soldiers who saw him immediately tries to back away as Iseon wore his helmet and unleash his full might which is similar to how it felt when Yoo-Gisa raided us. Iseon vanish and appear before Hon-Kwon swings his weapon but he doesn't even get to raise his spear in time and,


Cheo parries his strike with such speed that he then soon thrust at Iseon pushing him back. Cheo then smile at Hon-Kwon saying:

"Just to be clear here, Cap. I never missed a single day. But, I think you should help with the Crimson Guards instead. There's some invisible creature taking them down one at a time and the numbers disadvantage is really not helping either. The common folk really hate us it seems if all it takes to turn traitor is a bunch of food."

(I feel like I'm out of my league).

Turning back, I wonder again as I see soldiers pouring in while the crimson guards and mages dwindles one by one. Arriving back at where I changed, I notice Abe's still alive as she's facing against both the King Maker and the King's Sword with only a small pistol and a combat knife. She seems to be toying with them as she parry their sword with her knife, while she point the gun at their face each time which force them to dodge before she just tail whip them in the face.

"What's with this Rat-Kin!? Is she really an Owlian? What sort of sorcery is this!?"

"Less talking and more swinging, Won-Yok! Haaah!"

*Slash* *Smack*

The King's sword unleashes an attack with a hundred slashes at once but Abe seems to phase through the attack and smacks both of them at their face as she says:

"Hey, you miss! I suppose the first strike is a lucky shot. Haha, this is just like battle of Munching Caves all over again. Haah... Things I do for getting that cute ass. (And this is totally out of my pay grade as a diplomat dammit!)"

(Woah, Abe's pretty good and that's an understatement as I wonder if I can even dodge that attack. Is that how you fight with a knife? Then again I don't even know how to use or operate a gun either).

Slowly I notice the throne above where the King and Queen has retreated alongside many non-combatants. There Deok-Hye surrounds the place with her soldiers and swords out saying:

"He-hey, doesn't this look familiar? Me, my crew, and the royal family being cornered. But unlike the real ones, I doubt you'll be able to convince me out of this or swim underwater."

Both princesses steps forward, well more like Ye-Ri is being pulled forward by Mi-Ok as she tried to resist when someone smashes through a group of soldiers behind them shouting:

"Lil Ye-Ri!!!"


It's none other than her faithful guard she had all the time as he carves a path to the throne like a raging beast...

(What's his name again?)

Either way, the Crimson Guards holds his path creating a leeway for them to escape through one of the gates.

"Hey, not bad~! Yoo-Sui Ajooma escort Mom and Pops away, leave these to the fighters!"

(Huh? Can't Yoo-Sui fight as well? But either way, I'm sorry. It seems this is the moment I have to throw my old believes away).

With my Owlian spear, I approach one of the Crimson Guard securing the way. As he notices me, his knees weaken as I swing with the blunt of my spear knocking many away smashing through a layer of barrier alongside their shield. All the attention towards Kim-Daeho vanish as they turn at me. The Crimson Guards who notice I stand behind them panics and turn their backs towards to the soldiers to strike at me but their swords would shatter upon impact as I then swing again cutting their lifeline out of here.

The King and Queen alongside Yoo-Sui stop in their tracks while Deok-Hye on the opposite end smiles widely shouting:

"Oh hey! You may look different but you sure as hell got the perfect timing! Let's work again shall we!?"


*Slice* *Boom*

Before I could finish my sentence a huge lightning bolt came crashing down which I repel with the Owlian spear easily when Zenon appears in a flash shouting:

"Found you!"

He strikes with his tonfas which I dodge and parry with the Owlian spear and Halberd when he attach them together and makes a huge swing which I dodge by arching back, making my back face towards the floor. I look up and notice Yoo-Ah and Juha comes swinging down where I wheel backwards to dodge as their strike hits the floor.

"Heh, your sword technique is similar to Uncle Gum-Soo!"

"Of course, his technique is the standard basics they teach after the war. And you're pretty good for a beginner."

"Hum! Hum! I learn and practice with the best! Which is definitely not my brother!"

"Yoo-Ah stay away from HIM! He's too dangerous for you! Come escape with us!"

Yoo-Sui yells loudly but Yoo-Ah turns around shouting:

"Hell no, Sis! I have to save, Sova from that monster! This time, with my own hands!"

"For the love of-"

"Calm down now, Yoo-Sui Ajooma. I'm sure my Oppa will protect her just fine. Go, go, now, shoo!"

"Call me Ajooma again and I'll seriously quit this group."

(She's angry at that?)

"Don't be such a sour carp! How can you leave when you're the one who make this group after all."

I focus my attention toward the 3 whose been chasing me and take a stance, retracting my Owlian spear to be the length of a sword on my left while readying the halberd to my right.

"Stay out of my way."


Yoo-Ah shouts as they charge at me while I wonder how to defeat them.

Thank you so much for reading so far! Sometimes getting wifus is better than getting the Metas.

P.S Animal Facts are fun.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts