
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Seas, Sands, and Seasons. (Part 5)

"I see, so you want to know about the technology from your birthplace huh? And the latest one at that."

I nod while carrying Sis Fei at my back while she sleeps, softly saying:

"That's right, do you have any? Can I see it? All the stuff you said from the air conditioner, mobile phones and satellites roaming around in space! They all sound so magical!"

"Well if you say it like that..."

"Tesla, I've been watching until now but aren't you being quite a loose mouth?"

"Shut up, Volkov, let me finally be free to explain stuff to vent my stress! I'm still mad that not many people came to the fair since the magic troupe, turtle parade, opera, and drama team hog all the audience!"

Volkov stares at Tesla with pity even through his foggy glasses. He turns at me asking:

"Hey, can I just call you Sova?"

I nod replying:


"Then, Sova. What if I tell you that we've been circling the place we're supposed to go 2 times already?"

"Wait what?"


Volkov grabs Tesla's mouth to shut him up before slamming him to the wall. Tesla struggles for a while before the crystal in Volkov's glove shine and makes Tesla unconscious. He looks at me saying:

"This guy here may be reliable in some aspects but he still has his merchant ancestral blood inside of him. So don't expect him to do a thing that gives him losses without any gains... Here. This is the item."

Volkov put the item inside my apron pocket and drag Tesla through the wall saying:

"I copied the items there when he was still explaining the adventurers. You just gotta give him this thing in its entirety and sorry, for not saying anything."

I bow my head down saying:

"To be honest, I didn't realize you left us. So at least thank you for telling us now."

"You're welcome, now follow me. I'll lead you outside. Don't worry, I'll teach this guy a lesson later."

"Okay! But please don't be too harsh. As long as I'm not late for the event Sis told me about, It's okay."

"I see... Alright then."

As we followed him, he looks back at me asking:

"Say, that ribbon... Tanwa's the one who made it right?"

I touch the ribbon saying:


"And I'm guessing she can't come because something happened in the Jaguar Sector right?"

I nod saying:


(I mean, the Sec Lord changed, her district got invaded and more).

"She's still okay right?"


I nod and he looks away as I could see the edge of his mouth curl up replying:

"I see, as long she's okay. I'm happy, thanks for answering."

"No problem!"

(Wait could he be... In love with Tanwa!? That's so sweet! You have my full support!)


Soft winds chimes along with the falling petals while the pale moon, showers the land with its glow.

(No matter how much I've seen it, it never ceases to amaze me. Especially after that dull tunnels. This site is a welcoming addition to my eyes).

"Thank you for coming to this place Sova... And Fei too."


He sighs when looking at the sleeping Sis Fei and continues saying:

"Don't worry, you don't need to return that item. Think of it as a thank you for entertaining the club president. Now, may the spirit bless you."

He waves his hand at me and jumps inside the open tunnel before I could reply back. The ground shook and the great opening in the tunnel soon close. With knowing where to go, I look around and just went straight ahead when I luckily found myself back at the huge wide and open road.

"Whew! Let's rest here until Sis Fei woke up."

Even on the empty roads, even on the late-night, the music of happiness and festive still rings through the empty roads. I don't know how long it is until whatever hour Sis Fei told me about but-

"Hey! I know there's someone there!"


Hearing a boy screaming from behind me, I look back expecting to find someone but to my surprise, there was no one.

(Is it a ghost? Nah, can't be. Spirits tend to avoid me after all).

I look around to make sure when it screams again shouting:

"Hey! Help me out! I'm stuck behind the bush!"


I went behind the bush to find some kind of turtle made out of steel being turn over on its own shell. I decided to pick it up and brush the twigs and leaves off.

"There, you go. Be careful next time talking little turtle with... No legs?"

Instead of legs, this steel turtle has wheels instead and one glowing red eyes.

"Hoh~ thank you, cute lady!"

The turtle moves back and forth before it looks at me saying:

"Hehe, I wish I could reward you for your deeds but sadly, I didn't bring any surplus to give you. So just accept my thanks for now. I'm still part of the noble houses so... With a look that cute I won't forget you any time soon, so if we meet again, I'll pay you back. May the spirit bless you!"

The steel turtle runs away, following the empty paved road back into the school. I was left here as I rest beside the sleeping Fei wondering,

(That is a unique experience. And is that a monster? But it speaks? So a spirit animal? Or a tamed beast? Or since it has wheels, a machine?)

I look at the sleeping Sis Fei wondering when she'll wake up. Well, I have nothing to do here since I put all my items with Sis Fei, I guess I should check what Mary meant when she said I could cultivate once again... What does my inner mind look right now?

I sit properly and close my eyes, remembering the sensation from back then. The qi coursing through my veins circulate and my mind dissipate...

Unlike before, the once glorious view of stairs leading to the throne in heaven is no more. The endless blue skies and the bed of clouds that hides the lands are gone. Nothing but the endless darkness and the feeling of being half submerged inside black tar-like water. The only source of light is but my spirit weapon floating above the water. Giving this eerie darkness a comfortable purple glow...

(That's weird).

I... I can't sense any power to absorb. As I walk forth, I realize the land my feet step on is unstable as I'm going up and forth and sometimes my feet would get swallowed and there's no ground beneath me.

(That's dangerous, no matter how poor or decimated a certain place may be. It will always have energy, be it good or bad. Yet I don't feel any energies floating around here at all).

"Maybe it's because this place is special... But what do I do know?"

I open my eyes to the night sky as I wonder what to do now. Sis told me there are many ways to cultivate qi. But she taught me only two ways to cultivate which is to refine the soul in your body by using what you have or culminate the power around you to reinforce your soul. My method is the latter where I absorb the power around me before cultivating my soul into powerful energy. Since the first method is only used by people with powerful souls the moment they were born, I the one who started with a weak soul needs some kind of reinforced energy. And that would be the energy of this world.

"And she hasn't taught me how to cultivate my body yet either... Yea, I should wake Sis."

I nudge her shoulder saying:

"Sis, wake up."


"Sis, wake up. Please..."


Sis finally opened her eyes, but she merely smiles and wrap her hand around my neck and pulls me forth. Surprised by her strength, my face lands between her breast as I could feel her warmth through her clothes.

"Sova, do you know how many times I always wonder what you looked like behind each letter? Every time I saw May grow up and become taller, I always wondered what my innocent crybaby brother would look like right now? Is his hair short or is it long? I wonder what Sova would be like with a deep voice? What will he learn? Or what's his dream? To be a chef? To be an adventurer? A hero?"

Sis begins to tell me things as she embraces me tighter. She messes my hair and pats me gently saying:

"Whenever my collections and treasures expended, I always thought that you're nothing but useless baggage. Why should I reply to his letters every night when I could win millions of Riaz and earn my self a better keep..."

"Sis- hmph!"

Confused by her sudden confession she hugs me tight before I could reply. My entire world darkens before she continues saying:

"Then I realize something. Between the sister who I never met ever since we separated and can't keep in contact at all or a brother that replies to my letter each night with a funny twist... I think the choice is pretty clear."

It was silence for a while, only the sound of happy music was playing in her remorseful confession. The cold night winds blew yet thanks to her embrace, only her warmth remains.

"You're the only thing keeping me sane in this world. Please... Don't leave me..."

Sis tightens her embrace even more and I reply in kind, hugging her back.


Realizing I can't reply back since my face is still deep between her chest. I push up so that I appear on top of them saying:

"I don't know why you're telling me this suddenly but... If it makes you happy, I'll stand by your side when and wherever you want!"

I could see Sis Fei staring at the countless stars in the sky. She smiles at my reply and closes my eyes replying:

"Sheesh, I know what you meant Sova but please your phrasing. Even I want to take that as a mistake... C'mon, let's get into the garden."

Sis finally lets me go but I hug her tighter saying:

"Are you still sad? If so, we can continue our cuddles, Sis."

Sis pats my head replying:

"Okay, okay, even if I am, this is no place for long comfort. If you really want to, we can continue this at home."

I let her go saying:


"If you're so worried. Then you better make this day memorable then."



Into the depths of the forest and deeper into the darkness. The turquoise trees grew bigger and bigger to cover the skies with both flowery branches and scattering petals. Giving this place a sublime ever-changing glow.

"Sis, where is this place?"

"Oh? I'm taking a detour since we have some extra time. What do you think? It's the fairy's forest."

"Fairy huh? Is it really okay to be here?"

"It's fine. It's not like we're trying to make a contract with one or hurt any."

"I see..."

Sis Fei looks around with curious look saying:

"But this is weird though. Usually, when I come around, fairies would fly around with joy when I arrive. And they're not like this to strangers either."

"Oh, so do you have friends here too!?"

"Why do you sound so surprised? Do you think my friends would only be humans? You need to broaden your horizons, Sova."

"Oh yeah, you're right... Then again, I could say I have a ghost friend and people would think I'm crazy for having an imaginary friend."

"That's because you're an Owlian, Sova... Still, Jun! Where are you!"

Sis Fei shouts onto the trees expecting for an answer but all we got was the sound of whistling wind.

"Weird, they're not usually like this. Anyway, let's get out quickly if no one's here to answer us."

"Oh, okay... Say, Sis. Have I ever told you I saw a fairy too?"

"Oh, really?"

Sis who's walking with her hands behind her head turns around to look at me with curiosity. I nod and continue explaining:

"It was when I met this Rana girl and she lets me have one of her floating flames. Only when one of the Hunters in Central flings one of his arms on his armour into one of the pillars, gripping the flame, then he told me that it was a fairy. If I have to be honest, fairies don't look like tiny humans like what they say in books."

"Pggff! Wait, you never told me you went to Central?!"

"Really? Oh right!"

I hit my palm as I remembered. Sis Fei walks beside me and leans forward a bit to reach my height saying:

"Well, what are waiting for? Tell me."


When I told her what transpired when I was separated by Sis Rubeca when she went mad and push me to fall into the Reliquary. She nods in amazement and surprised when,

"You met Aoi?! I know she's in Central but she also joins the World Hunters too? Talk about being successful."

"Do you know Aoi too?"

"Well duh! Remember what people call Qiyue?"

"Super Stars?"

"Yes, that title is not only given to the all-girl school but all three branches. Each branch having 13 each, and the higher the number the better you are. Like, well... Qiyue. She may be a first-year like me but her rank is pretty much number 2 in her school. Surpassing even third years alongside Charlotte and Xiwang as the record breaker 1st years. They're like the Super Stars among Super Stars."

"Woah! I don't know how important that is, but that sounds amazing. What about you Sis? She said you're a superstar too."

"Huh? W-Well... I'm was jumping between 1 and 2 with Qiyue until I left and she got exiled and Xiwang transferred there and took the number 1 spot like a storm."

"Woah! You're number 1 Sis!? You're amazing!"

"Right? Titles can make someone look intimidating. Anyways, as for Aoi, she was practically rank 1 like me. Albeit only in the paper since Moriz and Sis Yuwei let her take the place for personal reasons. That's why she was given the privilege to graduate early."

"Wait, I just realize this but school lets you graduate early?"

"Yup, I mean being in the top 5 means that you have to surpass even the best from the teachers. And it was where if you can't surpass them, the top 5 spots will remain empty until someone can. So the students call it the void ranks and the real rank 1-5 is actually 6-10."

"And... And how hard is that? And when you say surpass, do you mean with prowess or studies?"

"Duh, both of course! And to reach rank 1 you have to beat all 5 teachers at once in their expertise. And with Moriz' new policies and improvements, the teachers now must at least be Master Class Practitioners, Owlian awarded with the Folded wing award, Grand Archmages and the best of the best are True Martial Artist, Star Spear awarded Owlians and even Supreme Lord of archmages. And you went toe to toe with her and manage to land a hit too! Maybe we should totally spar when we return!"

"Please don't... I think I heard her saying she was holding back when trying to subdue me. And all the jobs you told me sounds pretty scary."

Sis Fei hugs me shouting:

"Oh c'mon! You still lose at the end but you must have grown a lot this past week. I mean, I can tell you're totally different from this morning other than looks."


"Yup, so continue on with the story. Who's this Rana girl?"

"Ah right! Well..."

As I continue to tell what happens next. We manage to walk out of the forest as I finish my story and how I met Sid Yuwei at the diner.

"Sheesh, so coincidence like that can happen huh?"

"Yea! I mean don't heroes on the past have similar events? Oh, could it be I'm a hero too?"

Sis Fei fans her hand replying:

"You? No way."

"At least let me keep dreaming Sis!"

As we leave, we arrive at the familiar garden. Where the petals fall like snowflakes and a bed of flowers sprawled about.


Sis Fei dives into the flower beds and spreads her arms wide. Landing on her back and facing the stars. I slowly sit down beside her and look up when I realize how the stars are decreasing. Unlike when the moon isn't so high yet and the stars sprayed around like sneezing a pepper. Now it's akin to a field of marbles.

(I have no idea how that works... And this grass field...)

Now that I think back, the first time I saw heroes and other important characters sitting down or lay down of a grass field it looks so comfortable and relaxing. But when I tried it, it... It hurts so bad. I felt as if a thousand needles has pierced me all over my butt and legs. But this grass isn't so bad. It actually feels nice. Like actually laying down on one of the furry carpets inside the palace.

"Sis, how much longer will this event you said begins?"

(Maybe because I slept multiple times already but even though it's late at night, I don't really feel that tired yet).

Sis Fei pulls out a pocket watch from nowhere and opens it before saying:

"Around 5 minutes before the fireworks show."

"Firework show? What's that?"

"Right, the previous government took away all tools that could be used as a weapon to stop Sis. Simply put, have you ever read those picture books where the night sky is lit up by colourful colours?"

"Oh, yea! Now I remember May telling me they are celebrating a festival. By launching bombs into the sky!"

"That's right, and each Sector celebrate using these fireworks differently. For example, the turtle Sector right now celebrates using these... Bombs every time a generation graduate or near graduation."

"Why though? I mean, don't tell me it's just another tradition to just do it."

"Well who knows and who cares. After all, you'll understand when you see it in person."

"I see..."

Sis stops the conversation and points at the sky. When I follow where she points, the entire night sky brightens up with the sound of a single bang. The glittering light flicker and fade with but the moment it shines. Countless other follows its shine and soon exploded in a myriad of light to form some sort of artwork even someone who understands none could be impressed. One after another comes forth bringing their own spin to their shine when one of the fireworks catches my eyes. A fable, a story of the turtle and rabbit surprisingly plays before me. And soon I realize another firework plays another fable and perform a beautiful artwork. My eyes were glued, entrance by the show before my eyes.

Yet, as I feel my someone holding my hand, I look at the person seeing Sis Fei there sitting beside me. Her sun-kissed face brightened up by the colorful fireworks mesmerise me even more. She smiles and brings her red face close to mine whispering:

"Sova... One day I'll tell you clearly what I feel."


She looks back at the sky as I wonder how much time has passed as I listen to her whisper.


Serenity, pureness and clarity. That's what I'm feeling as I traverse the empty streets with Sis Fei by my side. She walks with her eyes closed and a pleasant smile to accompany her. In all honesty, I really wouldn't mind just walking like this until we went home.

But just as I thought that a group of knights wearing a mix of the steel plate and lamellar armour comes forth. It's none other than the Gangding sent by Qiyue. The smile on Sis Fei's face fades away as she looks at them. The group of knights line up when I could see 2 figures walking forward between them. It was none other than kokkan and Saya.

"You must be Lord Fei. Well, go forth."

The captain looks at them with sharp eyes and different presence when I saw him back at the police building. Kokkan and Saya walk ahead as I jump and hug them both shouting:

"You're back! Thank goodness!"

Saya ducks with grace and Kokkan lets me hugs him. Embracing him tightly as I hang from him again asking:

"Where did the two of you go?"

"It's a bit complicated..."

Kokkan replies back when I realize there's damage in his armour. While Saya folds her arms replying:

"Whatever he said. We'll tell you more when we get back and I summarize the event."

Sis Fei whose walking towards the captain clasp her hands and bow her head down saying:

"Thank you for bringing them back, captain. I appreciate your work."

Sis Fei shows her appreciation and they all clasp their hands and kneel down shouting:

"It is in our job to help people in need, Lord Fei! No thanks are needed! If you need any more help, please contact us again."

"Very well, we'll be leaving then. Continue your great work."

Sis Fei nods and walks away, Kokkan and Saya follow along, subsequently bringing me along as we walk past the line of knights as they kneel down.

"Well that was fast and quick, I like it."

Saya commented on the event and Kokkan taps on my back saying:

"I think you can let me go now, Sova."

"Oh right..."

I let him go as I feel the awkwardness as the two stares at me. As we continue to walk along, I rummage the apron pocket and hand Kokkan the item Volkov gave me.

"Hmm? This is..."

"You said you want to learn more about technologies or something right? I and Sis Fei manage to get something to help you with that."

"Wait, you did so much for me? Hahaha..."

Kokkan laughs softly and takes it with a gentle smile saying:

"Thank you, Sova."

"No problem! Oh, and I just realize this but how do we even go home? I think Sis Yuwei told me to ask you Sis."

Sis Fei looks back replying:

"Well normally we would just teleport back but with you here that's not really an option so, I guess we'll take the private road."

"Private road?"

Sis Fei nods saying:

"That's right. I mean you did go there when you travel back with Moriz and Sis."


"Really Sova? When we're inside the limousine, we entered inside a tunnel most of the time right? That's a private road."

Saya helps jogs my memories and I hit my palm replying:

"Oh yeah! Now I remember. Then again, it was bright when I travel and it was late when I arrived. So we go by that limo?

"Pff definitely not, we're not that rich to afford one. But we do have a train."

"Can't afford a limo but a can afford a train? That's funny."

"It's a repurpose military train modified for civilian use and I won it with my own hands so it's mine anyway. Let's go."

Sis Fei replied coldly and continue onward.

"Wait, Sis. You owned a train?"

I asked loudly as I walk beside her and Sis Fei replied by patting my head saying:

"Of course, before Sis Yuwei finally recaptured back the royal district and I still haven't gone to high school yet. I was going back and forth at the palace and wherever I need to go on my train and live mostly there."

"You live inside your vehicle!? You can do that?"

I ask in surprised once again as Sis ruffles my hair replying:

"You should learn how to stop being amazed by anything Sova. But that's what I like about you. Come, let me show you some awesome stuff I can do with it."

"Oh! Show me, show me!"



"Hahaha! I kept my possession anywhere other than here. So check it!"


Sis presents us with an opulent and imperial room. It's splendour and beauty match only by my wildest dreams. Cold air press against my skin as I can't believe what I'm seeing with my eyes.


Saya whistles a tune as we entered inside. I can't help but looks around from the ceiling and floor and seeing the expensive decor and design creeping in slowly to my conscious even if I don't want to.

(Sis have been living in such luxury?)

"Sova, come with me let me show you around. And you two can utilize whatever is here. And Kokkan was it?"

Kokkan stands straight and bows his head replying:

"Yes, Mistress Fei."

For once Kokkan looks different with a straight face... Now that I think about it, I don't think he ever shows me that face before.

"You can use my PC on the bar stand there to view the disc. There's no password so no worries."

(PC? What's that?)

"Oh, thank you-"

"And before we leave..."

Sid Fei pulls out the bags with both Kokkan's and Saya's food in it saying:

"This is from my Little... Sister, so enjoy her kindness you two."

When Kokkan and Saya look at me with surprise, I begin to wonder...


I glare at her when Sis place the food down on a table before pushing me ahead to the other room saying:

"Come on, let's explore while we can."


The door close behind us and I can't but shout:

"Why did you call me a Sister!? Now Kokkan would never believe I'm a guy! And..."

I push Sis Fei's hands away and distance myself. Pointing my finger at her shouting:

"Unless you forget, I'm 1 month older than you! So you're the one whose suppose to call me big brother!"

"Psssh, really now? You want to assert dominance now?"

"Assert dominance? I mean, whatever that is if it means you call me big brother than I will! Let's have a match!"

With a malicious smile, Sis Fei brings her fingers close to her lips as if she was about to lick it. Her purple eyes seem to glow in this dimly lit corridor that separates the rooms. She leans forward as my finger pokes her nose saying:

"I see, but under one condition."

"For some reason, I would regret it but okay..."

Sis Fei walks past me and opens the door behind me, entering a whole new luxurious room. She takes a sit on a giant rectangular table in the centre of it all. Crossing her legs she folds her arms saying:

"Let's play a game this time."

"A game?"

I tilt my head in confusion as I enter and more things come to my view. This room has many kinds of tables and shelves, each filled with an item unique to it's kind and I have never seen before. Sis Fei grabs a ball with a number that seems to be made from something very sturdy and drop it.


With a sound of a crack at the middle of the table where it seems to be deeper the outer line and had 6 holes, 1 on each corner and one on each side of the long sides. Sis nods with an innocent smile replying:


*vrrrm* *pssst*

With the sound coming from outside, I can't help but peek outside the closed curtains. The train has begun to move. The view outside that seems to be the sight of the school from behind the forests begins to warp. I close the curtains and look at Sis Fei replying:

"Alright then, if I'm going to have you call me big brother than I'm going to beat you at your own game! So what are we playing?"

I walk closer to her with a smile of excitement and anticipation as I wonder what new things Sis Fei would bring me. She jumps down and crouches down at the table. Pulling out a triangle item with a huge clear opening on the centre and more of the sturdy balls with numbers out into the table. Soon I realize that each ball has it's own number and colour, and the one that has two digits seems to be balls with stripe pattern. All of it numbers around 15 balls and was organized in a triangle shape following the shape of the item.

Lastly, she pulls out a white ball and places it further than the rest. I can't help but crouch down beside her and look at the table from her view asking:

"What's this Sis? Are we playing this?"

"Mhm, it's called billiard or pool, whichever you wish to call it."

She then grabs 2 long stick the same height as me and gives me one saying:

"Hold this and I suggest you powder your hand. But for you, I'm gonna powder both."

Sis Fei stands and brings a baby powder bottle to me. I can't help but tilt my head asking:

"Um... What for? And what is this?"

Sis open my hands and pour the baby powder as the white dust settles in. She thoroughly rubs it on each place from the wrist to even the gap on each finger, causing both our hands to turn pale white.

"Since you can't use magic, I have no choice but play a game from your own homeland."

"Huh? This is a game from my birthplace? This giant table with balls? Do we swing this stick or something? If so why did we even powder our hand to make it slippery?"

"No Sova, you use the tip of the stick to hit the cue ball or white ball so that it will hit the balls line up ahead and push them inside the pocket."

"Huh? Why? I seriously don't understand."

"Pfff, it's okay. Don't think too much. It's better if I demonstrate."

Sis push me back to give her some distance and walk to the table. She bends down with a very clean move as her belt hits the table. With her left foot forward and right foot back, she tries to bend more to show the elasticity of her body. In the end, she tilts her head with her eyes above the stick and the tip on the edge of her fingers.

I watch closely since Sis Fei shows a very serious and focused expression. Not even at the gambling den back at school, she shows such expression...

(I'm pretty fudged aren't I? I fell right onto her trap to play the games she's good at... But, I won't give up!)


A loud sound echoed the room, with one thrust the white balls plunges into the fray scattering all the balls in all directions. Sis manage to straighten up as the balls ricochet and scatter as if each ball has it's own will. It was pandemonium before it all stops, leaving only a few balls left and the white ball stranded in the middle.

(What just happened?)

"See? Just like that. Simple enough. We'll be playing by the normal 8 ball rule where we shot the number from the lowest to highest. With the exception of number 8 which must be pocketed last."

"I have no clue but let me try!"

I nod, scared and excited I was still charmed by the entertainment before me. I ready the stick Sis gave me and move close to her. Looking at the closest ball near the hole, I grab the stick in the middle and end as to ready a thrust but Sis grabs the tip saying:

"No, Sova. You're supposed to use the white ball to hit the other balls. Kinda like playing marbles but instead of hitting your opponents out of bounds, you hit them inside those holes instead."

"Oh! So I hit the white ball and use it to hit another ball?"

"Yup, for example. That one close to the white ball, try hitting that one first."


I went the side with the white ball and try to thrust at the target. But before I could do it, Sis Fei stops me again and lift the stick up saying:

"That's not how you shoot it. Here let me help."

Sis puts her stick down and walks behind me before grabbing both of my hands. Guiding it like controlling a puppet as she grabs me close as I could feel her chest pressing me back. She rests her chin on my shoulder, adjusting my body from the width of my leg, the angle of my arms, how much to twist my body and finally holding my hands while moving my left fingers with her own close to the white ball. She leans over, pressing her body against mine as I'm forced to bend over before she places the tip between our fingers.

"Then, you hit it like this."

She moves the stick back and forth before thrusting.


With another loud sound, the white ball moves forward in a straight line. It hits the ball ahead and causing it to move forward inside the pocket smoothly.

"See? Easy!"

"I-I see!"

My voice was cracked when I reply. She lets me go and back away a little as she looks closely at me saying:

"Oh? Ain't you face a bit red?"


She proceeds to hug me next, wrapping her hands around me with unexpected strength. I could feel her warmth and softness as she presses close against my back. I try usinh my hand to pull her hand away saying:

"S-Sis, stop-eee!"

Sis breathes at my ear as I shriek in surprise. She tightens her hug at me and places her leg between mine as she tries to restrain me. She breathes at my neck replying:

"Sheesh, you really sound like a girl now. But you're the big brother, you'll do what the little sister wants, right? You wouldn't refuse your precious little sister's selfishness would you?"

With a weird tone, Sis whisper close to my ear but as I felt my arms growing weak, I still try to pull her hand away saying:

"Sis! Stop teasing me-eeek!"

Sis nibbles on my ear before saying:

"So, who's the older one now?"

"I-It's still me-haah~!"

She licks behind my ear replying:

"It seems I misheard that."

I turn around and try to look at her saying:

"O-Okay, f-fine! It's you, Sis! P-Please, let me go-iyaa~!"

Sis proceeds to do more unspeakable things as I feel my legs getting weaker, slowly bending over as I feel her knees on my crotch before she finally lets me go and backs away. I use the stick on the table as support to catch my breath.

"Haah, haah..."


I try to hold on by holding the table but my legs give in moments later and I found myself side sitting while I cling on the leg of the table. Sis Fei opens and closes her hand saying:

"Sorry Sova, I got carried away there. Though I have to admit, it's kinda sad that you lost your kinda boyish voice."

"Uuuh... You big jerk."

"Okay, okay, I'm really sorry..."

Sis walks away and opens a small black box. When I could feel an even colder air, she takes out a bottle and pops the cap with a single finger as I could hear sizzles that parch my throat.

"Drink this then. It's one of my favourites."

I slowly reach for the drink and take a sit on one of the sofas. Slowly sipping on the drink, I feel the explosive sensation on my mouth and neck similar to that soda. The taste of something sweet and a mixed of berries energize my thought as well as burning my nose.


I finish it in one go and put the bottle down.

"Seriously sis, what was that all about? I mean we haven't even started playing!"

Sis takes out the balls from inside the table again and arranges it once more saying:

"As I said, I'm sorry, I got carried away there. But take this as a lesson to learn."

"That I can just touch my enemies all over to prevent then from even fighting?"

Sis rubs a cube on top of the stick replying:

"No Sova, that's stupid and warrant names and arrest when done to strangers. Anyway, it's exploiting your enemies before even giving them a chance. And even better, give them false hope that they can win."

Sis finishes the arrangement and ready to start another game.

"Um, what?"

"Remember back at the gambling den?"

"Hmm? What about it? Wait, so you are gambling!"

"Prrgh! Pfff! It's not."


As the ball clash and ricochet, Sis looks at me replying:

"You see, games are supposed to be fun, yes?"

"Well of course!"

I answer back quickly at her rhetorical question. Sis Fei stares at the spectacle before her saying:

"And do you know what the sad part is about games in the adult world?"


When the balls stop repelling each other, the white ball slowly moves closer to one of the holes, inching ever closer as I feel the sense of dread before it finally falls. Sis rests her hips on the table and straightens her legs saying:

"Is that losing's no longer fun. And the only satisfactory result is when you crush your opponent and grind them to dust so that they'll never rise again."

"I think you lost me there Sis."

"For example, rather than randomly play with someone and gouge out each other's skill to see how far you can go and laugh it out in the end. Now, you start to prepare to choose your opponent and ready any necessary component to beat him. For a swordsman, simply take his swords away and if he's a martial artist, simply find some qi blocker if you can or exploit his weakness to force him to play by your rule. After you beat him, chop his fingers and curse it to prevent him from healing so you'll take his future away. Also, break his foundation to rid yourself any loose ends."

"Um, I don't know where this topic is going but let's just talk something else, Sis."

"*sigh* You're right. So do you still want to play?"

"Nah, I think I'm going to watch you now. Maybe I'll try it again when we return back to the palace."

"Bummer, but what about the drink? Do you like it?"

"I can't say I like it since it kinda burns my nose but I can't say I hate it either since it's pretty sweet and unique."

"Hoh? Is this not your first time drinking sodas?"

"Nope, remember when I told you Rana treats Saya and me to a meal? Well, the drink she gave us is the same as this... Or more like not as bubbly I think is how I describe it."

"Well to each their own. Say, Sova, I don't know if Sis asked you yet. But how are you doing now? With the new home and everything? Are you settling well?"

"Eh? I think I'm doing fine. But I guess now I'm trying my best to help Sis so that her followers? Would trust me."

"Ah... Well, if it's you, I'm sure it'll end just fine."

"What about you Sis? Do you need any help?"

"Huh? Me? Well... No, not now at least. I'm more than satisfied thanks to you coming today..."

Sis looks at me with a genuine smile and continues saying:

"This may be late, but thank you for coming here, Sova."

"No problem, Sis! I had so much fun here too!"

Sis continues to play on her own as the sound of solid clay clashing to each other and rolling echoes, Sis continue asking:

"Say, after being here, where do you want to go next if you could?"

"Eh? Me? Well, I don't know much about other Sectors but I guess maybe I want to go maybe somewhere different than home. Like maybe this Turtle Sector again. It looks so much different than our district. There's a parade, festivals, all kinds of stalls with items I never seen, lively people singing and doing their best handing out those paper promotions... I wonder why our district doesn't have those?"

"Be patient Sova, Sis is doing her best. The Phoenix Sector is big, like 4, 5, 6 times bigger than the Turtle Sector. We just finished a coup and now we're patching up our wounds. Don't worry, Sova. When the time is right, the whole world will see how the phoenix is reborn anew."

"Heh, that sounds kinda cool. Yea, I'm sure Sis is doing her best. I'll just have to wait until we can have our own unique festival."

"That's right. Say, how about a vacation to the rabbit Sector just neighbouring this Sector when we have time? Oh, wait, you still have to reunite your family huh? I guess I'll just have to wait."

"Oh, it's okay Sis. I just realize I'm still lacking a lot and oblivious to many things. I never really thought far either, I mean why did they separate and run away? Why did they never bother to wait? May left me a desperate message but what about Aunt who followed May and Sis Rubeca who seems to know something? When we're together, they didn't show any hate and distrust when I see them all the time...

And even if I did find them somewhere, what will I tell them? Please go home? Let's return together? I doubt they would just say yes when theyvare the one who choose to leave. So in the meantime that I learn more and ready myself, I'm going to take things slowly as to why and enjoy myself with all of you."

Sis looks at me with widened eyes and stops playing before she walks over to me. She squeezes my cheek causing my lips to pucker up before asking:

"Who are you? And what have you done to my Sova?"

"Sish, wush ta u sasha?" (Sis, what are you saying?)

"The Sova I know wouldn't think that hard about things!"

"I ca lorn to!" (I can learn too!)

"Really now?"

Sis pulls my cheek as I try to resist but it seems Sis is much stronger than I thought. We both banter back and forth and have a conversation about many things as I try to convince her. As soon as I was able to convince her, Sis brings me to the other rooms and show me around her collection. And I can't help but wonder,

(So that's why her room looks like a storage room. Since most of her personal utilities are all here).



"Oh, welcome back. Enjoyed your tour?"

"Mhm! There's so many stuff I don't know about."

We return back to the room with Kokkan and Saya. They're in the same place where Saya who's testing out the different kind of bottles by mixing them together while Kokkan is still looking at the box which is now shining with bright light.

"Say, Sis, I've been wondering but what is a PC?"

Sis takes a soda bottle from a black box that exudes air... Right, Sis calls it a refrigerator? And lays down on the large sofa replying:

"It's a short term for Personal Computer but for as to what that is and what it's used for... I don't really know, tech quirky stuff. I can't really explain since I'm no tech expert. Why not ask that Kokkan fellow. If he can understand tech language, I'm sure he can answer your many Owlian questions."

"I see..."

Seeing Sis resting her eyes, I walk to them when Saya offers me a small glass saying:

"Hey, Sova. You gotta try this, don't worry there's no alcohol there or any of the other bottle."


I take a drink and soon finish it in a moment notice.

"What's this? It's sweet yet so cold without any ice. Just like ice cream! But more watery."

"Hehe, that's a tincture I learn to replicate the taste of a certain fruit from the far, far north. What funny is how it uses its flavour to fool your tongue and brain by thinking it's cold when in actuality it's the opposite. So many people got their tongues burn without knowing. Even things without magic can be magical."

"Woah, it seems there's so much stuff to be discovered."

(I still have no clue what Saya's hobby really is. And isn't that dangerous? Well knowing her for a while I guess she wouldn't really harm me).

"Right!? And I gotta commend your Sis to bring so many kinds of flavour. This is basically premium drop slots!"

"I don't know how amazing that is but I guess that's wonderful?"

"Heh, come back once you learn more about being a gourmet."

Saya continues to pour and mix all kinds of drinks from the shelf while eating the meal I gave her. I look at Kokkan saying:

"Enjoy yourself I guess... Kokkan, what about you? What are you doing? Is it helpful? Did I get the wrong thing?"

Kokkan moves his finger back and forth on the weird oval object and shakes his head saying:

"No, not at all, Sova. This is more than I could ask for. And this is the state of the art latest built computer too. So browsing the files has been a breeze thanks to the massive processor. The only problem is that since she probably never open this thing, I have to set up many things from language, clean the drive, disabling the wireless, install the operating system and other programs along with their software too so I can open the files and many, many more.

Other than that, they're really kind enough to share so much of their finding like this. With this much information, I could enhance more than our transportation. I just have to hand this to the development division and ask the logistic division to hand me some materials... The only question I have is how did she even acquire such a thing?"

Kokkan looks at Sis Fei who's lying down on a couch resting before he faces me with a huge smile and continues saying:

"Again, thank you very much."

"Hehe, no problem! I'm glad I could help."

(Though I have no idea what he was saying at all at first. Like what's an operating system, wireless, software and programs???)

I look around and realize Kokkan haven't touched his meal yet as he's busy looking at the light.

"Kokkan, you haven't eaten yet?"

"Huh? Oh, not now."

"I never really ask but when was the last time you ate?"

"Oh me? Since yesterday."


I grab the food and shove it to his face saying:

"Eat! You better eat it!"

"Huh? Sova, wait-"

"Eat I say! I may not be the best in hygiene but at least I know how to take care of myself. And that's to at least eat 3 times a day and shower twice."

"Sova, please-"

"You better eat now, or I'll force you to eat!"

"Okay, okay, sheesh. You can be forceful sometimes, Sova."

Kokkan takes the box of food from me and walks away somewhere with more space. I follow and seat in front of him. Seeing him open his meal and the smell floating around, exiting through the hole in the ceiling. Kokkan stops and looks at me asking:

"Um, what are you doing, Sova?"

"I'm going to watch you and make sure you eat."

"I don't think you need to go that far-"

"Eat or do I have to feed it to you!"


Kokkan chuckles at my threat and grabs the chopstick inside. He claps his hand saying:

"I wouldn't mind but... Thanks for the meal," said the second sentence in Eclish before eating.

(Oh? Now that I think about it, uncle soba and his family do that whenever they eat, I wonder why? Here, we would usually call the others to eat before eating).

I look at him swallowing the food quickly that he finish his first box before I knew it.

"You sure eat fast, is it that delicious?"

"I guess?"

"I just realized but you don't eat anything much in the palace. Don't you have any favourite food?"

"I'm not picky about food. As long as I can digest it, I'm pretty content."

"Huh? Really?"

(That's really sad... Wait...)

"Then what about those Erickson bars? I mean you did say those are your personal favourites?"

Kokkan finishes his meal and claps his hands once more before replying:

"Favourite, yes but it's akin to a memento, it's not the taste triggers an addictive feeling but certain emotions within instead."

"Then what about that grandiose speech about crunchy this, chocolate that, caramel inside?"

"Hahaha! I'm just citing my previous Master's word for word. She usually does that when I'm feeling down."

I tilt my head asking:

"Previous Master?"

"Yes, she's the one who's giving me so much to live for back then. It was just an abandoned princess and a Wanted Criminal against the whole world..."

"I don't really know what you mean but she must be great!"

"Yeah, she's now in a better place. Anyways, with recent events, I think I wouldn't mind changing my favourite meal anytime now. But... I hope you don't expect much from what I choose next since have a shit taste. If what Sis says is true."

"I'm still going to at least let you eat something new! Since you gave me the Erickson bars, let's start with the sweets that I like. We can visit the convenient store next time I got the time."

(Now that I think about it, why did he give me those Erickson Bars when we first met?)

Kokkan wipes off his mouth with the box of tissues inside the small gaps in the walls which I just realize. He crumpled the tissues and throw it inside the trash can saying:

"Well, if you're putting that much effort then very well. I'm curious to learn more about you as well."

"Hey, didn't you told me that you're going to spend time with me when we return to the palace? When did you learn how to two-timing Sova?"

Saya sits beside me as she joins in the conversation. I look at her replying:

"I don't know what two-timing is but I was planning that since I'm going to spend time with you in the morning and noon, I'm bringing Kokkan to the store in the afternoon. I wonder if there are any convenient stores nearby? I didn't see any when we're travelling to that shelter. Or are they even open yet after that invasion?"

"Definitely not, it's only been a few days... Sorry, a week since the invasion ended and today they're probably mourning for the dead. Unless some sort of magician with high healing and earth magic pops up and heal them and reconstruct the whole district, I doubt they'll be back in business for another week at least, since you gotta account for the missing workforce and destroyed buildings. And I doubt there are any convenient stores in the royal district either."

"I see... I guess I'll bring you to some convenient stores when an opportunity arises."

Kokkan closes the boxes and stacks them together replying:

"Just the thought of you trying to spend time with me is plenty enough, Sova."

"Heh, aren't you smooth with words?"

(Oh right!)

"By the way, you never really told me why did you disappear ln me like that. Especially Kokkan, do you know how scared I am when both of you disappeared like that?"

Kokkan nods replying:

"Ah right, I suppose it warrants an explanation. Well, Saya, you're the main cause, why not divulge her the details?"

Saya fans her hand away as to shoo Kokkan away saying:

"Fine, fine. Since we got time to spare anyways."

Here you go, another part... Thank you so much for reading so far. I really do, if there's anything wrong or if you want to share your thoughts, please let me know in the comments.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts